9094/Guess Who's Webslinging to Dinner

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Guess Who's Webslinging to Dinner
Date of Scene: 15 December 2021
Location: Parker Residence - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: Peter and May Parker host an English Spider with Irish Stew.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Jessica Drew

Peter Parker has posed:
Let's see...what Famous Last Words were used this time?
"Hey, Watch This?" No.
"What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" Not this time.
"It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time?" And BINGO was his name-o.

Peter had promised Jessica "Spy-Der Woman" a hot meal in a quiet surrounding, and she had decided to accept. So, Peter had to make sure it was okay with Aunt May, because that was the deal-maker...or breaker. But she was all right with it. In fact, she wanted to meet the "young professional lady" Peter knew. They weren't dating, but Peter had a good head on his shoulders - that was Aunt May's opinion, which was as solid as Mjolnir when in place.

She had chosen to make Irish Stew this evening, and she welcomed the presence of someone with a healthy appetite.

Nothing to be nervous about, right...?

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess didn't grow up in the US. So the long stretch of older houses with big trees in their yards has no associations for her. She watches the streets unwind from the back of the car with interest.

Visiting a friend's family is even outside her range of experience, but she was trained to be adaptable and blend in as well as research (google) what she doesn't know.

An Uber driver lets her off at the end of the walk, no spectacular or embarrassing entrances for someone as important as Aunt May. Jess is unremarkably dressed in a roomy tweed jacket over jeans and low-heeled knee-high boots - there is a forecast for snow this evening. Her dark-hair gleaming with chestnut highlights parted to the side, falls to her shoulders.

The car door opens and she bends down to retrieve a bouquet in autumn golds and oranges and a bottle of good port, a safe bet for people who don't drink often.

Peter Parker has posed:
The house, built in the 1930's, sits along a street of similarly-designed houses, as if the vehicle she was riding in was a time-traveling DeLorean. There are signs of modern conveniences - satellite dishes, solar panels on a few roofs - but most of it defined the wword "quaint."

Even the mailbox she passed simply said, "PARKER - 20."

The porch swing oscillates slightly in the cold night wind as Jessica approaches the door, but the lights are on, and there are some truly interesting scents coming from the house.
Warmth, light, life on a cold December night.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess's booted footsteps sound hollow on the wooden porch, she notes the swing and sniffs the air for the mingled scents of domestic life and dinner. Even the door knocker, in freshly shined brass, is new to Jess; she taps it twice, careful not to rap too hard, then steps back bouquet in hand, a bit nervous with the newness of it all.

Peter Parker has posed:
The door opens a few seconds later, but it is May Parker who answers the door. A thin woman in her 60's, short white hair, hawklike features, but the smile on her face softens the severity of it.
"My word...you must be Miss Drew."
Peter Parker appears about five feet behind the elderly woman, his face apologetic and earnest. Or perhaps it is always like that.
May opens the door wide, then smirks to Jessica. "Come in, come in, you'll catch your death out there...!"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Yes, call me Jessica, Mrs. Parker, please." She steps in through the open door, smiling, saying, "They are calling for snow upstate with a chance of a few inches in the City. It's cold enough for it. Hi Peter! Thank you both for inviting me."

She holds out the flowers and the bottle to May. "I hope you like a little port sometimes, Mrs. Parker." When her hands are free, she unwinds the bright red cashmere scarf that wrapped her throat and pushes her hair back into place.

Peter Parker has posed:
May smiles and takes the wine, but gives Jessica a wry look.
"If you and I are to be on friendly terms, I have one requirement..."
Peter rolled his eyes behind May.
"I saw that, Peter Benjamin Parker. Now then...this requirement is that you must refer to me as AUNT May, please."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Spy training saves the day, Jess sees Peter's expression and keeps a straight face, a minute twitch on one side of her mouth telling him that she caught it. "Ah, Aunt May." Which to someone with her background is both utterly charming and outside her experience. With a faint smile and a glance over Aunt May's head at Peter, "Who couldn't be on friendly terms with someone with eyes in the back of her head?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May chuckles. "With THIS young man, it's almost a requirement." She looks back at the chastened Peter, then pats his head. "The smart ones, they tend to find themselves in trouble in different ways."
Peter opts not to say anything that might validate May's opinion.
"Well, then...have a seat, and let the interrogation begin. From what Peter told me, you are some kind of...security consultant?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
One eyebrow rises at the job description and The SHIELD agent darts a glance at Peter again. "Yes, ma'am. I work for the government in that kind of branch. I bet you would know about dealing with smart ones, too," Jess adds, steadfastly avoiding Peter's face. Now, she wonders what his Aunt knows about her vigilant nephew and his mutations. She wraps one hand around the opposite wrist, a thumb covering the spinneret under her sleeve.

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May nodded. "Now, then. Peter mentioned how you presented your take on private security in his class on forensic science and that you had returned after a moderate hiatus." She smiles to Peter, then looks back to Jessica. "I'm going to go put this in the kitchen. Dinner is almost ready, so I hope you brought your appetite. Nothing finer than a hot meal on a cold night."

Aunt May heads into the kitchen, a sagely smile on her face.
Peter waited until the door closed before he looked apologetic. "Sorry I didn't warn you beforehand. I didn't want to give too much away..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica gives him a flat stare, then grins, "You doofus. I trust you and if you trust her, then you can tell her whatever you're comfortable with. A lot of what I do is completely deniable, you know. Does she know?" Jess holds up her arm in the classic stance for shooting a web.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shook his head. "I should tell her, but worries about me like crazy as it is. It's something I'm going to have to sort out soon, I'm sure. I didn't want to bring up SHIELD or anything like that, in case it was secret. So I went with you as a presenter at a class I went to last year."
He paused, then looked to Jessica's wrists, then to her face. "Are you getting better at using those?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Practice makes perfect! I still feel them, you know. Hey, thanks for that. Most people don't know about where I work."

Jess squints down at the inside of her own wrist and shrugs. "I guess I'll get used to it. What do you tell her about your life? Has she met...you know, the woman you're dating yet?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles warmly. "Yeah. She's met Kara. They are getting along pretty well, actually, with is a big plus. I've been going to Metropolis more often for chasing down leads, so it gives me a good opportunity to visit her...when she's not on assignment for the Daily Planet."
And yet one more Small Lie for a Good Cause.
"I usually tell her I'm working or studying. I have to do a lot of that anyway. Finals are coming up in a week."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Lucky guy, I bet she knows there is more up than you think. Holding up her scarf and coat, "Where should I hang this? I've met Kara once, she's great. You really are lucky. How's school? When do you finish, by the way?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter ohs, then takes the scarf before taking the coat and hanging them on the coatrack near the entrance.
"Sorry. School is tough, but I'm managing. I'm expecting to ruin the grade curve again for my classes. but that margin is getting smaller all the time. I'm not as far ahead of the rest of the class as I was in the first year. I have one more week before the end of this semester and then there is the Christmas and New Year's break. I also completed registration for the Spring 2022 classes, so all I have to do is survive this week and I'm golden." He pauses, then says, "Anything on your Christmas list this year?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Christmas list?" Sometimes the holes in her background show and she has relaxed tonight, not being continually on guard to keep a cover story in place. "I...ah...don't really celebrate it, honestly. Though, I guess, I will do some Christmas shopping. I know somebody who might enjoy it. What about you? What's on your Christmas list? What are you getting Kara?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs. "I'm thinking something like an outfit, or maybe a dinner for two. I was thinking someplace heavy on the comfort food. She may not look it, but she does love fast food." Peter looks to Jessica. "Anything you'd like in your Christmas stocking?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Me?" Jess looks genuinely surprised. "I want for nothing. It's going to be a bleak cold year for some, I think. I actually would like to volunteer someplace if work will let me. Oh! there is a great diner not far from my house in Chelsea, they do burgers, steaks, mac and cheese to die for, all the comfort food. The Empire. It might be too out of the way but I love it. It even has cream soda something you Yanks have that I like now. Where were you thinking of taking her for your romantic comfort food evening out?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter is about to speak when Aunt May steps out again, carrying a large crock pot to the dining-room table without any trouble at all. Some very pleasant smells come from that crock pot...including the telltale scent that shows Aunt May used Guinness in her recipe for Irish Stew.
"Peter, be a dear and grab the spinach from the stove top?"
"Yes, Aunt May. Be right back, Miss Drew."
As Peter scampers into the kitchen, Aunt May beckons to Jessica. "Have a seat, right here. Peter will bring the rest of the food."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess settles into the place Aunt May indicated, looking at her attentively, "It's so kind of you to have me over, Ms...Aunt May. What is that delicious smell? Do you do all the cooking or do you let Peter sometimes? I wonder if he can cook?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May chuckles. "Peter provides much more than cooking duties. Besides, I enjoy cooking for him. I have a lot to contribute, of course, and since Peter's job for the Bugle is the primary income for the household...well, he's very busy with work and school."
Peter nodded as he filled a wide bowl with stew, handing it to Jessica. "My cooking is usually relegated to the lab, anyway." He winked. "I do have some free time coming up, though, and was thinking of putting a D&D game together. Strictly tabletop. Miniatures and everything. The table in the lab would be perfect for it."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Sounds fun. A strategy game? How many players?" Jess takes the bowl and waits for the others to be served. "I hardly ever cook myself, I'm a typical City girl working too much," she adds, the edges of her lips lifting into a faint smile, anticipating Peter's surprise, "My boyfriend does a lot of cooking and is friends with a French chef that gives him take out."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter does blink. He recovers quickly, though.
"Well, my friend Ned was saying it was hard to find a good game these days, and missed the whole tabletop experience. Harry found out and he was intrigued. I was going to ask Kara...she's never played before, I don't think...and I was thinking of visiting The Dice Bag in Brooklyn, maybe post an ad on their bulletin board."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Once everyone is served, Jess picks up her spoon and begins to eat, after a bite, "Wow, this is so good. Perfect for a cold evening, Aunt May."

Another spoonful is dispatched before she stops, spoon resting in her bowl. "Why not ask friends or do you want to advertise for people you don't know? I've never played it either."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter served Aunt May her bowl, then his own. "Welll...Ned and Harry are basically all the friends I have. I don't think MJ wants to hang out playing D&D. So I sorta have to consider 'strangers' because I only have two good friends..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
She shrugs, smiling around a mouthful of stew, "Most people don't have a lot of friends. Just acquaintances from work and school. I know, I don't. If I'm available, shoot me an invitation. I could learn what it is." She looks up suddenly aware that she invited herself someplace. "I mean if you'd want another noobie player, of course."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smirked. "Well, we'll already have someone else new to the game, so what's one more? The experts can help the new players, of course." He smiled encouragingly. "I have some sourcebooks I can loan you to help you get acclimated to the game." He sat down again, and Aunt May nodded. She said a brief prayer, then began eating as well.
"Anyway...I'd love to have you as part of the group. All groups need a problem-solver."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"As if that wouldn't be you?" She kids, wagging her spoon at him. "I thought you were the thinker. I'm just muscle. Didn't you tell me, Aunt May that Peter was the smart one in the family?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blushed slightly. Aunt May smiled wryly. "Oh, yes. Smarter than most I know."
"Well, Miss Drew, I was actually planning to be the DM, so I wouldn't be part of the adventuring party."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Grinning widely, Jess's shoulders shake with quiet laughter. "You /are/ a family of surprises, I must say.Please call me Jessica or I will start Mrs. Parkering you, ma'am. I'd be honored to be in the party. Party? Right? I've got to learn the terms."