8374/And Mair you go Safely...

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And Mair you go Safely...
Date of Scene: 22 October 2021
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Mairin pays a visit to a ruminating Nettie, and gets a little brave. Nettie tries to gently let her down... but who knows what the future will hold?
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Mairin Moran

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Shule, shule, shule aroon, Shule go succir agus, shule go kewn, Shule go dheen durrus oggus aylig lume, Iss guh day thoo avorneen slawn. o/`"

    The shop's been closed for the day, deep cleaning time. Everything inside smells like crisp, black tea and sharp bergamont with the tang of vinegar.

    Nervous energy.

    Nettie herself was sitting, an old guitar over her her knee, and was picking out the melody for the sorrowful sounding folksong.

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin slides into the shop with a slight spring in her step and closes the door softly behind her. She's absent her usual satchel with its books and, lately, robot parts. But there is a little moth about the size of a man's hand fluttering around her head. It lands on her shoulder briefly, wings flexing up and down, before fluttering off again to investigate the store. Hopefully it doesn't fly too close to Emily. Or Corvax for that matter, though he hopefully knows better than to eat a mechanical bug. If he eats bugs at all.

    She stands there at the door, just watching Nettie play and listening, a happy smile on her face that lights up her eyes. She doesn't interrupt, but begins to softly hum a harmony to the tune from where she's standing.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I?ll sell my rock, I?ll sell my reel I?ll sell my only spinning wheel to buy my love a sword of steel, is go dte tu mo mhuirnin slan o/`" Nettie continues to sing softly, almost not really there, her eyes unfocused and staring into a crystal ball, she strums a couple more bars of the song, and then she pauses.

    She's caught Mairin's reflection in the crystal, and she tilts her head around.

    "Needing something, poppet?" she questions gently, continuing to slowly pick out the tune on the guitar.

Mairin Moran has posed:
    She shakes her head slightly, her hands fidgeting with each other in front of her without the satchel to hold onto.

    "No... Nothing really. Am I... Interupting?" She gets a horrible thought that this is something very private that she's intruded on. "I can go..."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "No, no, you may stay. Was just... lost in a thought." Nettie states, and she leans over. She's got a pot of tea over a small blazer, and she turns over a teacup.

    She pours a cup of tea for Mairin. It's floral smelling.

    "What brings you to the Candle? I wasn't planning on any lessons --" she trails off a moment.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin hurries to sit down in a chair near Nettie. She takes the tea, holding the saucer in her lap. "No, I didn't come for a lesson. I just... Wanted to talk. I know we text sometimes but it really isn't the same." She takes a sip, trying to center herself... to find the right line of conversation. But conversation isn't like physics. It doesn't follow lines. It twists and turns and has too many unpredictable variables.

    "That was a beautiful song. You have a beautiful voice," she adds. "My mother used to sing a song like it... as a lulliby. I... don't remember the words anymore. Just the sound."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Thank you..." Nettie looks surprised at the compliments, and she gives a slight smile. "It's an older song. It was taught to me by a lion of a woman, her native tongue. Siuil a Ruin. Walk my Love."

    She picks out the melody again, and sings in English, "Walk, walk, walk my love, quickly come to me, softly move. Come to my door and away we'll flee -- and safe away my darling shall be."

    She gives a wry smile to Mairin. "Sounds better in Gaelic."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    She listens, that same small smile coming to her face at hearing Nettie sing. "Everything does," she says with a small laugh. "Unless it's my mom yelling at me because I didn't take the trash out like I promised." She shifts in the chair, pulling her legs up under her a bit but not so far as to put her shoes on the furniture.

    "You said you travelled in Ireland didn't you?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "A time, yes. Much of the world. Ireland and England and Scotland. France through Italy to India. Bhutan, Nepal, China and Japan. Your mum was Irish then?" she questions softly, testing a string and adjusting a knob. She strums again, idly.

Mairin Moran has posed:
    "Half Irish," she clarifies. "And half Scottish, but she grew up in Galway. My father is English with a little Irish ifrom his grandparents. He was visitng them when they met. Him and my mum." She takes a sip of tea, her eyes catching on Netties hands working the strings. She wants to ask the question so badly. But she also doesn't want to ruin the momment. So She waits, tacking a different way instead. "Did you grow up in England?" Its a guess, but a logical one.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... 'till I was fifteen. Then... my brother and I had to make away. So we traveled a bit. Settled in India during the end of Victoria's reign and we had a neat little company." she gives a little smile.

    "Growing up meant something different then, though. I could have been engaged at the time." she smiles. "And you grew up in Gotham, in spite of your parents bein' from away?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Her eyes flick back up from Nettie's hands to her eyes and Mairin gives a contented smile. "I did. They moved there when they were young. About my age now. Maybe younger. My da became a teacher at Gotham University. Poetry. He's always loved it. And my ma played piano. She's..." she shakes her head a little. "She's increadible. I used to go to her concerts when I was little."

    She shrugs and the smile fades. "I think they both hated that I didn't do something... artistic. They tried so hard. My ma made me try to learn at least ten different instruments, and my da would guide me through books. Dickens... Tennyson... Milton... But none of it stuck.

    "And then when I told them I wanted to go to school in California... for engineering..." she looks down, blinking rapidly. "Well, we fought a lot after that. We still do."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Engineering is still art. It's just... art with more math. Geometry, sacred and mundane." Nettie comments quietly, and motions to her guitar. "There are few things that are not created and re-engineered in our lives now, poppet, but to build something that requires your soul, doesn't it? Whether it is building a composition, a story, a bridge, or a spell. Everything has its cost."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    "Yes well, try telling them that." She sighs and takes a sip of tea.

    "It is funny that you say that though. I was thinking about just that not long ago. How, it doesn't matter what you're creating, it takes a part of you. People seem to think it's weird that I care so much about the machines I make. I've been told... they're just machines.. But it's not. Each thing has a little piece of me in it."

    She glances over to where Emily is playing with the moth. The latter fluttering just out of reach as Emily bats at it, her 'do not damage property' programing fighting against her AI instinct.

    "But I've also been thinking about something Corvax said too." She leans forward a bit, intent. "He said that magic was easy. Which was why there were so many dead magicians. And that didn't make sense to me really at the time. But then... the other night at the Wal-Mart..." she looks down, thinking about how to word it. "When I cast that spell. It wasn't hard. Not really. I mean... it was hard like pushing a really heavy weight is hard. But it wasn't difficult. But then..." She bites her lip and looks into Netties eyes. "That's what he meant. Casting the magic is easy. It's resisting the urge to do more than you should... That's the hard part. To not give in to the temptation to push for more power... to not make sacrifices you shouldn't or cut corners you shouldn't. That's why you're so careful about what you teach us."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie listens a moment, and she appears to chew on the thought. She could just go tell Mairin's parents exactly what she said. She's lived through the most intense burst of technology in history, just twenty years ago Mairin's AI was the stuff of science fiction. And now she has an AI cat, an animal that won't turn from her...

    The witch wiggles her fingers a moment, giving a soft kissing sound of her lips to attract Emily's attention.

    "You're wonderin' about Mary Hyde then, and how we knew one another?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Emily's attention is caught by Nettie's fingers and she bounds over, ready and waiting for scratches.

    "That's part of it, yes." She considers for a moment. "But what I guess I'm really asking is.. Why did you take us as apprentices? You said that she... that Mary, was a student. And you've told me befre that you've had numerous students die. And I know that you are scared of Ty and I dieing. So.. then why take us on at all? It just seems like such a huge risk."

    She's asked this question before. Back when she signed the contract, but the tone is far different now. Where before there was suspicion, it has been replaced with concern. Not for herself, but for Nettie.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mary Jessop Hyde was a student, yes. When I first started taking them seriously rather than teaching someone a few tricks for amusement. She..." Nettie frowns a moment.

    "... she was a manipulator. A master manipulator. A puppet master."

    Nettie reaches down, and she scoops up Emily and holds her in her arms.

    "... she was an infection. I lost track of her for a time. Hoped she was dead of her own hubris, but she recognized me. An' she told a few SS officers where a bunch of witches were going to be striking."

    she scritches beneath Emily's chin.

    "... and I lost so many students. Struck down. Others couldn't handle the memories, so... I changed them. They went home."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin just nods, somberly. "I can't imagine what that must have felt like. I've been a teacher. I know what it's like to care for your students. And to have them..." She cuts off, wiping a tear from her eye. "I just can't imagine."

    Se lets silence fill the space, not knowing what else to say. What else *can* she say?

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... so I tracked Mary down and I killed her and banished her shriveled little mess of a soul to Hell where she belonged. Left her mark on me. And I didn't take on students again for a long while. Don't think John counts... he was..." she purses her lips a moment, and glances over to Mairin.

    "He and I both needed something of one another. And we're friends."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    "I know," she says, hoping shes not saying it in a way that insinuates she ever thought they were anything other than friends. Or that it ever mattered to her in the first place.

    "So... Why now?" she asks softly.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "/Do/ you now? Has John been flapping his gums about a warlock and his wand?" Nettie sounds amused at the prospect of John Constantine talking about their... mutual history.

    And she leans back. "Well. I meant it. I have no one in my life that I've taught my family's magic to. I am the last of the Crowes who can cast." she gives a small shrug.

    "I thought it might help me to get back something I thought I lost a while back."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin actually laughs a little. "John has done a little flapping, yes." She's not about to say just how much flapping. She thinks about what Nettie says after though, finishing her tea and setting cup and saucer back on the table where Nettie got them. "Can I ask you something... Personal?" she asks suddenly. She might as well just get it over with.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Knowing John, I can guess what he flapped on about." Nettie states, and she gives a flat expression as she adjusts Emily in her arm, and pours another cup of tea for Mairin.

    "Ask away, though be prepared for unpleasant answers if you want honesty." she comments quietly.

Mairin Moran has posed:
    "I wouldn't have it any other way, Nettie. Just honesty. From both of us." She takes a deep breath. "John told me that you can't be touched. I was wondering... if you could tell me why? I mean, I've noticed that you don't like to be touched... But what he said was more than that."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... that's... not a good story for you to hear." Nettie comments quietly, and she sets her guitar to the side, and draws her legs up under her skirts. She considers her next words carefully.

    "I did something very, very foolish when I was young, and cut a deal with something I couldn't handle. So, I'm cursed. I cannot touch people, they cannot touch me. Most animals avoid me unless... they're associated with Death. Crows. Black cats. Rats." she gives a sad smile.

    "John is warded because he's an exorcist by trade, so I can touch him and he can touch me without any repurcussion. It's a lonely life we both lead, though we manage in our ways."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    She sits there for a moment, thinking. Just... thinking, and sipping tea.

    "I..." She starts, then stops and bites her lip. "I know something about being alone," she finally says, staring at the teapot. "Nothing like... that. But I do know what it's like to be alone. I never had friends when I was little. It was probably my own fault, I'm learning that now, but I was also just not... *like* most people. And that was fine because not having friends meant more time for studying.

    "And then after... the tsunami. I just gave up trying. I decided I had to get out of Gotham as fast as I could and theat meant going to college somewhere else. I told myself it was because I had to help people. But now... I don't think that was the only reason.

    "I had... someone. In college. But then I ruined that. And then I just threw myself that much harder into my work."

    She sighs and looks over at Nettie. "I don't want you to be alone, Nettie. I..." she blushes and fidgets. "I care about you."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie pauses a moment, listening to Mairin. Her head tilts, those inhumanly colored eyes settle on Mairin, and she gives a look that's somewhat like an embarrassed kid and a mildily disappointed parent.

    "Mairin, you're a brilliant girl. You've been through so much and overcome so much in your short life so far." she gives a small smile.

    "I've been a lone for stretches of decades. It doesn't bother me any. Besides! I've got Corvax -- when he's not napping after gorging himself on Kentucky Fried Chicken -- an' now I have a precious gift -- I have Emily. And what a clever gift it is." she states, scritching the false cat's chin.

    "... but now I'm curious, how did you 'ruin' having someone in college?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin starts to protest, stops, starts again... and then blushes a bit as she considers how to answer.

    "I had a girlfriend in college. My roomate. We dated for a couple years. She... broke up with me. She told me I didn't pay enough attention to her. That I was always working, always in the lab, always doing homework. I'd forget plans... I wouldn't understand signals she was trying to send me..." She sighs. "She wasn't even mad at me in the end. She just told me she understood that my work was more important... and she had her room changed. And that was it. I just pushed myself into my work even harder. Finished my B.S. in three years instead of four."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... she didn't understand how you operate. And that's all right." Nettie replies, and she purses her lips a moment, stretching her fingers over Emily's back.

    "Communication is key in any relationship. Professional, comeradic, romantic. If you cannot feel comfortable bringing a conversation up to your lover, then... why are they your lover?" she questions. Her left hand trembles, and she curls her fingers up slightly, looking to her hand. Her thumb rubs at the underside of her ring finger.

    "I would not view that as you 'ruining' the relationship, if she could not talk to you about it. You're not Batman, poppet. They don't make a signal for you."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    "It wasn't just that. I mean, she did tell me. We argued about it more than once. I just..." She shrugs and sighs deeply. "I just assumed she'd always be there. I took her for granted. I don't blame her really."

    She stops and turns to look at Nettie, her expression set. "But you are right that you have to be able to communicate with your.." She blushes slightly, but pushes through. "Which is why...

    "I think your wrong." She says defiantly. "You don't have to accept being alone just because you've been alone. And you don't have to pass up something just because it wont last.

    "You say it doesn't bother you, but I don't believe you. I think you're just telling yourself that to make it easier. But... But you don't have to. You can take today... and tomorrow.. and squeeze every bit of joy out of each day that you possibly can.

    "Just because you're going to live..." she waves a hand errantly.. "However long, doesn't mean you can't be as happy as possible today. And I..." she stumbles to a stop, her chest heaving, eyes alight.

    "I would like to be one of those things that makes you happy, Nettie Crowe. Even if it's only for a short time. Even if it's only a week... or a month... I'd be happy knowing I helped *you* be happy."
She stops, her tea cup rattling on its saucer, her cheeks flush.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie keeps a carefully neutral face. She raises her eyebrows a moment as she shifts in one of those big, comfy chairs, and she brings her legs over the side of the arm, letting Emily take up space on her stomach.

    "... Rabbit, if you didn't make me happy in some way, you wouldn't be my student. I am so proud of the way you handled yourself in danger the other night. You did extremely well. Both you and Ty." she states, and she draws up Emily, holding her up a moment.

    "... but being lonely does not mean being unhappy. I have my work. I have my students. The Candle is becoming a fall-back point for our little group in case something goes amiss. How could I not be happy?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin just stares... blinking in confusion. And for a split second, she thinks she might know what Nancy felt like. But she's come this far, worked up this much courage, and she's not going to just back down and slink away. Nettie doesn't train quiters. And she is NO quitter.

    So she carefully sets the teacup and saucer on the table, stands, and smooths out her skirt. The little moth, perhaps thinking it's time to go, alights on her shoulder, it's paper-thin metal wings slowly flexing and reflecting the light.

    "Nettie Crowe," she says firmly, "I don't know how to do this. I've never done it before. But I would be... very happy. If you would go on a date with me."

    She looks more like she's demanding a new meal or facing down a demon, but there's only one way she knows how to push past this much fear.

    "I understand if you don't want to. I know I'm not..." she pauses closes her eyes a second then pushes on. "But I would be honered to be..." She has no idea what to call it. Girlfriend just doesn't sound right.... "More than just your apprentice."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie Crowe is many things. One of them is cruel.

    She pauses a moment, and then swings her legs over. She narrows her eyes at Mairin, and then brings ehr fingers to a steeple, her elbows on her lap a moment as she leans forward.

    "Mairin. You hardly know who I am, other than what John has told you about me, and what I have told you about me. I am... so much older than you. And you have so much growing to do." she states in a gentle voice. "I admire the bravery, Mairin, but I do not think it would be a good idea. I cannot touch people. I cannot give to anyone what they deserve." she adds, and the gray-haired woman frowns.

    "This... infatuation will pass."

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin sits down, back straight. "I don't know everything about you. But I know enough.

    "I know that you have a dark history. I know that you've done things you think are horrible. ANd maybe they were. I know you've seen death and destruction and misery. I know that you are cursed in some way, beyond simply not being able to be touched.r
    "And I know," her voice softens, "that you are brave, kind, beautiful, patient, trustworthy, honest, and loving. I know more about you than I did about Nancy when we went on our first date. I don't care if you can't touch me. I'm not here for shagging, or some romp in the sheets."

    She takes a deep breath. "And I'm not a child. I'm not saying I'm in love with you. I just... Would like you to give the chance for something to grow between us. That's what a date is, isn't it?"

    Another deep breath. "But I understand if your answer is no. I can't help how I feel, but I promise it will not effect how I act as your apprentice."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mairin. You do not know who I am, other than your teacher and an apothecary with a rather sordid love life about ten years ago." Nettie remarks quietly. "You... are so young, and smart; you're not even a quarter of my age, Poppet." she states quietly, and rubs the back of her neck, taking a breath. "Not even a sixth of my age. And we've already pulled you into all manner of buggery."

    She pets on the feline, and closes her eyes, and shakes her head "I'm sorry, Mair. I appreciate the compliment, but... I don't think it would be a good idea." she replies.

Mairin Moran has posed:
    There's a moment of silence as Mairin processes this, impassive. Then she nods several times. "I understand." She takes a deep breath. "I appreciate you being honest." She looks about, probably for her satchel, then remembers it isn't there. "I... I should probably be going. I'm sure you have things to do and..." Another deep breath and she stands, giving Nettie a smile that doesn't touch her eyes. "I hope you have a very good day, Nettie. Really. I do."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "That... may be for the best, for now Mair." Nettie replies quietly, and she sets Emily down a moment.

    "Do you want Corvax to escort you home? It's a ways, and it's getting dark." she offers quietly, going to stand herself.

Mairin Moran has posed:
    Mairin shakes her head. "I'll be fine." She taps the moth and it lights up with a comfortable glow. "I'll see you soon. Maybe we can go over a new circle." She smiles again, bravely. "Good night." She walks to the door. "Good night Corvax!" she calls as she walks out. Perfectly calm... composed.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie stands alone in the shop. She listens to the bells ring as Mairin makes her exit, and then she sits back down. She pets Emily's head, and she breaths out in a breath.

    "I wish, I wish, I wish in vain, I wish I had my heart again, And vainly think I?d not complain... Is go dte tu mo mhuinin slan. <And may you go safely, my darling>" she sings quietly. "Is go dte tu mo mhuinin slan..."