7845/=A Fishy Evening

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=A Fishy Evening
Date of Scene: 15 September 2021
Location: The Lotus Taverna <Cafe>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, Tara Tsabedze

Henry McCoy has posed:
An invitation had been extended to K'Tara, one for a pleasant dinner of the seafood variety. At least that was the hope! Henry had wanted to try out the Lotus Taverna and the fare there - and hopefully the young lady would join him! He was dressed in a nice linen shirt and black slacks - comfortable and proper. He'd arrived early, and was waiting near the entrance to the eatery.

The big man shifted from foot to foot, anxious in waiting for his potential dinner date.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Dressed in a lovely maroon dress that hugged her form, complete with a spot for her tail to escape and do it's own thing. Already pretty tall, Tara wore a pair of lovely flat slip on shoes that matched her dress, and had her hair pulled up into a fancy, albeit large, bun with extra beads for decoration.

Having arranged for a cab ride to the location direct from the company, the driver was luckily a friendly sort, not one of those haters she's come across a few times in New York. So when she pulled up to the location she was in a good mood. Paying the driver, with a good tip, she climb out of the cab and started looking around. Hank was hard to miss, and she was glad for that honestly, crowded location made her a little uncomfortable and thankfully he was right there.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Spotting her was not difficult - he was looking for her, after all! And with keen senses, Henry turns towards where she exited the cab. "K'Tara, you look wonderful tonight. I'm glad you could join me." He beams, offering a hand over to her. "Are you hungry?" A nod is given to the host, and the pair is lead to their waiting table.

Henry pulls the chair out for his date, allowing her to sit before helping her scoot in towards the table. "I've heard good things of this place. I've been to Themyscira once - it was a lovely affair." He smiles.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
As Hank approaches, he is given a hug and kiss on the cheek before she takes his arm to walk beside him.

"You said there may be seafood, how could I say now to that?" She teases, even winks at him before his cheek gets kissed again. "I would not have missed a chance to see you Hank, even if you said there was a hot dog cart on some corner to meet at."

Once they head inside, she pauses, not used to having her chair pulled out but she accepts it with a smile, settling into the chair. "What is Themyscira?" She asks, accepting a menu from the waitress to look at. "It is not a word I know."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast is all grins at the greeting, and the hugs and kisses! He's all but bouncing with energy. "Themyscira is a nation state, run by women. It is where Wonder Woman is from." A wide grin. "Quite the interesting place and culture." Henry explains as he takes his seat across from her.

A chuckle at the mention of the hotdog cart. "I know a few good carts from my time jogging in Central Park." The man assures. "If that's to your liking, we cat try that next time?"

"How are you doing tonight? How has work been?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The napkin is removed from the table and placed on her lap as she gets herself comfortable, making certain her tail is free but out of the way. Last thing she needs is to trip a waitress.

"Work has been quite wonderful," she admits with a cheerful tone and a smile. "Mostly small things, scraps and bumps, which has allowed me time to catch up on my reading and research."

For the moment she sips at her water, the menu laying on the table as she scans it over, but she doesn't want to hold it up and block her view of him.

"I would not mind a trip to a hot dog cart, if you know a reliable one, nor would I mind jogging in the park." She pauses a moment, then close the menu. "How can a place be ruled by women? How do the propagate?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
His own napkin is placed over his lap, then glasses are put on. He does need to read the menu, after all! Henry grins over to her. "Small things are good - larger injuries, healed or not, can be traumatic to young ones. Or old ones." A laugh. "I am sure larger issues might arise, but it is always best to have healthy students."

"I suppose we'll have to make another day of it - jogging in the park and enjoying the local hotdog carts." Henry beams. "As to how they propagate, I am sure they find a way?" He grins. "I never asked, I thought it might be rude coming from a male."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara stares at him a moment, then starts giggling with a slight shake of her head. "I did not even think of that," she offers in that giggle. "That would most likely be a problem, yes. Perhaps it is a question I can ask one of them sometime."

She turns the menu over to look at the back, but that's just deserts and drinks, so she turns it back. "I was thinking salmon," she then says. "Been a while since I had it, though salmon is not too common on the east coast, more of a west coast thing. Perhaps I will let you choose for me, so long as it is fresh I am not picky."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A grin and a nod. "They are quite friendly, but cautiously so. History and all that, I would wager. That said, I am sure they would be more inclined to explain to you." Henry admits. "Perhaps we could go on a trip, to see some of the more wonderous places in the world some day." A tap of his finger to the table. "I love travel, even more so with friends."

"Salmon is always a wonderful choice - we should go with that." A nod. The food is ordered, along with a paired wine. "I am quite certain it will be fresh." He smiles, nodding to her again. "So, do you have a favorite dish? Dessert?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara scoots her chair around so she can take his hand, and be closer, across the table is too far.

"I would love to see more places in this world." She comments, petting the back of his hand lightly with her other hand. "I have seen a few, but I was alone. It would be so much better with someone to enjoy it with. What are some of the places you would like to see?"

The petting stops, but she keeps hold of his hand while taking a sip of the wine. "My favorite dessert is cheesecake, any kind of cheesecake. As for a favorite dish," she hmmms, trying to decide if she has one. "It is a toss up between a nice pasta dish, and anything that moos."

Henry McCoy has posed:
As she scoots closer, he beams - scooting to meet her part way. "Well, I have been many places, though usually in not a tourist capacity." Henry smirks. "Too often, my work and duty carries me to far off places. It'd be nice to visit somewhere on a vacation, without worry from the troubles that pop up so frequently." A sigh, though he's still grinning. "I would love to see your home village, if it is permissible. Hawaii as well, to relax in the glorious tropical jungles."

"Cheesecake is divine - I love the chocolate variety, myself." He grins, taking a sip of his wine as well. "And a proper steak is a wonderful meal - especially Waigu or Kobe." A rumble of his tummy. "I tend to go through more of it though, thanks to my metabolism."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
She leans slightly against him so she can say quietly, "You and me both." In regards to eating too much, or perhaps metabolisms, then she sits back up.

"Visitors are always welcome to the Paka ya Mwezi village, Hank." She then says with a smile. "At least the one in Kenya, the one on the moon requires a bit more of a connection to the tribe, or me, which you have at this point, but most don't get to see it."

"Hawaii is one place I have never been but have considered going, most definitely would be more fun with someone there." She smiles brightly, something of a playful smile playing on her lips. "Get you into a swim suit and surfing."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry arches an eyebrow at her conspiratorial whisper. "Is that so?" He chuckles. "Then I will feel quite a bit less self-concious about my meals with you." He chuckles, not shying away from the nearness. "Wonderful about the visitors being welcome - I know some people are not fond of outsiders visiting." A slight smile to that. "And the moon... quite lovely. I've been into space before, but I don't belive I've ever been to the moon." A dreamy grin. "I've been fascinated as to what it was like, for our astronauts."

"Surfing? I think we've got the balance for that." He winks to her, chuckling. "So many beautiful places to see on this earth - I don't think I'll ever run out of locations to see."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara tilts her head a touch, a huge grin on her face.

"I am well aware you are humoring me," she says with that grin. "The moon that my people go to is not in space, it is not the actual moon, we both know that... they however, do not. They believe it to be the core of the moon in space. The tradition of this belief goes back so far even I cannot trace it, but I have learned the truth of it since leaving the tribe to travel. I only ask that if you do visit, you never mention that."

As the meals arrive, she moves things on the table so that she can stay sitting next to him to eat. "I have never been surfing, nor swimming in the ocean, I would like to do both."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A blink, and a chuckle. "I earnestly am not. I have seen those with amazing gifts, K'Tara. If you say you go to the moon, I have no reason to disbelieve you." He smiles. "Alas, my understanding of more esoteric and magical things is quite limited." A sheepish smile. "Regardless, I would be honored if you ever felt the want to show me such places."

He rubs his hands together as food starts arriving, looking on the meals with hunger in his eyes. "This smells and looks so good..." A glance to Tara after. "I've never been surfing - but I would be glad to share these new experiences with you."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara giggles softly, adjusting the napkin in her lap before picking up her fork. So much easier to just use a fork to break off pieces then try to cut. "It smells /really/ good, and fresh," she adds, before stealing a bite to enjoy.

"The magic that creates the realm we call the Moon may come from the moon, but I assure you, it is not the moon. The moon in the sky is a planetary body, not the Goddess. She grants her powers /through/ that planetary body, but it is not Her. I have learned a great deal since leaving the tribe, some of these things are known by the Elders, but to change tradition might lead to catastrophe, so these things are merely not spoken of."

Taking a small sip of her wine, which does perfectly with the salmon. Hank knew his stuff, or got really lucky, she wasn't certain which. "I could bore you with the logic and magical aspects all night, but I would rather talk about you and I surfing in Hawaii, or perhaps Florida if Hawaii is too far."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Indeed! With as well-prepared as the salmon is, the fork is the only thing needed. Henry picks up his fork and starts digging in as well. "Indeed. Tender, too. Cooked to perfection." He grins, taking a moment to savor a bite.

He listens as she explains the dynamics of the celestial body, and her Goddess. "Interesting. Is the moon in orbit a conduit, then?" He guesses, watching her as the two share a meal. "And no reason to cause trouble with the traditions." He agrees.

A grin as she mentions Florida or Hawaii. "Either - honestly. Hawaii is not too far, I've got some frequent flyer miles." He teases.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara nods, trying a little of the rice that came with the salmon, but really she goes back to the salmon without pause for another bite. Again a sip of wine is taken, because the combination of flavors it just soooo good.

"That is exactly right," she then says. "It is a conduit of the Goddesses power, which is why during the daylight hours my powers are weaker than they are at night. Now if I followed the moon around the planet, I would be empowered the entire time, but that would be a silly thing to do really."

Next she tries the vegetable that came with it, noting it is lightly buttered which makes it perfect. "I have never been on a plane," she admits. "Do you think they would have issues with it? To be fair, I cannot remove my claws and they are considered weapons."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The medley of flavors is not lost on Henry - the man tries bites of each in turn. Happy Beast! Everything is pairing so well - compliments to the chef and all! Another sip of his wine, the man nodding to her. "Fascinating how things work. I've heard of some who are powered from extra-terrestrial bodies - though mostly the sun." He grins.

"I suppose chasing the moon around the globe would be exhausting, and likely not the intent of your Goddess." The man suggests. "But I am not one who has a lot of familiarity with faiths or religion, to be honest."

"Well, I am quite certain that arrangements can be made - I have a bit of clout when traveling. Worst case scenario, we get a private flight." A smile. "I know some people who can arrange such."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Having returned to the nibbling, little tastes of each thing, sometimes mingling them on the fork, Tara blinks and both brows raise when he comments about arranging private flights.

"Interesting," she comments softly with a teasing smile. "I have met a man with clout, how did I get so lucky?"

She giggles a touch then, and shakes her head, "I can teach you about Goddess Moon, or Bast as some call her. I know a little about the Christian faith, as it is the most... prolific."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A bit of a proud grin. "I have connections." He winks. "Working with the Avengers tends to get you a bit of leeway in some aspects. And a lot more work in others." Henry grins, patting her hand briefly. "And I think I got lucky, meeting such a fascinating young woman." He says, a slight blush evident on his features and in his body language.

"I would love to learn about your faith. Faith fascinates me, though I rarely get a chance to study it. Too many other projects." A smile. "Christianity, I grew up with - my family followed that faith. I can tell you what I know, though I may be quite out of practice."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara looks at herself for a moment, then smooth down a little fur on her arm. The shorter sleeves of the dress allow her natural fur to show, and sometimes it stands up on it's own just like happens on any cat.

"Ooooh, name dropping," she croons, leaning closer again. "Avengers... that is impressive Dr. McCoy. Are you in with them well enough to introduce me some time?" She wiggles her brows a little, then sits back. She can hear a few comments being made here and there, her ears tend to pick up everything, but she's ignoring them for the most part. So far the one that stuck out was asking why she was black and he was blue, and someone whispering about bruises, which make her laugh internally.

"Do you believe in God?" She asks simply. "Well, the Christian God, or some other God or Goddess, or is this merely curiosity?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
He watches her, taking in her reactions - her behavior. Henry understood the fur arranging - it was habit for him as well. "They are good people - I am certain we can try to arrange a meeting? I know they would likely be quite interested in your skills." A grin. "There are a few among them who favor the more mystical arts, as well." There's a chuckle, eyes on hers. The comments around them are heard and tuned out - no threats, so he's not concerned.

At the question regarding God, he pauses. "I don't know. I know there are powerful beings out there, some who manipulate powers that would seem godlike." He admits. "But... I do not know if there is an entity out there responsible for being, or for me having a soul." He smiles.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara hmmms softly with a nod, also watching his eyes between stealing bites. There's not much left on her plate, like him she eats a lot and without hesitation.

"The Gods are not the creators of our souls," she says plainly. "They merely like to lay claim to them while we are alive, and after we die for some. The Universe created our souls, a spark of something amazing created from the same energies that created everything else out there, and when we die the energy returns to the universe, for most. Those who have taken to a faith and worship a God or Goddess, their souls go to them and thus these Supreme Entities maintain their powers. We call them Gods or Goddesses, but to believe for even a moment that one of them created this world... that is foolish thinking. Science has proven evolution, which was sparked by the Universe and the Big Bang. It is as simple as that."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"The Universe? Do you think souls were created during the Big Bang, then?" Henry wonders, curiously. There's no malice in his questions, just an earnest desire to understand. "And what of new souls, children? Are they from the same energy, so far removed from the time of the event?" He pauses, nearly done with his food. "What of those from beyond our universe?" So many questions!

The man shakes his head, looking to her with an apologetic grin. "Sorry - so many questions, and I wonder if that's not the point of faith - to continually be amazed and stumped by how things came to be."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara reaches over to pat his arm lightly, "You can ask as many questions as you wish Hank, it is all part of getting to know one another."

The last bite of salmon is enjoyed before the plate is slide away and she takes another sip of the wine. "The Universe is constantly in motion, creating and destroying as it goes. This Universe is filled with powerful energies that creates the suns, moons, planets, constellations, all through the millennia long movements of the energies of the Universe." She lets go of his hand so he can finish eating. "Every life created is given a soul by the Universe, created the moment the first breath of life is taken. We are all the Universe made manifest to better understand it."

She watches the waiter pass by with a raised brow, apparently hearing part of their conversation, but she doesn't care. "I cannot speak for other universes out there, only this one. Every species with in this Universe, no matter if it is human, Shi'ar, Kryptonian, a horse, a fly, a spider, are a part of the universe."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a smile, Henry clasping her hand warmly as they continue contact for a moment more. "That's a fascinating perception of the universe. It has a logic to it, which is something I strive to find in everything." A chuckle. "My science brain really digs into the questions of the way of things, even if I cannot devote hours to study to it."

"Thank you for sharing with me something so personal, K'Tara. It does mean a lot to me, honestly." He admits. "So... are we doing dessert?" He grins.

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara waits for him to be finished eating before she takes his hand again, holding it lightly in her own.

"Cheesecake," she says plainly with a nod. "As for sharing, it is what I do. There are far more personal things I could share, if you want to know. Never hesitate to ask questions Hanks, no matter what they may be regarding. I like talking to you, and sharing with you."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Cheesecake it is. An order is placed for both of them - one chocolate, one standard. "Cheesecake. I'll share, if you like." He winks, Henry smiling to her. "And I will answer any question I can - though I cannot divulge other people's secrets, if that makes sense?" He hrms.

"In my life's work, there are many unique individuals that I have met, worked with and assisted. I cannot tell their stories, their secrets... but I am an open book to you otherwise."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara lifts his hand to rub it against her cheek before replacing it to his leg, still holding it.

"I would never ask you to tell me someone else's secrets, even I would never tell those. That information is not mine to give," she nods, scooting a touch closer so they are touching. "We could go half and half with the cheese cake, if you would like. And I promise, my questions will be about you, not the people you have met or worked with, they do not interest me, you do."

She smiles softly, reaching up to caress his cheek, returning the favor one might say. "You seem so kind and giving, it surprises me that you are not already married with numerous children."

Henry McCoy has posed:
His nostrils flare a bit, scenting her as she brushes her cheek against his hand. "I am glad you understand, and I will never pry for secrets you cannot share." He assures, smiling. "For dessert, we can trade bites as needed." Henry purrs.

At the comment about his kindness, then his marital state, he certainly blushes. "I... suppose not everyone is fond of the exterior I wear."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Reaching over Tara caresses the side of his neck a little as she says, "Their loss then, by only using looks to judge a person."

She takes her hand back, looking into his eyes, "I forget how shallow people are in this world. I suppose that may very well be the reason I have never been asked out before. A few times in Kenya, once in Mozambique, but in England, Canada and here in the United States, no one, until you, has asked me out. I think you are beautiful, and anyone who disagrees clearly has not seen your soul."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A warm flush to his skin, even under his fur. "You flatter me, K'Tara - but thank you." Henry murmurs, looking to her as she caresses at his neck. "Visual aesthetics are important - but yes, seeing beyond them is important to." A wry grin.

"And I feel that I have been quite the fortunate one in being able to get you to agree to a date with me." A gentle chuckle. "You are quite beautiful and exotic as well, K'Tara. I could not look away when I saw you first."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara sits up a bit straighter in her chair, head canting slightly to the right side.

"Me?" she asks sounding surprised. "Exotic, yes I can see that given my unique appearance, but beautiful?"

She considers a moment, taking a new fork to steal the very tip of the cheese cake to taste. While savoring that sweet, creaminess. "Yes, I suppose I can see it, to your eyes," she finally says, looking back to him. "So I can accept it from you." She smiles more brightly, then takes another bit of cheese cake on her fork and offers it to him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Yes, you." Henry grins. "And we can come to an agreement, then." He winks to the woman offering him a bite. He takes it, with a pleased sound. A bite of his own cheesecake is offered over to her in return, giving her the first taste.

"So what shall we get up to after dinner?" The man grins. "A lovely walk?"

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Accepting the chocolate version of the cheese cake, Tara's eyes light up.

"Oh yes, they know what they are doing here," she chimes softly, almost purring from the flavor. "I think a walk would be lovely, just promise you will hold my hand while we walk. Not that I fear anything, I just like your hands."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A smile, Henry nodding. "Of course! I'd be honored to hold your hand as we walk." A wide grin. "And yes, I will have to mark this place on my list of places to return to." A chuckle. "Both for the food, and the memories of the wonderful evening."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Another nibble of the cheese cake is taken before Tara offers him another bit of the normal cheese cake. She's not against sharing, in fact she prefers it.

"Memories of me telling you about the Universe and souls?" She teases, and winks at him. "Since my father is not really my father, and my brother is now a grandfather, I suppose I will have to play the part for them and attempt to ask in an over protective male family member."

She adjusts herself a little in her seat, attempting to look serious. "So Dr. McCoy," she says in a deeper voice, clearly not her own, she's being her father or brother after all. "What are your intentions with K'Tara?" She manages to get that far, keeping the serious expression but that's it, she starts laughing.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He's all too happy to share with her, trading bites as often as he takes one. It all tastes divine, after all. Henry grins at her teasing, smirking at the mention of her family and protectiveness. A dab of his napkin to the corners of his lips, and he offers over an answer.

"My intentions, are to know as much as she'll share of herself and offer the same to her." He nods to her, grin widening as she laughs. "Where ever the path may take us."

Tara Tsabedze has posed:
There is no way she can finish the whole piece of cheese cake, after that meal, so she nonchalantly slides it over to him as if it has been there in front of him the whole time. She even does the whole 'look away while sliding the plate' thing, to make it more obvious what she's doing. She can't stop grinning while she's doing this, so when she looks back at him and pretends to be surprised that he has two desserts, that goofy grin is still there.

"Good answer," she offers him, with that grin. "There are things about me you still need to learn, and perhaps it may be time to share those, since the intentions are where ever the path leads."