10116/What it Means to Die

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What it Means to Die
Date of Scene: 13 February 2022
Location: The Midnight Mission
Synopsis: Jon and Cael come to Mr. Knight to talk about what it means to die as an Egyptian and the nature of avatars.
Cast of Characters: Marc Spector, Jonathan Sims, Cael Becker

Marc Spector has posed:
    The Midnight Mission has been cleaned since it's invasion by the vampires over a month ago. The blood and destruction of the attack didn't even leave stains on the floor or the marble and the furnishings of the main hall have been replaced with something less rigid, more comfort focused than they have previously been.

    The (almost) ever present priest, Mr. Knight (known to Jon as Marc) sits in one of the larger seating areas near the massive statue of Thoth. Jon would notice the man looks more relaxed than he has in years, a clear indication that Mr. Knight is more a visual change to protect himself and those close to him rather than a relapse into the lunacy that the man beneath exhibits.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon calls ahead, of course. He's not just going to show up with a stranger in tow and not warn Marc. It's his first foray outside of the Triskelion since he came back, and he's only going for two reasons: first, because he wants to make at least one trip to the closest thing he has to a religious center before he dies. Second, because he's been having difficult explaining the upcoming Duat trip to Cael, and he figures that Marc--who is, after all, a very /practical/ sort aside from the literal lunacy--might be able to explain things in a way she'll understand.

    And anyway, maybe meeting someone who's been through this "died and became an avatar of the Egyptian gods" business will help her feel better.

    He relaxes visibly as they enter the temple. He's wearing jeans and a sweater and a heavy coat, and he's thinner than 'Mr. Knight' last saw him--and missing an arm. He smiles wanly as he and Cael come in, and says, "Decided to redecorate, I see?" The man may be wearing a mask, but Jon is clearly more relaxed and friendly with him than anyone else Cael's seen him around besides Martin.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael enters just after Jon - with her large, white service dog at her heels. Bear's on his best behavior, with his service vest on and his usual calm and friendly demeanor.
    Dressed similarly to Jon, in jeans winter sweater, topped with her leather jacket, the blonde haired woman studies her surroundings curiously as they make their way towards the seated figure. "I had no idea this was here," she remarks casually - before offering a hand towards Marc - briefly smiling at the man as she does. "Cael Becker," she introduces herself simply. "And I hope you don't mind Bear." She's hoping she won't need the dog to actually 'work' tonight - but sometimes she has a hard time predicting how she'll react to certain conversations.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight rises from his seat and his voice indicates his smile to Jon. "As much as vampire blood and destruction travel in my wake, I'd rather leave it to their lairs rather than my own" he says, his voice lower in pitch than normal but carrying the cadence that was typical of Marc more than the slow pace Mr. Knight was known for.

    He turns his attention to Cael. "Most don't which is something I strive for" he says looking around the great hall. "I'd rather people not need the help of Mr. Knight or Moon Knight in the end. But it is here and those who need my particular brand of help will find it. The moon is ever watchful for those lost under its gaze."

    He turns and gestures to the comfortable seating area. "Please, have a seat. I have some wine here and I think I can have something brought for your friend. Dogs aren't a usual occurance, but we are well stocked for all sorts of guests here at the Mission." With that he moves towards the entry way and turns to the right, where Jon knows his office is situated.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon takes a moment to go over and light a stick of incense in a burner at the base of the statue of Thoth, sending the scent of honey and citrus into the air. Then he goes to sit down, commenting, "I was grateful of his watchful eye, these past few weeks. Well... I presume he was watching over me while I was on the Astral Plane."

    He looks over toward where Moon Knight is moving and says, "We need information more than anything, today. Well... Cael does." He sighs. "I'm afraid I'm not terribly good at explaining magic to people who don't have any at all. And this business of my dying and people going into Duat after me... well. It's complicated."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I'm more of a whiskey person, if you've got it. No worries if you don't." Cael's gaze follows Jon as he heads towards the incense, but she feels no need to mirror his actions. These are his Gods - not hers - and he's never had any problems with her general disdain of deities, in general. She takes a seat in one of the chairs instead, offering towards the unfamiliar man, "Bear's already eaten - but he wouldn't say no to a little bit of chicken, if I know him. And he'll be your friend forever if you have any peanut butter. Right Bear?" The pup, who has settled in by Cael's feet, lifts his head at the mention of peanut butter - his tail giving a few quiet thumps, followed by a single, happy bark.
    Cael's hand reaches out to briefly touch Jon's back as the man sits beside her, before offering a nod and a wry smile in confirmation of his words. "I mean, tell me who'd be fond of the idea of someone they love... dying in the near future?" she points out flatly.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight returns with a small plate with shredded chicken and a rather large dollop of peanut butter on it. "It really depends on the circumstances surrounding the death" he replies as he sets the plate down for the dog, offering it a sniff of his gloved hand in greeting.

    He moves to take a seat opposite the pair. "Not in the habit of carrying whiskey in the main hall" he says with a smile in the tone. "But I like the style." He leans back and gives Jon an appraising look. "The moon that exists there is--as far as I can tell--the same moon that I serve. So not unlikely."

    He has been aware of Jon's situation for some time now, ever since Jon came to him about his possible path. "First of all," he says, reaching to a table nearby and pouring two silvered goblets of dark red wine, "you dying and going there is more metaphor than literal. The process might be literal, you bleed out, or get strangled, or... any number of ends... but you're not going to be sticking around down there, from what you tell me." He looks at Cael as he hands off the goblets. "This should make you feel better on a practical level. But I'll understand if it doesn't."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I haven't told you everything," Jon says, taking the wine that's offered. "It seems I'm going to be changing allegiance, at least to some degree. Ma'at has had her eye on me for quite some time now." He glances to the statue of Thoth. "He wasn't the one that chose me anyhow; if he'd had his way, Sasha would've been Archivist." He shakes his head, and sips the wine.

    "Which... of course... means I'd have had to die, or come close to it, eventually anyway... just like you did with Khonshu." He gestures toward the more central statue. "It's just happening rather sooner than it might have otherwise, I think."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Bear sniffs at Marc's hand, then looks down at the food set in front of him - tail thumping again, before he looks up at Cael with a quiet whine. "Yes, mutt. You can eat," Cael replies with amusement. "Go ahead, Bear."
    The pup eagerly moves in on the plate, scarfing down the chicken, and licking the plate repeatedly to get ever morsel of peanut butter, while the plate rings quietly on the floor.
    Cael's attention shifts away from the dog, however, as she takes the wine - at stiffens at the way the man casually talks about the ways Jon might die. She hates to think of any of them. "It doesn't make me feel any better," she offers in a quiet voice. "The way I understand it - I'm the one who's supposed to find Jon... and remind him of who he is, and why he wants to life. Jon has every faith in me. ...but I'm terrified of failing."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight nods and gives Cael a considering look. "An anchor. That's more than I had... but circumstances are different. I was killed in a place that was his temple... and so the location was the anchor for me. That and the seeds that he had planted in me from adolescence." He frowns and folds his hands in his lap before looking that the Thoth Statue. "Hmm... a pity. I rather like the work on this statue. We can figure something else out for this piece... give it to a museum or to a temple in Egypt, I suppose."

    His head jerks back to the pair and he fixes Cael with a direct stare. "You love him. He loves you. How do you think you'll fail?" he asks, tilting his head curiously. "Things in the subrealms of reality are built on emotion more than they are on physical manifestations. Your love alone should make you a beacon for his memories to flood back and give him reason to live. Getting to him will be the difficult part, but once there... I doubt you will have much say in whether you fail or succeed. As long as you feel for him then as you do now."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Cael doesn't know much about... subrealms of reality. She only just started to believe magic even exists at all." Jon smirks, and looks over; he can't hold out his free hand to her because he doesn't /have/ a free hand, but the smirk turns into more of a fond smile, at least.

    "She has to eat a live scarab, and she doesn't know what she might run into on the way. I was hoping maybe you could... I don't know... explain things in a more practical way? She's the sort of person that needs... plans and debriefings and the like."

Cael Becker has posed:
    It couldn't //honestly// be that simple. ...could it? Cael looks from man in front of her, towards Jon, and then back again. "I love him," she confirms quietly. "That's just... never been enough in the past," she explains in a quiet voice.
    Bear looks up from thoroughly licking his plate to cock his ears at Cael, before turning his head and licking at Cael's hand instead. After all, he does have a job to do.
    "I'm okay, Bear," she reassures the dog, rubbing at his ears, before taking a sip of the wine. She really wishes it were whiskey. "I like ot have a, umm, framework to work from. Whether that's from experience, a thorough debrief... Having as good an idea as possible of what to expect helps me to plan, and prepare, and to be ready to adlib when things don't go to plan."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight's eyebrows shoot up enough to make it clear under the mask. "The past? You've... made a habit of going to the underworld in search of your loved ones, then?" he asks the woman. Then gesturing in a manner of surrender before the woman decides to throw the wine at him (or some other method of violent retaliation), he adds, "It will be enough, because emotions govern that realm. The entire process is based on emotions."

    He looks at her. "You're SHIELD, right?" he asks, gesturing between the pair. "That's... I'm guessing that how you met. This... the paths of Duat are split. There is the path of the Pharoh, the Amduat, and the path of the common man--or woman." He leans forward. "I think, given Jon's connection he will be travelling the path of the Pharoh. To return with the sun, Ra. Twelve hours, twelve gates... and a mission to pass each one" he says. "Sometimes it's a demon to face. Sometimes its a maze. Sometimes it's as simple as giving up something of your past to unburden yourself of the attachments."

    He makes a face at Cael. "A live scarab? That won't be pleasant. I suggest going about it fast. The can pinch otherwise." From the matter of fact tone he gives the process, it speaks of his experience with it. "You and whoever goes with you, will be going through the shorter path. There are only a few gates to pass that route. The process is the same, various gates and trials, but never so many as a king. Usually three to five is standard. Sometimes as many as seven, but never above ten and the theme is more broad for the common folk."

    He pauses and considers the subject for a moment. "Expect to fight some higher powered anthropomorphic animals. Usually jackals, snakes, and crocodiles make up the most of these creatures, but others might make appearances as well. You've got some form of combat ability I take it? Beyond standard SHIELD fare? Expasive though it may be, going to Duat and back isn't as simple as fending off global terrorists."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon rolls his eyes and conjures enough force to flick Mr. Knight on the ear, in lieu of having anything to throw at him. "Don't be an ass," he says, though he's grinning.

    "She's going down with Lydia and Phoebe, along with Caitlin Fairchild and a Hell Lord?" A pause. "Yes, I know, but she's one of the Champions of this... game, and evidently she's supposed to go." He shrugs. "Between the five of them I imagine they'll be able to handle whatever resistance they meet along the way."

    Thoughtfully, he conjures that hand again to hold his wine glass for him while he reaches over to place his hand on Cael's back. "See?" he murmurs. "I figured he'd get down to the things that would be important to you."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael responds by glaring at the man, and rolling her eyes, before taking another sip from her glass. She just isn't a //wine// person - but since it was all she currently has...
    "I'm SHIELD," she confirms. "We met on a mission - his first mission with the organization. I'd promised to cover his back. ...and then had to ditch him before we were clear, to get a dangerous package safely out of play." Her gaze flicks towards Jon as she asks softly, "You'll have to face twelve challenges alone?" As if dying weren't already enough?
    "I have this," she remarks, touching the amulet she wears at her through, with it's silver metal and blue stone. "It gives me armor, wings, and an axe, as well as increased strength and healing, and knowledge of melee fighting. You think it'll still function there?" she asks a bit uncertainly. "Can we bring firearms with us? Are we meant to kill these creatures? Or simply avoid them, or subdue them...?"
    Her gaze goes back to Jon once more as she feels his hand on her back, offering the man a wan smile. "I still hate this," she replies. "But I don't think either of us expect that to change."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight jerks at the ear flick from Jon and rubs at the side of his head. "Cute..." he says to the man before returning his attention to Cael. "In order for the king to be deemed worthy of his charge, twelve is standard. It represents the twelve hours of night before the sun rises."

    He looks at the amulet for a moment. "It probably will work there just as fine as anywhere else. I wouldn't expect firearms to work, but you could take them if you feel more comfortable. Just...this is a world of emotions and imagination you're going to. Don't expect non-spiritual artifacts to work there the way you expect."

    He frowns at her assumption. "You will need to work toward killing them, but you won't actually be doing so. These creatures are spirits in nature. They don't live in the same conventional way that you understand the word. They -exist- and when you kill them, they return to their posts to be used against the next passenger down the path. So, in short, yeah... kill them. But in long... they aren't dead in any way that matters beyond being gone from your path."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I won't be alone," Jon says softly, to Cael. "I'm going down the normal way, so there'll be an escort. Sekhmet, as daughter of the..." He stops, and laughs. "Oh, that helps, doesn't it? Agnes, I mean. Sekhmet is the daughter of Ra; her being my daughter probably helps me qualify for the Pharoah's route."

    He sighs, and shifts in his seat a bit. "But... people have been doing this for thousands of years, Cael. Billions of people have died, and dealt with whatever trials they had to face on their way to the afterlife. Don't worry about me, so much. I'll be alright."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Of course I worry about you, Jon. I wouldn't be going down there at all - if not for you, so... I'll worry, at least some, because the way I see it - nothing's really guaranteed until it's in the past."
    Her attention returns to man in front of them, a faint frown pulling at her features as she continues to try to sort this all out. "So - we go by two different routes, but they'll converge and we'll end up in the same place? Or is there something we need to do to find Jon, or gain access to him? Does the timing matter? Do we have to act quickly to get to him, or... is that not very important? And despite having to face the trials - we won't have to weigh our hearts? Because we won't be dead?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    "The weighing of the heart is the end process for both parties regardless of what route they take" Mr. Knight replies with calm. "That is likely where Jon will have his transformation... given that Ma'at is one of the adjudicators of the process" he explains. "You and the others will have the chance to see him, I can't say whether it will be before or after the change."

    He looks to Jon. "Likely before... since he, and the other two, will have tasks to perform after that will require his attention... if I am understanding the reasons for this right. Going out won't be as simple as following your trail in reverse. The land of the dead doesn't let its visitors return without issue. Otherwise we'd have specters and shades running all over the place. So expect a struggle of some sort on your way out."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs. "Well, don't worry /as much/. But yes, everyone winds up there by one route or another... and then my route back should be solidified, yes? That's why I was going on the Pharoah's route in the first place, because Ra is reborn every day with the rising of the sun."

    He shakes his head. "You shouldn't have to weigh your hearts, no. That's meant to judge your worthiness to enter the kingdom of Osiris... and none of you are trying to do that."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "We fight our way in. We find you. We rely on the magic of true love's kiss - or some Disney bullshit like that - and we fight out way back out," Cael surmisses, looking down at her glass of wine with a faint frown. "...easy peasy."
    She looks towards Jon again as she adds, "But we still know next to nothing about what this transformation will entail - do we, Oruguita?" she asks. Since the transformation seems to involve her being there - anchoring Jon with her love, then... surely it wouldn't change the things she loves about the man?
    "...you think you'll be taking a different route back to the land of the living than the rest of us?" she asks.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Given that none of you die and so have not the need to regenerate as the Pharoh does... it's likely" Mr. Knight says to Cael's question. "I can't say for certain, since when I've gone it's been alone and he," he gestures over his shoulder to the central figure of Khonshu, "interceded on my behalf each time."

    He looks at Jon. "Aside from her--Ma'at's--intercession on your behalf, do you have a plan for your side of things?" he asks. "You've mentioned needing to fix something broken down there. How do you plan on fixing it?" he asks.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I don't know exactly how we're fixing things," Jon admits quietly, frowning. "But I know that I /will/ know, when I need to. Which is... frustrating, yes, but..." He shrugs. "I have faith. I think that's part of the point. Having faith."

    He looks between Cael and Moon Knight. "Could you... maybe explain some of how becoming Khonshu's avatar changed you? That's the sort of change this transformation will entail, I think."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Faith has never been my strong suit," Cael remarks in a dry tone. But Jon is a very different person from her - she knows this. She scritches idly at Bear's ear, a faint frown on her featues as she looks down at the pup's cheerful face.
    After a moment, though, she does turn her attention back to the man across from her, giving a nod as she agrees. "If you could. I think it'd be helpful - for me, at least. I mean, we all change with time, but- ...this is different."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight nods. "I can do that. It's... different for each person, and my own proclivities predisposed me to a certain response" he replies, but doesn't elaborate further. "But for me... a number of factors shifted. Actions that I may have engaged in before turned to be more in line with the dogma of Khonshu. Protection, travelling, watching for signs of imbalance and danger in the night, and this..." he gestures to himself, "helping those who need it."

    "It can be more drastic in some areas. I'm can only guess with Jon," he nods to the man, "that his ideologies will fall more in line with things of balance and truth. He might be physically incapable of lying. He might have to engage in a number of counter activities to temper his addictions. But at the same time, there could be minute things. For instance, I started wearing a lot of white even when not engaged in my role as Moon Knight."

    He shrugs. "One thing is certain, if Jon is meant for this... most of the changes have already started. I didn't become what I am until I was in my 30s. But the seeds of it had been in place since my adolescent years."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I do have a harder and harder time lying, or even obfuscating," Jon concedes, with a smirk. "I have to wonder if I'll even keep the addictions. Coming back without the need for nicotine would be... rather beneficial, I would think."

    He looks to Cael, then, and says, "But he has a point--the specific change that being an avatar of Khonshu /most/ entailed started when he was a teenager. Ma'at has been preparing me for this since I was quite young. They choose people who are already predisposed to whatever it is they need, so they won't have to do a lot of work. And I'm /already/... changing, falling more in line with Ma'at's goals and methods."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So. Not as drastic and unrecognizable a change as from caterpillar to butterfly - is what you're trying to tell me?" Cael asks, looking between the two men.
    She hoped they were right. Shit, she hoped they were right.
    "And an avatar is still a person - a mortal?" she asks for confirmation. "Agnes is one of the avatars too, you said?" And she seemed like a normal enough girl. If formal. And a bit of a pyromaniac.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight nods. "As with most things, it differs from person to person. I am still a mortal... it's just... with me, my very existence is tied to Khonshu's purpose. As long as he requires a servant on this plane... I am bound to him and so... dying doesn't stick to me as it does with most people. I can die. But I come back pretty quickly."

    He looks at Jon and shrugs. "With you it might be even less of an issue, given where Ma'at tends to reside. Even so, I don't suggest testing out the process unless you -really- must know." The mask shifts a bit over his smoothed features. "Just to be on the safe side. Better to have it and not need it, right?" he asks.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "You're meant to be a defender," Jon points out. "A warrior. Coming back from death is easy enough, and fits with the moon's changes over time, along with Khonshu's status, in places, as a sacrificial god. I'm... still not entirely certain what I'm meant to be, and Ma'at /weighs/ the hearts, she doesn't heal them or come back from the dead herself."

    He then nods aside to Cael. "Agnes is an avatar of Sekhmet, or... potentially one. She was born into it, due to the circumstances of her conception and birth, but I think she has yet to fully realize her potential. She'll probably be more violent than I am, generally, but Sekhmet also escorts the Pharoahs to their deaths so she'll be a psychopomp as well."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Let's definitely not test out the theory," Cael says flatly. "Dying and coming back once seems like enough to me." For a moment, her fingers dig into Bear's fur, gripping it before she strokes it down smooth and begins scratching at his head again.
    "...part of me still can't believe I'm taking a word of this seriously. And that maybe I should consider the notion that I'm actually sitting in the corner of an asylum somewhere," she mutters under her breath. "And psychopomp cannot seriously be a word. Really? 'Psychopomp?'"

Marc Spector has posed:
    "It is. It's Greek" Mr. Knight supplies. "And you're not in an asylum. Trust me. I've been in enough of them, recently even, to say you're not." He looks at Jon. "Oh... by the way, Ravenscroft... we need to destroy it. Soon. I rescued Mo--Ms. MacIntyre from there recentaly. Well... retrieved is a better term; she did the rescueing part herself."

    He returns to the topic at hand. "A psychopomp is, literally, a guide of souls; either through life or to their eventual resting place. The creatures you're fighting were such things at one time, if legends are to be believed." He nods. "I'm honestly not sure what place Ma'at would have for you here. Her position is unique among a number of pantheons." He fixes Jon with an expectant look as if the man might have the answer.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Ma'at hasn't had an avatar in.... a very, /very/ long time. Possibly even before she was called Ma'at." Jon sighs. "Neither of us are certain what it will entail... but what she needs is someone to help guide the universe back into balance. It's never /really/ been that way before, given everything." A smirk. "Made her job harder than it needed to be."

    He looks over to Cael, and adds, "Technically speaking just about any being that is supposed to guide souls to the afterlife is a psychopomp. Angels, in their way... Charon from Greek legend, valkyries. The concept of the 'Grim Reaper' is a psychopomp as well. That's part of what I mean when I say I'm going down the usual way and not to worry so much--I will have a /guide/. The living aren't supposed to be in those realms; that's why you need Lydia and Phoebe, I think."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael looks between the two of them, giving a small nod in response to their explinations. Fine - it's a word. But it's a weird fuckin' word. "Whatever Ravenscroft is - I think it'll have to wait," she remarks in that dry tone she frequently uses. There are //other// things for them to be doing...
    "Alright. I'm an anchor. Lydia and Phoebe are guides. ...what are Fairchild and Lady Death for? Are they helping you fix the problem?" she asks uncertainly. "Or do we just not know?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight snorts. "Lady Death... and you have hangups about 'psychopomp'..." he chuckles and shakes his head. He looks at Jon. His own expression leaves something to be desired but he is quite on that front. "This is you're rodeo so to speak, Jon. I can't have all the answers." There is a grin in his words even if its not visible on his face.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Probably fixing the problem, yes." Jon sighs. "Cael... we're not going to know /everything/ about this. I'm not the one that talked to Isis, and I'm not the one who's going to be there at the time. I would /presume/ they're supposed to help me fix the problem, but... I might be wrong. I just..."

    He looks down at his hand, and shakes his head. "I've told you what /I/ know. Mr. Knight isn't going to know anything about the specifics of this journey. So... those questions would need to go to Lydia, I think."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, as much as I wish I could have all the answers up front... that's not how life always words, is it?" Cael gives them both a small, wry smile. "I do appreciate you both trying to help a 'Muggle' like me wrap my head about all of this. I don't even know what to ask half of the time. It's hard to know what you don't know."
    She's silent for a moment before remarking, "I've heard, that people who are terrible at something, often rate themselves as knowledgeable. And people who are knowledgeable, have fair less confidence in themselves, before they have a better idea of what they don't know. ...so honestly, we should probably just be grateful I know what an idiot I am with all of this."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight regards Cael for a moment before he shrugs. "Everyone starts somewhere" he replies. "I was a mercenary with mental health issues and a rap sheet of war crimes a mile long before I died and ended up in this situation. I think, given everything, you're doing much better than most who come to realize the greater scheme of the world around them."

    He smiles at Jon. "Jon's a good guide to help those out who find themselves in over their heads." He looks back to Cael. "And you haven't ended up dead yet. That's the most important part. Understanding isn't essential, surviving while enduring... that's the key thing."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Life is about more than just survival," Jon points out, smirking at Mr. Knight. "As we've discussed, more than once. I'm glad Dr. McIntyre is safe, by the way. You may have to handle Ravenscroft without me; I wish you luck, on that."

    He looks to Cael. "Are you... feeling better about all this? Do you have any other questions, or... anything?" He flicks a glance back at Mr. Knight. "I don't know how good of a guide I am. I seem to just confuse the issue."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "In over my head?" Cael replies wryly. "There've been times where I didn't think I could even see the surface." But hell if she's going to give up.
    Her attention shifts back to Jon as she answers with, "The problem is - I don't know what to ask. I don't know what I don't know. I'm sure there's more that I could learn, //something// that would help me understand better, but I don't know what it is. But- yeah. This has helped."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Mr. Knight regards Jon and there might be a smile on his face. He looks again to Cael. "That is, perhaps, the best we can hope for in this." He rises and offers them both to rise as well. "Remember, for the Egyptians, death was just another journey. Jon may be taking it a bit more round trip than they anticipated, but nonetheless, he is just making another journey toward something that will help everyone. Including himself."

    He offers a gloved hand to Cael. "It was nice to meet you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call on me. I can be found here most nights, and if I am not here... someone will be who can get word to me if necessary." He adds, "And thank you, for seeing to the wellbeing of one of my closest friends."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon stands, and says, "Mr. Knight here is... the closest thing I have to a priest, these days." He makes a face. "I suppose you /are/ a priest, technically, hmm? Strange thought." He shakes his head. "Anyway, he's dedicated his life to helping people, he means it when he says don't hesitate to call. He rescued Agnes, he provided my staff, he's... a good friend." He smiles.

    "...Which reminds me, Agnes says hello, and says she'd like to come by and pay her respects, some time soon. Maybe when this business is concluded."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael rises to her feet after setting aside the rest of the wine, reaching across to take the man's hand, and give ia firm squeeze. "Well, someone has to, Mr. Knight. He can be //such// an idiot, left unsupervised," she remarks, flashing Jon a teasing grin.
    I mean - she couldn't possibly leave without insulting Jon at least once, right?
    "I do appreciate your help, and I'm sure we'll meet again." As she turns to make her way out with Jon, Bear walking obediently at their heels, she asks, "Think we can stop somewhere for a proper drink? Or you rather I do that at home, hmm?"