8811/Cable Table

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Cable Table
Date of Scene: 24 November 2021
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: Future Soldier meets Reformed Eco-terrorist. They share opinions on the Brotherhood. Agree to save the planet later.
Cast of Characters: Cable, Pamela Isley

Cable has posed:
At a table the farthest from the bar proper sits a man who is best described as 'grizzled'. There's some indication his natural hair color is snow white and its less a product of age, but Nathan Summers has definitely led a hard life that's worn on him. Scars and cybernetics, particularly one occasionally glowing eye, sets his apart from some of the others that call the station home.

So does the B.F.G. that lays on the table in front of him. While it certainly looks like a firearm, it has a few qualities that made it uncanny. Somewhere between rifle and cannon, there are elements that are decidedly futuristic. Cable occupies himself cleaning and maintaining the weapon, occasionally looking toward the bar, exchanging glares with Sascha. He reaches over and sips from a glass of whiskey made neat, then hums some unrecognizable song.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela Isley, ecoterrorist (reformed), surly misanthrope (jury's still out), and newly budding home decorator (as evidenced by the smudge of paint on her forehead from a habitual brush of hair out of her face earlier), is apparently taking a break from that painting, not quite shuffling her way into the bar, it's more of a lazy lope.

Rather than an outfit of vines and leaves, or even a stylish choice of daily attire, she's wearing a faded t-shirt in a soft pastel green that's a few shades lighter than her current skin-tone, and a pair of fraying jeans that are nearer to white from fading than their original blue, just contrasting white runners she's got on.

She offers Sascha a wave as she perks up a little, calling out, "Hey, can I get... something fizzy? Not too sweet. Surprise me!"

Nathan earns a slight lift of aneyebrow, or maybe it's the weapon that earns that. It's definitely more... gizmo and doodad than a tommy gun or the other midcentury weapons Gotham's mafiosos can't seem to bring themselves to abandon. She musters up a grin, even perked eyebrows and calls out, "Hey, does that thing boil eggs too?"

Cable has posed:
Cable glances up from his weapon and assesses Pamela. The cybernetic eye glows brightly, casting white light over his table and weapon. He considers the question, his lips curling into a grin that tugs lightly at the soldier's scars.

"Eggs, Mouthy Mercenaries, but especially Mutant haters sponsored by the government. Boils them -really- good." He reaches forward and pats the rifle's stock with his metallic hand.

Giving Pamela a once over, his brow knits for a moment. "Alright, I don't have a record on you, and that's strange. I'm Nate... Callsign Cable. You are?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela snorts softly and rolls her eyes, "Well, people probably get a lot more touchy about the non-egg boiling, right?" Eyebrows perk up and she hums softly, teeth worrying her lower lip thoughtfully as Sascha returns with some sort of fruity, fizzy concoction that apparently passes the first sip test.

Slim shoulders rise and fall as she sighs out, "Oh! Pamela Isley. Also known as Poison Ivy. Reformed eco-terrorist... or uhhh... newly less violent ecoterrorist? The sales pitch on joining up here was a little... flexible on exactly what level of violence was permissive for issues not involving those mutant haters."

Another helpless little shrug as she sighs out, "Although I'm starting to feel like I've been shirking my duties, I mean, I haven't gone out and had any giant plants eat _anybody_, or like, even just toss them around a little. I fought some ninjas a few weeks ago, but they didn't seem to have any specific viewpoint on mutants."

Cable has posed:
Nate continues to grin, "Nice to meet you, Pamela. The world needs more eco-terrorists, even reformed ones. I think I was talking to... Ah, right. Lorna."

He looks back down at his weapon and continues the maintenance, adjusting a dial here, removing a component and blowing on it. "On our current path, the oceans go acidic, and the wars between humans and mutants scorch the whole damn ball of life we call home."

Pausing, he elaborates, "I'm from the future." Of course, he is. "I've seen first hand what mishandling on the planet does to us. I've had to live with the consequences. If you ever want a partner in a bit of constructive eco-terrorism, let's talk. It's only second to removing those waging war on mutant-kind."

A deep grunt and Nate slides the component bag into the weapon, it hums as energy charges some kind of doodad. "Ninjas... kinda like fleas."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam nods and grins widely, "Well, count me in if you ever need someone to help teach some of those government sponsored jerks a lesson too. I mean, it's not like they can declare me any _more_ of a criminal." She shrugs and hums out, "And in the meantime I can get around to helping with the garden up here a little more. Oh! And I totally meant to go down and check out Genosha, speaking of Lorna... offer some help getting the city's greenspaces in order."

Eyebrows perk and she sighs out, "So I'm _not_ legendary in the future? Well, that's a little... disappointing." She frowns thoughtfully and hums, "Of course, I suppose maybe I will be now because you've changed it by coming back?" She spins a chair around to drop herself into it with a heavy sigh, "So! ...Well, okay, I guess it makes sense you'd come back from a bad future. People from good futures probably just like... stay there."

Cable has posed:
Cable looks a little stunned about the remark concerning good and bad future. He cracks a laugh. "I guess you've got a point there. Never thought about it that way."

Shaking his head, Nate explains further, "Not that you aren't legendary. I'm pretty far down the line, and there's quite a few individuals in this timeline I have no record of. No explanation as to why. Only that time travel is... fickle."

"So I take it you've got plant-based powers then? And some serious ones. Could have used you in the future. I'm learning to appreciate fresh vegetables and other products." He raises the whiskey glass and takes another sip.

"As for Genosha, that seems on a more positive trajectory then my records would indicate. Another divergence. Good thing. The future needs mutants. Its our ingenuity and unique capabilities that can undo all the damage we've already done." Cable mentions almost in admiration. "Still figuring out the best way to contribute myself. My skills aren't as useful outside the theatre of war. I'm jealous."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela snorts softly and shakes her head, "Well, I've hung around enough... unique thinkers... that I guess they're rubbing off on me." She sips her drink and leans back in her seat with a little laugh.

"And hey, that's not so bad... I mean, time travel being fickle. I think if everything was perfectly consistent and laid out it'd be a little... terrifying?" Her shoulders rise and fall again, "And this whole... growing things that are beneficial to people thing's a little new. I used to focus on toxins and the like, but yeah, I can... talk to plants, convince them to do things for me. Grow, turn into giant vine monsters, whatever you need."

She snorts and rolls her eyes, giving a little wink, "Hey! Hey, that's not so bad. I mean, skill in the theatre of war is like, the industry that keeps on rolling. It's like plumbers. You're never really at a loss of possible employment and all. ...Also, you know, the jobs are messy and probably leave you wishing you could forget most of your work. Just like plumbing."

Cable has posed:
"Plumbing is a good metaphor, because this job is shit most of the time." Cable laughs, a sound that rumbles deeply in his chest.

"I've got an adopted daughter, Hope. I'd really like for her to see peace in her lifetime, so she can stop putting all those skills I taught her to use. Let them atrophy and collect dust. She deserves peace. Lot of kids do. So... I really hope I'm out of business before I'm buried." The soldier muses.

"Maybe security. Just sit behind a desk. Drink beer, monitor an area. Scold people for petty crimes. Leave the guns in the rack. Sounds like bliss." He leans back in his chair and takes up his whiskey glass again, sipping slowly.

"So, how did you end up here? Fateful run in with Mystique?" He tilts his head to punctuate the question.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela snickers softly, "Rocking chair, nice yard to tell kids to get off of? Yeah, I guess I can see the appeal." She heaves out a low sigh and shrugs her shoulders, "And... something like that? I mean, you melt enough CEOs down, or feed them to giant plants, and eventually you realize they just pick some other sleazeball in a suit to replace them, usually give him a raise because the last guy got melted or eaten by a giant plant."

She steeples her fingers and frowns thoughtfully, eyebrows lifting, "I mean, 'fateful run in' sounds so dramatic, honestly I can't remember how she wound up getting my name, but yeah, we met up in a bar, had a drink, she gave me the sales pitch about at least keeping in touch and being a friend to the brotherhood." She rolls her eyes, "Then she pulled her little teleporter doodad out of her boot and gave me the tour of this place. Hit me with the garden, you know, just to really pluck on the heart strings?"

She nods in mock solemnity, "And that pretty much sealed it. I mean, that and she totally agreed to use her own special talents to mess around with some chemical company CEOs in a less... eaten by giant plants way."

Cable has posed:
"Learned that lesson myself. Corrupt organizations are like hydras. So much one named themselves after the mythic beast. Cut off one head, another grows back. Sometimes you've got to just rip something out by the root." Cable clinches his cybernetic hand for emphasis.

"Mystique is proving to be a real mover and shaker, isn't she? Building one alliance after another. Blink is effective at it too. The Brotherhood in this timeline is... very different then what I expected. In a good way." He nods then gestures toward the bar.

"The bar, armory, and the fact its in orbit won me over. I needed a place to hang my hat. This asteroid checks a lot boxes for my ideal base of operations. Deployment via teleportation being high on my list." He adds further.

"No special offers for using her powers to further my agenda, but I just want a safe world for Hope, and she already seems well on that path by dealing with China and other major threats to our kind." He looks back down toward his weapon. "Hope that sorts out soon."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela laughs softly and nods her head, "She really is. I can't say I've met Blink, I've been... keeping a low profile, reflex, you know? Not used to powered individuals who aren't trying to toss me back into Arkham or something."

She sighs and shrugs her shoulders helplessly, "And, hey, maybe we'll make progress, maybe people will realize what's important and change their ways. Ran into an optimist recently who seemed pretty sure of it."

She snorts softly and grins brightly, "And hey, I was sold when I saw this place gets reasonable sunlight and isn't full of mobsters. I swear, Gotham is... I mean, I'm not saying Gotham's a hole, I'm just saying... it has a lot of hole-like qualities."

She gestures vaguely to the weapon and hums out, "And hey, maybe you'll get to beat your swords into plowshares, or guns into... I dunno? A vaguely threatening hat rack? That's on you, I'm not sure what you can turn that thing into. Alarm clock? Universal TV remote?"

Cable has posed:
"I haven't been to Gotham, but I'll take your word for it. I've been watching the news to catch up on present day, and it seems like 'Gotham Man' is always doing something violent or unpleasant." Cable comments on Pamela's apathy toward Gotham city.

"Optimists can be worse then ninjas. I prefer people who are pessimists but are too stubborn to lay over and just let the world burn." He offers another grin and then tops off his glass from a bottle on the same table.

"Clearly the answer is: Egg Boiler. I'll make some amazing deviled eggs for all the bridge parties I attend as an old man." Nate chuckles gruffly. "Or maybe I can use it as a mobile swimming pool heater. Wouldn't mind reclining to some clean water for hours on end and absorb a sun that's properly managed by the atmosphere."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela nods her head with a little murmur, "Well, it's probably not as bad as I imply, but everyone always thinks where they live is the worst, it's confirmation bias really." She shakes her head and grins wider, "And hey, I'm a well known pessimist, this whole 'getting along with people' and 'being constructive' thing is uncharted territory. But Mystique _did_ make a helluva sales pitch, so I'm going to give it a go."

She snaps and points and grins wider, "And see? Look at that! already a plan for the future. High tech egg boiler, learning to play bridge, the world is your oyster! ...You know, this place _has_ to have a heated swimming pool. I mean, it's an asteroid base, we deserve the best of the best!"

She nods solemnly and finishes off her drink, "But seriously. I think we might actually be onto something with this whole Brotherhood thing. Just don't tell anyone I'm being optimistic. Don't want to ruin my reputation."

Cable has posed:
"As someone else with a carefully curated reputation as a grouch. It'll be our secret." Nate winks with his good eye, raising his glass once more to his lips to down a mouthful of whiskey.

He sets the glass down and then slings the weapon over his shoulder. "I haven't walked the whole asteroid yet, maybe one is hiding somewhere. Hmm.. maybe a hot tub too. Now that's the perfect setup, a six-pack and a giant vat of hot water."

"As for the Brotherhood, there's a lot of potential. Good or bad. We are one big pack of killers, and I'm a little hopeful if we are pointed the right direction, something significant might happen. We are definitely a crew that's not reluctant to excise the bad parts of humanity from the planet." He aims the large weapon at nothing in particular to emphasize the point.

"Nice meeting you, Pamela. Hope to see you around. I'm heading back to my bunk." He offers a wave and begins heading toward the living quarters, combat boots thudding to mark his progression.