7459/Champions Don't Stay Down

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Champions Don't Stay Down
Date of Scene: 20 August 2021
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Saeko

Billy Batson has posed:
The hero known as Shazam, has the stamina of Atlas, who weld the Heavens in place. Simply put he did not normally tire physically. Mentally was another matter. His mind was still all too human and he spent a restless night over Iceland chasing the Northern Lights. He liked Iceland. The afternoon found him patrolling, Philly which he loved, Queens which had grown on him, and Happy Harbor, his new home. So far he caught a purse snatcher, foiled a car jacking and had pushed a disabled cargo container into port.

Shazam settles down behind the library. His eyes glow electric blue and he says, "I am knocking off for a nap, otherwise... I'm going to go crazy and start zapping things. Captain Clueless is signing off. Anymore gods want to mess with me, this is your last chance. I'm just going to sleep the whole weekend! ... okay then." He prepares to say the word.

Saeko has posed:
It wasn't often that gods asked each other for help between pantheons, especially when it came to things that weren't 'end of the world'. How did Saeko get pointed this way? Inari only knows. As shazam was making to say the word that would set aside his empowerment for a time, Saeko herself simply appears, or at least a form of her does. Black hair swapped for blonde, her usual yukata swapped for the whites blouse and black slacks of her 'professional' disguise.

Even if it did have her looking basically like someone's fantasy of the school librarian.

"Hello Shazam," she speaks up, announcing herself lightly. "How are you today?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam turns around and gives the impression of hearing a sound no one else can. Obviously, he tempted fate. This was the answer. He gives an unenthusiastic wave. He can feel magic tickling at him. After the events of the last few days, he had it with gorgeous women. Which surprised him.

"Hello... who am I addressing?" Be polite with gods. That was the lesson here. His usual smile is gone.

Saeko has posed:
Tempted fate it seems, but at least it wasn't the wrath of the olympians that was falling upon him. Instead, the blonde fox in disguise gives a little lazy shift of her hand, disarming perhaps or offering a little reassurance. "A friend, a concerned party asked to offer a hand. After all, you know quite well what one unbalanced wielding power such as yours can turn out."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam gets a worried look around the eyes, now ordinary blue. "Yes -Sivana! Is he loose and empowered again?" He hopes not but he has his responsibilities. Spider-Man would be proud of the way he stands straighter, squares his shoulder and sets his jaw. His tiredness is forgotten or at least pushed aside. The boyish character is subdued.

Saeko has posed:
A soft chuckle, the fox shakes her head and moves to turn towards the young man turned titan. A gesture of her hand to draw his eye back to hers. "There will always be more to be done, this day or the next. That is the lot of anyone who seeks to uphold good and punish the wicked...yet if you do not look after yourself, focus and take time to 'breathe'? It is you that will be worse for it."