9388/Laying the Foundation

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Laying the Foundation
Date of Scene: 31 December 2021
Location: Gotham City Hall
Synopsis: Peter is hired on by Mayor March to photograph potential build sights for the New Gotham Heights project locations.
Cast of Characters: Lincoln March, Peter Parker

Lincoln March has posed:
     It's a dark and miserable day the rain pours down in sheets of inky black tar that pour down so thick one can barely see two feet in front of themselves. It's cold, it's wet, it's miserable, it's Gotham.

     Inside City Hall people rush to and fro carrying stacks of paperwork and datapads filled to the brim with information. It's an organized chaos all hours of the work day even so close to the new year.

     At the back of the hall rests the office of one Mayor Lincoln March, former linebacker, former Gotham City DA, and the first Mayor in memory to have made it through his entire first term without a single incriminating incident. This makes him a target for regular assassinations and worse throughout the year as a Mayor who can't be bought by anyone.

     The windows of his office are built with 12 inch thick bullet resistant glass and bars on the inside and out. The latest and greatest in modern technology has been used to protect his main room from intruders and today Peter Parker has an opportunity few get, a direct summons by the mayor, 'his honor' Lincoln March.

     March stands by the window his massive shoulders signaling his history as a body builder and linebacker for all to see. He watches as the flashes of lightning illuminate his harsh chiseled features in the darkness, waiting for Parker to arrive.

Peter Parker has posed:
He left an hour earlier than expected. He did NOT want to be late for this...

Which meant, naturally, that he had to deal with two minor crimes and one carjacking. Which meant he was only FIVE minutes early.

Jameson had been almost compliant when it came to this assignment. Travel stipend, even a meal voucher. He was still a skinflint, but his largesses, when they even existed, were ample.
Peter ducked into the double doors of City Hall, looking a little bedraggled. He quickly ran a comb through his wet hair before stepping up to the security station, emptying his pockets and putting his camera bag in the plastic tray before walking through the scanner.

The backpack with his gear was hidden in the belfry of a nearby steeple. He figured, with a wry smile, that the bats could keep watch over it.
He collected his gear, then followed the signs to the elevator. Fifth floor, end of the hall. Right.

Lincoln March has posed:
     Security here is tighter than Fort Knox, with multiple guards on every entrance MAD scanners the latest and greatest in technology all designed to protect the seat of power in Gotham City. Many of the more modern conveniences were financed by Lincoln March's personal coffers when he entered into office modernizing every aspect of the buildings security himself.

     The upper floors of the building have just as high security as the lower levels if not more so, there seems to be a tiered security system the closer you get to the mayor the tighter security gets until you reach the epicenter of everything those mahogany double doors with the words overarching them Mayor Of Gotham a gargoyle watching from either side.

     The hall to the mayors office is lined with portraits of mayors past, several of the pictures have been covered over with tarps due to recent petitions related to their various controversies. Actually a great number of the portraits have been covered over with tarps leaning credence to the fact that there have been a great many serious controversies in the office of mayor of Gotham.

     The picture of Lincoln March smiling in front of his fireplace looms at the end of the line stating his first year in office and no last year of course. His image is imposing and intimidating yet oddly friendly to boot.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter felt a little chastened by the man and he hadn't even MET him yet. Just...stay cool, Parker.
He guessed the security was a reflection of Gotham. For a long time, like New York in the 70's and 80's, the police force was the best money could buy. Most of them were on the take. He hoped that was changing. Those guards certainly looked like hard calibers, as Roland Deschain of Gilead would have put it.
As the two near the door moved forward, Peter stopped, swallowed, then said, "Uhm...I'm here to meet the mayor?"

Lincoln March has posed:
     One of the guards moves forward and holds out a small pad. "Place your hand on the datapad, and submit to retinal authentication." The guard looks like a linebacker himself built like a brick outhouse and standing at 7 foot tall each of them. They're clearly mutants from the looks but holding far lesser mutations. The one on the right has himself a pair of bright purple eyes and lightly blue tinged skin, the one on the left appears to be fairly normal but as he looks at Parker his eyes GLOW as he attempts to scan the young teenager to ensure that he's not a shape-shifter.

     Of course with all this money all it would really take would be a few guards here and there on the take and the entire security enterprise comes crumbling down to the ground.

     Once Parker places his hand on the pad and has his eye scanned he's let in through the double doors. "Have a nice evening Mr.Parker."

Peter Parker has posed:
*Well, NOW it kinda HAS to be, doesn't it??* Stupid Mouth wanted to bray in the man's face, but Peter only nodded and stepped inside. Wow...he figured there may be one lace more secure that people worked in, and the President wasn't taking visitors.
He took a few steps forward, then ahemmed politely. "Uhm...Mayor March? Sir?"

Lincoln March has posed:
     "Parker!" The man by the window spins on the balls of his heels an award winning smile crossing his face. The man looks like a more muscular Bruce Wayne, a bit taller. "Just the newsman I've been meaning to see." His voice is thick with gravel and yet every word he speaks shows him ever the professional statesman. He's got an unnatural charisma about him that just exudes from every pore as he walks forward and extends a hand to greet Peter.

     "Anything I can get you Parker, snack, drink?" He pauses for a second before adding. "You come highly recommended by Mr.Jameson, one of the best newsmen at the bugle." He's not afraid to admit that to the young mans face as he smiles down towards him. "Proud to have the opportunity to work with an up and coming young man such as yourself."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shook the man's hand. Strong grip, but not the crushing grip the "alpha male" type loves to use so much. And he didn't have to use his strength and blame it on some hokey grip.

"Uhm, no, Mr. March." He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm pretty much handled when it comes to liquid. Uhm, I do have a few questions about the assignment. What exactly do you want me to take pictures of?"

Lincoln March has posed:
     Lincoln takes back his hand to his side and moves back to his desk. He flicks a switch and the lights dim. He tosses over the glasses and motions for Parker to put them on, before putting on his own pair.

     "Parker let me tell you a little story. When I was just a boy I lost my parents and found myself in an orphanage." He starts flicking a few more switches. "I fell in with a nasty crowd and my life pretty much ended." He shakes his head as a dazzling display of holograms only visible through the glasses. "Gotham saved my life, turned me on the proper path, got me a football scholarship that saw me turned from gutter trash to the star footballer of the Gotham Giants 6 years in a row then District Attorney for Gotham City and finally its Mayor."

     The entire city sprawls out across the holographic display zooming in towards the Narrows section of the city a run down dilapidated portion of city known for its heavy duty crime. "I've spent my whole life trying to think of a way to return my thanks to this city for saving my life from oblivion." He motions down towards the narrows and several red dots begin to appear over various locations in the narrows. "Finally during my last term I figured out exactly how to do just that." He pauses. Hovering above the city is a pair of highly detailed 3d renderings of a 150 story building the two displays slightly different from one another.

     "These two towers are going to be built in Gotham entirely self sustaining structures which will house the majority of Gotham's homeless population" He pauses for a moment. "Restaurants, grocery stores, low income, and fixed income housing, and the finest psychiatric care in the nation all located within these two key buildings." He takes in a deep breath of air before letting out a contented sigh. "It's going to revolutionize Gotham."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter gave a low whistle. "I have to say, Mr. Mayor, this is seriously ambitious." He peers at the structure. "If I may ask...you've also fogiured the cost of reinforcing the infrastructure around the building as well as in with the building itself? I mean the flow of goods and services ALONE is almost herculean."
And he can say that, he actually met Hercules once.

Lincoln March has posed:
     "That I have Parker." He chuckles to himself. "It's most likely going to bankrupt me, but it's for the greater good." He smiles fondly as he places one hand inside of his jacket resting it there for a brief moment before motioning back to the red circled spots with his freehand. "There are six key locations throughout the narrows that I'm going to be sending you out scouting for potential locations for the new structures." He pauses for a brief moment.

     "In exchange I will be granting the Bugle exclusive rights to the story, and any photographs taken when they aren't being used for construction purposes." He presses the glasses up the bridge of his nose spinning round the display for Parker to get a better view of the locations in question. "You'll also be highly compensated for your efforts in assisting the city out of the construction fund."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, and is taking notes on an actual paper notepad instead of a tablet or smartphone. "I believe my rates are dictated by the Bugle, since this is for publication. The usual fees through the usual channels, of course. We want to display this as an example of apolitical journalism, not a puff piece. Kim Drunter is the financial reporter for this article, and she is going to ask the hard-but-fair questions."

Peter tilted his head slightly. "I have one question, though. Why the Bugle? Not that I'd turn down the work, but I wondered why you'd go with us instead of the Gotham Times or Gotham Gazette?"

Lincoln March has posed:
     "Off the record?" Lincoln pauses for a moment. "This city is Corrupt to its core Parker." Stated perfectly calmly, almost too much so. As he looks through the display towards the much younger man. There's a brilliant inferno behind his eyes as he speaks something welling up from deep within him.

     "Filled with a cowardly and superstitious lot fueled by greed and vice." He looms over the display that natural intimidation factor seeping through. "People who are motivated by their own vile ambitions willing to break apart families willing to destroy lives for a little bit extra on their own plate." He narrows his eyes hard onto the display.

     "I could have gone to them in an instant, and gotten pictures alright" He adds after a moments silence taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose with that big hamhawk of a hand of his. "Pictures angled to misdirect me, angle so someones brother or cousin gets the big land deal, jack up the price and potentially price us out all together." He pauses for a moment.

     "By going with the Bugle there's a layer of security against that, you've got no ties in Gotham, Parker, Jameson has no ties in Gotham," He's obviously holding in a fury behind his words something having cut a deep scar into the mans psyche. "I can trust that to add a layer of journalistic integrity that's lacking from the local stock."

Peter Parker has posed:
Hoo, boy, yeah, he overstepped. He looked instantly apologetic. "Jeez, sorry, sir I didn't mean to imply anything."
He takes another breath. "I don't have ties here, but my Aunt has a friend who lives here, and I occasionally visit on assignment, like now."

He reaches into the camera bag, then takes out a small red object the size and shape of a matchbox. "I figured I should show you what I'm going to be using for the pictures."
He puts on a black leather glove (right hand) and flexes slightly. The box unfolds into a small mechanical red spider, hovering on tiny rotors.
"15-megapixel camera. I've had a lot of practice with using it. It's how I am able to get some of the pictures of Spider-Man."

Lincoln March has posed:
     Lincoln calms himself taking a deep breath before he reaches for the glass of water setting on his desk. He pauses before taking a deep sip attempting to find his center. It's a long moment as Peter talks where he just zones himself in closing his eyes and recentering.

     When he finally speaks he's back to that friendly statesmanship that's he's renowned for. "I suppose it takes a spider to capture a spider." He chuckles lightly to himself looking the device over. "This should help you stay out of trouble with the locals," He pauses looking for the right words "They can be a bit overly defensive in the narrows when it comes to outsiders."

     "It's part of why I agreed to significant hazard pay to the Bugle." He leans forward a light bit setting down his glass. "I expect great things from you Parker, great things."