8368/Deadpool Can Listen to Instructions

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Deadpool Can Listen to Instructions
Date of Scene: 22 October 2021
Location: Sion - Lounge
Synopsis: Wade and Sara go to Sion's private back room for date number two and play very strange game of twenty questions that goes from innuendo to interdimensional without much break in between.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Sara Pezzini

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade makes a habit of walking the streets of his city. It took him a few hours but finally he found the location of Sion. After scoping it out, he had decided it was perfect for his plan. Or rather, the upper deck was perfect for his plan. Shortly after he had made a phone call and invited Sara to join him for a dinner. Date number 2, as suggested. He told her what he *thought* was the dress code for the place. It was a night club after all, and made his own way out to get properly clothed for the venue.

    He *was* going to wear the suit but decides against it. Mutants are welcome and there were more than a few in evidence inside. His own face might not be too out of sorts in there.

    Instead, he settles on a black silk shirt, black slacks, and a deep crimson sport coat. No mask tonight. He has a number of concealed weapons on him, but that is necessary given his reputation. Then, after a quick motorcycle drive, he makes his way to the front of the nightclub to wait on his companion for the evening.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Instead of her motorcycle, Sara arrives to the club via a taxi. The reason for that is simply that what she is wearing would not go well on the back of a bike. This was a date, a real date, and in spite of the risk factors she was dressed for that date.

Covering her body was a sleeveless emerald green sheath dress that hugged her body nicely and ended just above the knee. The material looks to be satin, though is actually an inexpensive knock off. On her feet she sports a pair of strappy pumps, with laces that wrap up her calf almost to the knee. Her chestnut hair is pulled up on the sides with beautiful gold combs, leaving her face and ears exposed to show off the lovely golden dangle earrings. Obviously she wore the bracelet, however the style had changed to something a little more elegant, a golden band style with a smaller red stone in the center. Some women would kill for a bracelet that could be anything. Even her make-up was on par for a nightclub, but not over done. That sort of thing wasn't her specialty, just some mascara, blush, light shadow and a reddish pink lipstick.

Not entirely certain where at the club they were meeting, she pays the taxi driver and heads toward the entrance as she looks around. Spotting Wade all dressed up, a smile plays over her lips. Now that was one handsomely dressed man, no one would question that and if they did, well they needed their eyes checked or their head kicked in.

"Why hello there handsome," she offers as she walks up to him.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade can't help but stare. "Wow..." he says. "You look... incredible." He breathes out. Everything about her: the dress, the pumps, the accessories (mystical and otherwise), the makeup, the hair... all of it make him very glad to have loose slacks and even more aware of how lucky he is to have her there for him.

    He swallows hard. "I hope this isn't too fancy. The upper deck is nice and allows for my kind as well as affording some privacy so... I figured..."

    He blinks again. "Just... wow. I mean, I might look for more like it to get you in more of..." he gestures to her. "More of this."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Stepping right up to him, Sara gives him a kiss on the cheek, then takes his hand. In this way she has announced to everyone that yes, she is there with him tonight and any females who might have been thinking they had a chance, do not.

"You look fantastic Wade," she offers, then runs her hand lightly over his chest to feel the shirt's material. "You look comfortable, and at the same time like you're ready for a night out."

A bright smile lands on her face as she looks at the dress on herself, then back to him. "This was another lucky find at Salvation Army. I really need a clothing allowance from one of the many organizations I work for," she winks at him. "Then I could purchase some of the sexier things and not worry about them getting destroyed, because I could replace them."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "That or you need a sugar daddy named Wade Wilson" Wade says with a wink. "It's not like I'm exactly hurting for money. I had a run where I took a number of high profile jobs and I'm pretty set as long as I keep taking the occasional gig."

    "And to get you in something you consider 'sexier' than this... I'd happily give my arm for that. Both of them... they'll grow back" he grins.

    He leads her to the entrance and into the club. The music is your typical EDM club fair. Remixes of popular beats as well as some originals from the MC of the night. He doesn't go far out onto the floor, instead leading her up a staircase that goes to the second level.

    The change in tone is immediate. The music is still audible but muted, the lighting a bit dimmer and more intimate, the feel more closed off and private. "Here we are?" he gestures to the back door with the purple flower on it. "Or we can go further in if you want even more privacy, but I'll leave that to you. I can say, for the moment, it's empty" he bobs his eyebrows at her suggestively.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The last time Sara went to a club she was undercover, tracking a murderer selling tainting drugs. Under normal circumstances, she didn't take the time to actually /enjoy/ being out. Tonight she intended it to be different, though she did feel naked without her gun. She had her badge, it was required to carry at all times, and normally she was to supposed to have her gun as well, but where would she have put it? Never mind, don't think about that.

"So you're suggesting a sugar Wade?" She comments with a laugh. "For some reason I'm amused by the idea of Sugary Deadpool, don't ask me why... but no, I'm not going to start taking your money. What I will do is give you my size, and what you do with that is entirely up to you."

Taking in the ambiance of the club, her green eyes scan around the room. You can take the cop out of uniform, but you can't get the cop out of the woman. Her scan is very methodical, all the exits, who is where, the structure. "I've never been here before," she admits with a smile. "You said there is an area where mutants are free to be themselves? I think that's where we should go," she gestures to the door. "is that back there?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade nods. "Yeah. The VIP room is mutants only. Surprised they have it here to be honest" he says. "But not everyone is anti-mutant. Maybe whoever owns this place isn't too bad." He strides across the main floor of the upper deck and opens the door with the violet flower on it. "After you, ma'am" he says with a flourish.

    The inside of the backroom is even more private than the main floor. Each booth looks more like a small room than a booth and the violet, pink, orange, and everything in between lighting casts long shadows over the occupants. Of which Wade and Sara were the only ones at the moment. The music from below is heard only as the random beat of the bass.

    Wade steps in behind Sara and looks around. "Cozy. Very cozy" he says. "Almost like they are invitng people to just make out and more in their restaurant, huh?" There's the classic Wade that was missing from the beginning. The dress truly might have been distracting him just a bit.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A frown touches Sara's lips as she pauses right at the door. She's not a mutant, should she be here? Yes, she supported mutant rights and would help any way she good, but she was still just a human. Hesitantly she steps into the back rooms, expecting someone to immediately know she's not a mutant and kick her out. When that doesn't happen, she relaxes and starts to look around.

"Are you certain I can be in here?" she asks, not talking about the color choices in the room. Honestly, who uses that much pink in decorating? And orange? Who puts pink and orange together? Ew.

"I don't want to get you in trouble, nor do I want to get myself kicked out," she offers then changes to a new subject. "So is this just a random room for making out? Is there a place to get a drink or do we just fake that like a night with a whiskey dick?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "You're my guest and yes you're allowed in here" Wade says, placing a soft hand on her back. The scars are felt but they are so all encompassing that it just feels natural. "They have an updated menu system. You'll see." He leads her to one of the seculded booth/rooms and gestures her in. On the table is an electronic menu system. You scroll through, order food, drinks, anything else you need and they make it and bring it to you from the main lounge area. The seating is almost a full circle, allowing for the occupants to get as close or as far apart as they feel comfortable.

    "See... you'll be able to get a drink. And we can talk without worry about being overheard in here." It seemed that the garishness of the decor didn't bother Wade as much as the privacy put him at ease. No prying eyes to stare at him and his 'beyond out of his league' girlfriend. He isn't as immune to insecurities as he seems, Sara can tell that much.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
As she slides into the booth, Sara looks at the set up and smiles. He may talk big, about not caring or being bothered by the stares, but the truth was obvious by the fact that he hid the truth behind a mask, then used an image inducer the first time they met. She could understand why, and didn't fault him for it at all. If private and secluded were what he needed to be comfortable, she could accept that... it helped her as well, given the last date she went on was dinner at a restaurant so posh she felt completely out of place the entire time she was sitting there.

"This is a really nice set up," she offers, waiting for him to slide in beside her so they could share the menu. "I don't /need/ alcohol or anything, if that's what you're thinking. I just couldn't figure out how it worked."

As she laughs, she begins the slow perusal of the menu. "So if we can't be overheard, I assume that also means there's white noise generators involved around here some place?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "Thick walls..." Wade says sliding in beside her and reaching around to tap of the hard wood of the wall. "Between that and the..." he makes a noise in the back of his throat that imitates the bass beat going on downstairs. "It mutes nearly everything. I'm not saying climb on top of me and go wild--unless you *really* want to. I won't stop you, for sure." He continues with the origial topic. "I'm just saying that we don't have to use codewords for your bracelet or my occupation or the fact that dying is never going to be on the menu for me."

    He gestures. "Mutants don't have to hide anything here. So they talk shop or escapades or anything they want really, back here." He leans back and looks over her shoulder at the menu. "At least... that's what the bartender said when I grilled him" Admitting to being here and staking the place out doesn't seem to make him embarrased.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A soft ah is offered from Sara as he knocks on the wall. The bass beat from below worked perfectly as white noise, but her cop mind went for more advanced thinking in that regard.

"I might climb into your lap," she comments idly while looking over the menu. "You'll just have to wait and see... oh they have salmon, that's the winner. Nice salmon with rice, some white wine, and good company."

Having decided and done the tapping to order up what she wanted, she turned slightly to look at him with a smile. That right there was a key indication of liking him, that dead give away, school girl smile every single time she looked at him. The world would be crumbling around them, explosions going off, she would look at him and that smile would pop onto her face. It was really sappy, but it was also one of those natural reactions that couldn't be controlled.

"That means you can ask all the questions about Witchblade you want, and I can grill you..." she chuckles. "kidding, I can ask you about your work."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade orders a steak with scalopped potatoes and a red (unsurprising). "Hey if you want to grill me about my work, my past--what I can sift from it--or anythign else. I'm willing to be an open book for you. But if we're playing twenty questions and I get to go first..."

    He looks at her and then nods. "Okay. What exactly can that thing do?" He points to the slender braclet with the red stone. "That you are aware of. I mean, what I know of it is varied through about 5 different filters. Here it might be different that all or fit one better than another... I'd like to know what I'm working with in the event that we are out together or you decide to throw it on while I'm strapped to board and go to town."

    He smiles. "I mean, sometimes we might want to go to that length. Rough can be fun. No safewords, just have at it." He winks. It's difficult to tell if he's serious or joking.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara laughs at the choice of question, shaking her head a little. Of course he goes there, that's where his head lives, well not entirely and she knows that, but still.

"Alright, let's see how to explain this," she begins, watching the waitress appear with the wine and glasses of water. Once she departs again, Sara continues.

"If I'm understanding what your asking... the bracelet can be any sort I want, no matter the look it is always the gauntlet." At this she holds hand up, in that moment the bracelet becomes thousand of tiny metal tendrils and forms the gauntlet around her hand and upper arm. "This is the true Witchblade. As for what it can do, that's /way/ more complex. The basics, it makes me stronger, faster, more enduring and agile, even as a bracelet those things remain. I've had it long enough however, that I know the effects of it, and how to not use them. You don't need to worry about being whipped through to bone or anything."

Wade Wilson has posed:
     A dangerous glint enters Wades blue eyes. "What if I wanted you to?" he asks. His smile after tells her that he's joking. Mostly.

    "Alright. Sp no energy blasts or psionic projection then?" he asks. "Spirit sight?" His tone this time spoke of more shop talk and less innuendo. He hadn't made the call to SHIELD about working with them on the official at least as far as Sara knew. But it seemed like he was clearing thinking of them as partners even in fighting the true black hats, on an unofficial capacity. He sips his wine and then decides to hold off from it for water.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara was always willing to discuss powers with another who has them. You never knew when a situation would come up that you'd be working with them, so it made logical sense to learn about what they could do.

"Witchblade and I are still working toward actual power blasts. I know it can do it, I just have not been able to get it to work for me yet," she says before taking a sip of wine. "Spirit sight is a yes, and sometimes so fucking annoying you have no idea. They don't look like spirits, they look like people, so there I am talking to someone, thinking it's all normal and find out no one else can see them. There are a few other powers that I'm still working toward with Witchblade as well, they don't all come at once. I have to be at a certain point, a certain understanding, in a certain amount of need and the powers will come."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade nods. "Interesting. And you don't know when that time will be, it's up to the bracelet?" he asks. "That's... annoying." He makes a face. "No offense. But what's the point of having an OP magic artifact if it decides what you can and cannot do and when?"

    He holds up his hands. "Don't get me wrong, knowing what you know about it already makes you damn near invincible so that's incredible. But what if that's only like 1 percent of it." Another sip of water. "Alright. Your turn. Ask me anything. Open book. As long as I can parse what is me and what isn't Deadpool volume 3." More of the insensible commentary.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Again she laughs, shaking her head. "It's not like that," Sara explains. "Oh and if you want the skin whipped off your body, i can arrange that."

Taking a page from his book, she takes a drink of her water this time. "I know everything that Witchblade can do, not because I've done it, but because I have the memories of all the wielders before me. The artifact has a purpose, to maintain the balance between good and evil, to ensure right over wrong. If I attempt to use it for something other than it's purpose, it will reject my ass faster than a John rejects a $50 dollar blow job from a hooker covered in rashes." Another sip of water.

"Thus far, nothing I have done has required the need for projectiles such as energy blasts, and so it has never happened. Just as I have never needed to heal anyone, so it has never happened. The wings came to me only after I fell off a roof, they just appeared and kept me from falling. So I know if I need it, to blast something from across the room, it will be there for me to do."

"Now," she rubs her hands together eagerly. "I have no idea what to ask you." is said in the exact same, over eager tone. "You said you were special forces, so that explains your training... I think the only real question is, how do you select contracts? What is the criteria for you?"

Wade Wilson has posed:

    "Oh. That's pretty simple. One of two avenues" Wade replies. He holds up a hand. "One" his index finger goes up. "They're part of a trail. These guys all interact with each other, even if they don't know it... and if I can link one to another, and start cutting away eventually I'll be able to kill the weed."

    He pops up his second finger, throwing a peace sign. "Two, if they hurt kids. If kids get hurt... no reason not to end them. Trafficking, kidnapping, rape... any of those are on the list of offenses--conviction or otherwise... they go on the shit list. They go into..." He smiles. "The Dead pool." A pauses and he laughs, sounding pleased. "God I've been wanting to use that one since, forever! Damn. Was it as cool as it sounded? Be honest."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara listens to his criteria with a nod, it made sense really and was a good way to do it.

"That was actually pretty damn cool," she admits with a smile. "Some how I think there's more to it then a dead pool, or that that comes from some where else, but its still cool. Your way of selecting contracts is acceptable to me, especially the second one."

Falling quiet as the food arrives, she gives her plate the once over and responds to the usual, 'Can I get you anything else' with a shake of her head. Once she moves away again Sara says, "Your turn for a question, while I start devouring."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade tears into his steak with the hunger of a starving lion for a moment and then stops. He chews. Swallows and asks, "Worst injury. Both before and after getting Witchblade?" He knows the former is easy, but knowing his partner's pain threshold should she not have the powers of the amulet will let him better protect her in the event that he has two.

    An image, maybe a memory flashes through his mind. A woman with white hair and pale blue skin laying in his arms. Blood pools under her from the myriad of cuts on her body. Pain flutters over his features and he shakes his head to clear the image before refocusing his attention on Sara.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A bite of salmon with the rice, chewed and swallowed before Sara takes a sip of the wine.

"Before? Got shot in the leg in a gang shoot out when I was a beat, recovered rather quickly and was back to work, or rather went back to work the minute I could." She takes another sip of the water. "After Witchblade... I've never been physically hurt, save for minor bruises that get through the armor, but even those heal rapidly. You realize that with Witchblade, it doesn't come off, right? I have to physically, willingly remove it. If you tried to take it off, it won't come off, and it can't just 'fall' off."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "So unless you want it, and frankly why would you," Wade says, "you're invicible. At least... mostly." He pauses and of course his mind wanders. "You know... sex is an violent act. Am I going to be able to..."

    He sets his fork and knife down and makes possibly the most immature symbol for sex he could make with two hands (you know the one: index finger into the hole). "Or am I going to hit a brick wall in there because of the bracelet. I'm just... looking out for the shaft? It'd heal, but... it'd hurt pretty bad to run into your obstruction of justice, if you catch my meaning."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The bite Sara just took almost gets spit out at that as she starts laughing, she manages to keep the food in her mouth and takes a drink of water to make sure she's safe to speak.

"Sex can be a violent act," she says with a chuckle. "That's called rape however... consensual sex is another matter and you won't have any issue with." and she repeats the same immature symbol with her hands. "I really do not want to be the one responsible for breaking your penis, but I assure you, Witchblade doesn't protect me from consensual sex. I feel sorry for any guy who tries to rape me however, for so many reasons, but honestly think of how hysterically funny that would be."

This time she takes a bite to actually chew and enjoy, as opposed to attempting to swallow before spitting it out. Once it's gone, the sip of wine follows to mingle all the flavors. "You talk a big game Mr. Wilson," she finally says, turning a little more toward him on the booth bench. "But for a moment, be serious, if you can," she adds that last part because who knows, it might be something he can't do. "Other than sex, what are you looking for in a relationship?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade takes another bite of the steak, considering his words and letting a wash of memories, false and true flow over him. It was a big question. He sips his wide and then looks as Sara. His expression is quite serious. Moreso that she's likely seen from him.

    "Acceptance. Of me. Of this." He gestures to his face with the knife. "Of everything that may be true or not up here." He taps the butt of the knife against his temple. "Some of it's pretty messed up." He takes another bite. "And for the person who accepts me and all of this to be willing to go through hell and high water with me, because... I have a tendency to go there pretty often. I want... I want an equal. Or maybe even someone better than myself."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
While Wade takes, Sara watches his eyes and face. Too many years as a cop has allowed her to read the tells that people may or may not even know they have when they are speaking, answering questions, or just sitting and listening to someone else. Wade's tells were of a pain somewhere deep inside him, buried so deep he might not even realize it's there, but most likely he does. He spoke the truth, that is what she was looking for and had confirmed.

"First I'll say this," she begins, offering a soft smile. "You already know I accept all this," she gestures to his face with her hand, wouldn't do for her to use a knife for that. "I'm beginning to understand... well, no, that's not the right word. I'm beginning to comprehend the messed up you refer to here," she taps his temple lightly. "I don't think anyone, other than yourself, could understand it, but as I said before, I accept it."

Picking up her wine, she steals a small sip before sitting it back down. "I've not had the best luck with relationships because it wasn't always about being equals, and that's important to me. I don't need the door opened for me, or flowers on Valentines days, those things are all well and good, but they point toward the thinking that I need to be... pampered, and I don't. That's not to say I won't accept those things, as long as they are coming from a place that isn't about /having/ to do it, but instead wanting to."

Another smile plays across her face, "I've been to hell... the real hell, well one level of it really. I've faced off against demons, devils and shades, in an attempt to protect those who went in as well. So the idea of having someone to go through hell and high water with, seems perfectly acceptable, better to go in pairs than to go alone."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade smiles at her. "And that's probably why I..." He clamps his mouth shut and speaks to his audience. Something he hasn't done during the date at all. "Can't say that word. Not on the second date. This isn't some Disney special or even a Fox movie with your name on it. That word has to come much later... doesn't it? I mean, it's huge. But she is everything you've ever asked for that isn't named Vanessa. Or was that her name. Why do I keep thinking Morena." He shakes his head. "Can't think about that. Too confusing. No. But... she is everything you've ever wanted. She likes the face. She accepts the mind. She is willing to walk through the confusion inside and still come together out the other side." He smiles. "And she's so fucking hot."

    His attention turns back to the woman in question and he says, "That's probably why I think this is going to work out well." That *wasn't* what he was going to say. But he doesn't seem to realize that his breaks for internal monologue here are not completely silent to a lot of the others of the world.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara was starting to get used to the randomly spoken out loud inner dialog, but this time she was a little surprised by what was said. She freezes in place just watching him and listening as she let's him get through the dialog of his brain, then pretends that she heard nothing. Normally she was grateful for the insight offered, this time however, her own brain she was already turning circles over what she heard.

"I think you're right," she offers when he speaks to her and not 'them'. "I think think this is going to work out well. I'm sure we'll have our ups and downs, but that's all part of it. At least when it comes to the downs, I'll offer you hand up, one I'm done screaming at you for whatever it was that caused the fight." She grins, taking a sip of her wine, then takes the last bite of her salmon.

The idea, the very thought, that he almost said the L word... was it too soon? In some ways it was, in others if that is what he felt, then that was what he felt. She wasn't quite there, but she was very, very, VERY fond of him and sailing easily toward him never being able to escape.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "As equals" Wade replied with a smile. "Wait... you're assuming that I'm the one that will cause the fight?" he asks, catching on to something she said. "Actually... you know, that's probably a fair statement, to be honest. I am the unpredictable mercenary between us where you are thr NYPD officer slash Shield Agent." He takes another bite of his steak. "So is it my turn now?" he asks once he washes it down with more red wine.

    "Okay" he starts, turning to her more directly. "This is probably going to bring the mood down a bit... but what has the problem been with your other relationships? Why has no one managed to... I mean, you're smart, funny, crazy in a good way, brave and I've gone on at length about your looks so... you just, you seem perfect. I have a hard time finding other guys unable to be over the moon with you."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
There is a slight shake to Sara's head and a soft smile. "No, that's not a mood downer at all," she begins, also turning more on the bench. "The first serious relationship I had, he was killed in the line of duty. The next one was Angelo, which I already explained... it fizzled out because I forgot we were even in a relationship. That'll kill any relationship, fast."

Looking toward the plate, she moves a bit of rice around. "I always put work first, so sure there's been dates that never went anywhere because work comes first." She looks back over at him. "The one that I thought I might hit it off with was Dick Grayson, and we did hit it off... until I noticed just how much he was into Stephanie and that Stephanie was so madly in love with him it wasn't even remotely something she could hide. So, I did the right thing. I smacked him upside the head and made him see her as a woman, not just the kid he remembered then shoved him toward her."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "You mean I'm following fucking Nightwing as an act" Wade says with wide eyes. "Holy shit. No pressure. Just DCs golden boy who's bagged everyone from Poison Ivy to Harley Quinn to Barbra Gordon to..." he pauses, "well, I suppose sleeping with Bruce Wayne isn't really that big a deal, even if they don't talk about it."

    He smiles and sips some more of his wine. "Wait... you knew that he was Nightwing, right? I didn't just let a leapord out of a paper sack did I?" he asks, in a rare moment of self-realization.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara blinks once, then immediately starts looking around to make sure no one else had arrived to hear any of that. When she's certain there is still no one else there, and no one listening and there better not be any cameras or mics, she finally says. "Yes I knew... now I want to know how /you/ knew. More of the 'cosmic radiation' because that is some serious, serious secret that you just threw out there..." she pauses, still not sure there is someone listening. "... and yes, you're following up Dick Grayson, but that was sort of in the middle of still with Angelo, major long story there."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "It's..." Wade gestures to his head. "It's all in here. I mean, I could give you the long answer but you likely wouldn't believe me. Most people don't. Because, even for me, it's crazy."

    "But I know you're Witchblade. I know he's Nightwing. I know a lot of what people call secret identities. Bruce. Peter. Logan. Though... mutants aren't too secretive, especially the *X-Men.*" There is clear derision in the name. It's hard to tell if the derision is for the name or the people in it.

    "I mean... but the answer is... complicated and touches on a lot of things people don't like hearing." He pauses and nods. "But, if you really want to know..." he says, giving her an almost nervous glance, "I can tell you. I trust and respect you enough to do that."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara reaches over and takes his hand, offering a smile as she does.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to Wade," she says first, leaning over then to place a soft kiss on his cheek, then another soft one on his lips. "That said, you should also know that I am always willing to listen. My belief or disbelief of anything you say, shouldn't effect you. Just because I may not believe you, doesn't mean I respect or care you any less then I do right now. That's on me, not you."

"I mean look at it this way, you were right about me, you're right about Dick," her smile broadens. "So clearly whatever it is you have going on, there is truth so, if you want to tell me, I promise not to freak out and walk out on you for it."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade has a shiver run through him at the kiss on the lips, it was like electricity every time. "I..." he takes a long breath and sets the wine down to take a sip of water. "Okay. How crazy would it be to think that in some other world out there... there is a comic book series about people. That in one world with the X-Men, and mutants and Spider-Man--who, let's be clear *is* a mutant, as much as I--that people like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and their allies including Robin and Nightwing and others are all writen about in comic books. That the lines of stories are written, reset, rewritten, reset again and over and over retold with varying degress of consistency."

    "And that the information from that world... is poured down, unfiltered, unchanged, uneditted into my head." He adds. "That in that world, your entire story is told through a comic series or at least a verison of your story, and I'll be honest, it get's pretty dark." He shrugs and shakes his head. "I guess that's to be expected from Image comics, they always tried to go 'edgy,' even though Dark Horse was doing it first." He takes a deep breath and then looks at Sara, waiting for her to laugh at his insanity or to walk out, despite her previous statement. It *was* absolutely bonkers, after all.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The world was filled with some pretty amazing, fantastic, crazy and wonderful. She's been to Hell, seen devils and demons, she knows that Angels exist, and all around there is magic in so many forms that they can't all be labelled. All of this ran through her head as she listened to him. If there were other dimensions, and yes there are, then why now a reality that everything was already written, re-written, stories told and re-told?

Crossing her right leg over the left in that picture perfect pose, she keeps a hold of his hand, looks right into his eyes and says with all seriousness, "And?"

"That explains how you know what you know, and yet it doesn't always match up," she then adds with a smile, not at all shaken by the reality that she's part of a comic book in some reality that is downloaded into his head. "Do I at least get to win?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    "More or less, yeah" Wade replies, surprised by the question. "I mean, most of the plot points get wrapped up. Your enemies are defeated and then you give up the guantlet. You retire as the bearer. I mean, it's implied that another picks it up in the future, but your story with it was told. Took twenty years to tell the story, but it was good run." He shrugs.

     "I'm not saying the comics are quick in telling their tales." He laughs. "I've been putting around in one iteration or another since the mid-80s. Which... incidentally, or maybe not, is around the time I was born. That's the other part of it. This place..." he says gesturing around, seeming to encompass the wider world more than just the club. "This place combines all those disparate lines. DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, even Original characters walk the streets here. Telling their stories and tales. But in another world out there, I'm a comic book character with my own tales and stories and they are just as batshit as I am. So that's fun..." His tone sounds more irritated than his smile would indicate but he stops with the water and picks back up his wine.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara holds up a hand, still smiling as she chuckles a little. "Okay, okay, back up a little. What is DC, Marvel, Image... what are those things? The types of comic books? If I'm going to join you in your insanity, there are a few little things that will help me understand."

A part of her brain takes this all as alternate realities, as that possibility has already been proven a few times, and in thinking that, it allows her to see all the possible angles of Sara Pezzini that Wade might have 'learned' and be talking about. He might see them as comic books from another reality, hell they might be, but all of it still made sense in her own head, which should be scary.

"So if you're also in these books, and know those stories... does any of it actually happen like the stories, like... seeing the future?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade raises his free hand and shakes it in a 'so-so' gesture. "Not really. Image, DC, Marvel they are publishing companies who make the books, yeah. DC and Marvel are the powerhouses, Image, Dark Horse, and a smattering of others are more independent or well, smaller." He frowns a bit. Looking for the best way to say it.

    "Things here don't work in the same way. I think combining all the different worlds into one might've broken the continuity of it all. Like... powers are, for the most part, the same but the stories being told here..." Did he think this was just another written world?

    "They're fluid and changing. Like... Deadpool and Witchblade never meet each other in any of the other worlds. Same with Witchblade and Nightwing. They're different universes entirely. Except here, they're not. Like in one of the strongest worlds in my head, Nightwing and Batgirl--the Barbara Gordon one, I guess she's in her Oracle guise here--are a huge thing."

    He shrugs. "Here it's the same, but not. Because Barbara Gordon is Oracle here and Stephanie Brown is Batgirl so yeah, Nightwing and Batgirl... but not the same one. Am I making sense?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
What would likely scare anyone who was listening is that yes, it made sense to her. It was a little scary to Sara's thinking, but it made perfect sense.

"Ready for this? Yeah, it makes sense," she replies with a nod, pretending hard core that she did not just learn who Oracle and Batgirl were. She hadn't known that, but she's not going to mention that right now.

"I can see how that would really fuck up how it works in your head then," she then says, taking another sip of her wine. "Thank you for sharing that with me Wade. I get why'd you'd be scared to, and why other's might freak out hearing it, but I can logic it thanks to having seen so many strange things."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade looks relieved more than anything that Sara is still in the same room as he is. "You... you have no idea how much it means that you're still here and that you understand." He sighs. "God I thought just mentioning that would have you laughing out of here thining you dodged a bullet early stepping out from that psycho, Deadpool."

    He relaxes in his seat. Apparently, he had been clenching a number of his muscles in anticipation for her departure. "Who's turn are we on? I sort of lost track of the order when I told you... well, not everything. It would take too long to get into *everything.* But... we talked theory at the very least."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara scoots herself over so she can slip her arm around his shoulders now, instead of holding his hand.

"First, when it's just you and I, no more psycho talk, agreed?" she says seriously. "I know that's what you hear and how you're written, but when it's just you and I, you're Wade Wilson, my boyfriend."

Collecting her wine glass off the table, she takes a small sip before adding, "It was back to your turn. My last question was asking how it all worked, and thank you again for telling me."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade nods to her instuctions. "Got it. Just Wade. Just your boyfriend." He then thinks on his question to her. "Geez... what pops into my head after all that weight is pretty shallow, but I'm going to shoot for it. Favorite sexual position?" he asks with a wave of his hand.

    "I mean, it's a valid question. I want to know what you like so I can properly please you when it gets to that." He seemed to think it would get to that for them regardless of whether it was sooner or later.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara laughs, leaning in against him now.

"You're right, been serious up to now. Time for something completely different," she replies first. "The Larch." As she says this, she is watching his face to see if he gets it, but also heads right into the answers to his question.

"Oooh, just one? Okay... I'd have to say cowboy, if I get only one favorite."

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Oh a classic, Flying Circus" Wade replies with a smile and a nod looking down at her.

    At her answer he smiles even wider. "Oh... nice one. Good leverage too, if the under has a strong core." He tapped at his abdomen, there was a thudding sound. It was clear *he* at least had a strong core if that was any indication. "On you... also, you want to get desert and some more wine?" he asks, nodding to the electronic menu resting to one side.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For a moment Sara glances to the menu, debating if she wants anything more. She still had wine, not a whole lot, but more than enough, and the dinner had been large enough, so nothing sweet.

It was also at that moment that a devilish grin played across her face, which he misses as she is looking away. The movement from there is fluid but not rushed, plenty of time for him to act, react or stop her. She goes from sitting beside him to straddling his lap, just like they discussed when they first arrived, with one hand on his shoulder, the other still holding the wine glass over his shoulder, so she can't spill it on him.

If she achieves the full move, face to face with him, grin on her face she wiggles her brows and says, "I think it's hug time, what do you think?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade's eyes widen as she fluidly moves around him and onto him. The little slip of a skirt slides up her thighs, affording a great deal more thigh than before. Wade's hand immediately moves to help stabilize her, incidentally resting on one of those bared thighs. "Hug time?" he asks. "Like this?" he says. "You know taking away, at most three levels of clothing puts this into your favorite positon, territory."

    He looks down, affording him a rather spectacular view of her figure and musculature. "I mean, I like hugs. Hugs are good. Great even" he smiles. "I'm not opposed to the idea of it being hug time; I'm just wondering if you're aware of just how close to home plate this is."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Leaning back a moment to set the wine glass on the table, Sara turns back and lays against him as she wraps arms around him for that 'hug'. "Oh I know how close this is to a home run," she whispers in his ear while hugging then leans back just enough to look at his face. "The clothing is called the protective layer, cause there's still no way in hell I'm breaking the law, no matter how comfortable your lap is or how close to my favorite position this is. By the way, if we were naked, and I did this," she wraps her legs around behind him, as must as she can on the bench really, "it's called The Om."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade smiles again, shifting underneath her weight. "The Om, you moonlight as a tantric instructor?" he asks as he wraps his own arms around her (reluctantly givng up his tactile exploration of her thigh.) There is the slightest lilt of sarcasm in his question.

    With the shift comes a noticable pressure underneath her. He's not setting up a tent in his pants, but there is definitely the stirings of activity. "So... this, Om, what is it? Hindu, right?" he asks, trying (and failing) to not notice just how good she feels atop him and how much she love to breathe on his ear when they're close.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Whether or not this was some sort of test or just Sara being Sara was hard to tell, perhaps it was D) all of the above. With her arms still wrapped about him she wasn't oblivious to the attention, or rather parts at attention, which wasn't entirely her goal but a pleasant reminder that she was desirable (not that he hadn't reminded her of this every chance he could).

"Not at all," she replies with a smile. "Just know a few position's names so I can repeat them, a lot, not that I get to do that all that often." She shifts herself just slightly to remove some of the pressure in places that it isn't needed at this moment.

"You never told me your favorite position," she then says. "I think I should know, don't you?"

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade nods almost seeming disappointed at the relaxed pressure from her weight. "It's only fair, right?" he says and thinks for a moment.

     He takes a sip of his wine, (he still has his in hand), and says, "If we're talking penatrative, I think it's called G-Whiz. Where one partner lies on their back" he gestures to Sara, "and rests a leg over the shoulder of the other partner" he gestures to himself. "The legs being raised like that narrows the vagina and allows exceptional access to the most errogenous zones of the female body named after the creator of the IUD."

    He adds, "But for sheer intimacy, I'd have you sit on my face... anytime." As if to add to his meaning, he licks his lips slowly and suggestively.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara does her best to pretend that she has no idea what the G-Whiz position is, and listens while nodding to his explanation of it while still trying to look like she doesn't know... she knows, he can tell she knows, but she almost got away with pretending not to know.

"Interesting choice," she voices with one brow raised. "Most defiantly not the usual favorite choice for a male, do I gotta ask why it's your favorite, and then..." she leans in an kisses him, since he was licking his lips, might as well make it worth his time.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There's a limit to just how much a guy can take from an attractive partner who is teasing him. Wade was at his limit. This kiss isn't chaste or flirtatious. It's deep. Passionate and heated. Wade's a good kisser and this shows off the goods really well. He draws her against him, his mouth molding to hers as he explores the inside of it, tangling and tasting every aspect of her.

    It's hard to tell how long they were sharing breath when he pulls away. His own rapid breathing may indicate it's been a while, or maybe that's just his own exertion getting the best of him. "I'm competitive. It's in my nature. If I can get my partner to scream louder than myself--because you can bet I'll be screaming--then I win" he shifts underneath her again, yeah it's pretty noticable now. "And hitting that spot... it often gets a very audible response. SO it's a combination praise for a job well done and a point in my favor."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The eagerness and passion of the kiss is returned without hesitation or pause, Sara's arms tighten around him as he pulls her in, allowing her to melt her body against his as the kiss deepens. Unexpected but welcomed the passion and heat rise in her and are returned, letting him decide the depth and length of the kiss, she flows with the ride until he pulls away. Reluctantly she loosens her arms, letting him lean back to breath while she also takes a breath.

"Competitive sex," she breaths with a soft chuckle, then fans herself. "Christ can you kiss, I almost forgot what I asked you."