8483/8482=Gotham is Not a Nice Place.

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8482=Gotham is Not a Nice Place.
Date of Scene: 30 October 2021
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Huntress meets a fiery celebrity. (Or, Johnny Storm meets a Gotham vigilante.)
Cast of Characters: Helena Wayne, Johnny Storm

Helena Wayne has posed:
The Narrows isn't the worst part of Gotham, but it's easily in the top five worst locations. Even the police prefer to leave things here to the local cape-and-cowl set. So naturally, it's a perfect place for The Huntress to have on her nightly rounds.

She started in the Amusement Mile, but after befriending Helena Bertinelli (who calls her 'sister'), the younger Huntress is branching out.

Younger Huntress. Yeah, Bertinelli hates that. But she keeps Helena Wayne stocked with good wine, so she's not all bad.

Tonight, there's a group of Gotham's many gangs wandering the Narrows. Huntress has been following them for some time, keeping mostly to the rooftops. Watching. Waiting.

Johnny Storm has posed:
As a part of the reserves of the Justice League, Johnny occasionally gets asked to offer a helping hand here and there, tonight is one of those nights, a quick patrol through the Narrows for starters.

A bit earlier in the night, someone might have noticed a man-shaped fireball flying through the sky towards one of the high points in the neighborhood, that fireball being Johnny.

Now though, as the night drags on, Johnny finds himself sitting up on that perch, looking over at the gotham neighborhood below as he rests his elbows on his knees, clad in his Fantastic-Four uniform.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Huntress watches, focused on the group below. That group is meeting with another group. Interesting. And both groups are wearing different gang colors. Curiouser and curiouser. Definitely worth more of a conversation.

Any one of the group down below has a rap sheet as long as her arm. She's not trying to justify anything to herself, of course, just keep things in perspective.

A small package is passed from one group to the other. At least it's started to be passed.


The package never makes the transfer, and while everyone is staring at where it's stuck to the wall a dark, caped figure descends on them like some huge noctournal predator.

Johnny Storm has posed:
The situation with The Huntress is in a perfect spot for Johnny to catch sight of it, and he leans forward a little to peer down, bringing up a pair of Fantastoculars (Or whatever reed called them) to his eyes to peer down at the group that has drawn the attention of a caped vigilante.

Helena Wayne has posed:
The dark, caped figure descends and before anyone realizes, two gangers have broken her fall. They... won't be getting up for a little while. She uses her momentum to roll, rising smoothly to take out another with an uppercut. The black-and-purple clad vigilante uses the advantage of surprise with brutal efficiency, whirling unpredictably to cut through the collective group.

Ideally it would be good to interrogate someone, but she's facing 10 to 1 odds. Or at least that's how it started out. Probably down by half by the time the remaining gangers realize what's happening. Knives are drawn, along with a couple of pipes. And a gun.

Johnny Storm has posed:
It's about this time that Johnny moves into action, as he sees the large number of gangers start to pull weapons on the Huntress as she launches into her attack.

"Flame On!"

Johnny exclaims as he falls, wreathing his body in flames and adopting a flight posture as he propels himself down towards the street, and the fight that Huntress has found herself in the middle of.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Wait, what? Where'd this guy come from with the flaming suit? Okay, so even though this is Gotham, technically speaking Huntress started this. Which, even as far as the GCPD are concerned, is still assault.

While she's distracted the gun goes off <POP!><POP!>

Cape folding around her, the woman sinks discreetly into a crouch. Bodyarmor absorbed the worst of it, but she'll have bruises in the morning. And 'sister' Bertinelli will give her crap about it later.

Right now? The Human Torch is providing a distraction for the others, who act like Huntress is down for the count.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Not fair bringing a gun to a fist fight, is it??" Johnny calls out as he comes to halt his fiery descent and comes into a hover just above the street.

"Why don't we even the odds a little, guys!" He calls, blasting out a stream of fire towards the gun, and some of the knives, heating them incredibly rapidly in the grips of the thugs holding them.

Helena Wayne has posed:
The Human Torch has their full, undivided attention by now. Especially as red-hot weapons clatter to the pavement. The curses are predictable and unimaginative.

Huntress catches her breath and sucker-punches two before the others know what happened. The third gets a kick deep to the stomach, doubling him over, and then the odds are even. Huntress hooks an arm around his throat, pulling him up and back and -almost- off of his feet while she talks.

"Okay, gentlemen, I have a couple questions for you. Whoever answers doesn't get hurt. Where did that package come from? I know what's in it, but I want to know who it belongs to. Who's gonna go first?"

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny comes to land on the ground once Huntress has taken control of the scene after his rather limited intervention and he offers a slight bob of his head as the flames fade away from his body, leaving him clad in just costume now.

"You have everything in hand, ah, I don't know that I've caught your name." He looks over to the fellow who's getting interrogated, "I'd talk i I were you, she looks like she means business."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Of the three, the one she's holding is still struggling to breathe. He manages a vulgar reference to Huntress' parentage, and earns a kidney punch for his trouble. Releasing him, she lets him sink to the asphalt before stepping towards the others.

She draws the crossbow and very deliberately loads it.

"I'm the Huntress. Local girl. And I think they're too stupid to talk." she declares, aiming it at one of the two, then switching to the other. "You. You're the one who shot me, right? Fair is fair..."

He sinks to his knees and starts pleading, offering to tell her everything. At least until his last cohort kicks him in the face.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Johnny Storm."

Johny introduces himself as if he needs no real introduction beyond that, and he inclines his head towards her, "Well... it looks like you maybe didn't need my help there, but if you need anything I'll be about for the rest of the night, Huntress."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne pauses to shoot the last guy in the foot, nailing him to the pavement. He responds with a string of curses that starts working their way back into the woman's ancestry before she cold-cocks him. "Told you." she replies to Johnny, gesturing towards the last of the unconscious gangers.

"And I know who you are; you occupy a significant amount of bandwidth on Instagram." The woman flashes a wide smile at that.

Stepping over to the package that's nailed to the wall, she carefully retrives it and gives an assessing heft. "Not sure what the street value of this stuff is lately, but there's enough here to add to even YOUR sports car Wink.

"Thanks for stopping by all the same. I need to drop this by a local precinct, otherwise I'd offer to buy you a cup of coffee."

Johnny Storm has posed:
A smile is flashed back towards Helena at that and he tips his head, "Well, glad you know me! And that is quite impressive. I'll let you get on with your night of crime fighting!" He laughs, "And if you want that coffee, well, slide on into my DM's sometime and maybe we'll make some time!"