7273/Dinner with a Sinner

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Dinner with a Sinner
Date of Scene: 08 August 2021
Location: Sushi Yushu
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jason Blood, Morrigan MacIntyre

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood made reservations in advance. Sushi isn't precisely what they'd discussed as an intended destination, but this restaurant is particularly well-regarded and, when he learned they had an unexpected opening, Jason had no choice but to take advantage.

He's dressed well, wearing a black suit with emerald and ruby accents, notably a gleaming pair of devil's head cufflinks. He arrived first, with the maitre'd waiting at the front to escort Morrigan to the table as the occultist takes a sip of a scotch as he waits, the seating isolated enough to give them intimacy to not be troubled by other's conversations or prying eyes.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan wasn't expecting to go on a dinner date while she was in Gotham, but she was happy to have the opportunity come up. While he is wearing black, the redhead shows up in a tea length dress in crimson with amethyst accessories. Her hair has been left down fully and tamed back from it's unruly curls. She gives a smile as she makes small talk with the maitre'd as they lead her to the table.

When they reach where Jason is sitting there is a moment taken to give the man a look over and then she smiles, "I think we've found who I was looking for. Thank you." she dips her head to that. Then she gives a look back to Jason, "You are looking very dashing this evening." she grins.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood rises from his seat at Morrigan's arrival, helping to pull out her chair before he resumes his own seat. He does still have the old time manners, it seems.

"And you are looking quite lovely, although I cannot imagine a set of circumstances wherein that would not be the case," he says. His British accent is still present, albeit a bit faded from decades spent in America., certainly not as pronounced as that of Constantine.

"I hope you didn't mind my improvising a different spot, but this place is quite widely renowned for good reason. I believe the head chef was one some television program or other. I enjoy sushi, but only when it is exquisitely prepared. It takes great precision and talent to maximize the flavor of such simple ingredients," he says.

"I hope you have been well, since last I saw you?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a gentle smile as she moves to take a seat, smoothing her skirts before she does. She loosks to him as he reclaims his own seat and there's a chuckle, "I don't look so good after an all nighter in the lab." she muses to that. She crosses one knee over the other as she settles in, letting her foot swing a little as she does.

"I don't mind venues changing. I am a fan of sushi and things so this is delightful really." she smiles to that. "This is my first time visiting, but then again Gotham isn't my most visited place, though that could change." she gives a grin with that said.

"I've been alright for the most part. There's a few things coming up in the next few days that might prove a bit stressful, but I'll get through them." she admits. "And you?" she asks him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood gestures slightly, "Gotham can be wonderful. The architecture, the history, the museums, all can compete with anywhere. However, so can the crime, degradation and insanity. Something in the water, I'd almost suspect, except I've been drinking it for years and I haven't cracked yet. At least, I don't think I have."

Jason hears a whisper in the back of his head:
Silly boy, my Jason, my blood
You're such a boring fuddy dud.
Mad you've been, for ages past
How long can this pretense last?
The lady's fine, I don't deny
Your usual tastes have been belied
Sooner or later, you'll blow your top
And her blood, the floor you'll mop.

Jason casually slides his hand over to the silverware, pressing the tines of the fork into the palm of his hand to stifle himself responding to Etrigan's taunts. "Oh, I live a life of leisure. I find stress to be so stressful," he teases. "Anything with which I might help? I have a bit of arcane knowledge of my own."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan watches him with a smile as he explains the pros and cons of Gotham. "Maybe I'll look into finding an apartment over here sometime. Sometimes having another place to get away to can be nice." she admits. "Plus the local vigilantes are sometimes an adventure to keep track of." she muses to that. "If I hear anything about a large demon running around that matches your friend I'll be sure to let you know." she tells him.

She doesn't know that little voice that was whispering in his mind. Probably a good thing she didn't.

"Mmmm, a life of leisure with no stress is a bit of a dream of mine, really." she chuckles to that. "At the moment I think it's just a lot of bad news. Apparently someone is killing death gods/goddesses. There's going to be a gathering at the Laughing Magician to see what can be done about it." she states. "Something tells me your occult library probably trumps mine. But we can measure that sort of stuff at another time." she winks at that.

Jason Blood has posed:
"Ah, yes, the local vigilantes. I've encountered him a time or two - and several of his cohort. He's rather intense and, frankly, could probably lighten up a bit. But I suppose that's part of who he is, why so many fear him."

Clearly, Jason isn't counting himself among that number.

"Certainly some irony involved in murdering incarnations of death. Perhaps I'll join your gathering, if my schedule allows, that I might give my own thoughts. But, as you said, such matters are hardly what we're here for tonight."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Are we talking about Batman?" Morrigan gives a soft quirk of an eyebrow at that. "I've met Robin, but that was completely by coincidence." she admits to that she admits. "And yes, killing death dieties is a bit...on the nose I guess. "If you are unable to attend I would be happy to send you the cliff notes of the meeting?" she offers with a smile to that.

Then she chuckles and straightens in her chair a little, "When you aren't being mysterious and taking women out to dinner is there anything that you like to do?" she asks him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood smiles, "I'll take you up on that summary, should I be unable to make it," he says. "And yes, but be careful. They say you say his name too many times and he'll appear in the mirror and send you to Arkham," he says with a wink.

He considers, steepling his fingers and thankfully momentarily interrupted as the waiter comes to take their order. He shows his expertise, his Japanese pronunciation clean as he selects mostly sashimi for himself, getting some rice wine for the table. "My hobbies are diverse. Collecting. Travelling. Art, as you saw. I've dabbled a bit myself, but nothing for public consumption."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a laugh, "I could just imagine that happening." she muses to him. "Arkham, probably not the best place to be sent. So lets hope not." she points out. "Hopefully you can attend then." she grins.

She listens to him and there is a bit of a look to the waiter when they appear, her Japanese might not be as clean, she's not over a thousand or anything as orders a selection of sushi and sashimi. Then she focuses back on Jason. "I'd like to travel a bit more. Most of the trips I've taken the kids on we've had to keep an age lock on things. And I'd like to go out for a drink and sight seeing that's age appropriate." she muses. "Dabbled a bit? I've always wondered what others were capable of. I tend to not run across other sorcerers in the wild a lot." she states.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood takes a sip of his wine, "It's better now. I remember Arkham long ago, when it was first opened. Little more than a dungeon for the mad, then. Not so much medicine, just...containment," he says. And he did do a short stint in there himself, although he doesn't like to remember it much.

"I've lived a long time, as I've said. It pays to keep your interests diverse. My magical studies became something of a necessity. Once I and the Demon were bound, I had to learn about the dark arts and quickly, as a matter of survival."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft nod to that, "Most prisons and asylums are better than they were in the earlier days of medicine. But I'm sure there are still some fringe nightmares that would make medical officials pale." she states as she moves to take a sip of her wine.

"Are your own magical abilities seperated from his or is it something that you share since you are bound?" she asks.

"I can't teach much of the dark arts. But I am always happy to aid in growing magical prowess." she offers with a smile.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood nods, "I can attest to that. I sometimes was a sort of physician in past ages - my true medical knowledge is mostly incidental, but I knew more than the average person by far and a bit of magick helped a lot among the sick and the dying."

"They are separate. Etrigan's powers are more intrinsic, although he does pull out the occasional spell if it suits him. I think he just likes brute force better. Magic helps me to solve problems without having to rely on him."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Medieval medicine was sometimes barbaric...but necessary." Morrigan nods to that with a frown. "Being a healer can be a blessing and a curse. But it's good that some of us do it." she states with a bit of a smile. She listens to the commentary on how the separation of identities somewhat works. Contented for the moment on that. "I'll try not to ask too many questions about the bond. It's just a curious thing." she admits.

"Not having to rely on him is a good thing. Though I'm guessing that is easier said than done." she offers. "Do you have a favorite place that you like to travel to?" she asks him.

Jason Blood has posed:
Jason Blood looks up as their orders arrive, an array of different dishes place on a silver salver, allowing them to pick and choose as they please. Food is selected and distributed and, for a few moments, quiet tends to reign as the two of them each sample their dishes.

"Rely on him is something of an oxymoron regardless. His purposes and mine are often at odds. We have a fair number of shared enemies and he'll sometimes do as I please...but never mistake him for benevolent or kind or good. He is an evil bastard and no mistake about it.

And in the back of his head:
I happily admit being evil as hell
After all these years, you know me so well
Neither are you any sort of a saint
So careful how broadly a brush do you paint
Wicked and cruel have you been in your time
So behave yourself, lest she hear them in rhyme

"It's a complicated thing. I understand the fascination."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a happy little smile when food appears. She was a fan of food and she didn't hide it really. After a few bites she takes a drink of wine to clear things. Not wanting to forget manners and speak with a full mouth. "I will take the advice about Etrigan. And I don't figure I'll be poking you to let him out so we can have long intellectual talks either." she points out.

"Fascination?" she asks. "I have a healthy appreciation for the supernatural in general. The more I know, the more I can help others and maybe end strife before it begins." she states.