Lincoln March

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Lincoln March (Scenesys ID: 3255)
Name: Lincoln March
Superalias: Owlman
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Gotham City Mayor
Citizenship: US by birth
Residence: March Tower
Education: L.L.M. Gotham University Law school
Theme: DC (VFC)
Groups: Gothamites
Apparent Age: 46 Actual Age: 46
Date of Birth 25 dec 1974 Played By Peter Weller
Height: 6'4" Weight: 210 lb
Hair Color: black Eye Color: blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Lincoln March, hero of Gotham and two time mayor. He's a man with a history of being Gothams darling.

        By night he's Owlman a brutal assassin and schemer in the dark corners of Gotham. He drives

fear into the hearts of criminals and heroes alike on his own personal quest to rebuild the Court of Owls in gotham.


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December 25, 1974: Born to unknown parents.

1980: Involved in a near fatal car crash which causes severe brain damage.

1981 His parents institutionalize Thomas at Willowood asylum under the pseudonym Thomas Wilowood, this is the earliest record of his existence. He is selected for grooming by the Court of Owls as a potential member

July 8th, 1986: Thomas is given his name of Lincoln March, after his parents 'abandon' him and removed from the asylum to be used as a pawn for the court's plans. He is given a cover history in order to be of greater use to the court.

1990: Lincoln under the direction of the court of owls becomes star quarterback of his highschool, and earns top marks in the upper One percent of his class. This earns him a pair of full-ride scholarships in Academics and Athletics at Gotham University.


Lincoln continues on as the star quarterback of Gotham University, before attending Gotham

University Law School.

2000: Lincoln finishes his training as an asset of the court. Under the guidance of the Court he founds March Ventures, which becomes highly successful due to his dogged determination and a number of 'lucky breaks' organized by the court.

2005-2010: Rises to the position of Assistant District Attorney.

2011: Proves himself during the No Man's Land event as a highly efficient leader holding the line against the criminal element.

2016: Lincoln runs a highly successful mayoral campaign rising to the position of Gotham City mayor.

2020: During his second bid for the mayoral seat the court of owls is driven out of Gotham by the combined efforts of the Bat-Fam leaving Lincoln for the first time in his life without his support network and without the thumb of the court pressing down atop him. He uses this freedom to begin biding his time rebuilding his own local chapter of the court of owls, this time under HIS thumb.

IC Journal

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No matter how close people may get to him no matter how many people may adore him he always feels completely alone in the world as if no one truly understands him or his struggle.

Due mostly to his engrained training Lincoln is a highly personable sort going out of his way to make friends and be the center of attention. He loves the limelight and enjoys making himself a part of it.

Character Sheet


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Can't Feel Pain:
Due to the augmentation process utilized to process Lincoln into a potential Talon he can not feel pain allowing him to function with crippling injuries that would normally stop a man dead in his tracks.

Peak Performance:
The Talon serum that Lincoln ingested allows him peak human strength and reflexes. It also allows him to run at peak natural human speeds.

Raw Intellect:
Lincoln has a great deal more raw intellect than the average man, bordering on the superhuman. This has allowed him to rapidly grasp concepts that would stump others.

When not exposed to freezing temperatures Lincolns body is capable of rapid regeneration allowing him to survive lethal injuries. The worse the injury the longer that it takes to heal.


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An expert in criminal law Lincoln is a master of twisting and turning the legal system to his own ends be they for good or evil.

Martial Arts:
Trained by expert agents of the court of owls from a young age, Lincoln is a master of Bartitsu the art combining boxing, jujitsu, cane fighting, and French kickboxing. He's one of the most talented masters of this obscure 'gentlemen's' martial art alive.

Lincoln is a highly skilled and experienced politician who knows the ins and outs of getting others to do what he wants in a way that makes them feel as if the idea was their own the entire time. He also excels at making others feel comfortable and in control of a situation.


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Bunker Alpha:
Located deep beneath the March Ventures building is a bunker designed by the brightest minds in the court of owls to be almost impenetrable. It's a place of storage for weapons, gear, and Talons until such a time as needed and can only be accessed via biometrics hidden in the elevator.

Gotham Court:
Despite being severely wounded and mostly driven out of the city of Gotham a small portion of members of the Court of Owls still remain in Gotham city. Though greatly weakened within Gotham this network of contacts has sworn their allegiance to Owlman and provides a collection of highly trained soldiers in the remaining Talons and connections in the highest echelons of society. It doesn't hurt that the Court of Owls remain highly active outside of the city of Gotham in places like New York.

March Venture:
The large corporation that Lincoln founded may not be under his direct control but its finances provide everything he needs to maintain his operations.

The Suit:
Built to be a next generation of Talon uniform and modified with the latest technology March Venture could acquire the Owlman uniform is one that is built with combat in mind. Able to withstand multiple shots from rifle caliber rounds with shock absorption gel plates beneath the armor this suit makes him highly difficult to put down. The suit also features a full sensor suite including Infrared, night vision, Sonar, and a EMF vision allowing him to see EMF waves emitting from technology. The suit also allows him limited flight at highway speeds.


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Doesn't Feel Pain:
Due to the augmentation process utilized to process Lincoln into a potential Talon doesn't recognize when he's injured or in pain leading his body to be unable to warn him of potential injuries that might be coming his way. He also can't feel the cold having to recognize it actively instead of passively, leading him into rough situations.

Freezing Temperatures:
Low temperatures react poorly with his genetic modifications slowing his reflexes drastically the colder that it gets and if it gets too cold he'll enter a hibernation state keeping him unconscious until the temperature raises.



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Lincoln March has 17 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Revitalizing The Narrows: Security Concerns February 23rd, 2022 No description
Riot in Blackgate January 22nd, 2022 In the aftermath of the riot, Blackgate is broken, a bat has been beaten and some villains have escaped. But the heroes kept things from being much worse and kept the carnage to a comparative minimum, at least. The mayor survived. Whether that's good or bad probably depends on your point of view.
Owlman and Bane: Prison Plotting January 6th, 2022 Owlman gives Bane a pile of information on how to break into Blackgate prison, and informs him he can do with it whatever he wants.
Shredder and Owlman: Villany at a Cost January 4th, 2022 Lincoln brings on Shredder for a series of assassinations throughout the city of Gotham giving him a place of operations within the city.
Canary and Owlman: Kasper Bridges Falling Down January 4th, 2022 Canary stumbles across a murder in progress, and fights Owlman. Owlman escapes into the night his identity a secret.
Laying the Foundation December 31st, 2021 Peter is hired on by Mayor March to photograph potential build sights for the New Gotham Heights project locations.
Owls and Penguins First Contact December 22nd, 2021 Owlman offers the penguin a job that's too good to be true.
Rocking The Halls December 5th, 2021 Lincoln Hires Drago for a preformance in the name of charity
Narrows Dog-park Grand Re-opening November 2nd, 2021 The unveiling of the new Narrows Dog Park goes off without a hitch.
The Birthday Party September 28th, 2021 Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits.
A Hot Rod in the Old Town Tonight September 23rd, 2021 June has a job to steal a car. A lot of things happen, but stealing a car is not one of them.
Strix, spies a night owl. September 22nd, 2021 Owlman murders a gang leader, and the batfam investigate.
Robin Vs Owl September 22nd, 2021 Tim, and Lincoln have a lengthy conversation that raises more questions than it answers.
Late Night starring His Honour September 21st, 2021 Flowers are purchased. Pleasantries exchanged. Screaming Meanies' defeat is planned. But only in Canary's head.
Dugout: Now Hiring. September 21st, 2021 June Connor is hired to steal a car, by the enigmatic owlman what could possibly go wrong?
Strigid Interview September 20th, 2021 In which the Mayor of Gotham City crosses words with an activist in an impromptu interview.
Great Balls of fire. September 17th, 2021 A building burns, Lincoln gets turned into a pretzel, and one of Owlmans co-conspirators is captured.


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Lincoln March has 17 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Lincoln March has been credited in 0 shows.

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Lincoln March has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Lincoln March has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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