8235/The Merc, the Herc, and the Siren

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The Merc, the Herc, and the Siren
Date of Scene: 14 October 2021
Location: Astoria Park
Synopsis: The Merc with a Mouth waxes poetic about connections (or maybe is just blowing smoke to get a hook up) while the Olympian tries to give him some consolation (and attempts to be a competent wingman.)
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Laxmi Mallick, Hercules

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The evening air is a comfortable temperature in NYC this evening and even with the overcast sky the atmosphere of Astoria Park is a comfortable one. Which is exactly why Deadpool chose it as his haunt for the night. Nothing says 'Inviting!' like the Merc With a Mouth swinging on a swingset.

    A few late night joggers give the man in the red and black full body suit a stare but New York is home to all sorts of crazies. One more in the park doesn't attract *that* much notice from the normies.

    As he swings, he talks to (seemingly) himself. "So, I have an offer to join the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Not the best marketing with a name like that, but from what I hear, they're less violent terrorist group and more forceful activists thesedays. Like Flat Earthers if they had a leg to stand on."

    He pauses for a deep swing. "And I know what you're thinking: 'Deadpool, you can't join a supergroup! Remember the last time you did that you had to do a bunch of time travel and in this universe, Cable isn't being played by anyone.' I know, I know, but it's different this time. I'm not running the group. Someone less mentally unstable is running it. So it should be fine. I mean... they've got a waffle bar!"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    The walk through the park was a shortcut for Laxmi, who wears a brightly colored lehenga, with embroidered sequins occasional catching in the light from street lamps and giving of a flash of light as she moves. In one hand, she carries a large, long-necked instrument case, which swings idly with each step. The woman sings quietly to herself as she walks, her tone warm, and bright, and (experienced ears would note) exceedingly well-trained, though unless you speak Hindi the words of the tune are complete gibberish.

Hercules has posed:
    Wade might have heard the soft tread of sandels upon... whatever was littered around the swings to cushion the inevitable flight of over-exhuberent children. He might even catch sight of the broad, be-skirted figure who even now is squatted scandelously low, the mercy of the night and her shadows keeping things relatively chaste.

"Follow your heart that it might guide you beyond regrets reach. The waffles do sound inviting, though." A readily available breakfast is not to be ignored.

Who was that feigning the role of Wades beleagured Conscience? None other than-

                                PRINCE OF POWER                                

Hands cupped to either side of his mouth as he squatted.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool blinks and swings off the swing--doing an incredibly well executed backflip in the process--and turns to face the speaker. "I'm not used to getting replies when talking to my audience." He examines the man for a moment longer and then shkes his head. "Now I *know* I've been bought by Disney, I've got Jimminy Cricket's drunk roomate giving me advice."

    He gestures up in the air above the man. "You know, you don't need the lights and signs, with your physique and the loincloth-skirt thing most anyone is going to recognize Herc." There wasn't any actual signs or lights in the area. "For the record, Sorbo will always have a place in my heart, even after he got cancelled. What brings the son of Zeus around here? Surely the lowly Wade Wilson doesn't garner the attention of Olympus."

    He pauses. "I don't right? I mean, if I do, give Aphrodite my number... because... DAYUM."

    His attention is averted from the impressive man by a flash of colored light as one of the sequins flash over his eyes. "Wow... actually, I take it back. Don't give Aphrodite my number, looks like the Siren's are already here." Is he leering at the singing woman... yeah, definitely leering at the singing woman. Probably noticeably so.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi might not have noticed the leer she was the recipient of, given the way the man's mask hides his features, if the backflip hadn't already captured her attention. As things stood, however, there had been a slight pause in her stride as she watched the impressive feat, and it meant her eyes were on him during his entire exhuberant monologue - and still on him when she found the man was looking her up, and down once more. ... great.
    "Did no one ever teach you manners?" she eyes. "My eyes are up here, fella," she adds, flashing two fingers 'helpfully' towards her eyes to help guide his gaze. "Theeeeeere we go."
    She takes a moment to share a 'this guy, amirite?' eye-roll with Hercules.

Hercules has posed:
    Presention Maketh the God, besides, every comic is someone's first and Hercules likes to be noticed from the get go.

Rising up from resting his weight onto the balls of his feet, Hercules stands tall and drops his heels to the ground. For most of it, Hercules weathered Wade's Wading with a look of mild confusion, lapsing only into understanding when Deadpool mentioned Sorbo. Brows knit and lips pursed slightly as he poised a hand at his chin in thought, "Was he one of the ones without a beard?"

Self-absorbed as he is, Hercules has consumed every bit of media based on himself... even if he did not profit from it.

The rest was set aside, Wade has set his heart upon another matter!

At least, we shall say it is his heart.

Hercules is called to duty, striding up neside Wade and clapping him firmly on the back of his shoulder, "Ho, Fair Friend. Forgive him his failings. He is at a point of crisis! Your coming did allow him a moments respite from these rying thoughts and I fear he has over-indulged in the sweet wine that is your countenance."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool might've taken a bit longer than courtesy calls for in moving his eyes to the singer's face. He was about to answer her question of manners when Hercules swoops in to be his wingman. The clap on the shoulder jostles the Merc--after all, the God of Strength has nothing but *exceptional* gains--but he manages to keep his feet. Only just.

    "What he said..." Wade replies, still somewhat entranced by the sparkles and colors of the woman's outfit.

    He shakes himself from another barrage of sparkle. "Sorry. Just... I just *love* sequins. And everything about the look is..." He gestures. "Well, you probably already know just how stunning you are. You don't need me to tell you that there were--and still are-- a number of things, legal and illegal, that come to mind when I saw you."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "...I'm very much not going to ask about the illegal things," Laxmi replies. In fact, the woman is quite literally taken aback, as treads half a step in reverse a faint frown appearing on her features. "I appreciate the compliments," she remarks cautiously. "But I'm afraid I'm not interested, gentlemen. I was simply on my way home. I'm sorry if circumstances have been trying for you, however. I hope they improve in due course." She offers a polite nod, still understandly off balance under such an onslaught.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool holds up a hand, trying to forestall the woman. "Wait! I don't even know your name. With such a beautiful singing voice and the appearance of a Hindu cousin of his.." he flicks a hand over his shoulder to the massive hunk wingmanning for him. "I would at least like to know your name if I can't convince you to stay and swing with me on the swingset."

    He turns his face to one side and seems to address absolutely no one in particular. "You see... pick up lines are all about opportunity. Set up a scenario and when an object of affection, like Bollywood Babe here comes along, you offer something kind and considerate and sweet. Patience is key, the entirety of the Kamasutra will come with time, it's good to start small and work up."

    After he turns, and as if nothing was out of the ordinary, returns his attention to Laxmi.

Hercules has posed:
    The situation clicks into place in Hercules' mind. He is quite large and scarcely dressed. His odd companion is fully masked and fully armed.

She is a very attractive woman in an eye-catching dress who has been approached by two, strange men on a lonely night... in the middle of a park, in Queens.

"I do not suppose that it would put you at your ease were I to promise you that we-"

Wade addresses the 4th wall and Hercules can only halt himself as he listens.

"That I mean you no harm?" he finishes once Mr. Wilson's aside is done, attention returning to Laxmi.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Never has Laxmi been so torn between the desire to fling a drink in someone's face, or simply laugh, but seeing as she doesn't have a drink at hand to fling she'll have to settle for a quiet, slightly uneasy chuckle.
    "I appreciate the reassurance." Though really, who in their right mind would say otherwise? "And the offer of a chance to use the swings is, admittedly charming." Did he just say something about the kamasutra though?
    Despite her words, she moves no closer, calling across to the two men instead, "My name's Laxmi. And you gentlemen are...?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool waves a hand at Hercules. "I don't intend to hurt her. She's not on The List." That his having a list might be a little offputting doesn't even occur to him. "My name's Deadpool. Though sometimes it's DP, The Merc with a Mouth, or just Waaaaaade... Though you have to add the exasperation otherwise it doesn't register on my radar."

    He bows extravagantly and looks up at Laxmi the bendpoint. "And may I say, a lovely name for an equally lovely creature."

    He turns briefly the unseen figure to his side and winks in an almost comical manner.

Hercules has posed:
    The only thing that could make it worse might be if there were a clown about offering very, very red balloons.

"Hercules Panhellenios" he offered with little further explination because... Well, Hercules.

"If you would leave, I wish you well and safe travels as you may go. I bid you welcome however, to share this-" he turns, a sweeping gesture that falters as he regards the sing set, one still in motion from Wade's prior escape, "Swing set..." Maybe they should relocate...?

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I think I can see why the exasperation is a factor," Laxmi remarks. Normally, she's a welcoming, friendly, and easy going sort - but just about everything about this circumstance as her on the back foot. "But it's a pleasure to meet you both, regardless." At Hercules' hesitation over the swing set, however, she asks in an amused tone, "Not normally one to use a swing set, Mister Panhellenios?" she asks.
    Again, Deadpool is looking off to the side, where seemingly no one resides, but this is a strange world they live in - and perhaps there's someone there he can perceive, and she can't. "Exactly who is it that you're speaking to, anyways - Mister Deadpool?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade looks at Laxmi like just just asked what color the sky was and then answers. "Why, our adoring fans of course..." he gestures again to that side with no one in evidence. Moving on as if that explained everything, he steps away from Hercules.

    "What are you talking about" he exclaims. "The swingset is *perfect.* Escpecially, given that this is Charybdis Playground. I'd think it was right up your alley. *And* I might add, I already mentioned the Siren is here." He flourishes a bit and gestures to Laxmi.

    "We've got the stage set for a regular Odyssey right here. I can be Odysseus, I've pissed off enough gods to fit the bill." He looks to Laxmi and says soto vocce, "I'm also an amazing shot, just so you know. Never miss."

Hercules has posed:
    "To name a place of such joy after something that claimed so many." Hercules mused absently. Had he been on that boat or was that when his ward had absconded with the water nymphs? Who could tell?!

"Truly when I welcome comely company, it involves more libations and less chains." he confesses off-hand to Laxmi.

"I would forsake that thought were I you, Friend 'Pool. I have not the time for such a journey nor the patience to be the play things of gods for their pleasure and displeasure once more."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi simply gapes for a moment, then can't help but let out another laugh. "Well, I'm reassured that there are no chains involved. But I'm afraid you won't find me to be much of a drinker - my beliefs forbid it, I'm afraid."
    Turning full circle she adds, "It doesn't seem that any of //my// adoring fans are in evidence. A pity - they can be a fun crowd," she remarks, smirking in amusement. Though what sort of 'fans' the lehenga-clad woman might have she seems to leave to the imagination.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool shrugs. "Fair enough. We're missing a Calisto and a few dozen pigs for it to be a right party anyway." He skips back to the swings and settles down into one, pushing off from the ground to set a laid back (and forth) pace.

    He fixes Laxmi with an intense look. "Oh, I'm sure they're there. Even if you can't see them. Even if it's a single person on the other side of a keyboard," as he speaks he looks slightly upward to the clouded sky. "Tapping away to put forth a story of a character of their own creation, every actor in this place has their own story just waiting to be told."

    "Some are branches of great trees told over thousands of years--looking at you Herc. Others are just chance encounters that could bloom into long nights of fantastic magic." His gaze drifts back down to the colorfully clad woman. "It's all just a matter of time and a connection between two minds. A simple spark waiting to become something more."

Hercules has posed:
    "Less, but rarely none." notes Hercules on the occasional absence of chains. There is little to be said of her theological sobriety save for an accepting nod and an idle, "Mores the pity." It is rarely his place to dictate to gods and their believers how things aught to be done. Wars have been waged for such needless arrogance.

He is struck from the moment by Deadpool's soliloquy. His features warm with a smile, attention fixed upon the masked man. In truth, he almost applauds, "Well said, friend 'Pool. Well said."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "We're all characters in someone's play, then? Acting out our parts, entirely unaware - excepting, apparently, for yourself?" So sayeth the man in full body suit, armed with both katana and guns. "...yeah, sure, that make sense," she agrees, while idly trying to decide if the man simply has a strange sense of humor, if he's trying to play some sort of angle - or if he's simply unwell. Obviously it must be one of the three.
    "I generally don't recommend chains, if there's no swings involved. But I suppose if they happen to be into that sort of thing... Who am I to judge?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool looks at Hercules and nods. "Oh thanks. Sometimes the mood hits just right and a gem comes out" he says gesturing to where his mouth should be under the mask. "And hey, if you're ever in need for a Dionysus level throwdown of booze and partying, I'm your man, got it Herc?"

    He looks back at Laxmi. "Hey, I didn't choose to see the strings but I'm not really arguing with the choice either." He swings again, going a touch higher than before. "Besides, I'm playing a part too." He gestured up at the sky. "For all I know there's some thirty something sitting at a computer typing out my words right now as we speak... I think it's flattering that he, or *she* not going to be misogynistic here, thinks that I can be poetic as fuck at times. Really."

    "But there's not much more to it. You either find the spark in others--like Herc and me here deciding that I can be his Bacchanal Bro. Or you don't." He sighs softly. "I keep hittin the don't wall with Wolvie. Maybe it's just not meant to be and I'll continue to fantasize about his Hugh Jackman lookalike putting grapes into my mouth one at a time." He seems to realize what he just said and looks at the other two. "Oh. Bit of an overshare there, huh?"

Hercules has posed:
    The son of Zeus bobbed his head in solidarity and affirmation of Laxmi's sentiment. "To each their own." he agreed, seeming to relent a point i the same breath.

Wilson's audible thoughts went from philosophical to abstract. Hercules was getting slightly lost in the weeds of it all, his lips working into an idle pout and turning to one side. His mind lapsed to thoughs of devotees of Dionysus... and their unfortunate dealings with a rewidowered lyrist.

Wade shook him from the dusty annals of memory and brought him to the here and now.

"Hm?" wondered the god of Poor Choices, brows lofting as his mind read him the last few lines of the script, "Oh, no, no, you have a point. He is ruggedly darling and cute. His abrasive personality and buzzsaw like charm. He is a man difficult to resist! Gods know that restraint has never been my strong suit. Should you be a quarter as resilient as he, why, you should have no issue surviving the revels of one of my most mysterious of Kin."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi takes a moment to stare at the man in the strange red and black suit. Honestly? She's starting to lean heavily towards the possibility that the man really is unwell. "Are you certain, Mister Deadpool, that there isn't somewhere where you... belong? Perhaps someone is missing you?" Like the nurse who was supposed to hand out his medication?
    Her gaze shifts towards Hercules next, a questioning look in her gaze to see if he's reached the same conclusion, but as far as she can tell - he seems to be taking him quite seriously.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool gestures to Hercules. "Glad to see someone else appreciates him! And don't tell anyone but I'm *more* resilent than he is." Then he sighs and shakes his head again, returning to a somewhat melancholy mood as he answers the Miss Mallick.

    "I mean, maybe they're missing me up on the Asteroid," he gestures to the sky. "But I'm the new guy. The Green Horn. The Rookie--even if I've been at this longer than a number of them. I'm not going to be content cutting bait and being featured because of my fuck ups on the ship." What was he on about?

    "No. I haven't had enough time to make a meaningful connection to any of them yet. We went and caused an uprising in China. That was fun. Working with Logan and Victor again, this time *without* my mouth being sewn shut, was fun. But..." He swings a bit more, keeping his current level with practiced ease.

    "There's no real spark anywhere as of yet. I've only come out of the fridge for a week or so and haven't really managed to find the connection I'm talking about." He sounds almost wistful. "I mean, here Vanessa is Copycat and while I *love* the character, and I'm really proud of her for getting to flex her own superpower muscles here... Prexisting circumstances--which I do *not* want to get into right now--have made it all but impossible for us to have what I am used to us having." He shrugs. "So I guess I'm just a Merc out of water looking for that human connection."

    It was hard to tell if he was genuine in his sentiments or just really laying it on thick to try and get some sympathy love from the lehenga wearing beauty.

Hercules has posed:
    A moment of solidarity was shared. Hercules made the secret, and most solemn vow of pantomiming zipping his lips, forefinger and thumb drawn across and then flicked away. A pact sealed and to be kept even when Hercules eventually falls into the lesser graces of humanity and starts taking on pretentious titles.

Things are likely to suck when Hulk shows up but every Villain knows to savor moments while they last.

Wade dips into the true heart of his problem and Hercules becomes pensive, an arm folding over his middle, the other lifting his hand up to poise, thoughtfully near his chin. Then it strikes, Hercules thumping a fist into his palm as revelation settles upon him, "Ah, so, we have come full circle at last!"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    It would undeniably be rude to comment that she could understand why people might want to sew the man's lips shut - and so she doesn't. But the notion that such a thing could ever have actually happened is so ridiculous that she can only assume, once more, that the man really is unwell. "Well. If they were willing to look after you - there on that asteroid - then why not return there?" she suggests in a hopeful tone. "Are this Logan and Victor of yours there? You're colleagues?" she asks almost uncertainly.
    "I have a cellphone," she suggests. "If it would be helpful to call them." Her gaze flicks towards Hercules as she adds, "Happy to call someone for you, as well."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "I plan to" Deapool replies. "After all, my bed is there and I spent *way* too much time decorating the walls with as much Hello Kitty paraphenalia to let it go to waste." He does one final big swing. "But I figured that swinging around Hell's Gate would be a good place to clear my head." He leaps at the apex of the swing, this time without the acrobatics, and lands. "And you know what... it really has."

    He brushes off the red legs of his suit. "As for me and Victor or Logan being anywhere but frienemies, I can't see that happening anytime soon. Logan is too upset that I'm taller, better at healing, taller, more entertaining, and taller than he is to be happy with me and Victor..." He whistles. "Well, the guy's nickname is Sabretooth and no way I'm letting him get around my pillow talk with his reputation. Sometimes I like to play rough, but he takes it to a whole 'nother level if you get what I mean. Nah, I'm sure I'll find that spark eventually, just a matter of barking up every tree I come across. Someone is bound to throw me a bone if I get desperate enough."

    "As for calling" he reaches into a pocket on his belt and withdraws a cellphone with a bright pink Hello Kitty case. "I have one myself. Thanks for the offer though. Really sweet of you. But also careless." He looks around the park. "You never know what kind of creepos you're going to run into here in NYC at night at a relatively deserted park. Gotta be careful about your belongings."

Hercules has posed:
    "That is very kind of you." the large man returned with a warm smile, he gestured to Wade and his Hello Moto Kitty cellphone. "I too posesse such a device but I fear I am always forced to leave it at home." he explains, stooping to pluck at the hem of his scandelously short skirt and lift it just every so slightly, revealing but an inch more of his crushingly powerful thigh. Muscle fibers that, when drawn taut, could move even the very island of manhatten! "No pockets, you see." he explains.

There is nary so much as a pouch on the man! Truely a relic of the Silver Age.

"Fear not for us, however! Though night in these cities may be far from kind, we are Heroes! Strong of heart and limb, valiant and ever heeding of the call to adventure and the undoing of Injustices!" building a head of Steam, Hercules' voice rises up as he turns his attention to Wade, brandishing a finger towards him!

"Do not seek to shrug off such a title, Deadpool For I, Hercules do charge you with it and never do I do so lightly! I know not the finer details of Mutant plight for long has it been sice I even knew the burden of mortality. I know that yours is a cause that must be fought for, however. Never have tyrants lifted their heels from the neck of those they oppress gladly. You stand at the dawn of a grand adventure, fraught with peril, hardship, and glory in equal, bountiful measure! Shy not from it, step into the roiling tide as deeply as you are able. Seek you there your spark and you will soon find it giving birth to a great flame by which you might find your path."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Nice choice," Laxmi offers, at the mention of all the Hello Kitty paraphenalia, and the sight of his Hello Kitty throne. Far be it from her to belittle a man's right to like what he likes - regardless of the attached color scheme. As he goes on about Logan, though, a puzzled, almost questioning expression crosses her features, but whatever is on her mind, she doesn't give voice to it. Maybe it's because she got distracted by Hercules' theatrics.
    "...well said," she remarks. "I- honestly, that's the first thing either of you have said that made real sense to me tonight. I'm a mutant myself, and I think it's well past time for mutant equality world wide."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Deadpool claps his hands while staring at Hercules. It's slow at first but eventually builds in speed and intensity. "You know... you *almost* make me believe that the h-word is worth it." He shakes his head. "But no. I'm no hero. Heroes don't pour 26 rounds of 45 caliber ammunition into a man's body just to make sure the selfie after is worth it."

    He gestures to his body. "I'm super sure; got the healing factor to prove it. But I'm no hero. Never planned to be and if I can help it, never will be. I'm content to carry my lot as someone who will do what heroes won't... because, as the saying goes: sometimes to make an omlette you have to break a few eggs. And sometimes those eggs are the skulls of assholes who like to use kids for sick experiments that end up turning marginally decent people into things like this." He rolls up one of the sleeves of his suit to the elbow.

    Wade's skin is not pleasnt to look at. Shrivelled and mottled with hairless patches and raw scar tissue, the funny part is his arm is one of the better parts of him. "And oh yeah... it's all over baby. Be glad I kept the mask on. Equality never comes without pain." He rolls the sleeve back down. "And from where I'm standing, I'm good at bringing the pain. So Herc, you can be a hero, Laxmi, you can be a hero. I'm content being a blunt instrument for now."

Hercules has posed:
    Heroes were't always men and women in capes and spandex. They were men and women of guile, wit, strength, bravery, and... often loose morals and questionable decision making skills. Like Hercules.

Hercules is a showman, Hercules is a show off. When Wade strikes up his Shia-like applause, he could almost bow. Instead, he simply stands there, seeming to imperceptably glow and radiate a sense of warmth. Deadpool denies it but Hercules sees the mantle upon his shoulders already, an onerous thing.

Hercules said his piece... and, as always, was confident that he was correct! Thet might be a slightly smug look upon his face as he inclined his head in understanding and acceptance, "As you wish." he conceded.

"Though you might find our company odd, Fair Friend Laxmi, the hour is late and the night not as safe to your kin as it should be. What reticence you may harbor, I begrudge you not but I would ask your permission that we-" Hercules surriptitiously ropes wade into the mix with a sweep of his arm to the red and black beclad fellow. "might see you safely home, or at least part way there."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi studies the appearance of Wade's skin, a faint frown showing on her features. "Is that why you hide beneath the suit?" she asks with sympathy. "I wish we lived in a society that wasn't as obsessed about appearances - but America is... well, quite unhealthy in that regard, to be frank." She smiles sadly as she adds, "Then again, I'm often judged for my skin tone in both Indian and American society. It's not the same thing, I realize, but... It's ridiculous what people choose to focus on. These things oughtn't matter."
    Her gaze goes to Hercules next as she offers a slightly uncertain nod. She still found the pair odd - she would have to ask Logan if he knew the man, and if her caution around him was warrented. Well, and if he was truly unwell. "I'm just headed to the street. I was planning on summoning an Uber from there," she explains. "It isn't very far."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade gives Hercules an icredulous look. "Really?" He sighs. "Alright. Fine. But at the street I'm getting on my bike and high tailing it downtown. I've got a few other stops to make before I head back up to the Asteroid." He slides the phone back into a pocket and gestures. "Lead the way, Miss Laxmi." He shoots another incredulous glare at Herc. He's not against doing good deeds for his fellow mutants, but it's the principal of the thing that he has to do them begrudgingly.