8798/But Neither Of Us Need A Plane To Fly

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But Neither Of Us Need A Plane To Fly
Date of Scene: 23 November 2021
Location: Roof: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Wonder Woman probably gets that a lot.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Aldrif Odinsdottir

Diana Prince has posed:
The sailors had been rescued and dropped off with the US Military naval vessel. The Invisible Jet had swooped in to retrieve Diana, and Angela had been invited aboard. Now the Jet cruises at a leisurely pace back toward the east coast of the US.

Diana steps in to the interior of the jet, her hair still damp from the ocean water and events there-in. The interior of the Jet is spacious and has a number of places to sit, the entire decor of the Jet is in varying shades of cloud-hues with the walls of the interior being partially translucent to show the horizon outside in all directions.

As the Jet flies across the ocean, Diana reaches to set down her harness of weapons, her shield and pick up her blue and gold robe that she starts to place around her shoulders as she looks to Angela.

"Your assistance out there was appreciated. But, needless to say I'm curious to learn more about you..." The Princess says in her accented English.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela does not disarm. Xiphos remains secure in its sheath in the small of her back, blade horizontal. She remains standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands at her sides as if ready to be attacked at any moment. Her odd pink and orange ribbons are lifting and fluffing her hair, helping it dry from the oceanic adventure, though soap and running water will be required to get the salt out. She nods at Wonder Woman's opening gambit, and agrees, "That is an acceptable trade. You may ask me whatever questions you wish, though I do not promise to answer all of them."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana settles her robe around her shoulders and then pulls her hair forward to drape it down the front left side of her shoulders. She listens to the response from Angela and a soft smile appears on her lips. "I am not wishing to give you any sense of threat. Please..." Diana motions to one of the cloud-hued seats. "Lets sit and talk a bit?" She offers as she steps around one of the sofa-like chairs and sits down upon it. Should Angela sit too she'd find out just how soft and perfect the furniture feels.

"You seem to be very capable. But you're... not from this world?" The Princess then asks. "You are looking for passage to other worlds, or other dimensions?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela does some near-instantaneous calculations. Whether Diana intends to present a threat is irrelevant to Angela's constant sense of needing to be ready for battle, but there is little predictable threat from a chair, so she runs her fingers over her butt to test how damp her loincloth is from the seaspray. She determines it's acceptably dry and nods her assent to Wonder Woman. "Very well," she agrees, and takes a seat, legs crossing at the knee in what might be too subtle to notice as a gesture of goodwill. Xiphos's sheath points toward the ceiling as it brushes against the arm of the chair.
    "I am not from this realm. I am an angel, from Heven. I am interested in passage to Hell, of which I understand Tartarus to be linked. I am exploring many options to achieve this goal, so it is no disappointment if you are unable to help me achieve it."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's royal blue cloak fans out around her sides as she sits with her legs together, her armored boots resting toes by toes, and her leather wrapped hands resting atop her thighs, her posture straight and perfect on the edge of that cloud chair across from Angela. She keeps her eyes upon the woman with her slim pointed chin just gently lowered a bit.

"My people guard access to that place." She says quietly in response. "What purpose would you ever wish to serve going there, even as an 'Angel' of Heaven?" Diana then asks back.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela doesn't lower her chin. Don't take it personally; if your tiara had giant golden wings sticking straight up from it, you'd be very self-conscious about the angle of your head too. She keeps her unblinking gaze focused on Diana as she explains, "There is a demon who seeks to elude a debt owed to me by hiding in Hell. A condition of some of the information I need to hunt him down was to deliver the informant's vengeance as well as my own, so I am doubly bound to the path. Direct access to Hell is as yet unknown to me, so I am exploring more roundabout routes. Rest assured that I will return the full value of any assistance offered," Angela says, her flat tone there at the end picking up an almost human expression of earnestness; she leans forward a little bit in her seat as if to bridge the gap between herself and Diana.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's chin comes back up again and she once more gives the woman a soft and small smile. "I understand." She says quietly before taking a second to consider it all.

The jet passes through a low hanging cloud outside and it is partially visible as the sides of the vehicle give that amazing view in all directions.

"Such a decision is not solely up to me to give you passage through the gateway that my people guard. I would have to bring it up with our Queen, and her council. She would judge ultimately whether you are permitted to utilize the passage.." Diana says then. "I could speak to her on your behalf, or seek a council to be granted to you to speak to her yourself...."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "Though I trust your diplomatic skills, I prefer to speak my words with my voice," Angela says. Then, after a pause almost long enough to become awkward, she remembers her manners: "I thank you for the offer, Wonder Woman. In what way may I repay the debt I would incur?"

Diana Prince has posed:
This question gets a light shake of her headas Diana dismisses the notion of repayment. "I would not need anything. You have a mission, a quest, you might say. It is one that seems like something I, myself, would be quite invested in. Accomplishing that mission is clearly important, so helping you do that would be payment enough." She states in a calm tone before showing another quick and soft smile.

"But. I will need a bit of time to contact my people, to arrange such a meeting. I will thusly need a way to contact you back to relay how we could progress there-after..."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela's winestain lips purse as if to offer a kiss or, more likely, a stern refusal. "I comprehend that it is your way to give something for nothing, but it is not my way to accept it. If I cannot offer you a service of equal value, then I cannot accept your offer despite its kindness, Wonder Woman. Name the task I may complete that will repay your generosity."

Diana Prince has posed:
This response has the Princess shifting forward and back a bit on the edge of the chair as she once more smiles at the notion of this situation. "I see." She says then as she releases a light exhale and shakes her head. "Nothing pending is needed, however. But... How would you feel about being on-call, should something arise that I could use assistance with? A sort of... 'I owe you one' arrangement?" She asks with the hint of a grin showing on her visage.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela nods seriously. "I accept those terms, on the understanding that another lead may produce results before you can arrange such a meeting." She pauses, observing Diana's smile, before conceding in that same nearly emotionless tone, "Though I would welcome you contacting me regardless of relevance to my current mission."

Diana Prince has posed:
This gets another light smile that comes and goes from Diana's lips before she draws in a breath then and levels her gaze again upon Angela's own. "Entirely possible as well." She replies in kind, before continuing. "So, an Angel, from Heaven. On a holy mission to vanquish a demon who is hiding in the depths of a Hell dimension. I assume that this means you are not living in New York City then?" She asks with a touch of humor edged on her tone and expression.

"Have you been coming and going from your Heavenly home for a long time now, I assume?"

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela's right foot, the one attached to the higher of her crossed legs, bobs just once at the question. "I have lived in New York City, but I claim no right of residence there. I sleep where I find a secure location. Neither do I return to Heven: I fell from it through a dimensional rift of some kind, and have found none that would take me back, though I have not looked for one. I do not hold my sisters in high affection or wish to return to them." She pauses, realizes that answer is incomplete, and continues, "Among them I am subject of mockery, the only wingless angel. They are welcome to their contempt, but I have no incentive to return to it."
    All that, delivered with no apparent emotion, just a recitation of facts. Maybe that's why it's so easy for her to change the subject. "I am given to understand your filial relationship is more mutually nurturing?"

Diana Prince has posed:
A quick look of dismay falls over Diana's face then when she hears of the ire that Angela gets from her people. "I can only imagine such a thing. It seems, and sounds, so petty... I would offer my condolences, but I get the sense that you are strong enough to handle this, and need not to prove anything to anyone."

The question about her own family has Diana showing her soft smile again and a little single nod. "Yes. Very much so. My mother, the Queen, has been everything a parent could be, and more. In recent years I have discovered I have new sisters as well, who I have been blessed to get close to." She pauses then for a moment before adding. "If you ever do seek a place amongst friends, you may very well fit in amongst us."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela cocks her head, very, very slightly. It's the tiara. "What makes you think this?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana looks away then as she sees the sun peaking through the clouds on its way down toward the horizon's edge. She then looks back to the other across from her and smiles a little again. "My people are trained Warriors by nature. We pride ourselves in our strength, our martial aptitudes, our commitment to our causes of protecting the innocent, of fighting injustice in the hopes of preserving peace." She pauses again for just a second before speaking further.

"Call it an assumption, I suppose, but I would assume you stand for similar things as an Angel from above."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "I think so," Angela says, her gaze abstract as she considers (though her featureless eyeballs make it hard to tell what she's staring at), "though our ways are very different from yours. No angel would ever help someone who did not ask for it, because that act would indebt the other in a way they might not be able to repay, leaving them indebted to you for their very life." She spends a long time looking at a sun-haloed Wonder Woman, her lips still set but threatening to smile at the vision.

Diana Prince has posed:
"Right." Diana says back quietly after hearing the clarification. "Obviously there would be some major differences, but... it could offer some solace for you, from time to time at least. But. We will not fret on that here and now."

The Princess nods to the horizon ahead of the jet. "We are almost back to New York." She says, with the famous skyline visible, the Statue of Liberty standing tall.

"I will contact my mother, and sisters, soon to get the process started for having you speak before her."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela nods, and regards Wonder Woman a moment longer. "I regret that our conversation must end so soon. I have enjoyed your company. Perhaps we can speak more about what you believe I can contribute to your people, or, if you find discussions of debt and payment upsetting, we could discuss matters of personal import."

Diana Prince has posed:
"Likewise." Diana says of the conversation. She smiles again and shakes her head from side to side lightly. "I have no issues with talking of the debt or what you could bring to my people. My initial thoughts, in fact, is that you likely have combat styles that would be entirely new, thus we could perhaps show you something new, and you could us in return. A fair trade?" She asks with a sly grin showing for a few moments.

She then just adjusts her robe a bit against her shoulders with her half gloved hands.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela returns the smile, her purple lips parting slowly over a crescent of perfect white teeth. "I accept your challenge, Lady," she agrees. "At your convenience, we shall discover if I am yours or you are mine."

Diana Prince has posed:
This draws a smile from the Princess who nods softly once to the Angel across from her. "Only time can tell." She responds. "Well then... I am curious to know more about your .. quest to vanquish this Demon. If it is something you could use assistance with, I could potentially offer to help find him, and confront him..." She says then.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela smiles back. "I expect no particular difficulty. He has insulted me, and caused inconvenience to my informant. Neither is cause to kill him, and my informant needs him alive for personal reasons. Therefore he shall survive being hunted by me, though as long as he survives, he shall remember the cost of a loose tongue." Does it sound more or less sinister that she recites all this with no apparent anger or threat in her voice?
    "What makes you eager to fight a demon?"

Diana Prince has posed:
As the New York skyline grows larger on the horizon, Diana looks from it back to Angela where she cracks another faint grin at the question. "I wouldn't say eager to fight a Demon. I would say... eager to thwart one's plans. Of course that was entirely based on the assumption that a Demon's past deeds deserved to be given a reckoning of justice. Rarely, if ever, has a Demon ever done anything that deserved less." She states then with a faint smirk.

"But, if you believe you have it in hand, then I would relent it to your expertise on this."

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    "I do have it in hand. I nearly regret saying so because it closes an opportunity to spend time with you, however." Angela says this with no embarrassment, just coming right out with it. "Would you be happy to accept an alternative invitation to spend time together, in pursuit of lower stakes than a hunt through Hell?"

Diana Prince has posed:
This blunt and emotionless invitation to spend more time together has the Princess responding in opposite fashion. She smiles more openly at it and just seems amused by the other woman's attention. "Of course. You sound like you have lived a challenging life, one where you could use some friendship and some more connections... But, maybe I am misreading this based on what you've told me so far about yourself. Having an Angel on my side is a welcome bit of company though, I assure you." She says in a friendly tone, a happy tone.

Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
    Angela nods. "I am solitary by nature, and untroubled to be friendless. Yet you..." Angela falls silent and shifts slightly in her chair, crossing left leg over right this time. After a moment spent regarding Diana, she continues, "In many ways I feel like a child again in your presence, Lady. I yearn to win your esteem, and to connect with you in ways that leave us both vulnerable. I almost suspect that I have been ensorcelled in some way, even though my mind invents endless reasons to offer you the benefit of the doubt."

Diana Prince has posed:
This response has the Princess tilting her head to the right a bit as she holds a light smile toward Angela. "I promise you I am not doing anything to sway your opinion of me. Additionally, you most certainly do not have to win my esteem."

The Jet flies over the coastline now and over the buildings of New York City, navigating toward the upper east side.

"You are an Angel of Heaven, your esteem is automatically achieved."