11003/Psychics at the Beach

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Psychics at the Beach
Date of Scene: 03 May 2022
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Two psychics dance at the pool.
Cast of Characters: Betsy Braddock, Emma Frost

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Early May in New York - as likely to be cold and rainy as it is sunny and warm. Fortunately today, it is the latter. And while classes are in full swing, the beach by the lake is almost entirely unattended. The perfect time for a particular British former supermodel to stretch out on a blanket, enjoying the best that the sun can offer to her otherwise generally pale form. Done up in what would likely be considered a scandalous if she were to be striding down the halls of Xavier's, it appears to fit with the beachy theme. A bikini top depicting green lilly pads against a purple cloth with laces connecting across her cleavage and a matching bottom that more resembles a loincloth, it looks like it might in fact be a hold over from her model days. Completing the look are a pair of purple sunglasses shielding her eyes from the brightness of the sun.

Emma Frost has posed:
Going to set up and out over likewise in the sun is Emma Frost wearing a two piece bikini that one might think was conservative by her usual reputation. It actually covers some amounts of skin and seems to fit her well. Of a higher quality material than most, it fits to her curves and is snug to her form. She is settled out moving to sip a margarita that's iced and cold. "Elizabeth. You out enjoying the weather as well?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Slowly turning her gaze to regard Emma, Betsy reaches up with one finger to lower her sunglasse to see her a bit more clearly. She whistle appreciatively. "Emma, dear. I did not know you would dare." She flashes a grin. "And why did you not bring enough for the rest of the class?" She whirls a finger and a small sliver of the ice from the margarita floats out from Emma's glass and over towards Betsy. She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, and drops the margarita droplet on it. "Tasty."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse over, "Why Elizabeth, if you wished for me to bring you booze then you would have just had to ask in advance. But.." She would idly hold her glass up. "This one is my own. And I'm quite happy where I'm sitting so you can have.." Just looking at Betsy floating over the small cube.
    "A little bit.. But next time do ask nicely, dear. Or I might decide to not be so benevolent."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I'm a telepath, not a precog, Emma." Well, Betsy was, in fact, but not about things such as this. "But I suppose I can let it slide. This time." She settles back into her recline, replacing her sunglasses as she stretches out. "Ha. We both know that if you chose not to be benevolent, Emma, the entirety of the school would leap at the chance to evict you." She chuckles softly. "And you would have to go through me first."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would quirk an eyebrow, "Why Elizabeth, how formal of you! And here I thought you weren't above making up new powers as the situation fit. I'm aghast that you don't have that ability. And I might not be able to buy the whole school.." Emma was rich. Xavier was much, much richer. So was Warren. So was Betsy.
    "But I'd like to think that I could afford the rest of Westchester."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I am comfortable enough in the powers that I do have to not require any others," replies Betsy, chuckling to herself. "I didn't feel the need to go and get a whole secondary mutation to be special." She shifts, lifting up her back a bit to stretch it out, before laying back down. "You can have Westchester. We all know it's a dump."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let out a sigh, "Dear, dear, let's not be banal over about those sorts of things. the more things we add on to her ability list, the more attentio nwe get. And I'm already perfect after all. Anything after this would be just flaunting it."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Turning her head to look at Emma again, Betsy giggles. "And that isn't flaunting it?" she asks, waving a hand around in the air. "My dear, I cannot recall having seen you in less. And I remember seeing you in your uniform."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would wave a hand over, "Why thank you. It's nice to be remembered. And attention on the uniform is attention not on me, darling. Appearances are everything. What I don't have to use my mind for makes it all the easier to use my mind for. You spent time as a model, correct?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I did. And it was...entertaining." Betsy smirks for a moment. "Particularly as a young, reckless telepath, who rather enjoyed dipping into the minds of the men watching me." She flashes a grin. "And the ladies." She sighs, and tilts her head back to get a bit more sun. "Those were the days."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lean in over and back, "Why yes. You learn how you can manipulate people and play them. Control is about appearances. The first level of control after all comes from that level of manipulation. And it's never a bad skill to have."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Well. Yes and no." Betsy shrugs a bit. "Appearances can certainly help, but that is not the only element of control." She turns her gaze to take in Emma again. "But you are right. If they are looking at you, or the outfit, they aren't looking at what you are doing/."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Exactly Elizabeth. One of the first rules that anyone has to learn, for better or ill. If we're going to be judged on how we present ourselves by our bodies, then we can control that. And that's the first step to controlling everyone else."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Languidly, Betsy reaches back over her head, stretching her body out considerably. "Certainly, we can." She chuckles softly. "It can be nice to get what you want without having to use your powers."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile lavisciously, "Yes dear. It also makes it that much easier to get what we want with our powers after all." She would hold up her glass in the direction of Betsy. "Cheers." She would tease the englishwoman.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Using our powers is cheating, Emma." Betsy looks over at the glass. "Toasting someone who is glassless? That is almost criminal." She looks aghast. And then she laughs, and lays back down.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would chuckle, "not my fault dear that you don't have the control to float yourself down a bottle of something appropriate and mix it. And it's hardly so fair as to ask someone else now to get it, is it?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy perks up her glasses. "Really, Emma?" The margarita begins to initiate a slow steady path from Emma's glass over towards Betsy's current seat. "You want to challenge me, when you are the one who came without bringing refreshments to share?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Well if you'd have told me you were out here and being bored in advance Elizabeth then I might." As Betsy would og to float her drink over Emma would playfully scoff. "within the rules so I have only myself to blame."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Leaning forward, tongue outstretched, Betsy pours a healthy portion of Emma's drink onto her tongue. "Perhaps." She licks her lips for a moment and smiles. "True, always only ourselves to blame."

Emma Frost has posed:
It was fair after all. Well, fair in the unfair rules of the world. Emma would just smile, "now give it back dear. Or I'll be upset." She would chime, going to roll that over her tongue in the sort of half sniffle and pout that would make most yield and squirm."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"If you would really like, Emma, but I am not sure you would be quite prepared for the fallout." Betsy grins at her, her face twisted in amusement.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would chuckle, "oh dear? Who's fallout would that be from? You? The school? Or shall we see how much we can escalate this tete a tete over access to intoxicants?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy sips up, and then stands, casting her hands across her posterior to knock loose the errant sand that crept up to the blanket. "You did ask for it, Emma," she warns, making her way over towards Emma's chosen seat with a sinuous saunter.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would casually sit up, "Why Elizabeth, I never kenw. So what are your particular nefarious intentions here?" She would give a casual wiggle of her fingers over at the purple haired ninja in casual introspection and teasing.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Nefarious, my dear Emma? Hardly." Upon arriving at her seat, Betsy leans over slowly, and places her lips against against Emma's. No doubt what the few other lake-goers today will retell for a number of times, Betsy delivers a slow, languid kiss to Emma. Whether or not any of the purloined margarita remained in a consumable form and was transferred during the process is a mystery known only to the two of them.

Emma Frost has posed:
That might have surprised Emma. But she goes to accept it with ever so casual intimicy. While Betsy would kiss Emma passionately, Emma's return is softer. Gentler. Projecting mentally just a little bit of fuzziness into the area for hte observers, making them aware they had seen -something-.. But fuzzy on the particulars. Emma pulls Betsy more casually to her lap, hand wrapping around if she could the otherw oman's hips to hold her in.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
If Betsy seems alarmed by Emma's escalation, she gives no sign of it. She falls easily into Emma's lap, and at least for the moment, allows the kiss to delicately linger. She engages in no mental manipulation of the surroundings. Either not caring, or trusting that Emma has it handled.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost continues the tease over then by casually balancing Betsy on her lap. Letting the purple haired englishwoman rock on it as Emma sees how far out she can draw Betsy over wtih the hopefully pleasant tingle.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
If it's a game or a challenge, Betsy is not about to admit defeat. If it's not... She allows the kiss to linger, far longer than necessary to transfer the margarita. She rolls slightly towards Emma, seemingly content to occupy her lap for the present moment.

Emma Frost has posed:
It's playful. Or perhaps more. Emma's hand would go up to casually rub at Elizabeth's hair. "Why dear.. You feel as if you needed that. Have we not gotten our share of affection lately?" it's a tease, but a quiet one.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
A soft chuckle, as Betsy settles against Emma, relaxing a bit. "Oh, you know, these boys do not know how to treat a lady." She sighs softly, and lounges a bit against her. "I am sure you are familiar with our plight."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm at Betsy, "Oh all's the more the shame. So do you consider yourself a lady then? I must say, that would go against much of how I visualized you.."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy shakes her head. "Oh, I am a lady when I need to be, of course." She places a hand delicately upon her chest. "I am, after all, of nobility." She laughs musically. "But as we all know, nobility has a tendency to go astray. From time to time."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh, "I see then. And of what sort of use do you find your family tree in this day and age? Do you enjoy it for the access and prestige? Or for the hint of scandal that goes along?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I rather enjoy sending my brother into little outrages. He does not know his own strength somtimes." Betsy grins. Her brother, of course, being Captain Britain. "And it does earn me status at the Hellfire Club, which is nice. When I want to induldge my darker side."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "Yes, the Club does give itself that access." Her own tone pained. How much she had engaged in her own darker side. "So do you find that it gievs you a degree of amusement along with access then?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Amusement? Perhaps." Betsy shrugs a bit, stretching out slowly. "It reminds me of what else is out there. Let's me think on things." She smiles. "Sometimes, let's me forget. It is so hard to forget, as a telepath, as I am sure you know."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would grin,"Telepathy requires either of us to be thinking it, dear. If it's far off either of our minds then it would hardly be something we could get from one another, wouldn't it now?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I suppose there is that." Betsy sighs to herself, and then slowly glances around, as if marking the presence of various students and other staff about. "Do you think we have given them enough of a show?" She grins at Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "I suppose so. We always do want to leave them wanting more. Don't want them to get tired of us and have enough, after all now do we?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Of course not." Betsy leans forward and drops a last chaste kiss on Emma's lips, and then slowly slides off from her lap. "Sorry about your margarita, Emma." She winks.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would accept the kiss, "I'll have another and drink to it in mourning. And are you going to get a refill for me since you were so helpful to take mine?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I am sure that can be arranged." Betsy stands and makes her way over towards the nearest student, who had been watching with great interest. "Do be a good boy and fetch Emma a drink, with you?" she asks, reaching out to brush a hand along his cheek. As he scurries away, Betsy turns to wink at Emma over her shoulder. "See? No powers needed."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would tsk, "Why Elizabeth, if there's going to be anyone stirring up gossip amongst the student body, shouldn't we at least give them something properly scandalous over?" She would tease idly while accepting Betsy's prompting.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Looking back at Emma, Betsy flashes a grin. "Was that not enough, Emma?" She looks around, and points to at least a few paying very close attention to the gorgeous telepaths.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh, "Dear.. They're teenagers. I'm sure they would consider this whether or not it was happening. This is a school after all. This is hardly besmirching after all."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
A soft laugh. "True. Hard to argue that." Betsy looks towards her towel, as if lifts from the ground and shakes off what sand may have collected. "Perhaps another day, Emma. I would not wish to keep you from your drink." Indeed, the requested drink is making its way over in the hands of the eager studsent.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm at Betsy, "Why do stay here dear. Or do you wish for us to try and see just what we can do to make the local gosship net properly churn over rather than one little teenage percolation bubbling over?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
For a moment, Betsy ponders. She tilts her head, regarding Emma. "Why Emma Frost. Diabolical." The towel falls to the ground, and Betsy flashes a grin. "It does feel rather warm, does it not?" Without further warning, she trots off towards the water, and with an accentuated bit of air - perhaps aided by her telekinesis - she dives into the water.

A few moments later she resurfaces, purple hair plastered to her head. "Do you need to cool off?" she asks.

Lifting from the water are a few pieces of fabric, purple with green lilies on them. They float over and deposit themselves upon Betsy's towel.

Emma Frost has posed:
Now there's a smile over at Betsy, "Why I thought you would never ask." She would take a sip over of the drink, carefully putting it down over near her chair while waving at the boy with a dismissive gesture. "Lovely darling. I do think that the weather is beautiful. Capital idea."

Emma goes to slide over into the water. She would sit over on the side and glide her way on in. "I'm so glad to have caught you in a good mood."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Oh, Emma. That's your mistake," replies Betsy, with a grin. "I am /always/ in a good mood." She flips backwards and descends under the water, and out of view, a kick of her feet creating a small splash in the water.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just shake her head over and laugh quietly, "Why Elizabeth.. You continue to surprise. I'm glad this day finds you indulgent enough to gallivate about." Emma takes the splashing over in stride.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Finally, Betsy surfaces, a bit further out from the shore. She rises up just enough from the water to show her bare shoulders, and half of the curve of her chest. "And you, Emma, continue to disappoint." She flips backwards into the water again, descending into its depths.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would slide on in, "Why Elizabeth.." She would go to speak on telepathically <<And take away from your charm? Or do you wish for us to be competitive in the matter?>> She would tease back. Then casually going to slide through the water as well. Emma goes to strike a pose. Ever so slowly. Arm arched up above her head, back braced over against the side of the pool, hip thrust out..

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy emerges from the water again, but this time a bit further out. Only as high as a bit below her neck. "Why Emma," she replies, matching the pitch and tone. <<Did you want to up the scandal, or not>> She moves to mimic Emma's pose, stretching her arms above her, and slowly rising above the water level. One distinctive difference, of course - her bathing suit sits on her towel at the shore. She arches an eyebrow as she gains on the water level, a grin twisting onto her face. Just before any onlookers would catch an eyeful, she slips back down into the water like a knife.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would tease <<Why.. Perhaps.>> Then as Betsy goes to put on such a lovely little tease and display Emma would sigh <<And it would appear that I am quite outmatched here>> She would instead go ona nd over to sashay her way over towards Betsy with a 'come hither' expression and a tease on her face as she would gesture.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
<<I appreciate you admitting it.>> Betsy's words ring in Emma's ears, even as she herself is no longer visible, somewhere beneath the water. <<As always, all talk and no game, Emma Frost.>>

Emma Frost has posed:
Since Betsy's going underwater and away from her.. Emma Frost goes to close her eyes and visualize. She goes to give the psychic imprint to Betsy of a toe curling, tongue churning full on French Kiss with all the mental passion over that might almost make one pass out as they would boil over. Emma's own shields go up to a degree as she moves to resist any sort of counter attack Betsy might make out of amusement.
    Hopefully ending up in a blushing, perhpas even bashful ninja.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Oh, there are traces of satisfaction that appear through that connection before the shields go up. Maybe minor embarassment. And definitely some minor annoyance that Emma has altered the rules of engagement. Betsy masks herself psychically, off of Emma's radar for a moment. And then she appears.

The waters parting before her, Betsy rises up in front of Emma like the Birth of Aphrodite, purple hair flowing (psychically dried upon leaving the water, of course) about her but otherwise wearing as much as the day she was born. She hangs suspended out in front of Emma, arms cast to the side, and a smirk on her face.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile over at Betsy <<Why now there dear.. If you wanted you could have just asked.>> Emma goes to blow a teasing kiss over at Betsy, even as the woman is going to glide up and out of the water and she would go to maneuver herself to enjoy the view.

Then standing up on tiptoe she would move to give a casual peck over to Betsy's cheek. "My heroine. Or are you wanting something a little more formal, darling?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
A slow smile slips forth from Betsy. "Asking removes all the fun." She watches Emma approach, and then chuckles for a moment. "Ah, Emma, if only sometimes you would let loose." She falls backwards slowly, telekinetically lowering herself to avoid smacking against the water, and then pulls herself back against the surface of the water, slowly descending once more beneath the surface.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, I cut loose all the time, dear. I merely give the veneer of being in control. It makes it all the more enjoyable.." Emma then pulls Betsy over in for a kiss while the woman would float. Emma could kiss in the physical plane just like she could in the psychic one. Perhaps from the suddenly aggressive, assertive kiss Betsy might very well splash down in the water!

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy retains some measure of control, as well. Even if it were a veneer. Not one to back down from challenge, she answers the kiss from Emma with a returned fervor, both hands moving up to cradle either side of Emma's face. She seems to float above the water, and at least for the moment, the view that Emma has is Emma's along, the former White Queen shielding any perhaps salicious views from the shoreline.

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma seems to enjoy more the small intimicy than the more aggressive back and forth. The gentler things that the two were exchanging here. A hand going up to slide along Betsy's cheek while she would shield them from eyes. Her letting Betsy press in to her while the ninja would float over across the water.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
For her part, Betsy seems to be fine with following Emma's lead as the contact goes. She drifts with Emma's touch, keeping herself above the water but letting Emma "steer." <<How much of a show do you want to give them, Emma darling?>>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm <<Let's keep it a tease for now, darling. Something that won't have someone coming to ask us to excuse ourselves. So we can take it somewhere a litlte more..>> Emma would muse.. <<Somewhere we don't have to keep up appearances>>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
At that, Betsy pulls back suddenly, descending below the water and dragging Emma with her. A circle of air surrounds both of their heads, courtesy of Betsy's telekinesis, as she drags Emma below the surface of the water with her.

Down below, Betsy's long purple hair spreads out like a cloud about her hear, and she looks up at Emma, a slight grin on her face. As if to challenge of visibility.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let herself be pulled on down, going to continue the engagement as she would let her fingers stroke through Betsy's hair and smile at her. Musing with their strokes 'Very well'.. Then her hands going up and over to casually rub along Betsy's hair spread out wildly. E mma grinning like a cheshire cat. Taking her teasings ever so slowly..