9454/Training for Trouble

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Training for Trouble
Date of Scene: 04 January 2022
Location: X-Men Danger Room
Synopsis: Megan and Monet train together against a big threat. Teamwork is awesome.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Monet St. Croix

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has spent a good while at the Roost, learning to become an active junior heroine and getting some back knocks a few times already. She had decided to return to the danger room at the institute to gain some much needed training. After the holidays, she had been rather out of shape and it was time to kick her butt into gear if she is ever gonna help rescue her newfound friends.

Fortunately she is a junior Xman by now, but the safety protocols still required her to work with a more experienced partner to access the danger room settings. Which is of course why she somehow managed to talk Monet into joining her, even though she doesn't know the other girl that well at all. But hey, isn't she supposed to be like, Ms. Perfect or something? Only one way to find out!

"Sooo, what kinda scenario do we wanna do? Maybe we can do this cool looking 'High Seas' Scenario!'" Ooh, now that looks fun..And potentially dangerous, she ponders aloud as she flips through the settings.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Megan, considering, "That sounds appropraite. An amount of debris as well which requires quick maneuvering to avoid and to counter." She would hover over in place. "Do you wish for it to be cooperative in engagement or alternatively for us to engage one another to see who can accomplish the takedown?" She would have her hands over in a relaxed position.

M, being a trainee herslf despite her general pretensions of being just as good as everyone else, was waiting to see how Megan wished to setup the scenario and the paramters, her getting read while reviewing what data she had on the other trainee.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, adjusting her blue and gold uniform, her glistening wings folded against her body, colored light green this time. "I think Co-operative might be good, I need to learn how to work better as part of a team. What did you say your abilities were?"

As she speaks, she punches in the program and the bland black and blue grid like setting quickly changes into that of mid day, clear skies, bright hot sun shining down on a large merchant ship. "Arrgh, me mateys! Let's be pirates!" she giggles, but isn't exactly dressed in pirate gear. Oh well.

"Sooo, let's check out our surroundings and see what we're supposed to do here.." Hmm, looks like there's a lot of cargo to be delivered to..Somewhere. But the seas look rough. Will the threat come from underneath, another ship or from within?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod at Megan, "I can fly, have super strength, and telepathy." She would hover up in the air, "It will be useful for the two of us to both be on reconaissance. Given the variety of possibilities, rahter than commit to a single scenario, we should be flexible in our routine. Both of us can fly and maneuver until we see what the opposition or threat is. I can keep us in touch by telepathy. Then when we see it we can respond appropriately. Do you find this acceptable?"

People skills! Rather than just telling the other girl -what- they're going to do. "YOu can relocate quickly so we can use that to rapidly respond and adapt as need be."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins, "Cool, sounds like you're a jack of all trades! So am I...Well kinda..Glass canon, flight, teleportation, soul dagger, limited magic." she nods as she peers around. "Right, maintain radio communication.." she spreads her wings as she heads for the back of the ship.

"This ship is pretty big, looks like there are people working on it. Ooh, is that fish I smell?" Megan wrinkles her nose as she peers into one of the crates. "Okaay, so a fishing vessel, these folks must be fishermen, they seem friendly enough." well mostly they're just ignoring them, but one of them comes up to Monet.

"Miss, are you two the heroes we hired to protect this ship? We're trying to reach the shore safely, but there have been reports of a giant squid like monster that keeps sinking our vessels!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to maneuver to try and scan the minds of the fishermen if possible. Not something she might ordinarily doright off the bat, but this was a training scenario and she felt fine with pushing it a little further, particularly with none of the other telepaths present to call her on it. Monet would go higher up in the air thoughtfully.

<<Get more specific data from them if possible. You are likely to be more effective against such a creature than i am. In the event we do engage it, I will keep it distracted or engaged and you can attempt to inflict sufficient damage on it to make it withdraw>>

Her hovering, speaking over calmly despite the banter.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Most of the fishermen seem pretty anxious and eager to be done here and on their way. Monet may see images of what appears to be a giant Kraken by at least one or two fishermen who have actually encountered and survived the beast in the past. It's pretty big, at least as big as the ship, with long, powerful tendrils that have in the past ripped fishing vessels apart.

Megan nods and flies towards the the back of the ship, scanning the area. "All clear down here!" she calls into her comm. So far, so good. But there is still tension in the air. "As long as we stay on course and don't stop for anything, we should be good.."

But even as she speaks, she sees a large ripple in the water. "hold on, something moving in the water..Coming up quickly! Shall we hold our ground or engage?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is quickly evaluating and engaging in calculations in her head, using the speed and mass of the kraken to estimate it's course. "We can't maneuver the craft rapidly enough to evade it. I will attempt to get it's attention, you start to attack it. Aim for eyes and sensory nodes. If we fail, break off and teleport the fishermen back to the docks." A plan of action from M.

Direct, not necesarily the best one mind, but as far as she's concerned the 'punch it' is the most immediate thing.

Presuming that Megan isn't calling her off to do another thing (and likely has a better idea), M is going to charge in at high speed, fists in front of her to try and just dive right into the water!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lips and nods, preferring to take orders than give them. "Got it." she narrows her eyes as she peers at the water, at the rippling waves that become larger and more intense. "It's accelerating!" she frowns, summoning her glowing pink soul dagger. But of course she will have to get in close to be particularly effective and so she waits for Monet to engage first, holding her position at the back of the ship and waits for it to surface.

And surface it does, a massive squid like thing with tough green scales, large gleaming intelligent yellow eyes and a nasty sharp beak. As Monet dives towards it, it snarls and reaches out with powerful tentacles, attempting to wrap them around her and entangle her enough to drag her under water!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's well, well beyond the mass that M can lift. It has her grappled at very close range where she has no leverage and cannot fight effectively or struggle with the tentacles over her, the suckers on them making it too difficult when enveloped in them for her to force her way free. Her ability to breathe being cut off underwater! Hopefully she can hold her breath forawhile!

Struggling in the creature, she would simply go to focus telepathically on Megan, moving to try and feed her data over on the exact position of the thing, her estimates where the eyes were.. While ttempting to at her physical best at least slow the thing down and prevent it from crushing her!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn gasps, diving off the ship once she sees that Monet has been entangled. "Monet! Hang on..." she catches her self from diving *in* to the water, instead flying above it, hopefully high enough to avoid those tentacles. She really has to fight the urge to try and break Monet free, but she's doing a good job of distracting the Kraken, allowing her to focus on finding its big eyes which make a big target.

"I see it..Hang in there, I'm coming in close.." she tightens her grip on the dagger as she hovers nearer, trying not to get splashed by water or grabbed by a random tentacle. The giant squid however, smells the fish on the boat, nostrils flared as it tries to fling Monet away and into the water. It's hungry, it wants that tasty fish!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The intent of this (accidentally mind) is to keep the kraken occupied, for the boat to get out of the area and for Megan to be able to attack it with greater freedom. It leaves Monet being crushed underwater and struggling, but the kraken is mostly slowed. Monet is if possible telepathically guiding her partner for the exercise in as best she can given her state of being crushed.

Monet as it would try to fling her away goes to try and keep the tendril in a crushing grip. Knowing that tearing it off won't necesarily do anything, instead she tries to use her flight to 'accelerate' in a direction approximately fourty five degrees 'diagonal' from the kraken. Rather than trying to go fully against it, she's trying to redirect it's course partially.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Monet is quite successful in drawing the Kraken's focus away from the ship. It roars and thrashes some more at her, but she does manage to veer it off-course. Megan swallows and dives closer to the creature, close enough to focus, aim..And launches her dagger at one of its eye, hitting home. It screeches and thrashes in pain. While the dagger does not do physical damage, it is enough to cause it great pain, enough so that its grip around Monet weakens quite a bit..

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is going to then try to dart her way up and out of the water now if possible while the kraken's grip on her has been loosened. She's sending an appreciative mental response to Megan. Then she's storming up, trying to charge in to hit at it's eyes with all her speed and strength! Probably not with very much effectiveness even if she can make contact.

<<How much agony can you cause the thing with hits?>>

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The Kraken is too confused, in too much pain, leaving it wide open. This time its tentacles thrash around wildly but barely miss the mark as Monet rushes in to slam into its eyes, causing it to screech in further pain, blood dripping from its eyes now. It's blinded, but it's still massive, still advancing rapidly nearer to the ship, albeit a little to the right. Still, its great mass sends dangerous waves to crash against the side of the ship, causing it to sway dangerously back and forth. A few fishermen scream as they fall overboard.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This isn't going the way Monet had hoped for. She sends a quick thought to Megan <<Save those going overboard>> Their priority is saving lives and minimizing damage <<I'll try and keep it busy to give you time>> The thing being blinded is at least a temporary blessing in slowing it. So Monet goes to if at all possible punch a hand somewhere into the eyestalk and if she remotely can maneuvers to try and -pull-.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods. <<On it!>> And she dives into the water, grabbing a few people. But they're big and heavy and water drenched. "Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" and she teleports them back to the ship before diving deeper for third that got swept further away from the ship.

The Kraken is pretty strong, but so is Monet, and it gives a louder, blood-curdling scream as she grabs and pulls out the eye, splattering blood everywhere. Which makes the kraken angrier, thrashing its tentacles everywhere, angry enough that it's focused even more on Monet, trying to hook a tentacle or two around her ankle, as it starts to descend into the water.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is being draggeda long with it! In her position she can't effectively struggle. She has no real leverage on it as the tentacles would lash around her and grip hard, her being dragged once more into the ocean, breath cut off and gagging, her hands trying to pry it off of her and failing!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
As Monet gets dragged down into the depths with the creature, Megan does her best to monitor the ship's progress as it quickens its speed, putting a great deal of distance between itself and the Kraken. She makes sure the ship steadies itself before rushing back to join her ally. Monet might be strong and powerful, but the Kraken is a mammoth, not easily defeated by a single hero!

"Monet, hang on, I'm coming!" She teleports herself closer to quicken the gap between them, and stabs the tentacle pulling Monet into the water. It may be strong and powerful, but its no match for an otherworldly soul dagger. It screeches and rapidly lets go of MOnet's leg.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is struggling, running out of air having not had the time to breathe before being dragged again, and is only saved by Megan's quick timing and cutting of the tendril, her attack making it release the other mutnat. Monet is gagging, water gurgling into her lungs as she's desperately going to rise up to the surface to try and be able to breathe again, hopefully wtih the injured kraken falling back and fleeing.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn wraps her arms around Monet's shoulders, trying to pull her out of the water as much as possible. But she's not terribly strong, plus they're both water drenched. Thankfully this is salt water and they are both fairly buoyant in the water. "Hey, are you doing okay? Looks like the Kraken is retreating and the ship is well in its way to safety."

Sure enough, the massive squid has had enough from the two mutants and is already fleeing the scene. "Soo, what now? Perhaps we should check on the sailors, see if any of them need medical attention?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Going to hurl up water from her lungs, spitting it out in spurts before she could breathe again, Monet would nod, "Yes. We can check on them and then escort the boat back to the docks if it has not taken damage. It is likely that some of the sailors will require medical treatment and the fishing trip is aborted."

She would gag for a few more minutes, clearin gher lungs out

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, "Save your strength. You did pretty well out there..Wow, who designed this program? I dont think that Kraken is made to beat..Or we'd have to come back with more team mates..Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" and she summons them both back to the fishing ship where three or four sailors are still recovering.

One of them hit his leg hard against the side of the ship and looks like he might need minor attention. His leg is bleeding and cut in places. The others are just drenched and have blankets wrapped around them. The sunny skies have rapidly turned dark and grey and it looks like a storm is on the horizon. Let's hope they can get them home safely.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a partial victory. The ship is damaged and some of the crew ar einjured, but they're likely able to get back to land. But the fishing trip has been aborted, and while injured the kraken has been driven away, not dealt with permanently. It will heal in time and come back to prey once more no doubt.

But lives were saved and the ship wasn't too badly damaged, hopefully. Which counts as a win. Monet is flying up along with Megan back to the fishing boat, gagging and spitting up the last of the water in her lungs and getting back to normal.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, peering a round as someone grabs a first aid kit and works on the wounded fisherman's leg. "Hey, not too shabby, you're pretty strong..But now this storm is coming in. I hope we can outrun it!" even as she speaks, winds are picking up, and big waves start to rock the ship slowly. Fortunately, the waves aren't quite as strong as from before, and not as focused, but they still have a ways to go. "Darn, too bad I can't just port the entire ship." she chuckles nervously, hanging onto a nearby railing to keep from losing her footing.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Megan, "As a backup, if you have the range we can teleport the crew back to the docks." Better to save the lives in the end. "I can also pull the ship if the storm gets too close. They'd have to pull down the sails and go below decks." Which was normal for a ship in a storm dependent on the wind to take her. "I'll get setup wtih a large reel if need be. Are you all right?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Sound like a plan..Wow, can you really pull this ship? It's pretty big." But then she's seen for herself that Monet is pretty strong. "Heh, guess the rumours about you were true." she giggles a bit and nods, panting lightly, "Yeah, i'm fine, I can port them back to safety if need be, but I doubt they will be happy to leave their cargo behind. But y'know, like you said, their lives are our priority."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shake her head, "NOt particularly effectively, but it's a better option than none at all." Pulling it a little bit is better than leaving it adrift at the mercy of th storm. "Be ready to teleport the sailors back to the docks if it threatens to capsize. I can handle myself in that case, do not worry about me."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, glancing around, doing some mental calculations. "Sooo, about 20 people aboard. Okay, I can do that..Just in case..Woah!" she yells and loses her footing for a moment, stumbling back as the boat sways violently to the right. A few fishermen yell and tumble although none yet have fallen into the water. "Sheesh, why would someone do this for a living? It's like the weather changed in an instant." oh, and is that a large boulder in the water up ahead? Uh oh.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would grunt and move to be ready to pull if need be, going to put a long line on the bow of the ship, going to hold it ready if need be to loop it around her body to secure it. "You will have to ask someone who does it. I find this particular thing to be madness. So many far more efficient ways. Ensure that the crew are below decks if the simulation can bother to have them do what they're supposed to."