8904/History Check

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History Check
Date of Scene: 01 December 2021
Location: Grand Hall - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Helena stops by Wayne Manor and catches up with Alfred.
Cast of Characters: Helena Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne has been trying to figure her way around Gotham ever since she arrived. The Gotham in THIS version of Earth, that is. She knows exactly what she'd do in HER world if everything was turned on its ear: she'd talk to Alfred. So that's exactly what she decides to do. It's risky, but if anything is bound to remain constant in the multiverse, it's Alfred Pennyworth.

A purple motorcycle rumbles up the long drive to Stately Wayne Manor and stops in front of the garage. It's ridden by a dark-haired young woman wearing jeans, knee boots, and a black leather jacket over a purple blouse, who dismounts and walks directly to the front door. Helena rings the bell and waits. Is there even an Alfred in this universe? She's met no fewer than 2 Batgirls and has it on some authority that there are multiple versions of Robin as well. Surely they can spare one or two Alfreds.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    Returning from London left Alfred with some work to do. Fortunately for the Wayne estate, it wasn't often made a mess of -and- Alfred was exceedingly good at his job. Most of the work was done within a few hours of his return, leaving ample time for the butler to pick up on an alert from the manor's security systems that notified him of a guest. People less in the know often asked about how Alfred had developed a preternatural sense for visitors to the state and the sad fact of the matter is that technology made it all too easy.

     Before the knock even really had time to settle, Alfred was opening the door with a polite smile and an inclination of his head. "Good evening miss - " he began, regarding the woman curiously. Only the slightest pause betrayed any kind of hesitance on his part. "Were you here to speak with Master Wayne about something? I'm afraid he's not around at the moment..." he continued, opening the door a little wider and clasping his hands behind his back.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne resists the immediate urge to hug the butler. No, better play this by the numbers. Appearance: check. Voice and accent: check. Mannerisms: check. She smiles, taking a moment to allow him the same curtesy of scrutiny. Helena looks young, likely not old enough to even drink. Black hair and bright, blue eyes. Facial features and skin tone leaning towards the exotic side, with a splash of freckles across her nose. Toned, athletic figure and a carriage that conveys confidence.

"Thank you, but now. I'm actually here to see Mister Pennyworth. I do apologize for not calling ahead, but the number isn't listed." Not like that would have really stopped her, of course. "You may call me Helena for now. More than that is... complicated." Pause. "May I come in?"

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    Alfred's smile brightens slightly, his eyes flashing in delight. "Ah, well - not often I have my own caller's, young miss. Alfred Pennyworth, at your service. Please, come in," he offered, sweeping an arm to offer entry to the manor's entry hall. His head listed to the side in curiosity before glancing up toward the apex of the staircase and then out toward the kitchens. "Forgive me, I can put some tea on if you'd like to speak in the foyer? I was tidying up some after a brief sojourn in the motherland, if you'll forgive an old man for not being as quick on the draw as he used to be," he quipped dryly.

     Offering her entry, he closed the door behind her and waved a hand toward the sitting area. "Please, feel free to make yourself at home - i'll be about in just a moment, miss. I could use a break anyway - " he continued, already padding off toward the kitchen. He raised his voice just so, so that it carried across the hall. "Do you prefer any particular kind of tea? It shouldn't be more than a moment."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne's expression brightens at the gesture and she inclines her head politely before stepping into the entry hall. She takes a look around, noting the many similarities and spotting a few, small differences as well. Helena is a bit lost in her reverie when he offers tea. TEA! Back in her world, Alfred's Tea was suitable for settling global disputes.


"Tea would be -wonderful-, Alfred. Thank you." she replies, managing not to drool on the rug. The expensive, Moroccan rug. Check. Helena manages NOT to giggle when he tells her to make herself at home. Truth be told, she DOES feel like she's home.

Stepping slowly towards the sitting room, she calls back in answer to the question about the kind of tea. "And chamomile would be wonderful."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    Curiosity gets the best of the older man, using the manor's acoustics to carry on a conversation as he works in the closest and most utilized wing of the kitchen. "Forgive me Miss Helena, if you don't mind - what brings you to see me? Not that i'm not flattered to have such a lovely young lady calling after me. It -is- rather out of the norm however, and I fear old age is getting the best of me. Did I promise something at one event or another recently?"

    Fortunately, the Wayne family had the best in tech, admittedly mostly at Alfred's direction, when it came to housekeeping and that included making tea. It was only a few minutes for the kettle to boil before the man returned to the foyer with a platter, kettle, all the various condiments one might ask for, and a pair of cups. Joining Helena and crossing one leg over the other, he poured the chamomile tea - with hints of jasmine and rosemary - before sitting his cup in his lap and regarding the woman with that same curious scrutiny.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne declines to answer right away, taking the opportunity to look around the sitting room for the familiar as well. She makes more mental checks before Alfred returns with the tea. For a young woman dressed so casually, her posture and manners would not be out of place at a proper garden party. "It is more -my- curiosity that brought me, I'm afraid. I have questions that I believe only you can answer for me."

He returns, tea is poured, and she picks up both cup and saucer. Not sipping at first, she takes a slow and deliberate sniff. Checks all over the place.

A slow sip, then another, before Helena settles cup onto saucer and both onto the table. "Thank you very much, Alfred." she replies. "And thank you also for joining me. My story is a rather unusual one, and you may want something stronger to drink before I finish."

Helena tucks one ankle behind the other rather than crossing her legs. "I'm not from this dimension." she begins, watching him closely. "In my world my father's name was Bruce and my mother's name was Selina. We had a butler named Alfred." Pause for effect.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    If the news startles the man, he hides it rather well. There's a very pointed clearing of his throat and a furrowing of his brow as he takes a sip of his tea and then glances toward the reduced wet bar occupying the foyer. "Ah - Mistress Wayne then, is it? You -do- look familiar. Will you forgive some questions before I buy whole heartedly into the story?" he asked. He stood, setting his tea cup down and smoothing out some imperceptible wrinkles from his coat as he padded to pour himself a drink. "Were this... oh, I don't even know... five or six years ago, I might be surprised," he remarked, glancing over his shoulder to regard the woman more closely.

    "What is the relation between your mother and father... in your dimension?" The question had a level of suggestiveness, as might be expected, and as he poured himself a glass of brandy he offered the bottle up (and pouring an extra glass if need be) before returning to his seat. "What do they do for a living?" he continued as he sat down. This question was almost pleading, as if wanting to hear something he certainly expected to -not- hear. "Did you grow up here in your own, ah... locale?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne takes the opportunity to savor more of the luxurious tea while he processes the information. It's really just the opening salvo, of course. "Of course. Ask away." she replies, watching him over the rim of the cup. He's being careful about things, so she has to respect that.

"I said 'was' to both, because in my home dimension my parents are both dead, as was most of the population." she replies evenly. "An extra-dimensional being destroyed my home and was in the process of systematically killing its heroes." Pause. "Including Batman and Catwoman."

"As for what my father did for a living, he was a billionaire businessman whose influence guided Gotham City and much of the Eastern seaboard."

"But he didn't have so much influence that he could keep everything under control. The -major- criminals requiredthe intervention of vigilantes and superheroes."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    There was a frown and a look of deep resignation at the explanation - perhaps not so much at the news of Other Bruce's death, but more at the revelation that there was a Batman. "Ah, of course... some things are immutable, aren't they, Mistress Wayne?" he mused. The moniker had an air of affection as Alfred took a sip of his drink, staring off to a spot just over the fireplace. "Were the two of them married? Was he happy, despite, the ah... circumstance?" the butler asked in a slightly pained fashion. To anyone with even an elementary understanding of Alfred's moods it was apparent he wanted to believe the story, and was seized in one of his 'parental' moods.

    Pursing his lips for a moment, he turned his attention back to the young woman, "Tell me - did you get sucked into Master Bruce's escapades? Or was it just him and Miss Kyle?" The question was vaguely leading, given the present status of the Bat Family, and anyone familiar with it's extended nature would know what he was leading to.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne smiles at that, and it's genuine. "Oh they were quite happy, yes. Dad had his dark periods, of course, mostly from losing his own parents at a young age." Check for Alfred this time. "But it was mostly mom's influence that kept the house bright." Putting her teacup down, she leans in a bit closer and whispers in a conspiratorial tone. "She would tickle him." Wink.

Okay, time to get more direct.

"I could break out of police-grade handcuffs at age 5." she declares. "I've studied gymnastics, acrobatics, a wide variety of martial arts, and I'm a dead shot with a crossbow." Pause for another sip. God, she missed Alfred's tea!

"In my dimension, there was only one Robin and *she* wore a ponytail." Another pause, and her humor fades. "There were at least two heroes who escaped the destruction of my home. One goes by the name of Huntress."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    There's a sigh from Alfred, and a wistful shake of his head. Despite the fact, his countenance brightened slightly at the affirmation and the corners of his lips curled up slightly in a smile. "Perhaps there's hope for him yet, then. Which means there's hope for you, young lady," he finished in a curt fashion, setting his drink down and standing up. "On your feet then, for a moment, if you don't mind - I won't tell Master Bruce of your, ah... inter-dimensional interloping, but, I need a look at you," he explained simply, gesturing with a hand for Helena to stand.

    There was little acknowledgement of -another- fallen Robin. Something to be compartamentalized for later, no doubt, but his gaze turned to one of worried scrutiny as he looked his 'guest' up and down. "Are you still keeping up with all that business here in -" he paused, losing his step for a moment as he considered his phrasing, "In your new home? I have some, ah... things i'd like to give you, if i'm to keep an eye on -you- as well as the rest of our brood here..."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne rises when she's bidden, setting the teacup down carefully... if a bit reluctantly. She also reaches into the back pocket of her jeans, pulling out a smartphone. Yes, she recognizes that chastizing tone he takes as well. Pleasantly so, even.

"He probably already knows, Alfred." Helena admits. "I've met a couple of capes myself, and I was given a reference to someone named Oracle by a redhead wearing a cape." Casually thumbing the phone produces the Birds of Prey app icon. "I've shared my name with Oracle. As well as my -other- identity. I'm sure there are questions as well as doubts."

"I realize that I'm way off the grid here, as well as being behind on the roster of good guys. So far I count two Batgirls, a Batwoman, Flamebird, and at least one Robin. The red one."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    Alfred's smirk is undeniable as he looks the woman over and she rattles off her list of contacts in the present day. "Ah, yes - Miss Oracle is a lovely contact to have. If you're integrated into her grid, well... I will ensure we're in touch. I don't doubt the notion that Master Bruce hasn't already picked up on things, even if people don't want him to. That doesn't come as a surprise though, does it?" he remarked fondly. He already seemed rather taken with the young woman, even if the story was bizarre, and as he padded from one side of the small sitting table to the other to examine her from all angles.

    "The Red Robin is one i'm fond of. It seems you're proving as resourceful as one might expect..." he continued, stepping about the table to regard her a little closer. "Have you been sleeping? Or are you taking every opportunity you can to get up to midnight mischief? Clearly I wasn't doing my job wherever you come from..." he commented in a (hopefully) familiar dry fashion before returning to his seat. "What are your intentions, Mistress Wayne? Going to continue the eternal crusade?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne remains standing, not at all surprised at the scrutiny. And even in this casual pose, Alfred can see elements of Seline there. The grace, the poise, the coiled energy. And the humor. Hands go to her hips when he steps up more closely, and she meets his gaze evenly. There's even a whiff of French perfume.

"I assure you that I'm sleeping, yes. I'm enrolled in Gotham U as a Criminology major. I thought the irony was a fun idea." And less risky than a hacker with her skill going into Computer Science.

"My intentions are, indeed, to continue my crusade here. Oracle trusts me, if only minimally, but I'm not ready to speak with Bruce directly. Or Selina, for that matter. So I came to you instead. And I was hoping you might be able to give them something for me."

Helena pauses, there, to unbutton one sleeve and begin rolling it up. "Would you mind taking a blood sample?" The Alfred in her dimension kept an EMT-grade first aid kit in just about every room of the mansion, and was quite skilled with its use.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
There's a casual moment of apprehension, and then a nod, as if the offer somehow alleviated any other concerns he might have had. He finished his modest glass of liquor with the casual ease of an old drinker and then stood, undoing his own cufflinks as he maneuvered toward the very fireplace he once stood at. "Bold gestures to prove your authenticity, hm? You -are- a Wayne," he quipped simply, removing a satchel from behind a culvert in the masonry of the fireplace. "Were things... not so strange, i'd say this might raise more questions than it answers," he offered.

    Returning to the woman, he retrieved a rubber tourniquet from the pack and turned on his heels to scrutinize the woman's exposed arm. "Mast- your father has good veins. I've not had the opportunity to work much on Miss Kyle, but - " he paused, securing the blue band in place and tapping his forearm. "You'll do just fine on multiple counts. Was I still patching you all up in your dimension, Mistress Wayne?" he asked with a wry - if sad - smile, as his hands worked in a flurry to sink a needle into her vein amidst his dialogue, pushing the opposite plunger into a vial to collect the requested blood sample.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne settles back once her arm is bared to the bicep. Yes, she certainly has good muscle structure and her veins plump up rather nicely with the application of the rubber tubing. The young woman doesn't look away as the needle sinks in, and only then to meet his gaze while they chat.

"Actually *I* wasn't the one who kept coming home with bullet holes." she replies wryly. "Although I did collect my share of cuts and bruises. Occupational hazard." Her head tilts as she watches him work with that practiced precision, and Helena smiles.

"And you are every bit as perfect as you were in my dimension, Alfred. The same charming, capable, protective man. With the same wit and humor." Her expression softens, and she adds in a softer voice. "I'd forgotten how much I missed you."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    Shrugging 'helplessly,' Alfred rolled his eyes as he watched the vial fill and then quickly removed the entire assembly in one move before clamping a hand down on the residual puncture with a thumb. "As I said, Mistress Wayne, some things -are- immutable, and unfortunately for the lot of you, i'm likely one of them..." he remarked. Setting the vial and tubing down in a coil, he fished a band-aid - humorously adorned with dinosaurs - from within and set it on the entry point before moving to tidy up.

    "You should speak with Master Bruce in time. Perhaps this will help prep the battlespace a little more though..." he began, before suddenly trailing off. Stashing the vial in a pocket, he left the remains of his work atop the satchel and turned suddenly. "Are you avoiding it? I... can't imagine, what it must be like. Were I given the opportunity to speak with Master Thomas and Mistress Martha... even from another dimension," he offered, that tone morose resignation returning suddenly. "If I may do anything to help ease the transition..."

Helena Wayne has posed:
"Or fortunately." she quips back with a grin. Tilting her head at the dino bandaid, she chuckles. "Triceratops was always my favorite." She flexes her hand a few times, wiggling the fingers before rolling down her sleeve. Only then does she meet Alfred's eyes.

"I know that I should, Alfred, but it's going to be weird for both of us. I was at his birthday party and I saw him with Selina. Knowing me AND my pedigree might cause him to make... different... choices. I don't want to be responsible for that."

Helena buttons the sleeve, then, her tone becoming almost clinical. "You should know that as far as Gotham U is concerned, my name is Helena KYLE. It'll attract less attention than Wayne, and there's enough of a resemblance that I could be a long-lost relative of Selina's." Yes, she's thought it through.

Kitchen-table manners return, then, as does the smile. "I appreciate the offer, Alfred, really I do. But for now, if you could just extend this olive branch for me? They will reach their own conclusions and ultimately decide to trust me or not. I don't want to force things by just... showing up. Although I would dearly love to sit down to tea with you again."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
    "Fortunately for all of you - unfortunately for all of -me-," Alfred replies quickly, grinning. "I had a suspicion, between that and the ever obnoxious Tyrannasaurus," he continued, spinning away from the woman's gaze with a beaming smile. As he set about cleaning up the instruments of his usual trade with the Bat Family. "Knowing Master Bruce, i'm sure he'll be suspicious. However, he is so fond of strays able to deduce this and that about him," he continued pendantically, almost chuckling to himself under his breath.

    "I'll start preparing a room for you, as discreetly as I can - when things come to a head I expect to see you about a little more often. I'll prepare a meal for us - and you'll be able to get in touch to warn me - for the next time you drop by. Do you at least eat more than your father?" The question was sardonic and concerned, all at one time, as he stashed the medical kit back behind the fireplace. If she was who she said she was, it was obvious he was taking some delight in getting to speak with his surrogate son's daughter. "You won't be staying with us tonight though, hm? Off to fight crime, or roost in some tenement in downtown Gotham?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena Wayne rises slowly when Alfred moves to begin packing up the tea service. She picks up her jacket, slipping it on casually. "I'm afraid I won't be staying tonight, no. And I do appreciate the offer, Alfred. I suspect it won't be long before I can take you up on it."

"I'm a big fan of sushi and Italian, actually. Any seafood, for that matter. Fish and chips was a favorite of mine growing up." Must get it from her mom. "And I have quite a hearty appetite, although I'm not -technically- old enough for a nice glass of wine."

Stepping towards the main hall, she pauses and turns towards him. "Thank you again for this, and I promise that I'll call next time." On impulse, then, she steps up quickly. Yes, there's a familiar, fluid grace in her movements as she kisses his cheek. "Good night, Alfred."