8085/Quiet on the set!

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Quiet on the set!
Date of Scene: 01 October 2021
Location: Studio 17A - Gotham Cable Studios
Synopsis: Things don't always run smoothly at a film studio
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Thomas Blake, Satana Hellstrom

Michael Hannigan has posed:
'I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everyw-'

The crew member grimaces before switching his phone over to silent. Glancing up, he looks to the group staring back to him. "Sorry." He murmurs, glancing to the side.

The director sighs. "Alright. Starting from the beginning."

Mike, glances up from his seat, looking over towards the set. While not on the roster to shoot for today, he was brought in for some other reasons. Said reasons were achieved and now he's got a script for a different episode in hand to read through. He looks over to the one on stage and smiles. Things might have changed a little but he's not complaining...much.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas' frenemy, the director rubs his eyes tiredly. "Okay, let's try this one more time. Puffin, you jump on the spring board. 'Catman' here hoists you up over his goddam head!" The last is said pointedly at Thomas' stand in. Though Thomas, grabbing a donut jumps a little. Catman's stunt double, flinches whole heartedly. "And you throw him ff the goddam roof! Got it?"

"Take... twenty fucking three! Action!!!" Puffin jumps, Catman grabs him and still fails to lift the tux clad round boy high enough again.

"Cuuuuuuut!!! Goddam it Kevin! ... Thomas... would you be a doll and help us out here?" Thomas smirks. Continues eating the donut, to the chagrin of the wardrobe lady.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the director continue his descent into madness, Mike bites back a chuckle, glancing back to the script as Thomas's stunt double has to attempt some heavy lifting. Oh thank GOD his scenes as bored rich guy Thomas were already filmed. The ranting is still entertaining even without the visual.

Pale eyes glance up, looking over towards the food table when the director pleads for help from Thomas. Seeing the expression, Mike gives a shake of his head before looking back down, chuckling slightly.

Well, it's not like they were filming right that second. He turns a page.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pokes the director in the chest with his forefinger, nearly knocking him down. He holds up that finger, one take. The double slinks away.


Thomas doesn't bother with any sort of springboard. He grabs Puffin by his collar and belt and stalks towards the roof edge.

"Too bad for you, Puffin, you're on the restricted list. You don't fly!" He yanks the Puffin up overhead and throws him off the roof, from about ten feet from the parapet.

"Cut!!! That was amazing!" Stunt coordinators run forward. One leaning over the roof, actually a mere twenty feet high. "Hey, you okay, Gregory?"

"I'm fine." Some laughter. The coordinator turns to Thomas a little in awe. Then he says by way of praise, "He hit the air bag dead center!"

Thomas says softly, "Oh.... there's an air bag. I was kind of wondering." Goes back to the donut. "Why did I ever wear a fucking cape? Just gets in the way."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
It is in the midst of all this chaos and carnage that Satana arrives on set. She is, as is her wont, dressed in her usual low-riding, so-tight-they're-practically-internal leather pants and matching leather halter top that does not a lot to halt what's on top. Red hair flows over her shoulders and half way down her back in lazy waves but for the two defiant cowlicks that give her the signature "horns" look she's known for.

Her presence is announced by cheerful whistling at the door as she steps in, purse slung over one shoulder, dessicated human body with a look of existential terror mingled with unspeakable pleasure over the other. She freezes on seeing all the crew.

"Oh... was this today?"

Her eyes dart around the sound stage.

"Heh... Hi there. I'm Satana." Eyes flick over to Thomas. Help?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
When the scene is reset, Mike glances up to watch the scene taking place. Seeing the man get tossed over, he gives a sigh of relief upon the director shouting 'cut'. The smile is less of amusement but more being glad that this particular take was over with. He closes his script, looking towards Thomas to give a quiet thumbs up. His glance follows the older man as the donut is retrieved, hearing the comment. "Because capes were practically mandatory at one point?" He guesses, "Did they serve any function beyond adding to the appearance?"

Hearing the whistling he turns his head to look for the cause of such a joyus expression. Upon seeing the redhead, he glances back to Thomas. "Just in time. You've got a visit-"

His head turns back quickly, looking to Satana again. Is that a-?!

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says over his shoulder, "Of course they have a purpose. Several. Plus I wanted to use all the magical cloth I acquired. Put I keep getting it caught on things. Hello, bay-bee!" He grabs the redhead in a hug and whispers, "I thought I killed a guy, but I was wrong. Close call, right? I hate when I do that." He lifts her off her heels with a kiss. Then he spots the cadaver bag and throws his cape around it and her. "Why did you bring an empty? Could you... ?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh fer...!" The director loses his cool as Satana walks into the set. "Hun, this isn't the set of Blood Sisters. That's 18A, not 17A. Get your cute ass over there before Stan has a conniption!" He points imperiously to the inner door leading to the neighbouring sound stage before noting the body.


Not that Satana was planning on going somewhere a silly mortal told her to go...

The director stalks forward, looking at the body on Satana's shoulder. Up close he gives it a once-over, lifting an arm and letting it fall, repeating this with a leg. "I don't know where Stan got the funding for a prop this good," he muses. "And I don't care. You're on my set. It's my prop now. He can whine to the execs. He's making another horror schlock and I'm making art for the masses."

He gestures over to a corner. "Put it over there. And tits...ah...toots, you're in. We've got a street scene coming up. I'll give you a voiced part as one of the streetwalkers. Guild scale."

Turning and walking away from the somewhat taken aback Satana, unsure of how to react, the director bawls out, "REWRITE! We need a scene with freaky shit in it with that prop front and centre. Come up with it and show me what you got!"

Satana looks at Thomas. "I'm taking him. Now..." Apparently sin is flowing off the director like a torrent.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's eyes widen as the director walks over to play around with the body. The closed script lowers as his free hand raises up, holding up a finger. The mouth opens for a moment before he thinks better of it. Finger lowering He brings the closed hand towards his lips. Sometimes there are wrecks were all you can do is watch.

The director points over to the crewmember with the offending phone. "YOU! Turn the ringer back on and give it to the hooker! On my cue, you dial that number."

"Oh for the love of-" Mike mutters.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake maintains his hug. "You can't kill him... he's under contract. Okay okay. Let him alone and I'll do that thing you like that I don't." He winces at the thought. Bitch. "The little melon farmer is a fantastic director. He nixed that stupid pie fight scene. Play along... I'll do it tonight with you. I'll just have to see if Mike will help of course." A pat on the behind seals the deal.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana calms herself visibly as her eyes burn holes in the back of the director's head.

"To the Barbie song..." she says to Thomas in that voice that brooks no negotiation. Ballet to Barbie Girl, or soul-drained director. And all witnesses present killed.

Tough choice, really.

She assembles the facsimile (a bad one) of a pleasant face and drops the body off in the corner indicated before returning to Thomas' side. Spotting Mike, she fingerwaves with a coy (and, to be honest, inviting) smile. Giving Thomas a smooch, she saunters over Mike's way.

"You're the star today, right?" she asks, getting far too close for comfort. The kind of too close that makes it look like she's practicing for her brief voiced scene as a streetwalker. "I'm here for the party."

What party?

Maybe she meant parting. Of the torso protrusions that are practically hugging Mike's arm.

"Whatchya readin'?" she asks, peering at the script Mike is holding with intense curiosity. "Is this how the movie magic is made?"

Then something dawns on her. Mike can see the change in her demeanour up close. (It's above the rack, if he happens to glance up at the face at all.) Movie. Magic. She can make it literal.

A smile spreads slowly across her face as she regards the director once more. It's not the nice one.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the crew works on getting ready for the next scene, Mike watches the bustle before he ends up looking away to cover a sneeze. Eyes closed, his head lingers in that position until he's sure that's the only one coming. Satisfied, he lifts his head up. In time to find Satana approaching.

He gives the woman a nod. "Hey Satana." He greets, sliding back in his chair to afford him the space necessary to breathe while his arm is left to be introduced to Devil's Canyon. His head turns, looking over to Satana as she inquires to his status today and the script. "I believe Thomas has proven himself the star for today." He replies back, "I'm looking at the script for next episode I-." He stops speaking for the expression change he witnesses, well, on Dazzler it would mean he was going wall climbing again. But on Satana?

He's very concerned.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake mutters, "Fucking ballet. I been pwned." He looks over at the desicated empty and shrugs. He takes a look at an outline. He raises an eyebrow and looks over at the producer, a hard working guy he could respect. "Paul... you're introducing Fluffy?"

Paul the producer takes Thomas by the arm. "Yeah... I need a little help with that. I found Fluffy. I need help getting him for the show. Big fight scene. No pies. Promise." He leads a somewhat befuddled Catman away.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The old adage of looking good coming or going works out quite well for Mike, including a bout of looking good while pressed up against. With that vile smile over her face, she elevates herself out of Mike's grasp again to make a beeline for the director.

"Mr. Director sir?" she simpers. "What's my motivation for this upcoming scene of mine?" She takes a deep breath for reasons that are obvious when you trace the director's line of sight. She sighs.

It goes on forever.

The sigh, I mean. Well, the gaze too. That continues longer than the sigh.

"I've never had a speaking role before. Why am I out hooking? Am I maybe a demon looking for sinning souls to devour?"

That snaps the director out of Death's Valley. He looks up at Satana, blinking owlishly for a moment.

"No, you're just a whore looking for johns. You know. For money."

"Oh, OK! I'll get to work on my lines!"

She saunters off in that looking good leaving way as the director sputters behind her, "But ... but ... we haven't written them yet!"

"Got it!" Satana says over her shoulder.

Let the chaos begin...