9824/Donnie picks up the pizza

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Donnie picks up the pizza
Date of Scene: 25 January 2022
Location: Landmark Mall (TMNT Base)
Synopsis: Donnie brings home the pizza, April gives Mikey and Donnie some belated Christmas presents.
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Michelangelo, April O'Neil

Donatello has posed:
     Though most of the turtles have things they do for money, Donnie has multiple irons in the fire. A bitcoin farm in the sewer, tech support on the phone, remote tech consulting. He decided it was time for him to cover the cost of pizza tonight. He had made it out to a pizzeria and brought back five large pies, all held above his head as he rode his skateboard down the halls of the mall.

  "Pizza time! I got Pepperoni, I got Supreme, I got Hawaiian and bacon, I got peppers and beef! Hot Pizza here!" He yells, before stopping and kicking up the skateboard to catch, setting down the pies on a table, and bending down next to the pepperoni pie to take in the aroma. "Ahhh, yeahhh, that's the stuff."

Michelangelo has posed:

Whatever Michelangelo was doing before this becomes no longer anything that matters. He's actually flipping over whatever's in his way as he practically stumbles out of his store and books it... BOOKS IT... down the hall towards the main area where everything is about to go down.

His Pizza Sense totally tingling.

"Donnie? Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite?" Michelangelo is in full on A Moment To Reflect mode as he just stands over the table and breathes in the aroma of deliciousness from such a collection of pizza goodness that has been presented as the meal for this evening. And probably most evenings.

"Total life saver, dude. I thought I was gonna' have to eat another Pizza Lunchable." Mikey shudders at that thought.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Raph!" April calls out from the chair she's seated on. "Don't be like that, come back! Donnie said he was on the way!"

But, Raph stormed off anyway, which cause April to sigh and put the game away that they were playing. She starts muttering. "It's not my fault you stink at video game hockey..." She mutters as she slides the two gaming devices in to her backpack.

When Donnie arrives, with Mikey hot on his heels. April sits up and smiles.

"Ah, there we are. How cold is it outside? Did you get my pineapple?" She inquires further!

Donatello has posed:
     "Ra-never mind." Donnie quits calling out, being a futile effort. Meanwhile he turns his attention to the one in the orange. "Hey Mikey! Scarf down!" Donnie offers before taking a slice for himself, enjoying the cheese stretch. He only stops mid bite when Mikey talks about Pizza Lunchables. "Are those still good? I thought they expired last month." Gross, but the pizza is hot and fresh and delicious. "Glad I was able to spare you, bro."

  April's perking up and smiling gets one from Donnie as well, before opening up the box with the pineapple pizza. "Here ya go! And...very cold. I almost hibernated, but at least I have those foot warmers in my tech shop. Those and the coat, made everything warm and toasty." He takes out one of those warmers and tosses it up in the air. "Thank heaven for chemically enhanced oxidization and an exothermic reaction."

Michelangelo has posed:
    "There she is! April! High Three!"

    Mikey's hyperactivity is in full stride as he offers a three-fingered hand to April in the midst of his wandering around the table and stacking pizza slice after pizza slice after pizza slice from all of the boxes onto the paper plate that's clearly going to buckle under pressure at any moment. The one good thing about Michelangelo and pizza is that he never wastes it. It always gets eaten. Always.

    Except, y'know, when there's penicillin on it. Gross.

    Mikey looks up from his latest grab of pizza sliced goodness to just stare at Donnie for a moment. "And those big words right there are why I choose to stay inside during the winter. That and I'm binging so many shows right now. Netflix? Best invention since Pizza. Totes." And now it's scarf down pizza time!

April O'Neil has posed:
April's yellow leather jacket is draped over the back of her chair, leaving her in a crimson red hoodie half zipped up over a STAR WARS tshirt that is visible under. She pushes her dark auburn hair back behind her shoulders as Donnie replies, which has her smiling and rubbing her hands together. "Glad you didn't freeze..." She says as she reaches for the Hawaiian pizza. "Mmmm... smells so good."

As Mikey arrives, April is grinning all huge at him.

She gets herself a slice of pizza out and goes to take a bite of it." With a napkin in hand now, she leans back in her chair. "Mmph." She reacts to the taste of the food before she dabs at her lips with the napkin.

"Oh. Hey. I finally remembered to bring you guys your Christmas gifts. If you want them..."

Donatello has posed:
     The first slice was dispatched and gobbled up with gusto. Before long he chose another slice, this time supreme. "Me too, they'd have found a turtle standing on a skateboard holding five pizzas. That would have been...weird."

  "Oh, did you see the one with the tigers, I thought we dealt with some crazy things." He exhales softly in thanks for just being a six foot turtle who tinkers with machines and not a Tiger King. "You got us Christmas gifts?" Almost immediately his eyes dilated with joy, totally not expecting it. When your dad is a Japanese Buddhist, you don't really think of Christmas like others do.

Michelangelo has posed:
    "Tiger King was so crazy. I loved it."

    Mikey actually almost chokes on his double-decker pizza slice sandwich he just bit into. It takes him a moment of wide-eyed chewing to get it down before he triple takes in April's direction.

    "Gifts?! For us!" Mikey balances his plate of pizza slices on one hand and moves way faster than any normal turtle could to get himself to the front of the line that may decide to form since gifts have been mentioned. "Me first!" Too much excitement is flowing through the reptilian body of this orange bandana'd turtle right now. He's not even eating pizza while standing in front of April like some kid about to sit on Santa's lap or something.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has barely had one bite compared to what the two of them down in the same amount of time. She sets her slice down on a paper towel on the table, then just grins at the two of them. After taking a sip from her bottle of water, she just smiles at them. "Are you sure?" She asks, Mikey specifically since he was barging ahead to take the gift lead.

"Well... Okay." She then leans down to her left to a big duffle bag for camera equipment that she has resting on the floor of the food court. The bag is unzipped while she pushes her hair back behind an ear.

She pulls out two smaller black bags and sets them on the table. "So..." April says as she looks at both of them now.

"I went to a very special place this past fall... and while there, I made a bunch of new friends. And I told them about you guys. Because these are the kinda friends Master Splinter wouldn't mind knowing, I'm sure of it." She then offers them both one of the bags.

"They made these for you, based on my descriptions..."

Mikey will find a brand new set of Nunchaku, crafted in polished wood with a sparkling golden metal set in to them, as well as a silvery gold chain between the grips.

Donnie will find something similar, but in longer grips that have a mechanism at the end of each.

"These are... Themysciran. The same kind of weapons used by Wonder Woman, and the Amazons. Their Forgemaster made them for you. Donnie... yours can be twisted together... or broken down as such, for batons." She says with a smile. "Mikey... yours have Themysciran Steel. They're unbreakable, by all rights."

Donatello has posed:
     Donnie had scarfed down his slice before making sure his hand were free of grease before he looked at the package. "Themysciera? Oh, oh! You went there? Coool!" Before looking to what he was given, and going very wide-eyed. "This is...awesome!" He comments before continuing to look over the mechanism, and putting the two together, and twisted apart, and then back together. "I like it! Thank you April!" He scooches over toward April and gives her a big hug.

Michelangelo has posed:

    Now this next bit is going to be a little difficult to understand or comprehend because it takes something truly insane and special and maybe even more for something like this to happen. So buckle up. Cuz here goes.

    Michelangelo puts down his pizza.

    There's no time to be shocked or in awe of this action because Michelangelo is doing that thing where he just kind of stares. "Thermalnarnia? What?" Mikey's not really paying attention to the words because he's focused on staring at the magical nunchaku that are now in his possession. He's rolling them over and over in his hands like he can't even believe. Because he can't even believe.

"Whoa. These are like... mondo. Just Mondo." Michelangelo, of all Turtles, is at a loss for words. "Thanks, Ape. Seriously." And he lets Donnie go first before he goes in for his own hug. It might be a little longer than usual because this is a moment. A big moment.

    "... I can't believe Wonder Woman touched my chucks." Annnnnd there's Mikey. He's back.

April O'Neil has posed:
April watches both of their reactions, and is hugging Donnie before Mikey even finishes his initial exclamation! She gives the purple clad turtle a few pats behind his shoulders, and laughs softly. "The wood, on both of yours, comes from the 'Enchanted Forest'. I can't... remember what they said the name of the trees were. But the metal... yeah. Steel. From the GODS. The ancient Greek Gods. Zeus, and stuff." She says then as Mikey comes in for a hug.

She grins at him and offers it back, the same motion as she'd given Donnie.

"So yeah. You know, like in the Mandalorian? The metal that blocks everything? Same stuff. I guess." She says then before leaning back in her chair. "I gave Raph his sais.... and I got Leo his swords here still... Wherever he is." She says with a glance around.

"But yeah, it was a heck of a trip. Just... indescribable."

Donatello has posed:
     Donnie's smile still remains on his face when he relinquishes the hug. "Ohh! Sweet, I will have to work on my blocking, see if I can bounce a laser back towards someone!" The tech turtle steps a ways back before starting to do some flourishes with the new staff, checking it out and making sure it was good. "Of course it is, like the Themyscierans wouldn't make an unbalanced staff."

  He manages a small squee before untwisting the staff and tucking the two batons in his belt. "These are amazing!"

Michelangelo has posed:
    The excitement levels are rising in the orange bandana'd turtle because he can't believe this. He's actually forgotten all about the pizza he's supposed to be eating. It's just... these are the best gifts ever.

    "These are so awesome." Mikey gives himself some room here in the Food Court and just starts giving his Wonderchaku a few twirls. Just a few. He doesn't want to get too excited at this here moment. And like accidentally break something. Or someone.

    "Totally can't wait to stomp on some Foot with these babies!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April watches them both doing their things with the new weapons. It makes her grin happily. "Normally I might feel weird giving people instruments of harming others by way of 'beatings'. But, hey. I'm biased toward you guys, right? The people you use them on, deserve the whoopins." She reaches for her water bottle then as she uncaps it.

"I got Splinter a new cane too. I hope he likes it. It has some carvings on it, in ancient languages, or whatever. Some of the things I've heard him say to you guys, I had them scribe it on the wood."

A sip of her water is taken then before April reaches for her pizza. She moves to take another bite. "So, you guys wanna watch a movie tonight?" She asks them both next.

Donatello has posed:
     "Yeah! Let's watch...oh! It came from Outer Space! Or...Kung Fury!" Donnie chimes in, before grabbing another slice of pepperoni. "Really I'm down for whatever, I just like movies. You know...it's a shame that there isn't a movie theater in this mall. But...I was thinking of making a digital audio converter so we can get better sound fidelity out of the big TV, and maybe shatter some glass somewhere. Okay, maybe not that loud, but the acoustics in here are amazing!"

Michelangelo has posed:
    "Wait. A movie? Oh this night just keeps getting better!"

    The 'chaku are twirled and holstered before Mikey takes off running towards one of the food court counters. "POPCORN PIZZA TIME!" And Michelangelo dives behind the counter to start looking for the huge bags of popcorn he keeps stashed there.

    He is, after all, the Self-Proclaimed King of the Food Court.

    Mikey's head pops back up from behind the counter. "And we totally have to watch some BRUCE LEE! WA-CHA!" And then he's ducking back down to find the popcorn. To put on his pizza.

    Oh boy.

    "Dibs on sitting next to April!"