9845/Hey Ladies, Behold... the Moon!

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Hey Ladies, Behold... the Moon!
Date of Scene: 26 January 2022
Location: Attilan: Human Quarter
Synopsis: Nothing but fantastic shenanigans!
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons

Jane Foster has posed:
The Moon has human occupation, at least in highly limited quantity. Technically... Three in total number! Maybe three and a half. Two (and a half) of the temporary population dwell in Attilan's human quarter, which is a formal conversion for those terrestrial humans and probably Inhumans from Earth. Whatever else can be said, they're walled off from the lunar Inhuman city while still being subject to its pleasant benefits like... Oh, an oxygen-filled dome, an artificial atmosphere, artificial gravity, and projections of plants and water where there might not be a lot. Since the Moon remains a dusty, desolate place, though the Blue Area brings together ancient technology with futuristic joys.

So, basically, no meandering freely outside the quarter seems likely. Jane hardly seems troubled by this, sitting on a crumbled wall and munching on what passes for a sandwich, albeit one made with a roti-like bread and stuffed with vegetables in a lightly herbed sauce. Girl has to eat! And breathe, though she certainly isn't bothered by the subconscious knowledge that the cessation of whatever tech runs would end that breathing quick.

Why? Because watching an alien civilization thriving on the Earth's lovely satellite is fascinating, and nothing is going to take away from that.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Uff, being up in close quarters up on the moon! It's like being in prison all over again ..., not that Daisy was in prison! At least not the traditional ones, but she doesn't like being shackled down. Eternal rebel and all that. So of course that she has done some complaining (a lot) besides making sure everyone up here is doing fine and well. And that the stuff they brought to protect up here is all safe too.

Yet that complaining had mysteriously stopped a couple of days ago. Clearly Daisy had been UP to something.

And now she was making way down the corridor to where Jane was, "I have been attracted by your food. Share or prepare to be assimilated." she jokes, a grin on her expression.

Yep, quite different from all the complaining of a few days ago!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Well...as far as isolation goes, things could be worse.

Yes, the human delegation is restricted to a small sector. And, normally, that might be considered rude at best. But...it's the Moon! How many humans can honestly say they have been on the Moon! Enough to count on one (now two) hands, most likely.

And Jemma can be counted as one of them.

Of course, the scientist is positively elated. There is so much to learn! So much to see! Science must progress! So what if she can't go *too* far. That won't stop her from researching what she can.

It is to the point in which she doesn't even sense the presence of Jane and Daisy. Despite being in the same area. Poor Furiae. Supplanted for science and a room with a stellar view.

Jane Foster has posed:
The wonders of a distant place, an ancient culture, will always beckon to the inquisitive mind. While Daisy chafes at walls, Jane looks above them and Jemma explores within them. Is that not a proof of what their nature is?

Or that one of them benefits from finding no wall at all, in her spare time, but no one needs to know that.

Jane lifts her sandwich in greeting, then gestures to one of the gardens. "They are grown there, Daisy, and you should try them! The soil here is probably a good deal different than on Earth. I won't tell you what a billion years of basalt exposed to radiation makes, except we could all turn into Superman and never know?" Elation isn't etched there so much as delight. "The courgettes are excellent. Help yourself." She pats a round ceramic container acting in lieu of a plastic one.

"Have you seen Jemma? I found someone who deals in tea, and Blackagar arranged to have a variety sent to us." In other words, it's good to be scientist Brit and good-er to be king.

"I've already been assimilated. I had the advantage of the language before," she adds cheerfully to her dear Fury. "I might pass if everyone didn't know /everyone/."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A glance to Jane, followed by a shake of her head, "I already had my share of mists-induced powers to last me a lifetime..." the terrigen mists! "No need to add radiation to it.." she murmurs, "Besides, all radiation is bad from all I learned when I was a kid.." does that mean she thinks the Hulk is bad?!

But then she is reaching over to take some food to herself, filling her mouth some and looking around. She focuses for a few moments. "She is over there. Come on." don't you just love Daisy having a homing beacon to people? But that's what you get from being so friendly and spending so much time with her. It means she learns your vibrational signatures.

She will reach to help Jane up so they can go meet the missing part of the Furiae, "You did. You learned it quite fast." she points out. Suspicious! "All while you were supposed to be in a bed. In a coma. Still, I am glad about this alternative." she smiling at Jane. Once they are closer to Jemma she says in a whisper-like manner. "Also, I found a way to go in and out of this quarter.." she admits. "I may have .., indulged already."

Daisy. Breaker of walls.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma really isn't all that hard to find. Just look for a window out to the world....overlooking the world. And a tablet open in her hands, the fingers fluttering over the screen as notes are taken. Mostly ideas for certain experiments, cribbed from concepts she can see about agriculture on arid desolate environments. But...ideas nonetheless.

Still, even easier with Daisy knowing you. Almost like a built in tracker. And, to Jemma's credit, she actually does notice the pair approaching. She waves with a smile. A rather large smile...one that both of them would recognize.

Jemma is a kid in a candy store. A good kid, content with gazing on in wonder at all the goodies without trying to take without asking.

"Hello! Have you seen the farming techniques that our hosts have developed? Utterly fascinating! Of course, getting the necessary nutrients to facilitate growth would be a..."

Whoa...slow down. Jemma holds up, silencing herself with an audible clicking of her teeth as her mouth closes. No, let's not go into detail on where the most readily available source of nitrates for proper cultivation can be found. Instead, Jemma shifts topics, even going so far as to put away her tablet.

"I mean...how are you two doing today? Wait...it is day, yes?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Solar radiation outside this dome," Jane indicates the sky, "would undoubtedly be fatal for everyone here minus a few lucky individuals. I won't make blanket statements for Inhumans, since they probably possess some greater resilience from the transformation process for at least a few?" No, don't express how much she knows about mists and not-mists, other than throwing crystals deep through gaping holes punched in reality.

She munches happily on her sandwich wrap, and then cleans her fingers off on the neat cloth serviette provided for just that purpose. No pulp mill nearby by the looks of it, though there are trees! Quite a few, in fact. Neatly folding up her napkin, she then picks up the dish to carry over to Jemma. Yes, creepy spy lady can read vibrational signatures.

Creepy death lady can simply spot a brunette among people she doesn't know plenty well too. She appreciates the aid though, smiling benignly at the Inhuman of their trio. "I had good reason to learn. Almost two meters worth." A bit of a shyly offered shrug turns friendly then, and she slips behind the intrepid breaker of walls and decorum. "I've seen a few actually. Hydroponics and the use of dry soil cultivation or the marginal alteration of what looks like a few terrestrial species to deal with whatever is here. I'll tell you this much, parts of this area, like that wall with the smiley-faced Buddha sort, are very old. Much older than when they built Attilan. I'm a little bit familiar with parts of the history." Why would that be? She grins up at her fellow scientist. "The reuse of materials and bioproduction is /something/. I bet you might be allowed to forward questions on to a few scientists if you had them, but ask Blackagar. It's still a very touchy subject that you or I are present here, and using go-betweens eases the discomfort."

Dark hair tips to the side, and she breathes out a little. First, offer food. This is done for Jemma's sake, so she can dine on the spoils of someone else's labour. Don't think too hard about it. "You may, and this is a loosely given may, be invited to speak with them about your findings on co-sequential multi-axial spatial dissonance." Beat.

Beat again.

"Or how the hell Jane Foster."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh, puhlease..." A roll of her eyes when Jane speaks of two meters of reasons to learn to talk Inhuman. "Just let me know when the marriage happens. Also, dibs on being a maid of honor." so casual. But there's a wink coming from Daisy back at Jane as they walk to meet up with Jemma. Because yes, she noticed the shy look. And then she came in like a wrecking ball. Typical Daisy.

As they start going on and on about stuff that isn't exactly in her hacker expertise or even tech what she has to offer is a shrug, "I was sort of expecting us to be allowed to go out. But as I said, I have a way to go out, if people are interested eventually."

She finishes eating on her sandwich, resting a shoulder against the wall and grins at Jemma. "And yes, Jemms. It's day." she has no idea, but she is giving positive reinforcement.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Oh good. I mean, not that it truly matters, but it is always a plus to know what the general time is."

Oh, but Jane is encouraging scientific thought...and it is so hard for Jemma to resist. "Oh, I would very much like to do that. Though, I do understand the rather, err...sensitive nature of our presence here. I mean, it is quite noticeable that we are the oddity here, such as it is. And...breaking through that perception barrier make take some time. Though I am certainly willing to put forth the effort."

In short, Jemma's down if they are. 'They' being the general populace.

Food being offered? It is food freely taken, with a vote of thanks to the provider of such. For once, it is not Daisy, the Bringer of Food, but actually Jane. Daisy does get her own greeting. And a sidelong look. "You have been exploring again." It isn't a question. There is no doubt in Jemma's tone. Yes, she might have her own specific vibrational wavelength...but she doesn't need that to know Daisy.

Not when occasional sharing of quarters occurs. Best way to know someone is to be a roommate with them.

Jane Foster has posed:
"You go discuss the specifics with him. I don't know the half of it," Jane fires back at Daisy, amused and bright-eyed all the same. "Does Jemma get dibs for you and Matt?" The question is every bit as glib and delighted, the riposte without doubt on that front. Typical Daisy; nonetheless, being radiantly content shows sometimes. Even for a girl in technical suspended animation, broken and splintered.

"I think they'll be happier with you than with us. At least you are their people. I think some of the concerns might be that we could introduce biological elements that aren't already here, like bacteria or smallpox or children." Dodge, dodge, dodge!

Instead, she gestures to their British Fury with a delicate roll of the wrist. "Exactly the attitude to take. Awareness of sensitivity and sure to astonish them, not merely because they might think we're as technologically advanced as geckos." A tease, entirely, but she has the right to that, doesn't she? "No, not exploring so much as aware we have a popsicle in the freezer along with their desserts. The option might arise. If it does, I don't want you to be flat-footed. As for exploring..."

A pointed look at Daisy follows. "Stay inside the craters. Past that, there's no oxygen and I don't think you can shake up enough oxygen molecules to survive. Then we'll have to stage a rescue with a... bus or something."