9684/Hello again, New York

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Hello again, New York
Date of Scene: 17 January 2022
Location: New York Harbor Docks
Synopsis: Naomi gets back to New York, and what better welcome than having to stop a shipping heist?
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Naomi McDuffie

Shredder has posed:
    The horn of the ship as it pulls into dock echoes and declares the full stop. The shipping vessel has been on a long voyage, and finally has come to its resting place in the harbor. The crew exit onto the deck, their smiles evident as they have earned their time ashore. For some this is home. For others another stop.

    The ship itself has its cargo, Mostly shipping goods from overseas, but there is a single container which doesn't belong at all. The ship's late arrival means that unloading isn't scheduled for most of the containers until morning. All the same, a small crew make their way across the dock, acting as if they belong there. It's amazing what confidence can accomplish. No one even raises an eyebrow at the activity.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Amazing indeed. Naomi could fly incredibly fast and get around incredibly fast that way. The problem was, sometimes the power was extremely exhausting and as of late? It's been even more so. She had tried something incredibly stupid a little while back and ever since, she's been having more and more trouble with her power. Since that moronic move all culminated in her landing in a space pod in the middle of the Spanish countryside, she had to get on board a ship heading back to New York.

Now, she's finally back.

Of course, on a ship this size? It wasn't super hard for her to hide out. She simply kept up appearances. It wasn't even that complicated after a while. You see one hired hand for a single journey, you've seen them all. It helped that apparently some woman who wasn't supposed to show up ended up 'showing up anyway' and when someone called her 'Sarah Matthews' she just gave a thumbs up. Sadly Naomi won't get paid, but hey, some girl named Sarah is going to have a confusing direct deposit.

Of course, now that they're here, she simply gets ready to depart like the others, grabbing her duffle bag and disembarking, only pausing a brief moment to blink at the crew that is moving along the dock.

Shredder has posed:
    The crew from the ship make their way down the ramp as it's extended, laughing and joking the anthem of their return. They seem to pay no attention to the crew on the dock. Soon, their reverie fades in volume, heading toward their cars or ubers or whatnot.

    The crew on the dock, though, they reach a crane, and simply stand there, as if casually waiting for the ordinary joes that crew the ship to leave. There's one more person on the ship as well. Her name was Eden Michaels. She had a bit of a rough attitude, a Brooklyn accent, and mostly kept to herself on the ship. When she was in conversation, she was usually a bit cold. She carried the vibe of someone who had spent a rough life, and the angry tattoos confirmed it. Her black hair drooped in an unsatisfying bob cut.

    Standing on the deck, she glances as Naomi seems to be exiting with the rest of the crew, and waves her hand in acknowledgement. Wait, waving? Three fingers, two finger, five. 325.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Looking at the people leaving, Naomi lets out a slow breath. She really hadn't planned this far ahead and she really should call her parents but that wasn't something she was looking forward to. Worse? She really didn't have a working phone or working money or well...at least she was here.

Of course, then she notices Eden up there and looks back at her, raising a hand to wave only to blink at the numbers and then stops waving. SHe stares for a moment as she casually pulls her hoodie up over her head and looks then to the approaching crew. She casually takes a left instead of a right, heading past a shipping container and around to the other side of it.

Shredder has posed:
    A particularly large man with blond hair points, indicating for one of the other men to man the crane. He does so, while the other three start making their way up the ramp. Eden makes her way to another shipping container, one on the vessel. The dark gren metal is emblazoned with white numbers, 325.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Well, now that's not normal. No one has ever accused Naomi of being what one might call subtle and so she just skips past that point. She jumps up and as she does, light bursts about her form and her armor is in place. Her powers flaring to life as she flies up and over to the area where these men are working and she crosses her arms.

"Awfully late to be unloading one specific cargo container and without anyone on the ship besides Eden to be here." She looks over at Eden with a smirk, "You the new captain, Eden?"

Shredder has posed:
    The man with the blond hair turns to spot Naomi when she speaks. "Who's that?" he asks, his imposing figure standing a good 6'8" tall. He looks up at Eden expectedly. "Eden?"

    Eden looks down the ramp at Naomi's glowing form. "Sarah?" she says with confusion. "This innit youse problem, just tese guys wantin theh stuff eahrly. Yousa mutant oh somethin?"

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
"Not exactly, Eden." She isn't ready to reveal herself to the world so she doesn't really answer the name thing. She instead lands casually in front of the tall figure. She isn't close enough to be grabbed but she does keep her posture, chest forward, head up. She looks him over before looking to Eden.

"Getting stuff early, huh? That often handled at night, without the captain, first mate or bosun about?" She then looks over at the others, "Who are these people, Eden? For that matter, who exactly are you?"

Shredder has posed:
    "Sarah, jus git outta heah," Eden shoos her. "Dey ain't payin' youse no moh."

    "Girl, we ain't takin' anythin not paid for," the big guy says. "Eden, she better not get in the way here," he says with a commanding tone.

    "Don't worry Hun, she won't make trouble. Sarah," she looks a little concerned at the escalation. "Jus git."

    The crane starts to move, it's long arm vibrating with the motor as it lowers slightly, then tilts to the right as it makes its journey toward the ship.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Raising up a hand, she casually aims her left hand toward the crane that is moving and her hand begins to glow. She aims it carefully and fires off a beam of pure energy that flies right past the window of the crane though it does get close enough to leave the glass glowing slightly as she finishes before calling out.

"Stop the crane!" She then looks back to Eden and then at the blond haired man, "How about I go get the captain and maybe the port authority and come back. We clear this all up."

Shredder has posed:
    The crane does stop. Hun looks at Eden. He frowns, "We got ourselves a superhero," he grunts. "Yeah, let's do that." He pulls out a cell phone, and begins to dial...somebody.

    "Yeah, we got a flier," he says. "Yeah, shoots lasers or somethin'. Nah I dunno." Who is he talking to? Clearly some sort of resource. Eden puts her hands on her hips, and gives a huff. Do they simply start shooting? Attacking? Well, it seems that this group at least is under some sort of authority.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Looking at the people, she glances at Eden, "Technically, you've done nothing wrong so far so how about we leave it at that." She nods to the woman and watches the man on the phone. She shakes her head a little, her hair flicking back and forth.

"I don't really want to do this right now but I won't look the other way. Walk away and this ends here. Got it?"

Shredder has posed:
    Hun looks up at Naomi, and holds up a finger as if to say 'hold on.' He nods, "Uh huh," he frowns. "Okay, got it." He hangs up the phone. "Okay, let's clear out, we'll see to this later," he announces, glaring angrily up at Naomi. That's right, no fight, they are taking her up on the offer! Eden looks surprised, and then also glares at Naomi, "Fine," she says with a huff. The crane is left hanging where it is, and the goon descends, looking for answers from Hun, but he doesn't get any. The others all likewise exit the ramp. So much for their job tonight!