9389/Something About Cable...

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Something About Cable...
Date of Scene: 31 December 2021
Location: Mystique's Office
Synopsis: Emma comes by to register a complaint against Cable... with good reason, then she and Mystique talk about the current state of the universe, Namor, and mutants in general.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Emma Frost

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Although there were hundreds of balls in the air right now, what with the universe possibly coming to an end, Mystique always took time for those from Xavier's. When the call came in that Ms. Emma Frost was requesting a teleport to the asteroid to meet with her, the first reaction was a lifted brow, the second was to laugh because try as she might, she couldn't think of why the diamond lady would want to see her.

Ritz was the teleporter that arrived to Xavier's, offering a brief nod before 'escorting' Emma to the asteroid. Her portals will a little unsettling, but nothing too horrible. A couple of deep breaths and those who stepped through were fine.

Once on the asteroid, in the central nexus, Ritz showed the guest to Mystique office door, knocked once and announce, "Yo boss, she's here!" through the door, then opened it for Emma to enter.

Emma Frost has posed:
Heading up to Asteroid M by teleporter was a rare enough thing. But it made for simple access and a minimum of arrangements. So long that it was available, it made the back and forth easy. Efficient. But still there was a bit of an instinctive queainess of a purely psychological level from going into deep space and far out into orbit. So when Emma would arrive, she would nod to Ritz..

"Thank you, I apprecaite it. Thank you for your time and that of the Brotherhood." Nodding appreciatively.

A bag under an arm that was filled iwth freshly made blueberry pies as she would enter into the room.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Sitting behind the large desk, wearing a white tailored suit with lower cut blouse and a pair of pumps, is the cobalt blue mutant known as Mystique. At the knock, she stood so that when Emma entered, she was on her feet with a practiced smile on her face.

"Afternoon Ms. Frost," she offers with a practiced smooth tone, yellow eyes watching the woman closely. "Please, have a seat. Would you like something to drink? Coffee or tea, or perhaps something stronger?"

Politeness, even she could handle that much, after all they were presently allies and Mystique hoped to keep it that way.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to take out the blueberry pies to pass over, "Thank you for making the time to meet me. I had a.. Visitor come by your teleporter here that was rather unfriendly that I wished to avoid a repeat of. Cable teleported outside of my home, threatened my guards, and among other things entered into my private room and then proceeded to threaten me. So please do understand that I find this chain of events to be quite.. Irritating. And I have no particular need of anything at this time." Going to sit down.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The pies were a surprise, but the only acknowledgement of that surprise was a slight raise of a brow as Mystique accepts them. Who brings pies to a meeting? She sets them on the desk, only then noticing they are blackberry, and that makes the second brow lift just as slightly. Later, she'd worry about that later.

Looking back to Emma now, she listens to her explanation of what Cable had done. It was well within in his character to do all of those things, the question she had was why... why would Cable do that to Emma?

Now that Emma was moving to sit, she also sat herself back down in her chair, right leg crossing over the left. "That does sound very much like Cable," she states plainly, folding her hands in her lap. "Though I can honestly say I have no idea /why/ he would do something like that. Threatening guards, well that's natural for him, given what he's been through... the rest however, unacceptable. Can you tell me if he gave any reason for his visit?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "He said he wished to see me over about the.. Recent offer of Namor and presumed I had more of an idea of the political and idplomatic circumstances and that things wer eproceeding.. In an unfaimliar way from his timeline." She doesn't know about Cable or if he's speaking the truth on that. "I told him that I was researching the subject myself and that I had little to go on beyond public information."

Continuing, Emma would irritatingly tap her fingers on her lap, "Then he said taht based upon his knowledge I could either be a great asset or an enemy in whatever circumstances. In somewhat stronger language. And that if I did anything that he found a threat that he would deal iwth it in a rather direct fashion. Again I'm paraphrasing him. I agreed to share information I found if appropriate and I do believe that he did as well. However, he crossed a line no matter his intentions."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
For a moment Mystique sits there with her mask in place, neutrality at it's best, revealing nothing more than she is listening. As Emma speaks, she reaches up to run her fingers through her fire red hair, pushing it back off her face then her hand returns to her lap. Cable was new to the Brotherhood, and though she understood his trepidation and fears regarding Emma, she also knew that Emma was smart enough not to risk the alliance that was presently in place between Xaviers, the X-Men and the Brotherhood.

"I must apologize for his brashness, and for this threats," she states with a soft sigh. "He is a man out of time, that part is very true, and his future is not..." there is a pause here. How to explain the utter decimation of mutants in a possible future? You don't. You sum up. "... pleasant at all. He is quite protective of what he perceives as his to protect, and has not fully had the present time explained to him. I give you my word Ms Frost, I /will/ be speaking to him regarding this."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a nod, "I can understand his perspective, his paranoia, and his wlilingness to presume the worst. I do not begrudge him in those things. I can only shudder at what it might be like to have had the worst happen in Genosha and for it to spread on a worldwide scale unchecked. Beyond my worst nightmares are his experiences. That is why I have come to you to speak to him rather than go after him personally. I understand that from his perspetive his intentions are the best and he is doing everything he can to help avoid it from happening."

Emma would allow this over in his defense. "So long a there is an understanding from him that this is wholly inappropriate and there are no future incidences, I consider the matter settled and I trust you in the matter. And I do not consider it a remote.. Issue with our understanding of things long term."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Uncrossing her legs Mystique sits forward. "I greatly appreciate that Ms. Frost," she says more softly, a hint of emotion offered. "He's still trying to find his place in our time, and stop his time from ever happening. That said however, if he does return to your home, uninvited, call me immediately."

Reaching into the top drawer of the desk, she pulls a business card and slides it across the surface to that Emma can reach it. The printing is not fancy, the card smaller that your average business card, saving the planet in small ways. On the card is Mystique's cell number.

"There are still a few members of the Brotherhood who would rather things returned to the way they were, but Cable is not one of them. He is here because he believes in the equality of mutants and understands, like I do, that conversations and debate will not get it done."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Mystique, "Thank you. And we all want what for the best is for mutants. We are stronger togehter than apart. We are far stronger togehter than we are at odds. And keeping the lines of communication open is by far the best thing we can do to avoid such minor things." Yes, Emma was calling this minor. She had been disturbed, not attacked. She considered the matter dealt with.

"In turn I owe you a favor for handling this promptly and seeing myself immediately on the matter and agreeing to handle it personally. The debt is open and I will do what I can to ensure that it is paid back in full."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Six months ago Mystique would have jumped on that offer like a starving lion on a wounded gazelle, but that was the old Mystique. "You owe me nothing Ms. Frost," she replies. "If anything, I owe you for one of my organization's members being too... in your face. If you'd prefer to call the matter even, so be it, other wise I am at your call for a favor."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Mystique, "I consider the matter even." She doesn't say 'so long as the situation is handled'. Raven has already said that she would and there is no reason to repeat it. Emma trusts a promise from her. "There is nothing else unless you wish to share information on the politics of Namo's announcement as well." A more amused look on her face.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A snort. That is the initial reaction to that, then Mystique smirks to add to it.

"I'd love to talk about that fish man's politics," she states, shifting herself in the chair a little before sitting back. "I realize this is some sort of attempt to draw attention to the fact that he is also a mutant, but there is a line that he has crossed, at least in my mind. I'll admit, I adore Queen Lorna's response interview."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, she did an excellent job." Emma is in complete agreement. "I do not wish to do anything to interfere in the.. Diplomacy other than presume at least by reuptation that Prince Namor does not have a diplomatic one. And this will require a careful threading of the needle."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another smirk, because Mystique has no intentions of threading any needles. If Namor steps into her 'playground', he'll get his Atlantean ass handed to him by a few bullies. Thankfully, it wasn't likely that Namor would, but still... the cobalt mutant hoped.

"I know that Queen Lorna is intending to speak directly with him," she offers with a slight shrug. "Beyond that, not a single mutant on the asteroid has asked to relocate to Atlantis or one of those random, barren islands he was talking about."

Reaching to pick up her coffee cup, she takes a small sip before she lifts a brow. "Tell me something truthfully Ms. Frost, how much of this... presence you present is an act, and how much is really you? I'm trying to determine if you are attempting to read me, not telepathically of course, I'd know if you did that. I more mean, trying to understand the... new me."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Mystique, "Of course. I do.. Not wish to interfere in affairs unless there is a specific task I am given or that the group of u come to a conensus on how to respond. I do not wish to work at cross purposes or have us undermine one another if we have different plans for this circumstance. So until there is an agreement among our groups.." She means of Xavier and the Brotherhood. She will not put her resources either way.

Emma would glance at Mystique thoughtfully, "I have not attempted to read your mind. You are strong willed and shapeshifters are difficult to scan. I would presume as well that you are adept enough at disguising your thoughts due to experience and practice in any conversation we would have that you would give any.. Cues unless you wished for them to be present. I have not tried. I might attempt if you wish."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shakes her head slightly. "There's no need for that, I was merely curious," she offers with a slight smile. "There are still some old habits I find hard to rid myself of, my paranoia is always present. Do not take it personally, it is a horrible habit of mine, but it comes from numerous, many, a /lot/ of years running from both the authorities, and the X-Men."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Mystique, "I can understand. I.. Had to spend a short while.. In a state far enough from that which you were in, but of looking over my shoulder, eternally wary and afraid of someone catching up with me and no way to defend myself."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"You always have a way to defend yourself, Ms. Frost," Mystique states bluntly. "You merely have to be willing to use it. Your telepathic abilities can in fact stop most anyone in their tracks, in fact it is my understanding that your telepathic abilities are strong enough that you could literally take over someone and cause them to harm themselves."

Something of a mischievous smile plays over her lips and a sparkle comes to her eyes. "You see Ms. Frost, I make it my practice to know who my enemies and allies are, and what they can do. It's part of my strengths."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Mystique, "Yes, I am able to do that. The primary reason I do not is that it noly gives so many advantages. It is something to ensure that I have available. A trump card, so to speak. What others do not suspect I have they have no defense against. Subtlety is a great asset, and something to use when it is most useful rather than overplayed."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique chuckles quietly, eyes still sparkling.

"There are very few out there who know what you are capable off Ms. Frost, and those that do, don't share that information with others. You will always have that trump card, but you should know... yes, I will know if you try to read my mind, and yes, I can keep you out."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean back, "I presumed as such, why I haven't bothered. Your thoughts are no doubt as slippery as your body is when you go into different forms. So is there a reason you wished to make such a statement, Raven?" Amused and intrigued.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another sip of her coffee is taken as Emma asks, the smile switching slowly to a smirk as she does.

"Would you like the artful, practiced answer, or the truth?" she ask, setting the cup back on the desk. "Six months ago I would have played social games, tit for tat, dodge, weave, converse... but that was six months ago. Now? The truth is, I don't know how to hold a normal conversation with anyone, so some things still slip in, making it almost a game, but a game I no longer seek to play."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Raven, "I can understand that. And there is not much I can do to offer you advise on it. And there is no reason to not make it a game, so long as the end result is not manipulatory. I find the world of business much like politics and diplomacy. Not necesarily going for the throat, but it makes for useful practice playing the game."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique laughs, shaking her head slowly.

"I always go for the throat," she offers with a grin. "But then, only the throats of my enemies. Allies, I'm not entirely used to having any outside of the Brotherhood, so I will adjust, adapt and learn."

Was there a possibility that this was still all a game? Perhaps, it was hard to tell when it came to Mystique. It was also possible that it was sincere, that the cobalt mutant was in fact attempting to learn something more than hatred and violence.

Emma Frost has posed:
Was it a game for Emma as well? She seemed to enjoy this tete a tete. For her it was enjoyable; at least if one was going by her body language. But of course as a businesswoman and a telepath, it could very well be a front for her as well.

"I know wine isn't necessarily your thing, so perhaps we might hav a separate toast with something more to your liking?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
For a moment, Mystique studies Emma with a smile on her face. Her eyes aren't intense or boring, she's merely looking the woman over and reading her body language. She seems to decide something from that and stands. Walking around the desk she moves to one of the shelves filled with books and removes three books that are bound together. Behind is a small cabinet that she opens and removes a single bottle of Barenjager Honey & Pear, a German Liqueur, from it.

"I rarely open this bottle," she admits as she turns to show the bottle to Emma. "That's why it lives in there, but since we are toasting..."

Setting the bottle on the desk, she moves back around to collect to glasses from the tray, and sets them on the desk as well. The bottle is then picked back up ad opened, a small amount poured into each glass. "You have to understand that when it comes to wine, it was the 'water' of my past. Being as old as I am there was a time that you either drank wine, beer, or milk."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to take her glass to give it a light clink as it ws offered, "I understand. Please do tell me the label and what years you like and I'll be sure to bring some with me next time we see one another. Or if you prefer it in bulk I could purchase the mill that makes it and transfer ownership to you." That was how Emma's mind tended to work when it came to such things. Going to hold her glass out.

"Care to lead us in a toast then?" A genuine offer. And a smile on her face that seemed to be quite open and honest. Emma at least seemed to be fully sincere wtih it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With the glasses filled to that specific amount, not too much, not too little, and Emma taking her glass, Mystique sets the bottle down and picks up her own.

"The label is Barenjager, out of Germany, but I most certainly do not need to own it," she laughs. "I prefer it owned by the Germans who presently own it. Anything Barenjager is good, you should check them out."

Lifting her glass now, she considers for just a moment. "To new possibilities, and perhaps new friends, to allies and to the universe not ending on the sixth of January." She then taps her glass lightly against Emma's.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to clink her glass with Mystique's, "Perhaps I'll buy some stock in them." That was the way that Emma tended to go about such things. Going to clink her glass and then to Raven's and chuckling, repeating the toast.

Her thoughts switching to the coming attacks of angels, the impact of an asteroid..

"May we eventually live in somewhat quieter and interesting times."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A small sip is taken, the liqueur both sweet and strong, before Mystique looks back to Emma.

"Quieter would be nice," she replies. "As would interesting, but we both know that so long as we are mutants, it will never be quiet."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Hopefully this will at least make some of the pieces more blatant. Namor's actions in affairs, particularly if he feels threatened.. Will likely give us a deal of room to operate."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would add, "And he will have much more freedom to do so openly."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Sitting herself on the edge of the desk, Mystique raises one brow.

"Do you consider him an enemy?" She asks, canting her head slightly. "However, given that the universe may end, it may all be a moot point, but I'm still interested to know your /true/ thoughts on him."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "I don't consider him an enemy. I do however feel that he has little restraint and is extremely aggressive, and will respond to most circumstances as threats and escalate. I have not read what information is available on him extensively, however. But my judgement is that he is likely to attack anything he sees as interfering with his agenda."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The smile that comes to Mystique's lips is broad, and touched with that same mischievousness as before.

"Oh good, then we're in agreement," she states, taking another small sip. "He has something planned, something he intends to aim for, and I believe that anyone who steps in the way of that is a target. This is why I intend to ensure that, should the universe not be destroyed, have Lorna's body guards near her constantly. She has become a target due to her response to his interview, even if she does not realize it."

She sets the glass on the desk. "I also intend to find out from Erik, how he wishes to proceed regarding this underwater mutant. He is a mutant, but he may become an enemy depending on his actions."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Mystique, "I can agree on that. I would.. Hope that Charles and Magnus come to an agreement as to how to best handle him. We can perform best if we have a unified front and coordinate together on it and communicate." She can hope for that at least. Whether or not it will happen..

That she cannot say.

"He is predictable. But also dangerous precisely because of it. And there are too many diplomatic angles from nations that might support him or that would be aggressive with him. I have not seen a statement from the Prince of.." The other Atlantis? However that worked. "The Themyscirans I.. Presume will be wary on it. The Wakandans may give some degree of passive or logistical support though I cannot say. I suppose most will be ambivalent so long as their own interests are not threatened."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The expression changes, the neutral mask slipping back into place on Mystique's face.

"The other's you speak of, they may stand up and say they believe in equality, they might even stand for a photo op with Charles or myself, but in the end if it does not effect their nations, they don't give a fuck. Help the mutant cause? No, not really. It's all smoke up the ass and masks of smiles while doing it."

Picking up the glass she takes another of the small sips, leaning against the desk on the same side as Emma. "I've been doing this a very long time, a hundred and thirty years to be exact, and it is my experience that for every one human, or alien, or amazon, or whatever... willing to assist, there are hundreds of thousands who would like to see us all dead, or shoved onto an island and forgotten."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Mystique, "I know. And forgive me, I didn't mean to imply as such that they cared. Just that their diplomatic engagement and interactions will complicate the situation further." There's a clink of her glass and she would take a deeper sip of it to appreciate.

"Many things must be considered. Information is our best asset in managing this and ensuring that we can.. Minimize damage if it comes to that." Perhaps not the best turn of phrase but Emma is.. Pragmatic, evne if she might not directly intervene in matters.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"There are only two outcomes that I can see," Mystique replies, letting go of that anger. "One, Namor, who calls himself a King and not a Prince, will get some mutants to join him on his islands and mistreat them, and thus the Brotherhood will have to go get them back, and kill anyone who tries to stop us. Or two, everything he has planned will fall apart and he will turn to violence, in which case the Brotherhood will stand ready to defend."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to let out a sigh, "As I would hope otherwise, those are the two most realistic possibilities. And I presume that we'll all have contingencies in any case to deal with it." As far as Emma is concerned so will Charles. To her the man is an idealist but also a pragmatist when it comes to handling things.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It had been a long while since Mystique thought about the way Charles thought. She used to debate it daily to prepare herself for what could happen, should she be captured by the X-Men. She knew how Erik's mind worked, without even trying to think about it, she just knew.

"I intend to speak with Erik this evening," she says calmly. "I know that he and Charles have remained friends throughout the years, they often talk about numerous things, but I honestly don't know if they intend to talk about this situation."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let out a sigh, "No matter what we have to keep the lines of communication open. A house divided cannot stand. I feel that we both have gained much from cooperation, and I fear if it ceases we will do our cause a great disservice. I hope that Charles and Magnus can come to some sort of agreement on the matter."

But she does not particularly expect it. Nor does she state where she might lean in favor of.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique smirks. "Namor is not something that will divide us," she states plainly and bluntly. "That would be inferring he has that much power over the mutant communities, and he most certainly does not. If they decide to talk and come to an agreement regarding this, then of course I will adhere to that agreement. If they don't talk, then I will approach Charles myself."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod and let out a sigh, "And I presume that Charles will be making the rounds with Namor soon enough if he has not made arrangements already. I also feel that it would be prudent for us to.. Discretely, at least, look into what resources that the Atlanteans have on the surface. And to ensure we have familiarity with those that are already antagonistic to them."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"You're talking about Arthur Curry," Mystique says bluntly. "The Aquaman. He and Namor have never really seen eye to eye, but I doubt he'll make a move of any kind. He's made it pretty clear none of that matters to him. Beyond that, I don't think there are any Atlantean resources, this is the first time that Namor has truly come around... but, I intend to find out if there is something more out there we don't know about."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Mystique, "I prseume that there are a great deal. The Atlanteans are rather rich so I presume they have at least some investments in the 'surface world' as they might put it. I'm sure they have a great many intelligence assets as well."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another sip is taken as Mystique considers. "Everything I have heard indicates that the Altantean's don't 'like' the world above the surface, in fact I was under the impression that they wanted to destroy all of us." She says all this calmly, and in a tone that indicates she is thinking out loud more than anything. "That may not be the case, which requires some serious spying.... guess what I'm /really/ good at."

Now the cobalt mutant grins broadly. "Where should I start?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile at Mystique, "That, unfortunately is not something I can offer. I can try and have my lawyers look into investment patterns.. But that sort of hing will take time and leave a trail. You're likely to do much better of your own initiative. But the Atlanteans are arrogant and don't do subtle well. I'm also sure that while.. Prince Arthur may not care, some of his subjects might be happy to lend some assistance discretely."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods, "It's better not to leave a trail. If the universe doesn't end, I'll make plans to start this hunt for information. In the mean time..." she stands up from the edge of the desk, taking the glass from the surface. "I am in need of getting back to evacuation plans for Bushwick. I realize that of course that it's supposed to just be Manhattan, but I'm taking no risks with Mutants lives."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "A horrible thing. I don't have many resources beyond economic ones.. And htose are of little help with an evacuation beyond supporting those whom have been removed from the area." It could be a war zone. She would take a heavy gulp of her drink.