7341/A less bright moment

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A less bright moment
Date of Scene: 12 August 2021
Location: New York City
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Naria Shepard

June Connor has posed:
    June needs money. She has a way to get some of her old gear back from her previous employer, but it'll cost her to get someone to sneak the stuff out. Problem is, she doesn't have any income. So tonight has been a night for making cash. Pickpocketing, mugging, whatever she can manage. Middle-aged men are usually her best targets. They often have a little cash on them at least. But how do you lure one?

    By looking like you need help. To that end, she's teamed up with an...acquaintance of hers. Julio. The hispanic man ist at least ten years older than her, which makes him a good antagonist for the set up. So she's in midtown, a place where people of higher financial standing might be found.

    "Bitch! I told you, ya work for me! That means you do what I say, and go with who I tell you to go with!" In the alley, the man slaps her across the face, a bit close to the sidewalk, somewhere that people might easily spot the man hitting her. June stumbles back against the wall, looking afraid.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A decent night out, a good show and some awesome pics taken of the skyline? Rave was having a good day. Once more dressed like she was headed to her namesake, the girl with the glowing blue hair was lazily making her way down the path of the sidewalk. By all acounts? She was actually moving at a normal human pace with her eyes fixed on her phone and a lazy little swipe of her thumb as she browsed through whatever it was that was on display. She'd almost look like any other young woman...if that woman had dunked her head in a bunch of glowsticks!

It was the slap she'd heard first of all things, that was the first noise that caught her ear and had her mentally 'backtracking' to what she'd just heard. In the financial district of all places? Well, Rave could only assume that was where the better 'marks' were.

If only she knew!

Lazy pace turns to purposeful movement as the metahuman girl turned the alleyway, bringing her fingers to her lips for a high-pitched whistle to get the attention of the apparent attacker.

"Hey! Leave her alone and get out of here, or else you're gonna get a heck of a lot worse!"

Hands on hips, smirk on her lips as she stood there dressed like she were ready for a night out. This 'heroic' thing had yet to get old!

June Connor has posed:
    Both June and Julio turn to look at the interruption, then glance to each other briefly, and back to Rave. "Hey, lady, you don't want any of this," Julio says, "Just go on your way," Without shame, he reaches out to grab June around the throat, forcing her to walk backward. He isn't looking in Rave's direction at all, though June has been turned that way, holding his wrist as she's shuffled further back into the alley.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Well...hopefully Julio thought he was getting a decent cut of whatever June was making, because his response? That doesn't really go over well with the bluenette woman. She actually sighs, shaking her head and reaching into her pocket for a hair-tie before she moves again. Of course, the 'movement' is awfully quick, a sudden surge of motion and she was right up behind Julio, tapping the apparent pimp on the shoulder.

It's only after he turns to face her that the woman grins, lifting her hand in front of his face and making a 'snap' of her fingers. A 'snap' that happens to be accompanied by a brilliant flace of blinding light.

That was gonna sting, and it was going to likely take hours before he'd be seeing properly again.

June Connor has posed:
    June's eyes go wide as the blur closes on Julio. "Oh shit," she says. Julio turns to look at Rave, a certain recognition on his face that they are certainly in over their heads. "What the-"

    June is not in much better a position as the flash of light goes off, and finds herself falling to the ground as Julio releases her, both of them covering their eyes.

    "Fucking hell!" June cusses, while Julio simply lets out a growl of aggression, and swings blindly at Rave, a wide left-handed haymaker of anger at his sudden lack of sight.

Naria Shepard has posed:
June thankfully wouldn't get quite the full blast, Rave had put her hand specifically with Julio's head between her fingers and June herself...but it was still like looking at a bright-as-hell camera flash up close. Angry swings were dangerous normally, they could be doubly so when thrown in a literal blind rage...but combine that with a little super-speed and well? He was miles off hitting her when Rave zipped sideway, a little shift of her weight and a bump of her hip sending the likely overbalanced thug sprawling onto the pavement while Rave gives a little click of her tongue.

"You're in over your head big guy. I think you ought to lay real still now for the next 15 minutes before you end up hurting yourself."