9585/Merc-Ployment Opportunities

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Merc-Ployment Opportunities
Date of Scene: 11 January 2022
Location: Sailor Pub and Bar
Synopsis: Emma hires Copycat for 'future business'
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Vanessa Carlysle

Emma Frost has posed:
A pub isn't the normal place that Emma Frost seems likely to be present at. But, on this day in mutant town, in this evening, she makes a step outside of her normal reputable path. Emma is sitting over at an empty counter, nursing a beer. While occasionally sweeping her eyes through the room, as well as teh light buzz of her mind. The telepath is scouring for something.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Evening brings in all kinds to the Sailor, and Vanessa Carlysle is certainly a kind of her own. Dressed for 'work' in a tank top, denim cut-offs, opaque thigh-highs, and ankle boots, she rolls her shoulders as she steps out of the bitter cold to slip off the-- ahem-- 'inexpensive' winter coat that covers it all up. She folds it over one arm as she makes her way over to the bar, the roll of her hips maybe just a little exaggerated as her light brown eyes sweep over those gathered. She, too, was scouring-- a predator looking for her next victim-- but she was almost certainly looking for something entirely different.

Emma Frost has posed:
The clientelle is mutants. The equivalent of blue collar. Emma is an uptown girl, if one might hum the tune in this downtown world. But, she's looking for something in specific this evening. Sitting alone. And as her mind would survey the area she would smile just a little bit. Good. The hook was set. Emma would casually tap over at the side of the table she was at, which would have her purse hang over her shoulder just a little.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
"Scotch and water, on the rocks," the dark-haired working girl orders, sidling up into a stool and crossing her legs. She sets her coat down on the top of the bar as she flashes a bartender a warm smile. She withdraws a bill from one pocket of her coat and slips it across the counter. "Just the well stuff."

It doesn't take long. Her drink has barely been set down when Vanessa feels the unfamiliar hand slide across the small of her back. It makes her stiffen instinctively, and there's a kind of-- shift. It's subtle, almost imperceptible to the eye, but it affects her entire being. For a split second, it was as if her body tried to involuntarily shift into a copy of the man that towered over her, just before she caught it. Outwardly, it was little more than a jump of surprise.

"Hey-- hands off the merchandise," she quips, covering the shift with a stern look up at him.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just turn over and smile at Vanessa, evaluating her. Excellent. Emma goes to smile in the direction of Vanessa. Then going to take a sip of her drink. And going to try and focus just a litlte mentally over on Vanessah to give the girl a 'come over' slow prod of her mind. If at all possible trying to get the other woman to come over towards her.

Maybe to take a break from things for a moment, maybe the blonde woman has her attention.. Maybe just she's heading there randomly. Emma is attempting to give her a light mental nudge to approach in this direction.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
"Just kicking the tires, baby," the sleezy looking man grins down at Vanessa, to which she rolls her eyes.

"I'll let you know when I'm due for my next oil change," the woman answers, lifting both her short, amber drink and her coat from the bar as she stands. "But there aren't any free rides."

Vanessa brushes past the man, shaking her head. She didn't really seem to know exactly where she was going, but sitting on that stool and getting molested certainly wasn't in the cards. The back corner seemed to be somewhere she could get some distance, even if it was kind of quiet. Right? Well, it was more instinct than a well-formed plan. There was just a lone woman in a booth. She offers her a weak little smile and a roll of her shoulders.

"Men," she says in a soft, knowing laugh.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to lean back and muse, "Yes, I'm aware of the refrain. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Along with many things that make the world go round." Emma would muse idly. "And you seem like the type that's encountered a few things around it." A casual sort of invite over as Emma would go to put some money forwards.

A light prompt given to hopefully have Vanessa open up a litlte bit about herself, accompanied by a potential telepathic nudge if need be in the matter if required. A rather subtle one if so. But not particularly pressing. "And we both seem like we could use the company tonight." Not asking for the other woman's name. That wasn't quite appropriate as far as etiquette went now, was it?

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
"One or two things." Vanessa muses, brown eyes seeming to brighten at the unexpected interaction. It /was/ unexpected, wasn't it? She seemed somehow drawn to the woman, sliding easily into the booth with her and putting her coat beside her. "Enough to make a girl learn how to protect herself."

That same knowing smile still lingers on the corners of her lips, but her eyes linger on Emma's, watching the other woman. "What about you? This doesn't exactly seem like your kind of scene," she points out with a little tilt of her head. "Bored? Lonely? Just out looking for trouble?" She raises her glass to her lips for a sip.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Occasionally one needs to go somewhere outside of their norm. We all develop bad habits when we get comfortable. We tend to not pay attention, take things on faith and ease. It's good to go outside of our normal zones or we forget what it's like outside of our little bubble. You seem to be like a girl that's comfortable with herself."

Emma brooks no judgement whatsoever. This evening she's just looking if not for that kid of companionship, then a story. Or one might call it a job placement exam.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa laughs softly. "Comfortable." The word sounds dark on her tongue, her lips rolling to collect the excess drink from them. "I'd like to know what that feels like, some day." There's a touch of wistfulness in her expression as her eyes shift down to her drink.

"I'm glad I give off that impression, though. It's good for business. I tried being comfortable being other people for a while, but that just seemed to get me into even more trouble. It's easier turning tricks than it is to be someone you're not." Figuratively speaking, right? Though, when Vanessa's eyes come back up to meet Emma's, there's something much more meaningful in them.

Inside her mind, there was sadness in her. Deep, profound sadness. Mistrust. Anxiety. A flicker of hope. And a part of her that she didn't seem to love-- a part that she tried to keep hidden, but required a kind of constant low level of effort to keep in check.

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma takes in that eb of back and forth. "Well, if you were comfortable, might you know it? Comfortable can be a sense of familiarity. Not of purpose, but of routine. If one strays too far outside it, then they lose that sense of familiarity, and thus comfort." She would muse.

"An old story. Why almost everyone is upset when they must make a change. It takes away that sense of comfort." She would spin this over like it was some sort of bar trick or pop psychology. Her taking in the flickering patterns in the other woman's eyes and mood. Emma is not openly showing her awareness.

"And aren't we all trying to be someone we're not to everyone else? Present ourselves for interest? Or do you find this world weary ennui to help you pursue your craft?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa scoffs, rolling her eyes. She felt defensive, a flare of righteous anger stirring inside her. But not at Emma. Not all of it, anyway. "My craft," she groans bitterly. "I haven't had a craft since--" She bites her tongue. No. Bad Vanessa.

"So, maybe you've got a point." There had been a brief pause, the woman's mind spinning as the anger shoved at her complacency. "Maybe it's time for me to get back on the horse, again. After all, why settle for just being me, when I don't have to be?"

With her back to the rest of the room, she looked at Emma with a playful little smile and her face changed to look exactly like Emma's. Her hair was still dark, but otherwise it was like looking into a mirror. There's a roll of her shoulders before her features slip back to normal, again. Why was she doing this? She didn't really understand why she was opening up so much to this woman, but she felt.. safe, somehow.

Emma Frost has posed:
The telepathic nudges from Emma are slower now that the other woman is listening. "Are you comfortable with your life? Or is it but one that is filled with at best dealing with the ones like the man earlier who attempted to sample the goods? Is it the same without the thrills and excitement? Or at least without feeling like you're staring down the abyss of just being ordinary?"

Emma's not intent on making the other woman doa nything. She's leaving enough room for Vanessa to decide that she wishes to back out. But Emma's also intent on making it clear that she's aware on some level of what the other woman is. And that her offer is.. Somehow open.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
"No," Vanessa answers, the certainty in her voice mirrored in frustration she feels inside. "I'm not." There's a kind of fire in her brown eyes-- a hunger for something more than struggling just to make rent every month.

"So what's the alternative?" the woman asks, her attention once more back on Emma. "I can shoot. Fight. What-- do I just start selling my services as a mercenary instead of a whore?" There's no bitterness in the title. She knew exactly what she was. And besides, she was calling herself that. It might have been different coming from someone else.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean back over, "There's no saying that one can't do both. One provides a buffer for the other. Or a time when one can explore other things they find -engaging-." She would now go to business, the bait having been given.

"So are you interested, perhaps, in offering your services for the oldest profession in the world?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa's smile grows again, and once more humor returns to her eyes. "I thought you'd never ask," she accepts, interest clear in everything about her. She lifts her glass again to take another sip from it, her body language shifting to face Emma more fully.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, I had to make sure that you were interested." She would go to from somewhere on her body flip out a small business card. Passing it over to Vanessa to take and inspect.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa reaches out to accept the card, lifting it up to turn it over a couple of times. "Oh, I'm interested," she agrees, smiling a bit, lowering the card. "Tell me more."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "It's a dangerous world. Occasionally one needs specialists on retainer for things they can't handle themselves. As a freelancer you'd be paid by the job, but have the right to decline any offered. In turn I expect you to treat any offers made confidential."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
"Square deal, Ms. Frost," Vanessa says, extending her hand towards the other woman. "My name's Vanessa, but you can call me Copycat. I'll call and make sure you have my contact info. Sorry I don't have any business cards." Once more, there's that knowing twinkle.