8285/Mouth Meet Blade

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Mouth Meet Blade
Date of Scene: 17 October 2021
Location: Tenderloin District
Synopsis: Deadpool is saved by Witchblade for a definite maiming. After some not so subtle flirting, Agent Cael Baker joins the party on the Rooftop of Safety.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker

Wade Wilson has posed:
    To say that crime is an issue with the Tenderloin District of NYC is an understatment. No amount of police influence or vigilante justice seems to lessen the influx of violence, trafficking, and drug running that happens in he area. Any day of the week can offer a helping of mayhem in a variety of flavors. Today's seems to be violence.

    The doors to one of the warehouses explodes outward and a man in a red and black leather bodysuit with a pair of katanas on his back and a number of high caliber pistols on his body comes running out. A moment later a veritable clan of people come running out. Most have pistols of their own, a few have baseball bats, and a number of others seem to be not entirely human, energy swirling and coalescing around a few and others having skin that looks like stone or slime.

    The man in the lead is also screaming as he flees the mob, there are a number of fluids on his person; the most notable (though his suit helps hide some) is blood. Whether its his own or someone else's is hard to say at this point.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Under normal circumstances, Sara wouldn't be anywhere near the Tenderloin District, but her latest case of murder had her investigating a gang in the area as the possible perpetrators. Dressed like your average hoodlum, a pair of plain blue jeans, a black shirt tucked into the pants, and a leather jacket, she was sitting on the back of her motorcycle drinking a soda and watching a completely different warehouse.

In her time as a detective she had in fact seen a large number of strange things, but those things got stranger when Witchblade came along and even more so when she joined SHIELD. Still, none of those prepared you for a mob chasing a costumed 'hero/vigilante' out of a warehouse.

It was going to be one of those days.

Dropping the soda while noting that everyone else is diving for cover or stupidly standing there watching this happen, this allows Sara shrugs off the leather coat and activate the Witchblade without really drawing attention to herself. The bracelet on her right hand wraps tendrils of metal over her hand and arm to form the gauntlet, then from there shred through her clothing and boots to wrap her body in metal armor that as hastily as she is calling it, succeeds in covering most of her but there are still parts showing. The last piece sliding into place being the helmet with partial mask to conceal her identity.

Even as this is happening she is starting the run toward the red and black dressed man. Whether he was the hero or the vigilante didn't matter in her mind, what he was was out numbered. So as he is running and screaming, she is headed toward him. Metal wings sprout from her back and unless he deliberately avoids her, she will in fact run right up to him, snag him up and fly off toward the roof of a building. They can't shoot at what they can't see.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade at first didn't notice the angel of spikes coming at him, he had his eyes on the group of bad guys trying to kill him. So avoiding her was out of the question. In fact, he all but runs into her arms and only realizes that he's going up after an initial look of surprise. "Oh... hello" he says cordially. "You're... saving me?" he asks, sheepishly. After all, between the gratuitous amount of skin the 'savior' is showing, the metal nature of her armor, and the sharp look of her wings, he can't seem to figure out if he should be grateful, aroused, or afraid. And while his body already made up its mind, (sure he got quite a bit of action only a couple nights ago, that's A LOT of skin she's showing,) his brain is slowly playing catchup.

    Bullets soar past them as they ascend. Some strike the red clad man, illiciting a few more grunts of discomfort from him. Some strike the armor clad woman, doing seemingly nothing to her regardless of where they strike. A cascade of blue fire soars past them both but after a moment, the pursuit is called off. It seems that the woman was a savior, at least from the mob.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The bullets that strike cause the armor to shift and block it, long before the bullets reach her, which is odd given how quickly bullets move, but Witchblade knows and reacts. Turning in the air to keep herself between the shoots and the man, she searches out the perfect roof top to land on, two blocks away.

"Of course I'm saving you," she says bluntly. "The odds weren't in your favor against that many with weapons." She has no idea who this man is, other than a costume and hooded person, but she's come across a /lot/ of those in her time. Just as she has no idea if he was doing something with good intent or just pissing of gangers. None of that mattered. One against 13, good or bad, you acted, so she did.

"You need me to call an ambulance" She asks as she approaches that roof, then lands as easily as if she were a bird. The wings fold onto her back and appear to shrink slightly, as for the moment they are not needed.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade relaxes in the woman's arms at the fact that she's saving him. "Oh thank god... I was going to try to find a Dopinder but with how my luck's been going it was going to be a long run." He looks down at the woman, he has some inches on her, and notices just how much of a view the proximity combined with the shredded clothing gives him.

    He oggles. Of course he oggles. He was going to even if she was in full gear, the armor of Witchblade is quite form fitting. Something in the way he stares, gives the impression that there is more going on in his brain. The look is almost like recognition.

    After a few seconds of *noticing* her he shakes his head. "I'm fine. Fine. After getting blown up, juienned, and set on fire..." he reaches behind him and jerks at something with a grunt. As he brings his hand back around, he's holding the bullet of what might've been a .45. "These puppies are like mosquito bites. Really, really *big* mosquito bites. Like... we're talking Florida mosquitos. Dog sized."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Holding her wide foot stance, to ensure balance as her strength his enough to carry him from one side of New York to the other, along with a car and perhaps to horses, Sara holds onto him until she sees the bullets in his hands, then finally sets him down on his feet. She doesn't seem to have modesty, nor care that he's basically devoured her with his eyes... she had been forced to being used used to it.

"A regenerator," she comments idly, taking a step back and looking him over. "Glad you aren't hurt them, but I can't say the same for anyone down on the streets who might have got caught in the cross fire. NYPD is already enroute."

Now she takes a moment to fully comprehend everything that just happened. You just don't see that sort of thing in the modern day, a badly written movie most certainly, but people chasing one guy out of a warehouse? "What were you doing that you pissed off that entire gang?" She then asks, not quite ready to be done with the rescue, now information was required.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade doesn't answer right away. He is still giving her that look of almost recognition or maybe just drinking it in more, hard to say. He starts at her question. "Oh... I... well" he chuckles. "You're going to laugh. So... I *might* have killed half of their crew, and I *might* have destroyed the machines they were using for counterfeiting, drug processing, and money laundring, and I *might've* threatend their boss with more physical violence."

    He takes stock of his injuries, most of which are already sealing themselves, the occasional clink of a bullet being expelled from him accenting his regnerative properties. "Augh. Another $500 mending bill for this suit. Ah well, part of the lifestyle I guess." He looks back at the woman, stares, and then continues. "I also might've miscounted the numbers of their operation, missed half of the guys. So... they didn't take kindly to the fact that I pretty much destroyed their enterprise. Or at the very least sent them back to square one with it, and came after me."

    He shifts gears on a dime. "Do I know you? I mean, not everyday that you meet the hot chick from the Heavy Metal movies." He shakes his head. "No that's not it. I swear I know this whole... lack of armor, armor thing from somewhere--which you do *incredible* justice, by the way."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara takes a slow, easy breath as it starts, the comments about the armor and her body. This was something she had also had to get used to, but it had actually been a while since she heard it. Most people who saw it now where used to it, or in the process of being murdered. Working for SHIELF and the Avengers, she had been into action against Hydra a number of times now, and those were the sort of people you used non-lethal tactics against. They went for the kill, so you answered in kind to protect the team.

"I am the current wielder of the Witchblade," she answers, giving all the information he was going to get on that right now because she goes right back to what he was doing. "So you did provoke them, in a vigilante manner, disrupting their business, which I'm grateful for, but failed to take into account the size of the gang as a whole which lead to you endangering people on the streets as you ran away though they couldn't have killed you. That about sum it up?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade snaps his fingers. "THAT'S IT!" he said. "Witchblade. I knew I'd seen that getup somewhere before. That makes sense." He seems to recognize the tone of her voice as one of authority and sets his own knowledge about her magical artifact on the burner for now (a rare occasion for him.)

    "Well, yeah... sort of. When you put it like that you make it sound like I was *trying* to hurt random people. Look, the people on the street, they weren't there when I first showed up. And to be fair, it wasn't a vigilante action. It was a bounty hunt. A failed bounty hunt, but a bounty hunt."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Folding her arms lightly across her chest, she listens to his explanation without blinking. She'd been doing this a while, and despite the fact that she has no idea how he knows anything about her, his words seem to ring true. Bounty Hunting was technically legal in most of the United States, so long as the hunter was registered. Looking at him, the get up, the swords and guns, he sure looked the part. Even the hood covering his face wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a Bounty Hunter.

"Alright," she finally says, after apparently staring him in silence for a little while. "Are you registered in the state of New York as a Bounty Hunter, or am I going to explain to the other New York Police officers how I saw you get away... followed by you going immediately to register in the state of New York?"

No doubt about it, this woman was all business first. The details were needed to ensure both his 'get away' and cover her own armored ass. The force has no idea that she was the Witchblade, but they knew the Witchblade existed... so she had to get the story just right to cover his ass, rather nice ass, and her own.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    For once Wade was not breaking the law. At least, not as much as he could have been. "Oh yeah, yeah. Got my papers right..." He fishes around in a few of the pockets and then finally comes out with a heavily folded paper. He hands it over to the woman, his eyes on pretty much everything but hers at the moment.

    While faded, the paper (actually 3 papers) is actually genuine. The name on the registration is Wade Wilson (aka Deadpool.) It has him liscened in a number of states (including NY) cross-referenced from the New York field office. And it's up to date; being good for at least another year.

    As Sara looks over the papers he speaks. "My God you are just *stunning.* You know I've always like this 'less is more' sort of outfit. The later versions of your suit are just... they give the impression that you're not as durable as you actually are. This..." he gestures over her exposed misection and cleavage. "This is just the perfect combination of 'I'm nigh invulnerable and you should have worn the brown pants today' you know?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Accepting the papers, she looks them over and despite their poor state, they are legit so finally, she smiles. Then his mouth starts going again about things he should have no idea about and this makes Sara look up him with narrowed eyes.

Thrusting the papers back toward him she snaps, "You'll need to file a full report on the failed hunt and how the fuck do you know a gods damned thing about me, Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool."

Once he takes the papers he gets the pose, the hands on the hip, you best answer me quick, pose. All this really does is offer a more spectacular view, that is until the armor starts wrapping tendrils around to cover more of her body. Enough was enough apparently.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade deflates a bit as the armor starts to cover her up. "Ah... was good while it lasted I suppose." He watches it for a bit, mesmerized by the way it moves. "So much cooler than Iron Man, even when he starts using the nanomachines" he says with a shake of the head.

    "As for how I know. I mean..." He points to his head. "I just do. Most people think I'm crazy--and to their credit they might be right--but I just know things. Things other people don't." He shrugs. "I mean, how do I know that you have multiple different levels of armor coverage depending on the decade. That your name is Sara Pezzini and that your arch nemesis is Jackie Estacado. Or at least, the version of you *I* know has that be the case. Here, things are so different. None of that, or all of that could be true. Puzzling it out is harder than just knowing it."

    He gives her another once over now that she's fully covered. "Actually. That's not half bad, the form fitting look really emphasizes things rather than detracts from it."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The boldness with which Wade just throws all that out there strikes Sara silent for a moment, and stops the tendrils, leaving some exposure. There was no way in hell he could now any of that, not logically, so she had to step away from logic. That meant taking another, finer detailed look at him.

Muttering something in Italian, there was no sense in denying anything. "Well fuck, what kind of mutant are you then? Able to see the lives of people?" She snorts, almost laughing but not quite. "I'm going to need you to keep most of that to yourself, and Jackie Estacado is not my arch nemesis, not even sure who that is, but to be fair there's a huge chunk of my memory missing."

Walking over to the edge of the roof she looks toward where the warehouse is located, already seeing the NYPD dealing with the gangers who didn't get to run away. Looking back at him, her curiosity is do peeked, that she can't deny it. "Deadpool," she says more normally, no more ire or authority in her tone. "Not a name I've heard, but that doesn't mean shit. I've been working with circles that don't run with many mutants, which clearly you have to be... that said, I'm for mutant rights, you don't have to worry about that with me... honestly though, I'm willing to confirm or deny what you know, if you can please, just keep it quiet."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Sure. No words about who you are and what you got from me" Wade replies taking into account the remaining exposure of the woman. "I mean, secret identities are par for the course with most super types. I'm just built different." He gestures at her outfit. "That works too. Can I say, I'm a big fan of the design at the very least. Very 80s metal meets anime and I'm here for that."

    "Thank you for supporting mutant rights. It's sort of a thing I'm big on now, go figure. As for what I can do? All I *know* I can do is" he reaches up and pulls a pieces of shrapnel from his forearm. He tosses it aside and the wound closes up in moments. "...that. If the shit going on in my head is also part of it... then I've been a mutant for *so* much longer than I thought I was."

Cael Becker has posed:
    On street level, a motorcycle pulls up, the rider's identity concealed by the helmet covering her features. It's clear the rider is looking around - scanning the police, and the gangers, and consulting a cellphone. Fingers tap out a quick message - and it's sent to Sara's phone. 'WTH, Pez? Thought you were here.'
    It's not until she gets a reply that the figure glances up - taking off her helmet to reveal short-cropped blonde hair and starting towards the building's fire escape. What the hell is Sara doing at a rooftop level, and what did it have to do with the police activity? Because honestly, some assumptions are just safer to make.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
At that moment, the armor quite literally spit out Sara's phone which she catches, looks at the screen then types something in before offering back and it disappears into the armor... where, now that's left up to the imagination. It destroys clothing, but saves her gun and phone, apparently Witchblade has some sort of sense of humor.

"Okay, so the only power you know of is an insane rate of regeneration," she repeats, more for herself than anything. "And an insane amount of information in your head, which apparently includes information about me and Witchblade."

Walking away from the edge and back over to Wade, she crosses her arms across her chest lightly, not a stance this time, just comfort. "You also seem to have a need for comments on the armor," she adds with a smirk, since the lower half of her face is all that's visible, he can see it. "Is that because you have a penis, feel the need, something going on in your head, or all of the above?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Oh it's not just you and yours that I know about, hon" Wade replies with a smile that non one can see. "It's... a lot of people. People I don't even know, maybe it's a part of the cosmic background radiation of the universe just funnelling random shit into my head. But it's all there and it's all the time."

    He looks her over again. She's not oblivious, that's a plus. That she seems to find it humorous is a double plus. "I'm going to go with E on that last question. I mean, you're stunning, really. Even without the armor, what I see in here" he taps his temple. "Stunning. Probably shouldn't tell you that I am certain that there are people in another universe who use your likeness as a visual assist, but there goes my mouth again." He waves his hand dismsissively. "As for having a penis. Yes. I do, thank you, cancer didn't take that before I got supered. Feel the need. All the time, you have no idea. SOmething going on in my head. We've already established that."

    "But this is where E comes into play" he says looking at her face for once. "I respect you. I'm not going to think just because your amored voluptuousness is in my face and you saved me that I'm *entitled* to it. Christ. Guys that do that end up with the 21 gangers I killed in the warehouse in my opinion." He shakes his head. "But as evidenced, I speak my mind. A lot. Stream of consciousness going on in here. And so I say what I feel when I feel it. When you look like the cross between a Penthouse centerfold and a Ginsu catalogue, it gets my mind wandering cause... I like both of those things. Having them in one package is... really interesting."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Slowly but surely, the sound of someone climbing up the fire escape makes itself known as Cael continues on the difficult way up. The sound of the climb is briefly interrupted by voices, a masculine voice that's a bit muffled, and difficult to make out, and an answering female voice. "No, sir, no need to call the cops. I'm with the FBI. No - I don't think you have anything to worry about. Alright. Sure. You have a good day, sir."
    I mean, really, can you blame the guy for worrying about the chick in the leather jacket climbing up past his window? Honestly, that was pretty upstanding citizenry for this city.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara chuckles again, listening to the words, some of which comes off as ramble from lack of understanding, she accepts the man at face value... well hooded face value really. He's blunt, he's honest, he speaks his mind, these are actually all qualities she likes, preferred in fact.

"I don't mind the comments," she admits to him, starting to hear Cael on the fire escape. "I'm not saying I'm going to jump your bones, but I will admit your comments are new and fresh. Normally I get the random 'oh baby, hot stuff' sort of comments. 1980s anime meets metal, that's new, so thank you."

Now she walks over to where the fire escape will hit the roof and looks down to see how far Cael has to go, "Almost there," she calls, then steps back again.

"My partner is on her way up," she then offers to Wade. "She's in the know, so you don't have to keep it from her. Cosmic radiation background... I suppose that explains it, though I'll admit, the entire concept fascinates the shit out of me."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade watches the woman's quip to her partner with amusement. "We're in the same boat then" he says to her. "Because most people just chock up my comments to 'crazy guy' or 'he needs help' or 'just ignore it, it's just Wade'. I don't think I've gotten a 'fascinates the shit out of me' before."

    "As for what I say," he tilts his head her example, "'oh baby, hot stuff' is so... bland. You gotta mix it up some like..." He thinks for a moment and goes with. "'Are you the paladin of sex? Because I want you to take me to church.'" He winces. "A little more Hozier than I was going for, and I'm pretty sure the only heat under your crotchguard is the phone, but... it'll do in a pinch."

    He glances at the fire escape. "Okay, full disclosure. Is your partner going to shoot me if I keep talking about you this way? Not that it'll do much... but like I said, dog-sized mosquitos."

Cael Becker has posed:
    She didn't just hear that right, did she? But Cael was fairly certain she just overheard the phrase 'paladin of sex.' What the actual fuck? I mean - actual actual, in this case.
    The next thing she distinctly hears is 'dog-sized mosquitos.' It's like the guy is pulling random words out of a hat, throwing them in a blender, and waiting to see what happens.
    There's a distinctly skeptical look on Cael's features as she finally pulls herself up onto the roof, the blonde haired woman looking between the pair with a 'do I even //want// to know?' expression on her features. "I can go, you know, back //down// the fire escape if that's better for you two... I'm starting to feel a little under dressed."
    Which brings her back to the notion of She-Hulk trying to help her figure out a 'costume.' Ugh.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara busts up laughing at his comments, so refreshing and new, and such a geek, and it was damn near perfect in her head. The comment about the phone however, makes her laugh even harder. Maybe not the sort of reaction you want from a pick up line, but amusing was better than dog sized mosquitos, or meeting one of her many swords, right?

"Christ, you're good," she manages through the laughter, then just for him she shifts the tendrils of metal away to the more revealing armor, the likes of which Cael has never seen. She also pulls back the mask from her face and helmet from her head, he knows who she is, there's no reason for it any more and it lets her chestnut hair free.

Shifting eyes to Cael as she finally makes her appearance, a smile is offered, "No need for that Agent Becker. Allow me to introduce Deadpool," she gestures to the red and black suited and hooded man standing there with katanas on his back and huge fucking guns on his hips. "Bounty Hunter by trade, legal and everything. Deadpool, this is my partner, Cael Becker. The best straight-man you will ever met."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade nods and holds up a hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you Agent Becker. Agent? FBI?" He glances at Sara to get confirmation and double-takes at the fact that she is even *less* clad than before. He swallows a bit and then turns his attention to Cael, (though it's a testament of Maximum Effort that he manages.)

    "Chillin' with the Feds. Moving up in the world DP. You know, costume life isn't too bad. Some do it for necessity," he points to himself. "Topically... not the best of visages, though I make up for it with an excellent skin care regimen and rosewater infusion baths." He lets that sink in for a moment.

    "Some do it for a love of accessories like 'Slice-dices-and-makes juilienned bad guys here'" he gestures to Sara. "You could do it even without any sort of powers or artifact or anything. It's all about image and presentation and setting an first impression." He glances at Sara again and his eyes widen. "Yeah..." he rocks on his heels. "First fimpressions, indeed."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "FBI, yes," Cael confirms, as she finally pulls herself all the way up onto the roof. She eyes her roommate for a moment, her eyebrows going up. Was Sara... hitting on the guy? Was that why she changed the look? Or was she even the one piloting that decision? The way she underrstood things - sometimes the armor did what it fucking felt like.
    "Honestly, this is about all the costume I need. The last time I put on a costume, someone tried to set off a nuke, so..."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara nods to confirm his guess, notes the double take and grins. Yeah, she may have missed that reaction and not been willing to admit it until now, after all she worked out daily to maintain her body, it was nice to have it noticed... even if it was more a lack of armor on the body than the working out.

"That's a Halloween costume," Sara offer with a chuckle. "Toootally different than a crime fighting or bounty hunting costume." Her eyes shift back to Wade as she adds, "I don't julienne /all/ bad guys, some get arrested, however the demons, magic users, and sometimes general bad guys that try to kill me... and fail... they might just meet the sword, well one of the swords, or the whip."

She glances to Cael, "The whip works nicely in some situations, as you saw."

In this case it was a little of both. Sara has intended to let up the metal a little, but Witchblade decided it needed to be a metal bikini with wings and nothing more. The argument over such things was never long, and Witchblade always won. If there was danger, that's another matter entirely... but standing on a roof with no trouble in sight, Witchblade wins.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade looks between the pair. "Wait. Someone tried to set off a nuke at a Halloween party?" He double takes again as the metal bikini sets into place and mutters under his breath. "Maximum Effort Wade, Maximum Effort... keep it civil, do not comment on how much you want to sample that particular six pack."

    He takes a breath and continues with the first thought. "There has to be a story there and I *want* to hear it."

    With the attention span of a hyperactive beagle he turns to look at Sara. "You have a whip, too? That just emphasizes the paladin of sex line I pulled earlier, you know that, right?" He shakes his head and looks back at Cael for the story. Yes. He still wants to hear it, distractions be damned.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...I think we're safer not talking about whips right now, Witchblade," Cael remarks, defaulting to Sara's codename, given her current attire. There are times when it's just safer to use the code names.
    Not that the man would have much trouble learning Sara's real name. He's seen her face, and he knows the name of her partner.
    As for telling stories - was the world really ready to know how close things came to disaster? She decides to try to play-down the comment she just made. "It was a rather ill-advised attempt. Who in their right mind invades a Halloween party with that many heavy hitters? Only idiots who didn't do their research."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara can't help but chuckle again, mostly because the whip comment was in fact to test just how far Wade would comment, and he went right down the path perfectly. The armor though, not her choice at the moment, so she'll just play the game and enjoy it.

"He already knows who I am," she says to Cael. "Knew before I showed my face. Something to do with cosmic background radiation, but I think it's part of his mutant powers. No need for codenames, we sort of shot past that the minute I said Witchblade."

She doesn't have a comment regarding the nuke however, as she hadn't caught up with Cael the past couple of days due to the murder case she was working on for the NYPD, so instead she just nods along as Cael down plays it and distracts Wade by having the metal tendrils form a bull whip that she just holds, and sort of flicks a few times to make it obvious.

"We all face off with some strange shit," she finally says, thinking that Cael is talking about Hydra because they were the largest idiots on the planet. "Best we can do it keep working for the right teams and putting an end to the threats we can. That said, we should probably get off this roof. Deadpool has a report to write for the NYPD at some point, but I'm thinking burgers first... once I manage to get back to my bike and find clothing."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Or idiots who did do their research and were using the hitters as a distraction for something more subtle" Wade supplies. "I mean, it's what I'd do. Big show over here" he waves a hand, "slide the true threat over here." He pantomimes sliding something under a table. "Just food for thought, but if it was a while ago... probably nothing to worry about."

    He eyes the whip in Sara's hand with apprehension... or is that interest? "Oh. I like burgers. Am I invited to burgers or do I have to go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars?" he asks looking between the two.

    He takes another look at Sara and sighs with a nod. "Clothing would probably be good, despite every muscle in my body screaming 'No!' in unison." Then to Cael. "An FBI Agent, a Chainmail Bikini model, and Red Dead walk into a restaraunt..." he puts a hand to his chin. "There's a joke there. Not getting it just yet."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "God, I could kill a burger," Cael agrees with the suggested plan, ignoring the presence of a whip, suddenly appearing in their conversaion. Given the fact that a pegasus appeared during the party? A whip barely even registers.
    "I think we're good as far as threats go. It was just surreal, watching Ahsoka Tano, and Morticia and Gomez Adams kicking ass and taking names. Of course, it wasn't until the point where I was riding a pegasus, while dual wielding machine guns that I took a moment to really question reality." She delivers this casually, while starting back towards the fire escape as the natural and most obvious way down.
    "Keep working on the joke, buddy. It'll come to you. I have faith."
    There's a slight pause. "Alright, that last bit was a lie."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara snorts, "I am far from a model, and of course you can have a burger, I'm buying. I'm not getting any more information from my stake out today, have to wait for the area to clear again so they'll come out of the woodwork. After that many NYPD officers, and that loud of a problem..." she looks at Wade as she says that last part. "... going to be at least a week before they return, if they return."

The helmet and mask slide back into place as metal tendrils dissipate the whip back into the armor, then she moves to scoop Cael up, "Hold up there, that's the long way down. Which burger place we meeting up at? Big Belly in Queens?" This part she looks to Wade for, then back to Cael. "I mean, I can take you both down to ground level, that's not an issue."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Oh no need. I can jump, really" Wade says, approaching the ledge of the building. "As long as I don't try a super-hero landing or faceplant, I should be alright." He chuckles.

    "Funny story. I did try the super-hero landing once... broke all the bones in *both* knees. Really terrible idea, I mean I guess Iron Man's got the excuse of the suit and Thor's all Asgardian, but normal rank and file." He shakes his head. "I do not recommend it. And Big Belly sounds delish."

    To Cael he says. "Hey, you never know. It could be a rib breaker in disguise." He pauses for a moment of thought. "Actually, no. You're right. There's nothing there. Unless..." He pauses again. "No. Nothing. So... race you to the bottom?" he asks, stepping one foot off the ledge of the building.

Cael Becker has posed:
    For a moment, it shows just how uncomfortable Cael is with being carried down off the building. It just... feels strange, but she doesn't voice a protest. "Sure. Big Belly's fine," the woman agrees.
    Though Deadpool's little monologue on jumping off buildings does seem to earn most of her attention. "...how do you land, then?" Isn't the superhero landing the classic three point crouch? "A big belly flop?" she suggests.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
With Cael in one arm already, and Wade about to jump, the wings spread across the back of her armor and Sara bolts to scoop Wade up as well, most likely just as he is stepping off.

"Hey bright guy, normal people don't need to see that kind of thing. Get the police called out here again," she warns as she hovers for a moment with one of them in each arm.

Swooping our wide, she looks for a good place to land that will likely not gain too much attention, and right by Cael's motorcycle looks good. She doesn't nose dive, that would likely freak Cael out, so she does a slow decent to land and places them both on the ground.

"Alright, I'll go find my bike, get changed and meet you both there," she finally says, looking between them, then jumps back into the air. She doesn't do the 'walk down the street' thing in the armor, too many people to notice, and stare, and social media and she doesn't need all that. She knows where she parked, there's an ally nearby, it would have to do. Most likely there will be a report on the six o'clock news about the Witchblade stealing a motorcycle, but oh well.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade doesn't seem to mind being carried again in fact the possible leer he gives (it's hard to tell with that mask) at the proximity to Sara might be evidence that it was his hope all along. "Oh yeah... forget people get weirded out when random people jump from rooftops."

    He turns his attention to Cael opposite. "It's actually better to tuck and roll at the last moment. Take all the impact on the shoulder and roll it out. Pretty safe from most heights that don't reach terminal velocity."

    At the ground he starts toward a red bike with a bright pink helmet locked to it and watches Sara fly off. "That *is* impressive" he says in the process of putting the helmet on. It clashes terribly with his outfit. He doesn't seem to care. "Genuinely. I mean, knowing about it is one thing, seeing it in action... another thing altogether. Really impressive."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael takes a moment to turn towards Sara - watching the woman fly off, and then offering a shrug of her shoulders. "I guess you get used to it," she decides. "What does it say about my life that I'm jaded to that sort of thing?" She similarly unlocks her own helmet - which is not bright pink. Nope. It's a standard, and rather non-descript black. The sort of thing that would never stand out, and was perhaps the entire reason she'd purchased it. Well, that and its ability to keep her brains inside of her skull and reasonably intact.
    Without waiting for a response, she's on her bike, and headed towards the burger joint.