9546/Coney Island Washboard Blues

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Coney Island Washboard Blues
Date of Scene: 09 January 2022
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Spinner hosts a party for the local homless population to celebrate what may well be the end of the world. Katrina and Rainmaker plot out ways to save the local homeless population from their fate.
Cast of Characters: Comrade Spinner, Sarah Rainmaker, Katrina Cupertino

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     There's a strange silence that covers across the boardwalk of Coney Island, with so many new yorkers having been evacuated completely. There's an odd calm that washes over everything as snow piles up unmoved in many corners of the once lively section of city.

     The winds blow snow drifts across the boardwalk adding to the eery atmosphere that pervades everything in all directions.

     The eary calm is broken by a sudden thumping bass. The bass grows louder and louder by the moment before a voice cries out "74 47" The music building and thrumbing louder as it begins to shake up the surroundings. A closer inspection would see a number of speakers have been hung up by web in various corners of a cordoned off area of the boardwalk.

     Vodka and beer bottles litter the ground snow brushed out to the side as someone has set up a small stage made from webbing and cardboard. A number of New York Cities homeless russian population gathered together as a makeshift DJ station sets atop the webbing based housing that has blocked out the snow from falling down onto their heads.

     People cheer and dance across the boardwalk as the beat drops and people throw their heads into it already drinking themselves silly as a lone figure in a black mask with an ushanka hat and sunglasses atop a bright yellow track suit stands behind the DJ booth bumping out music loud and proud.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
She hasn't been to Coney Island before. Not in her limited time in New York. So while traveling there and going flying to clear her head, at least she's trying to be helpful while going in a patrol around one of the areas that are temporarily housing evacuees. It's as she's going in for a loop over surveiling the crowd of homeless that her mood settles. The stench carries, but these are people who have nowhere else to go. And they're enjoying themselves. Despite everything giong on they're enjoying themselves and finding a moment of peace together.
    No matter what has happened, Sarah Rainmaker can't really begrudge them that. So as she would go to loop on down she would land somewhere a ways away and going to readjust her outfit - mostly going to throw on a sweater atop her costume that had been tied about her waist so as to not as blatantly be noticable and head twoards it.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Evacuation gives an unusual moment for Cybernary. Normally, she'd have to concern herself with being spotted if she went to a public space like Coney Island. Mostly because of a few countries that like to slap 'terrorist' on any metahuman whose actions they don't care for, whether or not it really applies.

    For the record, she's not the type to blow up civilian targets, BUT she is quite fine with blowing up criminal targets who pretend they're civilians at times.

    She figured, like others, that this was as good a time as any to take a look before evacuating herself by disappearing into the string of vehicles still making their way down the highways out of the city.

    But she wasn't expecting music, and the sound draws her closer. She's not exactly hiding her differences; the curling horns keeping her mane of hair in check are easy to spot, even if she's keeping the rest of her at least looking human. She's not really worrying about the weather, so she's dressed in her usual garb of choice...leather. A fair amount of leather., though she's put on a jacket for the look and for the ability to conceal pistols under it.

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     The music rises louder in volume shaking snow off of buildings nearby as it thumbs out in all directions. The man behind the DJ booth throws his head from one side to the other behind his makeshift DJ station. He throws his arm up shouting in russian.

     (Today we party till we drop comrades, Drink! Smoke! Live!) He lifts up his facemask pulling a lit cigarette from behind his ear and takes a long drag before letting the smoke flow through his nose and his mask like a dragon. (Party only stops when the cops come, and I don't see no cops.)

     Gathered about beneath the intricate webbing that makes up the overhang that has been built by Comrade Spinner are people of all stripes. There are obvious mutants, and regular humans alike, the only thing that has them all together is the fact that they all appear to be either Russian or from the eastern block. A few people on the dance floor look to have bright red scales, a part of the same family, one man has a devil's tail and glowing red eyes, another just appears to have the head of a fish.

     (You want louder?) Spinner asks only for the drunken crowd to shout back. (Louder! Louder!) To which he cranks up the bass even further drowning out the world as he cranks the music to eleven.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Russian is not a language that Sarah Rainmaker can speak, though she can get at least some of the intent of it from the enthusiastic responses of the crwod. And a bit from their actions. Emotions were very much a universal amongst humans, triggered in all of their ways and all of thier experiences. So it's with a nuanced yet happy look that she would watch over. She would try and follow what was being said, eventually deciding it was unimportant so long as she felt the emotion.
    Seeing the mutants and the humans and everyone else thronging through the lights, the Gen-Active girl would let out a slight hum while going to approach in that direction, heading towards the dance floor.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    The additions of various mutants...MOrlocks maybe?...does make it easier to blend. Not that Katrina has ever particularly cared to blend save when it's absolutely required. Or polite. She's following the shouted comments as she makes it to the edge of the crowd, not far from where Sarah is observing, her lips curving up in a smile.

    Good thing she can selectively deafen out some sounds though. The noise makes it hard to talk currently, she suspects. She does get a good look at Comrade Spinner, not recognizing him immediately as she zooms in, her onboard computer starting to compare him to her list of metahumans...or at least, she's assuming the webs are from him. Maybe Spider-man is actually Russian?

    While she does shoot Sarah a smile, she doesn't get the same once over, as Cybernary doesn't immediately reoognize her as a metahuman.

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     The man behind the DJ Booth leaps up over his booth and down onto the dance floor as the music thumbs and the beats curn out of the various speakers and the car parked off to one side.

     He spins round on his head before flipping forward and back into a traditional kick dance. His moves look almost impossible as he works through a routine. He spins out a web from his hands onto the ground and stacks himself higher before bounding back onto the stage leaving behind a statue of himself made from webbing. He claps his hands together before diving back off of the DJ booth and crushing his own statue into a pile the webbing not seeming to stick to the man himself as he crushes it back down against the floor.

     He spins round on the webbing before kicking himself back up to a fluid stand and soon after flipping his way back once more onto the stage made of webbing and cardboard to keep it from sticking to anyone else.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
Cybernary doesn't seem to notice Sarah's attention quite yet, her gaze focused on the range of people out partying as she finds herself swaying to the beat a bit, grinning as she does, her hands sliding out of her pockets. Well, why not? It's not like she can't party a bit. Not like the police are going to break this up, and she could use a little down time anyway.

    So she slips into the crowd, pause to snag a beer from one of the many coolers scattered around as she pops its cap off, taking a long drink then joining the dance!

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     And beer there is plenty of. In fact it's everywhere, almost too much of the stuff especially for a group of homeless people like this. It's one well stocked party filled with Vodka and Beer.

     The Dj smiles wide as a cigarette hangs from the corner of his mouth. He slaps his hands together in time with the music kick dancing beside the booth when he's not needed to adjust the music.

     (The world might be ending as we know it, but I feel fine comrades.) He shouts just above the music as he returns to his booth to a round of cheering from the drunken partying crowd.

     Some of the party goers have gotten themselves a table with little lines of white powder, enjoying the evening seemingly unnoticed by the rest of the party as it seems the libations don't stop with just cigarettes and booze.

     "Comrade Spinner rocking the house tonight." He says in a thick Russian accent. "Only way we go home is body bag." He throws a hand out to one side thwipping a vodka bottle from one of the nearby coolers and drags it back with a flick of his hand leaving behind a trail of steel strength webbing.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is heading along in a wide arc, going to watch things. But everything seems to be reasonably safe, given circumstances. People will be armed, and they will defend themselves. If things escalate.. Well.. Then things will happen. But there's nothing that seems out of line for her - at least by her analysis over of everything that's going on. So she's staying at the periphery of the dancing, her hips swaying to the beat.
    Comrade Spinner? Well, definitely a name for a DJ. Not one that she would have expected.. But still, better with no 'In Soviet Russia' jokes along with it. Then realizing that the webbing being used.. Isn't just for show. Huh.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    To the morgue isn't usually where she likes to end her nights out, but she's fairly sure he's just pumping up the crowd. Rather than serious. She's met supervillains who would do that, mind, but he doesn't seem the type. Soon she's grooving along with the others in the crowd, mostly bouncing gracefully from spot to spot rather than standing still for an extended time.

    Which is how she spots Sarah lingering and not dancing, then emerges from the crowd like taking a breath. "Mmm, you look entirely too good a dancer to be a wallflower." she says, an odd accent faintly tinging her words.

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     Comrade Spinner literally kicks the lid off of his bottle of vodka with one foot sending the lid flying off into the webbed ceiling. A keen eye could catch several other lids already stuck up there with the most recent one.

     He kicks back the bottle and begins to chug and chug down the contents while holding his cigarette out to one side. There's no room for tasting the vodka then again the beer and vodka are the cheapest money can buy, then again it's a homeless party what would you expect?

     Spinner shifts from one song to the next as the party carries on he looks out towards the crowd with a smile on his half masked face. It's clear from the way he's wobbling as he stuffs the cigarette back into the corner of his mouth that he's had one or two too many but he seems to be enjoying himself all the same.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would just smile over at Katrina, "Why hello there." She would speak, her accent Apache; if that had any sort of meaning for Katrina or not. "And please to meet you. And I'm just waiting to get a beat that I like. And not wanting to get in the way of anyone that's rocking too hard." She would offer glibly, and just seem happyto enjoy the show.
    Everyone there seems drunk or getting drunk, which is something that Sarah can understand. It's part of the way things are, and it's not her position to exactly offer any judgements or alternatives.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Katrina grins at that. "True, it's pretty wild, hmm? But good. All these people having a moment to cut loose and enjoy life, before the next disaster comes along to crush it." She shakes her head slightly, apparently good with taking a break chatting as she doesn't seem interested in ducking back into the throng, thoughs he's listening to Spinner. "I didn't know Spider-man was a DJ.' she says thoughtfully. "A hero of many talents?"

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     A bottle gets thrown not the first and no doubt not the last. Acting faster then the human eye Spinner thwips out a hand catching the bottle and slamming it into the roof with the bottlecaps. He waggles a finger to the crowd before turning his attention back to his DJ duties managing to avoid what could have been a catastrophe had the bottle managed to land itself on the exposed wires of the speaker system and not been thrown into the roof.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over, "I didn't know he could either. I suppose he is a.. Bug that can do a lot of things." Spiders are arachnids, not bugs. If Comrade Spinner was in hearing range he might very well come to correct her. The sudden rapid maneuver of him to catch the bottle before it hits so smoothly is added over to the girl's mental file. Definitely could be Spider-Man. That was an enhanced reflex.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Katrina shrugs a bit. "If he has neighborhood parties like this, he's alright in my book. Though I guess no police left to really break up the party." she agrees, pitching her voice to be heard over the pounding music and leaning in towards Sarah so it's easier for her to hear. "I'll admit, good way to see Coney Island for the first time, if I can't get on the rides. You?" she wonders. "You're here by yourself, I'm guessing?"

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     Spinner seamlessly switches from one song to the next as he almost manages to fall over onto one side before catching himself back to a proper stand. He looks out over the crowd with a smile as he takes another drag from his cigarette speaking quietly to himself. (This is what life is about. Drinking, dancing, happy people enjoying their lives.)

     He stumbles from behind the DJ station and down the side of the platform onto ground level speaking in Russian to various people as he passes by. The language may be lost on those who don't speak it but the intention remains he speaks to each of these people as if he knows them personally, the homeless ARE his people.

     He slaps a man on the shoulder and manages to even in his drunken and disordely state duck right out of the way of a fist that was meant for his face with a light drunken chuckle as he stumbles about with his people.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would watch the man evade the punch. Even for the clearly inebriated state of the swinger, he would move too fast to what she could tell for it to be normal. Either very well trained or meta. Perhaps both. But she wasn't the best at evaluating.. As he would come down from the booth, she would start heading in his direction.
    "You've seen 'Class Action Island'? The rides here have that sort of reputation. Make sure that you have a last will and testament prepared and have taken up to date tetanus shots. You'll ned them." Sure, Coney Island had that reputation..
    In the 1970's..

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Katrina widens her eyes, amusement twinkling in them. "Mmm, the danger is partially real then, rather than simulated? Interesting." She shrugs. "Eh. Still safer than the ones I grew up with. I've probably built up a tolerance." She follows along after Sarah as she sees her making a beeline for Spinner, curious and also wanting to compliment him on his set.

    In the process she dodges a few drunken grabs or attempts at a grope, in one case gently but firmly slapping away a hand headed for Sarah's backside as she acts as a rear guard.

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     Spinner takes a long healthy drag from his cigarette before dropping the bud into a nearby trash bin that hadn't really been used during this particular illicit party. He starts to drop his mask before he catches an unattended beer and decides to snag a swig. He kicks back the contents before tossing the bottle up into the air with a great deal of force lodging it into the ceiling.

     He's wobbling from one side to the other as the music carries on going without its DJ just fine even if a bit of the mixing magic is lost without him to tend the beats. (The people love me.) He mutters to himself holding his arms out to either side as he faces back towards the crowd. A smile crosses his face before he pulls the mask back down over his mouth hiding his ragged looking scruffy expression.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shrug, "That's what I've heard." And hat's the story she's sticking with as she would go along towards Spinner. Thoughtfully. Debating whether she hsould ask him about the displays of power.. Then deciding now wasn't the time or the place unless the man brought htem up. IT was polite.
    She would walk along with Katrina, giving a wave and jogging in his direction as she would approach with Cybernary.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Cybernary saunters along easily behind her, resting her hands up behind her heads as she stretches lithely, rising on her toes a bit as they pull up close to Spinner, nodding to him as she sees him and grinning. "Nice set!" she calls over the loud music.

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     "What can I say?" Spinner speaks with a thick Russian accent as he somehow manages to avoid falling and hurting himself every time it looks like he's about to tumble face first into the ground. "I know good fucking music." He bobbs his head lightly with the sounds as he reaches out his hand thwipping another beer into his grasp even though he's now had well and away too many.

     It's clear he's had too many by the fact that he tries to drink this one through his mask before dousing himself with a bit of cheap beer. He pulls it back from himself cursing up a storm as he pulls the bottle back away from himself, in Russian of course. "Beer snuck up on me." He adds out of nowhere visibly wobbling a fair bit.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is watching as the man would not qutie tumble over and smirk, "I guess that you're going a little soft if just that much is making you wobble a bit. you having to be the designated driver tonight?" She could make a bit of a guess that the man wasn't in the same state as the vast majority of the people who had been enjoying.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    "I wouldn't recommend going on a ride either...it'd probably be messy." Katrina says, wrinkling her nose a little bit. "Are you Spider-man? I wasn't sure, but I figured you might be dressed down today with everything going on." She takes a long sip from the beer bottle she's still carrying, a bit curious as to the answer.

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     "Me? Soft? I still have to drive home." Spinner pauses for a moment. "Who am I kidding I live in my car." He laughs to himself wobbling lightly. "A little pre-gaming never killed anyone."

     He pauses for a long moment this time lifting his mask to kick back the contents of the bottle in a chugging motion. He tosses the bottle over his shoulder and manages to dead on land it in the wastebin.

     Then comes the question of if he's spider-man. Without hesitation he offers "Yes, but no. And by yes I mean absolutely not." He chuckles to himself wobbling a bit more on the spot. "I am Comrade Spinner, hero of the people, though spider-man is also hero of the people so maybe the real spider-man was inside us the whole time."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would look at Comrade Spinner,a nd give a shrug. She can't argue with that. "You have some clearly unique abilities.. Comrade." Debating whether to ask a followup question but deciding it wasn't particularly important. She would then look at Katrina, "And it seems that you might as well." She would offer idly.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Katrina chuckles at that,s haking her head. "And skills...I'm surprised you're not making bank off being a DJ, honestly." she admits, then looks innocently at Sarah, her lips curving up plafyully. 'Do the horns give it away? I keep meaning to file them down...."

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     "What I do, I do for love of doing." Spinner admits with a bright smile his mask still pulled up to nose level as he speaks. "These people, for them this is highlight of the year." He wobbles lightly from one side to the other before fully gaining his sense of balance. "If I charged these people wouldn't be able to come to my show."

     He motions over his shoulder and just barely manages to avoid falling on his face yet again. He's doing a rather good job of that honestly an almost superhumanly good job considering how drunk he obviously is.

     "Woah, nice horns." He comments only just now noticing them. "See if I wasn't my hat you'd be able to see mine." He pauses for a split second before adding "I don't have horns."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance Katrina up and down and smirk for a moment, "Oh, that and the unique fashion sense. I'm sure that's realtively common. Everyone seems to think they'r esome sort of LARPer." She's one to talk but she's at least trying to look normal..
    Moving to try and be there to catch the somewhat tumbling Comrade Spinner if he needed it to brace himself.
    Glancing at Katrina for a moment. "Well, you came prepared with toys for fun. That might also be a cue."

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    "I'm a single woman alone in a town that's been evacuated save for the drunk, the restless, or the robbers. You wouldn't begrudge me the means to defend myself, would you?" Katrina says, playfully fluttering her lashes at Sarah, before she cocks her head at Spinner. "It's an excellent hat, horns or no horns." she assures him. "Looks like it keeps your ears very warm."

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     "Good, good, now I'm going to go pass out in my car." Spinner admits once he's caught himself again a narrow miss to save himself from tumbling to the ground. He starts off past the two heading towards what appears to be a black 90's style car with three white racing stripes over the top of it, and the word Blyatmobile down either side in white lettering. The windows are one way mirror tinted, and it looks to be hooked up to the speaker system.

     "If angels are going to kill us, might as well be well rested when it happens da?" He chuckles to himself grabbing another bottle of cheap vodka from the nearby cooler as he makes for his car.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would go to move to help Spinner along, "Well, youd efinitely look like you could use somewhere to sleep. That's a bit more comfortable.. If you need it I have some cash and I can giv eyou enough to crash in one of the cheap motels. They're not overflowing so you could take a night to be in.. Well.." She was going ot say 'proper bed' but the car probably is closer and more comfortable.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
"They're not overflowing because of the evacuation....I'm not sure how many are open, really." Katrina points out. "Though getting him and all these other people to someplace safe where they can stay seems like a valid idea." She ponders a bit. "Though I'm not sure where that would be. I'd imagine quite a few places outside the city are overflowing with refugees already."

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     "These people." He motions over his shoulder towards the group gathered listening to their music. "They're the forgotten, the ones who every evacuation get left behind to starve, to fight, to die." He about falls over again managing to be supported by the friendly hand that's provided for him. "Where they go, I go." He gives a cocksure grin before looking back towards his car. "There's no one looking out for the homeless in this city, well, almost no one. The working class have their heroes, the rich have theirs, me? I'm happy here." He pauses for a moment flinging open the door to his car revealing that the back seat, and a portion of trunk has been replaced with a rather comfortable looking bed.

     "Besides." He lets out gutteral sound from his lips before saying. "Not like there's any cops left to arrest any of us." He gives a bright smile as he leans on his car. "I'll clean things up when I wake up get ready to move folks around a bit to safer pastures."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod at Spinner and shake her head, "IT shouldn't be that way." She would let out a sigh, "There has to be somehing that could be odne.." If there ever is. There probably never is. But that doesn't mean it's not the right thing to try. "We can do something. Get them somewhere better to stay, at least some supplies.." She would take out a breath.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    "Hmmmmmm. Well, first you'd need some way to transport them. Then you'd need a place to have them stay..." Katrina looks thoughtfully. "I'm fairly sure the busses were all used, but perhaps one of the larger boats left at the local marina would work? There are some pretty large ones there. Yachts, mostly. I'm sure the owners would be happy to claim they donated it after the fact." Katrina says innocently.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod and frown, "There has to be something.." But she has to continue on her patrol. "I'm sorry. I'll try and get in touch if I can figure anything out." But clearly not having any sort of idea as tow hat to offer while swinging away

Comrade Spinner has posed:
     "Later, now, I sleep." Comrade Spinner falls face first into the back of his car, and uses his webbing to sling shut the door behind him. It's a rather sudden exit for the... hero? Yes let's go with hero. The point being he's already passed out in the back of his car and there's no sign that he's exactly in a good state to be helping out the local populace with moving to safety.

     The rest of the homeless population gathered in the area will party and dance and sing and drink late into the night until the beers run out and then find themselves comfortable places to sleep back on the abandoned boardwalk where they've set up their little webbed village for the time being.

Katrina Cupertino has posed:
    Katrina blinks as Sarah flies away. "Oh. Well. That's something." she says thoughtfully, then eyes Spinner as he crashes out in the back of the car. "Well. No sense giving up on a good party." she decides shrugging. And back to the dance floor!

    And possibly grand theft yacht later.