8344/Nothing like a meeting with Ivy...

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Nothing like a meeting with Ivy...
Date of Scene: 20 October 2021
Location: Saints and Sinners Club
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Pamela Isley

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Even in the daylight hours the Saints and Sinner's club is open for business to mutants and only mutants, or anyone who can get past the bouncer by convincing, bribing, or other wise cajoling their way in.

Mystique loved the mutant only atmosphere, if gave her a place to just be herself, not that she didn't do that normally anyway. Sitting at her booth, the one she always claims and the owner was kind enough to keep reserved, she had before her a glass of something. Listening to the music, she watches people coming and going.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Even outside the dreary, dark and gloom-infested streets of Gotham, Pamela can't help but disguise herself. She has to fight back a grin at the thought of it, there's a wide-brimmed hat and large sunglasses covering a good deal of her face. A long coat covering her from neck to ankles, revealing a pair of sensible pumps because she's been planning to do some walking today and dramatic heels just wouldn't cut it.

Sure, she could've used her powers to _not_ be quite so green, but it's so much easier to just draw her glasses down her nose and hiss at the bouncer 'What? Do I look like I'm _not_ a mutant?' with a wry little tilt of her head than bribing or cajoling. And once she's in, it's not like it's hard to find her destination. Eyebrows perk up behind her glasses, actually lifting enough to be seen as she sees Mystique practically holding court in her own booth. Well, that's definitely a point in the 'The Brotherhood's a serious thing' column.

And so Pamela puts on her best casual hip-swaying walk as she pulls her shades off and tucks them into her coat, keeping it buttoned up for now, sweeping her hat off to expose that mane of red, less in disguise now that she's on presumably friendly territory, eyes locking on Mystique, lips pursing in a little mix of reluctant grin and poker face as she sizes up her contact for the meeting.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There is no mistaking the cobalt blue mutant for anyone other than who she is. Wearing her tell-tale white body suit, white thigh high boots, and white smurf skull belt, her flaming red hair flows freely down her back. Collecting the glass off the table, she crosses right leg over left knee and watches the 'disguised' individual remove her hat and the flow of red hair fall free. In a club, it wasn't all that hard to notice the one person dressed like they're trying to conceal themselves, and thus making them stand out like a sore thumb.

Take a slow sip of her drink, Mystique lifts one brow slightly, then as the woman's eyes fall on her, a coy smile plays across her lips. "You're safe here," she offers in a loud enough voice to be heard over the music. Afternoon jam was quieter than it would be at night. "We're one big family."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela lets her gaze roam over the sight of Mystique, like she's sizing the woman up compared to her reputation and media coverage. Lips quirk in a wider grin and she shrugs, buttons undone on her long coat, fabric parted to reveal... a light green hoodie and a pair of black tights. Apparently despite all the effort in 'disguising' herself, it must be laundry day. Or maybe Ivy only breaks out the leaves-as- clothes look for business time as it were. She drapes her coat over the back of the nearest chair at Mystique's booth and nods her head with a little grin. "Well, I figured I'd be best off keeping things kind of low-visibility before I got out of Gotham, and hey, it's fun to play dress up."

She slips into the chair she's tossed her coat onto and takes a moment to look around the club proper, eyebrows lifting. "Well, clearly I haven't been paying enough attention to news outside of Gotham. This place is chic!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With glass in hand, Mystique sits back comfortably in the booth, dead center at the back. The table is close, but not so close that she couldn't get out quickly if she wanted to. She appears relaxed and comfortable, but looks can be deceiving. Lifting her other hand she waves the waitress over, the woman making her way over immediately.

"Order what ever you want, it's on me," she offers to Ivy, then takes a sip of her own drink before the glass is set back on the table and she folds her hands in her lap.

"You should get out of Gotham more, no one around here would blink over your normal appearance, and that is the point, is it not? A place where mutants can be themselves, free to be who they are no matter their colors, limbs, leaves, fur or feathers," there is still a small smile playing on her face as she talks, perhaps a part of the mask or maybe not. "The very rights we should have no matter where we go, don't you agree?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam lets out a long exhalation as she sinks back into her seat. She grins brightly and nods her head, looking up to the waitress, "Mhh... vodka martini with two olives?"

And then that focus is right back on Mystique, eyebrows perking, "Oh, of course. It's important we be allowed to be ourselves without judgment. After all, if you've got the charisma to pull off a solid gold belt of skulls, why should anyone be allowed to stop you? Especially when they're clearly not actual human skulls?"

Her lips twist a little, "Well, I mean, I think it's very clear I'm a proponent of freedom of expression and use of one's natural gifts. I'll admit, I've been a little... enthusiastic in voicing my disapproval of certain industrial dumping practices using _my_ talents, but I think it got the point across, no? And it's not as though the picketing crowds ever got the reaction I did."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Glancing to the belt for a moment, Mystique looks back to Ivy with a broader grin. Noticing the fashion statement amused her, because of all things to notice... the belt.

"I used to get a bit over enthusiastic myself," she comments with a very slight chuckle. "I have recently come to learn that the very thing I was trying to achieve was being effected negatively by my choice of actions. They say that insanity it repeating the same actions and expecting different outcomes, so it was time to change how things were done and so far, it seems to be working."

The waitress zips off to the bar to get the vodka martini with two olives made. Msytique watches her for a moment, but her yellow eyes shift back to Ivy. "You would be happy to know that the Brotherhood recently planted an entire forest worth of reinforced trees in Scotland. The local trees were failing to prosper, so we made sure that the trees we planted would tolerate the changes to the environment, and were still indigenous trees to the area."

She pauses at the waitress comes back, setting the drink on the table in front of Ivy and offering a smile before departing again. She knows better than to linger too long, this was clearly a meeting.

"So tell me Ivy," Mystique continues once the waitress is gone. "What can I do for you?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela crosses one leg over the other, leaning back in her seat, clearly paying close attention to Mystique's words, teeth worrying at her lower lip just a little, mostly impassive, but there's a little widening of eyes, tugging of lip, that shows that remark about realizing her actions were hurting her own cause is hitting home. She lets out a soft sigh and nods her head, "Oh, I think I get that. I mean, I guess I can't argue the insanity thing given how many times I've... gotten overenthusiastic. Also, you know, those stays in Arkham. She sighs and is about to speak when the waitress returns. She offers the girl a winning smile, takes her drink, and buys a moment with a sip.

"Oh, that's just wonderful! Certainly the sort of thing I'd be interested in helping with in the future. The garden in Gotham has been nice, but it's more of a... tourist attraction than a serious ecological effort. Honestly, I'm beginning to think that fixing the environment in Gotham's like the Bat trying to stop crime. It's too self-sustaining to be stopped by individual effort at this point."

Her lifted foot idly sways, calf bouncing against her other leg as she sighs and grins crookedly, eyebrows perking. "Oh! You mean besides the drink? Well now, I'm sure there are many things. But I was mostly thinking what I can do for you and your organization. Really, there are so many forces arrayed against you that naturally wind up opposing my own personal beliefs."

There's a brief trill from her pocket and Ivy's face slips, from that mask of cool confidence to a grimace of agony, "Also, if you guys are doing anything _way_ outside cell service areas, Harley made me a Tinder profile and my phone just won't stop doing this now."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One brow lifts on Mystique's face and touches her hairline. Harley. That was a person they both knew, but probably not for the same reasons.

"Humanity as a whole is against me," she states plainly, looking at Ivy's pocket then back to her face. "And we are located so far out of cell service, that we have our own phones to stay connected as a direct result."

Collecting the glass off the table, she rests it lightly on her upper knee for a moment. "I know a little about what you can do, what you have done, and possibility about what you plan to do, but to be perfectly serious and blunt, chaos and terrorism are no longer accepted in the Brotherhood. I agree that the environment needs help, and humans do not appear interested at all in saving their own planet, so it falls to we mutants to get that job done as well."

Now she takes a small sip of her drink, her own mask not shifting even slightly. "Tell me what you want to offer, what your goals are, and what you think the Brotherhood can do to help you, and you to help us."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Eyes narrow ever so slightly, thoughtful, a little wary at that brow lift... as much as Harley's her only friend, Ivy doesn't know everything the clown's been up to, but that eyebrow raise makes her ponder. She figures it's not that Harley signed Mystique up for a dating service too.

Ivy nods her head and huffs out a low sigh, "Yeah, they certainly are. But then, humanity's always been willing to cut off their nose to spite their face, and they do so love lording themselves over anyone 'other', even if it's at their own detriment."

She sighs and takes a larger draw of her drink, and plucks an olive off the tooth pick in the drink. After a slow chew and swallow she sighs out, "I'm not entirely sure what my plan is _except_ trying to do something other than terrorism and violence. I mean, if you're planning to plant more trees, I can assist with my powers, to say nothing of my scientific acumen. I'm sure you've got some sort of research and development program going on. I mean, I'm not just willing to help out with the environment of course, I'm a mutant as well."

Her lips twist in a sardonic little grin, "And, I'm sure I can manage to restrain my violence to something closer to the level of what I'm used to Batman dishing out, hm? More of a paddling for misbehaviour than feeding someone to a giant plant."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One of the things about Mystique matches to the name she has taken for herself, she is a mystery. Whatever it was that made her brow raise, she won't give away, it's far more fun that way. One did not get to the head of an organization like the Brotherhood without having an ace or two in their pocket... or in her case, the top of her thigh-high boots.

Sitting there silently for a moment or two, letting Ivy sip her drink, eat the olives and wonder what the cobalt mutant was thinking, a full smile spreads across her face. "I like you," she states bluntly. "You know how to play the game, and you seem truly interested in looking for other ways to achieve your goals and do your work. So..."

The drink is set on the table as she leans forward to look more directly at Ivy, "Transparency is required. The Brotherhood is working with the X-Men from time to time, as well as a few other larger organizations out there. This does not mean you are required to work with them of course, but they might be around on the asteroid." The smile returns, and there is something of a sparkle in her yellow eyes. "I don't know if you want to our ally, or become a member, the only difference comes in what information is shared with you, and what jobs you might not get invited to. The Brotherhood's goals remain the same... mutant rights. Mutants come first, we do not harm other mutants unless of course it is to protect ourselves. However, before we go any further, would you care to see Asteroid M, the head quarters and home of the Brotherhood?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela keeps her eyes on her cobalt counterpart, half enchanted, half wary. Mostly she's just trying to be more open, and so she's not quite as cool and icy as she's been known to be before. She can't help but grin herself, chin propped up in the palm of one hand. "Well, the feeling's mutual! Maybe that's why heroics have always seemed to try and keep me contained to Gotham, hm? Afraid we'd meet up and hit it off?"

Eyebrows perk as she lifts her drink with her other hand, about halfway gone as she nods her head, eyes taking on a slightly more serious glint. "Well, I don't think the X-Men have any specific problems with me. I don't _remember_ fighting them at any point in the past. And I imagine I'll get used to them being around more easily than I get used to, you know, an asteroid base. That is... I mean, let's face it, 'Seductress with plant powers who prowls Gotham' is pretty small fry. This is a whole new level of things."

Her eyebrows perk and she snorts softly, "What, there's no secret initiation party, or decoder ring to differentiate between ally and member? Well, maybe we'll start with... prospective member? I definitely sympathize with your goals. And, you know, make sure no one's going to be... iffy about me signing up."

Her eyebrows go even higher as she looks around, "Wait, go visit there _now_? From here? God, I have been drinking at the _least_ interesting bars in the tri-state area." There's a brief pause, "Orrrr... you mean you have teleporters on staff and the bar is incidental, and not a swanky hangout _and_ a secret transporter to orbit."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Sliding around the booth to stand up, Mystique offers another smile as she says, "We have numerous teleporters, however this bar is run by one of our members, so the two can go hand in hand."

Taking a moment to stride over to the bar, a swing to her hips that is completely natural and marks the grace that comes naturally to her, she says something to the bartender quietly then offers him a pat on the arm. Once he nods, she walks back toward Ivy and she pulls out what looks like a serious piece of technology. Typing something onthe small screen, the device disappears back into the top of her thigh-high boot.

"There are also shuttles that go to the asteroid on a daily basis. You have to think of it as a city in space, hovering in geosynchronous orbit over Genosha, like it's own little moon. When Genosha was attacked by Braniac, Magneto created the Asteroid as a safe place for all mutants, away from the world of humans. Some have returned to Genosha to help with the rebuilding, others remained."

At that exact moment a shimmering, misty white portal appears directly beside where Mystique is standing, about four feet from where Ivy sits. "You're welcome to bring your drink."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela's definitely not going to leave her hostess behind, draining her drink, finishing off that second olive, and following that sway of hips like she's practically being guided by a metronome.

She quirks an eyebrow as that fancy piece of tech is retrieved from one boot, then slipped right back in. And Zatanna thinks she can do magic tricks.

Ivy glances back at her coat, and then shrugs... she's got more of those classic 'I am the most obvious person trying to be anonymous' trenchcoats, so she'll leave this one to be picked up later. Or find a good home.

Ivy's eyebrows lift high and she hums, "Well! I imagine the rebuilding effort could use my help as well. Relocating vegitation with minimal destruction, some nice parklands..."

She eyes that misty white portal and takes a deep breath, mumbling out, "C'mon Pam, those crazy mishaps are just Star Trek plot points, real life's not that ridiculous..." And then she throws her head back proudly, hips swinging and _struts_ into the portal like she's just daring it to dare misbehave.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique is used to the portal, this one coming by the hands of Ritz, a mutant standing in the garden when Ivy appears. The woman looks like she's ready for a biker ball, completely dressed in leathers with an 80s style mohawk hair style. When the cobalt mutant appears, Ritz offers a nod and just walks off as if this is the norm.

The sensation of these portals causes a little disorientation, perhaps a very small lurch in the stomach, but it passes quite quickly. Mystique offers Ritz a nod, watches her move away, then looks to Ivy. "Welcome to Asteroid M, Ivy. This is our primary garden, and obviously the best view possible."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy holds her own against the disorientation. She's not sure if the hastily finished martini helps or hinders, but it sure does something.

Ritz gets a quick little wave before she's all walking off to be too cool for school elsewhere.

And then Ivy's lost for a moment in just gazing around in abject, open wonder at the lush vegetation, taking a slow, steadying breath, eyes closing, body arching up onto her tip-toes, arms stretching above her head like she's sinking into relaxation.

There might even be a faint rustling of leaves through the surrounding plants, almost like a breeze passes through them as she murmurs out, "Well, I have to admit... if I wasn't sold on your sales pitch already, this would be... this _is_..." Those bright eyes blink open and lips curve in a crooked grin, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to want to get used to being around here regularly. You've got much happier plants around here than humanity manages."

Eyebrows perk as she looks around, "Wait, this is the best view? It wasn't the fashionable bar and the boots? I figured you were leading with the big guns, but I stand corrected."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique laughs and points up at the earth lingering in the view of the domed ceiling. "I can't top that, no matter how high my boots go."

Striding over to one of the benches, she takes a seat and once again crosses her legs. "This room is used by many on the asteroid for a touch of earth. Bruin has worked very, very hard to create a true vegetation heaven here, there are even a few birds, squirrels, a new bee hive that was just put in by another mutant who controls bees, and my fish live in the water system."

Folding her hands in her lap, she watches Ivy enjoying the room. Most go straight for that view of earth, but of course the garden itself would be Ivy's interest. "This is merely one small part of the whole asteroid of course, but I felt it would be the best place to continue our conversation. You see, members are given a room here, access to the asteroid twenty-four seven through the teleporters that are a part of the Brotherhood, and access to the training room, which if you've ever seen Star Trek, think holodeck without all the manfunctions."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy looks up as directed, and goes silent for a moment, her eyes widening as she just sort of... stares at the Earth hanging out there. Yep, jaded sometimes-crazed eco terrorist or not, there are some things you just can't prepare for.

But there's not really time to be totally absorbed in any sort of soul-shifting epiphany of her place in the universe. Not when she's got so much of the Brotherhood's efforts to make their Asteroid a home to marvel at, eyebrows lifting, "Well, I admit that's... okay, I'm totally sold." She grins crookedly, eyebrow quirked, "Well, that's good. I mean, it always seemed like they must get tired of the programs going all megalomaniacal and self-aware."

She rolls her eyes and sighs, "But trust humanity to still resist working with a group that can accomplish all this. But you're probably right, fighting them is a losing proposition. I'd say we'll kill them with kindness, but..."

She smiles oh so sweetly and flutters her eyelashes, "I'm sure that's a little too close to _actually_ killing. So we'll just work to improve things for all of _our_ kind, no?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique glances up at the earth above them. In spite of the fact that she lives here and has seen it a few hundred times, it never ceases to amaze her, as if she's expecting it to just not be there one day. After a moment, she looks back to Ivy.

We are in fact trying not to kill humans any more," she mutters, then clears her throat. "For numerous reasons, but the most obvious is that is defeats our purpose. Now, if we're on a mission and they're shooting at us, they're lives are forfeit for self preservation."

Standing up, she starts to walk along one of the paths slowly, toward the lake at the back of the room. "Our missions are for the betterment of mutants all over the world. I'm sure you've followed the news about China recently... we did that." She pauses to look at Ivy again. "Well, we did part of it. I went to check on the mutant situation in China, which lead to them kidnapping me, I will not go into how the hell they managed that, let's just say they got very lucky, and then they tried to kill me radiation. Magneto was forced to leave them a message in the smoke stack of their nuclear power plant, after shutting it down."

She starts walking again, "After that, it was required that we aid the Brotherhood of China in rescuing the hundreds of mutant children forced into camps to learn to be their loyal little puppets. That however, is not why you're here, to hear the stories of what happened, only that that is the sort of thing we do."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela follows along, and for a brief moment as that history's laid out, there's a glimpse of that more violent, villainous side, a glower, another rustle of leaves around her. But she takes a deep breath, looks up to that hanging blue orb in the sky and swallows harshly. "Agreed. It's becoming more clear that a new approach is necessary. Both in the world, and in my life. And, well, you guys have a fine standing for one in the world."

She shrugs her shoulders lightly and grins, "And hey, I always figured I should bite the bullet and try to get out of Gotham sometime for something other than a multi-state crime spree. Maybe this'll actually work."

She shrugs her shoulders and rolls her eyes, "I mean, either way, it means I've got a hangout that's not being interrupted by two different mafia crews yelling about each other's mothers' cooking in the street before they start shooting each other."

She points a finger gun and grins, "And got it, hey, I'm not going to go prying into anything about the past. Just glad you made it out and seem to be doing just fine. And hopefully they learned their lesson not to mess with mutants."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Once they reach the lake, Mystique leans down to open a fake rock and pulls out a bag of fish food. Reaching into it she gets out one scoop of the food and flings it into the lake. Instantly nine very large koi fish make themselves known and start chowing down.

"As a member Ivy, you get to know all about what happened in China, and what is still happening in China." The fish food goes back into the fake rock and she closes it, looking back to the green mutant. "Even as an ally I would tell you about that one."

With the fish enjoying their meal, she walks over to sit on another of the many benches around the lake. "I have always believed that we are better, stronger when we work together. I had not considered until recently that that might include mutants like the X-Men, but thus far I have not been sorry to have waved that white flag and create truce between us." She pats the bench beside her. "You should also know that if you are arrested for your past crimes, as a member, we will come get you. In this way, you don't have to get yourself out and risk hurting any humans."

Even if Ivy doesn't sit down, Mystique will continue with, "So, what else would you like to now about us Ivy? Membership is easy, you say you want to join, I give you one of our phones so you always have a constant link to the asteroid and the teleporters, you get a room you can decorate any way you want... though please do not remove any walls, Magneto is the only one who knows which walls are support and which could be removed, we don't need the asteroid imploding."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela's happy to sit down next to Mystique, just enjoying the relaxing ambiance, watching the blue mutant feed her fish and nodding her head with a soft, murmured laugh, "Well, I think I'm definitely part of the crew. I mean, there's no real reason not to try this. You're all in for a good cause, and if anything you're... more socially acceptable in your methods now than I've been on my own."

Her shoulders lift and fall in a helpless little shrug, "Well, I'll definitely keep that in mind! I mean, rearranging the walls seems a little extreme for decorating. Maybe a poster or two or something, you know, a dresser and the like."

Her head tilts thoughtfully, her lips curve in a thoughtful little frown, "I mean, the rest of the official stuff I can catch up on as I get involved in things... I guess I should find out if you guys are doing something for halloween? Some kind of mixer or something? I probably shouldn't be 'That scary plant lady who's been lurking in her room for a week' or something, right?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The expression on Mystique's face goes blank, as if Ivy just said something she never once thought of. A slow blink. "Well fuck," she mutters. "Halloween. I didn't even think of that! We could have one hell of a party, and lord knows we need it after the past couple of weeks around here. Thank you for that idea!"

A smile springs back to her face, "So I'll plan something, most likely in the bar... oh yes, we have a full bar, buffet and kitchen, waffle bar, and the best apple fritters in outer space.... and you don't have to pay a dime. There is an 'allowance' given for all members, you can think of it as a pay check if you want, but there is also hazard for those missions that might risk your lovely neck." Then she chuckles a little and shakes her head ever so slightly, "Scary plant lady. Have you ever met Sabertooth? Magneto? Me? Let's just say, most people around here may not know your name, so don't expect too many to be afraid of you until they've seen you in action."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam grins and winks to Mystique, "Oh, see? That's how you can tell someone doesn't live in Gotham. Everyone else just realizes at the last minute they forgot the chocolate bars. In Gotham you're making sure that the fifth deadbolt's installed on the door and that the window place put the bullet proof glass in." She might be joking. Maybe.

She fingerguns and grins brightly, "Well, now I need to think up a costume! And... wait, you guys have an always-open waffle bar? There's like... a gym here right?" She quirks an eyebrow, "Oh, I don't know, I mean, Magneto's scary from like... hell, you've seen what he can do better than the news covers, hell, you just mentioned he can -alter the asteroid-, but I always figured Sabretooth was a lot like Killer Croc, you know, big, instinctive, and easy enough to point away at someone you don't like with a couple choice words. Maybe I'll have to keep on my toes around him instead."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique laughs and nods, "Yes, the training room doubles as a gym, but there is also a gym out there on the third or fourth floor? I never use it, I tend to get too violent in my exercise for the gym and use the training room instead. You're welcome to use either, or both. Guests are not permitted in the Training Room, the technology in there is a bit of a secret, just as most of the technology used on the asteroid is."

Adjusting her leg, she looks back to the lake and a moment later Ritz steps through a portal, hands Mystique a box, then steps back through the portal that appeared as if she was never there. The box is checked, then offered to Ivy.

"Your membership phone. You will find it looks exactly like the one I pulled from my boot in the bar."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam reaches out to take the box and give it a little pat, "Well! I'm not installing any apps on this. It's going to be my super private Serious Business Phone. ...Does it come with any games?"

She shakes her head and grins lopsidedly, "And I don't think I've got to worry about guests or anything, benefit of keeping a small social circle because half the city's mobsters and the other half is either crazy or... well, crazy, but fighting the other half. Limited socialization options, you know?"

Pam balances the box on her lap and stretches her arms above her head with a low groan, "But yeah, I think I'm going to enjoy this. Trying to make a difference with a group. And, you know, not using my powers to just... get chemical company executives 'in touch with nature' and the like."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique lifts a brow, then pulls her phone out of her boot again. Had Ivy been looking, it literally looks like she pulled it from no where at all. Unlocking the phone with a seriously long code and a swiped pattern, she looks it over.

"Huh... seems H & D did put a few games on here," she turns the phone screen so Ivy can see it. "And you can install more, H & D will keep them linked and the phone secure, it's their job after all."

Once Ivy has a chance to look at the game choices, she shuts the screen off and back into the boot it goes. "We can still handle some of those chemical company executives Ivy, your goals are more than worthwhile, so we can lend you a hand... in fact," a mischievous smile lights her face. "... we can do this from the inside. You want dirt on them? You want a mole in the inside? I can do that far easier than anyone else on the planet."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pamela does watch that phone seemingly pulled from nowhere, her eyes darting to the screen as it's turned, her breath snorting out in a soft laugh, "Well, there we go, some games to keep me out of trouble if I'm feeling fidgety, this really is going to work out great!"

Her eyebrows perk, and there's an evil, wicked, downright scheming grin on her lips as she leans closer, "Why, of _course_I'd enjoy that! I mean, imagine how sad it would be if all those confidential meetings they have where they say what they really intend leaked out to the public? They'd probably _want_ a giant plant to swallow them up. And imagine how disappointing it would be to find out I'm not _in_ that business anymore, and they're stuck living with their mistakes! Oh, the sheer _tragedy_ of it all." She tosses a little wink and then leans back, "So oh yes, I'll definitely find some mischief for you to indulge in, my dear new friend."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique wiggles her brows a little, then returns her hands to her lap. "The only thing left at this point is a tour of the asteroid, and to assign you a room. Your phone is linked directly to your room, the security will demand you enter a code and speak a few phrases to get a voice pattern. Meanwhile H & D will be laughing, because they choose the phrases, just humor them and say the phrases, they don't get out much."

Standing up now, she glances to the fish who have already finished off their meal and dispersed into the streams. "I will try to arrange for a meeting with Bruin, our gardener. I have a feeling he's already watching, as he may or may not be a fan of yours."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Pam bobs her head and glances down at her phone box with a snicker, "Well, I'll indulge the dynamic tech duo then, I'm sure they won't get too outlandish with the code phrases... and hey, if they do, well, the new girl needs a _little_ hazing, right?"

She stands up herself and smiles brightly, bobbing her head and giving a moment of absolute, unrestrained joy... which has to be something that happens once a year in a good year, "Oh! Absolutely. Tell him I'd be happy to meet him. I mean, anyone who makes such a wonderful place as this and makes the plants as happy as they are? I definitely want to meet them."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique starts walking back along the path toward the double doors that mark the elevator and exit from the garden.

"You'd be surprised what those twins make people say, so expect to be hazed real good. I bet if you come to the garden alone some time, Bruin will come out to greet you. He's exceedingly shy, the only way I can talk to him is arranging a meeting where he's in a bush near where I'm standing and I can't look in his direction. That is the agreement."