9792/But Why The Teddy Bear

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But Why The Teddy Bear
Date of Scene: 22 January 2022
Location: Harlem
Synopsis: A Beary Important Rescue Featuring Dazzler, Mike, a drug dealer wolf, and a horse named Silver
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Alison Blaire

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As there is with a lot of stories, there are different points of view. More often than not the stories of the ones running into battle, laying waste to their oppoents are the ones shared. But what of those whose homes they wrecked? Those who were relocated? The evac of the shelter was a quick thing. Notice was short and as a result, some things may have been overlooked in the departure.

Harlem's streets are a bit more crowded. But it's not from people lingering around for the fun of it. This crowd is more from those cutting trying to get their distance from the chaos going down on the east side of the area. And for good reason too. There was a considerable light show reflected off the clouds indicating the turmoil happening in that direction. Some might even say they heard something explosive going off.

There are murmurs of concern from those glancing back from where they came. There is an eiree silence for a bit save for the cries of a few children in the mix.

Alison Blaire has posed:
You never really think about children being there. But, of course, they are, no matter whatever else is going on, children are going to be at risk.

Alison's conversation with Emma had given her a drive and a desire to contribute. Even if she wasn't ready to engage at the very front of the lines just yet, there were things she could do.

Like driving her van, stocked full with blankets, medical kits, bandages and water. A ton of water. She knows people are fleeing, and still evacuating. She hoped she could do something to help people going through that traumatic event.

"Keep moving," she calls out, her voice breaking through the silence as she rolls up. "Don't look back. Just make a line for the SHIELD-designated shelters and escape points."

The van stops and she hops out, opening doors and the back. "Blankets, kits and water here! Take as much as you can carry but not so much that it slows you down!"

Dazzler running blankets and supplies to escapees is not the strangest thing these people have seen, nor is it the most unusual. But it might be a little comforting.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Another strike of light in the distance seemingly brighter than the others, triggers a few screams and the footsteps move a bit quicker. A pair of persons are having trouble keeping up. It isn't for lack of the adult portion of the pair but the child they're trying to carry is fighting to be put down. "NO! I WANT BARRY!" The woman doing the carrying appears flustered, "He'll be with us soon Evie! We got to go."

There is another rumble, then silence.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison frowns. Running towards the couple with water, she asks, "Who is Barry?" she asks the flustered mother, "Is it a pet left behind? I can try to retrieve it..."

Dazzler glances back in the direction of the rumble, "... I'm pretty sure, anyways."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Dazzler comes up, the struggling woman looks over to the water bearer. The armscontinue moving, holding on to the child who is putting up QUITE a fight. "Bear-y." The woman gasps out loud over the repeated protests of the child, "She wants her stuffed bear."

"Barry." The girl sobs with tear filled eyes, "I WANT MY BARRY."

The woman bites her lips in frustration before looking up to Dazzler, "Don't- Someone else already went to get it."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Dazzler's eyes go wide, concerned for whomever it might have been. "That's ok, I can make sure they get it and they're safe. Where did they go?"

To the little girl, she gives her best smile and says softly, "Now honey, it's okay. I'll just go make sure we get your Beary. But you have to be good and go with your mom and I promise we'll get Beary to you at the nearest SHIELD shelter, okay?" she raises a hand, and a small number of glowing lights dazzle off her fingers- a small, colorful display, "You have my word."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The woman glances in the direction where the lights and loud sounds were coming from before. "The shelter." She provides, giving a momentary glance of relief as the squirming mass in her arms still for a moment, staring at the lights.

"-okay..." Pleading eyes focus on Dazzler, "Promise?"

Alison Blaire has posed:

She gets a brief description from the mother, so she knows whom to watch out for. And a description of the bear.

Just in case.

Then, locking the van that is pretty much bereft of supplies by now, she starts running in the direction of the shelter.

And then, when she's a safe enough distance away, she emits blasts from her hands that explode in a glory of colors, lifting her off the ground and sending her traveling, much faster than she would on her car, in the direction of the shelter.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
What Alison gets is some vagueness for a description.. Brown haired man. Early twenties, pale blue eyes, knit cap. A few inches short of six feet. In a city as populated as New York, that is hardly descriptive but considering the state of the area right now, she could get lucky.

As Alison flies towards the shelter, she finds the area to be abnormally quiet. From her bird's eye view, there's some stray damage. It appears whatever happened has either finished, or is finishing over in the distant park. If she were to squint, there'd be the glimpse of what looks to be a portal closing and the shifting of a grayish furry figure as it runs across the damaged park lands.

But there's no sign of a man matching the description the mother gave out on the street.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Angling herself for a landing, the Dazzler narrows her eyes as she touches down in the middle of the street. She doesn't trust things that are suddenly calm in the middle of a battlefield. They lull you into a false sense of security. The furry figure attracts her attention, and she releases more stored energy into a propelling blast, trying to get a higher angle and a better look, perhaps.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The increased height makes for a smaller visual of the furry figure but that is soon corrected by the figure's own approach. As distance is closed, the details get a bit clearer. Soon, it becomes to identify the creature as that of a large grey wolf sporting it's winter coat. It's making great time and nears the street side.

Alison Blaire has posed:
This is not good. A wolf running wild in New York? That could be many things- some people actually do keep wolves as pets. Or wolf dogs. Or maybe this is an escapee from a zoo-- or a drug dealer. You never know.

It's still not a good thing that one is running amok. There was no sign of the man with the bear so far, so she could afford a brief detour. Perhaps.

Another touchdown, far enough from the wolf she hopes. It's then that she realizes she really doesn't know how to handle wild animals. Logan at least could talk.

"Hey buddy..." she says, employing that voice that people use when they don't want to be bitten by a dog. "... you shouldn't be running out wild like this."

Great thinking, Alison. What was she going to do? Knock it out with a concussive blast and then carry it to an animal shelter? Outside of New York?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Dazzer starts to touchdown onto the ground to where the wolf can see her, something happens. The canine's speed changes. Fortunately the change is for the slower variety as the canine approaches Alison for a moment before halting. While his back is only about 32 inches off of the ground. That the length of the creatre comes out to almost six feet is, likely concerning. An intense blue set of eyes study the songstress.

As Alison starts speaking to him slowly, the wolf does something unusual. It laughs. Not in a hyena-ish or growling manner but very human. And likely for one with a bit of a music background, very familiar too.

Alison Blaire has posed:
It's laughing. The wolf is laughing.

It's also an enormous wolf. "Oh, great," Dazzler mutters. Just her luck. "It's a werewolf."

Can you blame her? There's angels flying around. Anything is possible.

She holds her hands up to show she is harmless- but also because it puts her hands in perfect blast position if she needs it. "You can understand me? Bark twice for yes, once for no."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Watching Dazzler lift up her hands in a halting manner, the wolf shakes his head. "Woof. Woof. Woof." Wait. Three times? What's that mean? Opting not to allow for the other to go into full panic attack mode, the wolf caves in. "I can understand you, Alison." The Canine adds in a very familiar sounding voice. "What are you doing here? There was an Angel battle in the park just a few minutes ago."

Alison Blaire has posed:
The strawberry blonde narrows her eyes once more. The voice sounded familiar, but it's a little hard to place because of the circumstances. She is wary of any potential attacks... or angels coming their way out of a sudden.

"I am aware-" she doesn't ask how he knows her, since she is easily recognizable after all, "-I'm helping. And what are you doing here? Looking for grandmother's house?" she asks with a smirk. "You're going the wrong way."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The wolf rolls his eyes at the joke. "I'm helping too." The wolf responds back. "Shelter here got evacuated. Got a little side tracked when the battle started up but...helping." He starts to turn, glancing back to Alison. "If you're looking for the people, they went to the west side. I'll walk you there."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Okay," Alison says, sounding more than a little cross, "This isn't cute anymore. /Who/ are you and why should I believe you?"

"Not that I'm prejudiced against..." Werewolves? "Lupine-americans, but calling me by my name without identifying yourself is getting /creepy/. And I still haven't found who I'm looking for, so I can't deal with the delay."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The wolf turns back to look to Alison. "Really?" He asks, "I'm not even trying to hide my voice here." There's a mock sob. "I'm hurt Alison. Really. And after I go get changed I'm going to go into further detail about how much you have wounded by pride. What would Wade think?"

The wolf turns away from Alison and in a bit of a dramatic... or overly silly manner he flips his tail up and gives a bit of a "Hmmph." Nose upturned, he walks into a nearby alley.

Alison Blaire has posed:
A few seconds of silence, and suddenly Dazzler bursts into the alley, light coruscating around her as she moves, hands on her hips.

"You little asshole!" she says, eyes wide, "Just when exactly were you planning on-"

A boom off in the distance causes her to turn on her heels and look out. After a few moments of silence, there's nothing more. "That sounded close>'

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Dazzler steps into the alley she gets a glimpse of the wolf visage shifting to a more human like form. The mirror image of a knitcapped Mike looks back to Alison. on his shoulders rest a backpack where there's the slightest glimpse of blanket fabric and a teddy bear leg sticking out of an opening. And in another second it was on the other side of him as his features just flip.

Mike gives a wide grin, "Ah! Now you remember! It's a mirac-"

The boom shuts him up as he frowns. He steps over towards Dazzler, peeking around her. "...Couldn't be the battle. That ended already."

Alison Blaire has posed:
A tiny glowing discharge flies towards Mike- tiny enough to just be a tiny concussive particle flung at him, with the punch of small rubber ball, "You'll get to sass me later, we really should be moving."

The backpack gets a long glance, and then she points "Let me guess... Beary?" Dazzler points. "What are the odds that this kid gets /two/ musicians going after her teddy?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
And in this time where Michael shows his trust in Alison by shedding his key form of defense. Alison attacks him. Yep. Mike turns his head at the hit, jaw dropping as he gets ready to protest. But she has a point.

Closing his mouth he gives a grumpy look before the mention of the item peeking out of the backpack. He blinks. "Yeah... Beary. Seriously they sent another? I wasn't gone THAT long. I mean, I had to pause because someone was straight up trying to murder another guy but-" He shakes his head. "No matter." He gives another glance to the direction of the boom. "Well. Sound was that way. So- we should go THIS way instead." Which is conveniently the direction they were supposed to go anyways. What are the odds indeed.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison smirks, "I'm okay with that battle plan," Dazzler says, glancing in the direction of the sound once gain before starting to step out of the alley, "We can cut time, there's been enough noise that I can propel us both back quickly."

She then glances at Mike over her shoulder with pursed lips. "Unless you can turn into a horse and we can gallop across. I'll even sing the lone ranger theme song."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike considers the scenario. On one hand, there was a battle against the angels just a bit ago and now things are going boom. Now, they could run. Since Dazzler said she can propel herself, he could fly as a raven. But-

"I'm holding you to that." Mike replies, moving further back into the alley. Form reversing again.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison keeps watch, assuming that Mike has gone back in to fetch something.

"Well, things could be worse, when you think about it," she says, surveying the street while she waits for Mike. "We could have been sent to rescue someone who /wasn't/ a stuffed animal. I don't relish thinking about how many people will be affected by-"

A sound behind her makes her curious, and she turns around to glance into the alley.

"Mike, what on Earth is keeping y---

Her jaw drops.

"...oh god."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike is no longer standing in the alley. Or at least not in the way Alison is used to. Nor is it the wolf either. But as the figure emerges from the shadows, Alison is soon aware of her impending fate.



Cloppity Clop.

Black eyes focus upon the walking light show and grow closer as the head tilts downwards.

The silvery white horse is still for a moment, allowing Alison some time to process what's going on. He lowers himself a bit. Perhaps with a bit more agility than a horse typically would have.

"Alright." The horse states, giving a Mr. Edish look with his lips, "You got your silver. Now time for us to Hi-yo away. ....wilbur."