8870/Eternally Amigos

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Eternally Amigos
Date of Scene: 29 November 2021
Location: Empire Diner
Synopsis: Ikaris and Gilgamesh do some catching up after a couple millenia apart.
Cast of Characters: Gilgamesh, Ikaris

Gilgamesh has posed:
The diner has started to slow down now that the lunch rush is over. Gil Sumer, as he's known in his mortal guise, is behind the counter at the grill, flipping pancakes and burgers and making food happen! He's pretty good at it, too, based on the satisfied looks on the faces of the restaurant's customers.

As he works people shout orders at him or stick little receipt papers into clips for him to take a look at. Nothing phases the unflappable short order cook as he makes sure each meal is perfect. They even look nice when he slides them to the servers! Presentation! Occasionally, Gil takes a break from cooking to drink from a glass of water, but even that is rare. The man is clearly in tune with his work.

Ikaris has posed:
The door to the diner opens, alerting the other attendees with the bell ringing on his way in. The door closes behind the tall fellow, and he was dressed decently. A jean jacket, a dark shirt, and blue jeans cover his body, but nothing covers his head, not even a hat like people are so used to wearing when they are trying to be incognito. But anybody who could have known Ikaris over his long life has surely long since passed away. But Gilgamesh?

Gilgamesh would know the face.

It was Ikaris. In his human guise as 'Ike Harris', his eyes search the place until he finds Gilgamesh, either at his task or while he works. "Just a garlic burger for me, please." Maybe Gilgamesh would recognize the voice. Then again, they haven't seen each other in a long time.

Some would say too long...and Ikaris isn't sure if he'll be treated with a warm welcome or a punch in the face.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Gil hears the voice... That voice... The voice of his old comrade in arms. For a moment the Eternal stares off into space, then he returns to himself all at once and turns to look at the newcomer. The other guy is briefly scanned before Gil returns, "Garlic burger coming up!" The cook works to prepare the sandwich alongside everything else on the grill, making sure that it's cooked and seasoned perfectly. "How you doing, brother?" His accent is vaguely Korean, but whether that's because he's been there recently or he's putting it on to match his appearance is anyone's guess.

"Roger, take over for me. I'm taking lunch," the Eternal tells one of the other cooks. Stepping away from the grill he carries some plates out to serve other diners at the counter before stepping around to the customer side and sitting down next to Ikaris, looking him over from head to foot, "You look good. It's been a long time."

Ikaris has posed:
Perhaps the silence is the answer that Ikaris was looking for. He had recalled that he and Gilgamesh departed each other's company on good terms when the Eternals of earth scattered to live their own lives. Over the course of the millenias, the Eternals served in their own ways on their own times. Sure, the gang got back together on multiple occasions, the last world-ending threat being Ragnarok and the Deviants before that.

It was still good to see Gilgamesh, but Ikaris was not here just out of recollection.

"Well enough, brother. I see you have done well for yourself." Unlike Gilgamesh, Ikaris speaks with a slight accent that borders between Scottish and Irish, likely the former due to the deeper tone of voice. Ikaris picks a corner booth so they can speak privately, taking his seat and sitting up straight, a warrior's discpline that Gil would know well.

Hell, they were there in the beginning.

"Likewise. Too long, if I'm being honest. It took me a moment to sense you were in New York. How have you been, aside from being the culinary expert of the age?"

Gilgamesh has posed:
"I'm well, thank you," Gil replies to his immortal comrade. "It's good to see you again," he says as he settles his bulk into the booth and leans back in it as much as possible to get comfortable. "I'm not the great chef here in New York. Not yet, anyway. I just like working diners for now. It lets me meet people and keep in touch with what's going on."

His mass shifts as he repositions himself in his seat, "How about you? Have you been okay? I've been trying to stay out of the spotlight as much as I can, but I have a feeling that's not going to last much longer. Too many instances of Earth being endangered to sit on the sidelines. Think the US Army would take me, belly and all?" A smirk appears at the little joke.

Ikaris has posed:
Ikaris clasps his hands on the table, looking at his meal a moment as he starts to eat. "Mmmm...this is delicious, Gil." He tells the larger man as he proceeds to devour the food at his disposal. "Fair enough. I think...about 100 years ago...there was this big time chef down in Jersey. That you?" Ikaris questions Gilgamesh with a bit of a smirk. "But I like it. It's humble. Out of sight and out of mind without being -too- distant. A hand on the wheel."

He puts his food down and wipes his hands as he looks upon the King of Sumer, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "You've gotten a little wider, but no less weaker. Or at least I'd be a fool to believe otherwise." He smirks at him. "Besides..."

His smile turns into a light frown.

"We won't be in the shadows much longer. With people like the Sorcerer Supreme and others coming to earth, the presence of earth is becoming more noticed." He narrows his eyes. "I think the forces of Apokalips are beginning to move. I can't say anything for sure, but it's been too long since I've heard anything from New Genesis."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Thank you," Gilgamesh replies to the compliment on his food, another smile appearing. "A hundred years ago I was in Australia. Ever hear of the Emu War? That was one of the last times I had to become involved in human conflict. Invented the emu burger after the battle, fed many hungry Aussies." Whether he's joking or not is uncertain.

"I like the belly. Means I like my own cooking and brewing. I'll have to have you over for some of my beer, brother."

Gil looks a little sad at Ikaris' last statements, but he nods nonetheless, "It's about time I dug the old arsenal out of the basement. Prepare my armor for what comes next." The Eternal takes a quick look around the diner before settling his attention back on his ancient acquaintance, "Are we going to seek them out, or wait for them to show their hand? Regardless, I'll be prepared. I love this world too much to allow anything to happen to it."

Ikaris has posed:
"The Emu War?" Ikaris brings a hand to his chin. "I observed it only in that I knew it was happening. Though suddenly the words of a great hero in the battles seem to have been accurate." Ikaris smirks at Gilgamesh, though he continues and takes another bite of his meal. "If your beer is just as good as the beer was lifetimes ago, then I'd be just as glad." Ikaris nods softly to him. "I missed your company, my brother. Have you heard from the others?"

The question is a more serious one, and not one to dismiss out of hand. The main group who had arrived previously when it was time to end the Deviants, the ones who remained when the majority of the Eternals retreated to New Genesis to watch the New Gods.

"But I hear you there. If it were up to me, we would build defenses here on Earth first before we ventured out, but it might be wise to try to delay the dark lord himself." Of course, Ikaris speaks of Darkseid.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"I haven't heard from them, no," Gil replies to Ikaris, shaking his head.

"I think Earth has a few defenders who might be able to engage him on close to equal footing," the cook says after a moment of thought. "But it would be best to keep him where he's at as long as possible. We need to let the people of Earth know what to plan for and what's at stake somehow."

Settling even further back in the booth the large fellow strokes his jaw lightly, "Maybe we should put on capes, save some people, then hold a press conference. Announce who we are and that we intend to protect this world and that the people here need to be prepared for the possibility of war they'll barely be able to conceive of." His chin lifts, "Have you kept up your study of strategy and tactics? I'm afraid I'm no longer current."

Ikaris has posed:
A sigh escapes Ikaris as Gilgamesh gives his answer as to the whereabouts of the other Eternals. "We'll have to gather them all. We move as one, and we are all at our strongest when we are together." Ikaris tells Gilgamesh then, running a hand through his hair as he slides his now finished plate off to the side, his blue-eyed gaze looking into Gilgameshs's own. "I don't know if he's moving personally, but as far as I should think, the longer he's at home, the better." He shakes his head.

"A war they wouldn't believe."

Ikaris shakes his head a moment, before he nods. "Yes, war was my specialty when we had first arrived and it is still my craft." Each Eternal had their talents. Ikaris was a warrior-general, Gilgamesh was a great King and Hero of Heroes.

"I don't wear a cape." Ikaris tells Gil with some measure of humor in his tone. "But yes...that is my intention. Earth is under our protection, and we will join the other heroes of the world to ensure it's safety."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Going public should bring the others here out of hiding," Gil nods solidly. "If they see us enter the fray they won't have much choice but to join us."

"How do we begin? Just put on the old uniforms and enter the hero business all at once? I can safely say that I've been tempted to in the past." A grin appears on his face, "It'll be good to be seen again. The quiet life was a nice break, but to have songs sung again? You've convinced me, brother. After work today I'll stop some robberies or beat up some supervillains. Save cats from tall trees and maybe give people at a shelter a meal they've only dreamed of. I'll bring a fresh boar and spit roast it!"

Ikaris has posed:
Ikaris nods softly to Gilgamesh. "True....but." Ikaris lifts up a finger. "That might keep Thena and Druig in the shadows. We'll need both of them." He narrows his eyes. "Even if Druig is a colossal pain in the ass. Other than that, the rest should flood in." Ikaris shrugs a little bit.

"I think we do exactly that. We put on our uniforms, we do some of these heroics around the major cities. Not just stopping noticeable threats, but hte little things too. Muggings, petty theft, assault." Ikaris states then. Though with Gilgamesh on board with coming into the light once again, Ikaris smiles.

"You might not be worshipped as a god this time around, though. But they will sing about us most likely. No doubt you will be the first superhero to invite an entire city to a grill." He chuckles.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Thena and Druig may hide, but not for long," Gilgamesh declares. "Once we're public knowledge he'll have a need to berate us in all likelihood. That should bring him to light long enough to rope him into our plans."

The ancient king nods his head, "We'll make names for ourselves all over again. People will celebrate our accomplishments soon enough and our brothers and sisters will see it is time to protect our world once more."

Ikaris' remark about the grill gets some laughter, "I'll find somewhere that boar are an invasive species and decimate the population. We'll roast them a thousand at a time in Central Park. I'll need to delegate some of the tasks, but I'm sure people will want to help."

Ikaris has posed:
"Maybe. Thena is easier than Druig. Though our brother is quite the troublemaker, he will be needed. He will berate us, yes....but when has he done otherwise?" Ikaris smirks at Gilgamesh, remembering many of the bold stunts they would pull.

"Just restarting the cycle again. A priority should be Phastos and Ajak." Ikaris explains. "Ajak has as always been our leader when I've been a horrible one. We'll need the experience." He shrugs softly.

"Good, good. You'll get some prime grilling material. You might incur the wrath of the more eco-friendly variety."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Good thinking, brother. You're a better leader than you realize," Gilgamesh says simply enough. That's when he hears someone call him from behind the counter. "Break's over. Gotta get back to taking care of hungry customers. I'll start going out at nights in my uniform. Should be easy enough to keep track of." Then he's leaving the booth to head back to the grill, giving a wave to his comrade before picking up the spatula and getting to work. "Do you see, Roger? I told you I have friends."