11146/Hellfire and Damnation

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Hellfire and Damnation
Date of Scene: 13 May 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Blake presents Sebastian with some useful intel on potential opportunities...or rivals.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Blake Riviere

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Like many days, the VIP lounge is littered even at strange hours with the assembled rich and powerful who want to appear to be rich and powerful. Either here for business or pleasure, or just to be seen, they are to see and be seen within the VIP Lounge of the Hellfire Club. From there, they can look down on the teeming masses of the rich, but not AS rich, that are in the more publicly accessible areas below them.

As is frequently the case, Sebastian Shaw is seated at a table in the corner, a glass of wine in front of him. He does often seek to survey his domain. What is -not- frequently the case is that his fingers are drumming absently on the table. The man is often a statue, so any signs of activity while idle are noteworthy, at least.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Once more into the lounge a new figure swept, Blake happy enough to turn heads as she strode through. Not being one of the 'Queens' she wasn't wearing the attire they were known for, instead her form was wrapped in a backless black dress that drifted in a deep gradiant to red in places, a dark red ribbon tied around her throat as if it were a choker.

Hair up, she moved with the same confidence as she made her way toward the tables rather than the bar. After all, if one was important enough, the service comes to you...right?

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Blake's arrival captures Sebastian's gaze. Among many others, of course. But he is the one who raises a hand in greeting, beckoning her towards his table. Service may come to her at the table, but it will always come to the Black King faster.

He is wearing similar attire to most times - this time a Victorian jacket of deep purple, but still with white lace at the collar.

"Ms. Riviere. How good to see you again."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Mr Shaw..." she greets, the beckoning drawing the woman closer. Of course the King would get service before one who was considered a 'Pawn', but she'd been summoned and of course she'd move to meet him. Approaching the table, there was a tilt of her head and a fold of her hands before her. "How are you this evening?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Well enough, my dear. While heavy is the head that bears the crown, it is a burden I happily carry on behalf of all of us." Sebastian regards her and offers a smile - one that even looks genuine. He nods his head slightly to the space directly to his right on the cushioned booth. "Are you here on business or pleasure?" There is already an attendant en route to the table to collect Blake's order. When a Pawn sits with the King, the Pawn gets Kingly treatment.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Poor thing..." she muses lightly, turning her head back to the attendant and placing her order in her accented tones before lazily resting her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand, her fingernails lazily stroking against her cheek for a moment. "Ah...perhaps both, after all. I confess, I haven't come to present you with a secret sword as our uplifted bishop, but perhaps you might find some interest in information...or perhaps you might merely wish for a little company and a sympathetic ear..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Turning his gaze to regard Blake, Sebastian offers a smile. "As I am sure you know, that is merely ceremony. A sword has little enough value to me." His gaze drifts over Blake, slowly. "Now the hand that wields is, that's another story entirely." He reclines into the cushion of the booth, relaxing. "I am always eager to gain information, and of course, appreciate company such as yourself."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake nods lightly, a little shift before her hand moves and she straightens up, her hand settling back on the table as she waits for her glass of wine to arrive, the drink almost certainly swift in its summoning leaving her delicate digits gently caressing the stem of the crystal glass.

"There are secrets, curiousities of the city. Perhaps it might interest you to know of a business or two that is owned by some...lesser cousins of my kind."

A little moment of musing and she chuckles softly. "Oh, I have tasted of your power...I'm sure simply sharpened metal is hardly required."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Turning his gaze back towards the rest of the lounge, Sebastian leans slightly to the side, so as to better hear the information as Blake shares it. "Oh, that certainly would. I am sure there is some value to knowing those comings and goings."

His hand drifts over to allow his fingers to run up alone Blake's spine, taking full advantage of the backless dress. "Certainly, it would not be necessary. Perhaps even a detriment." A chuckle.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Ah..." she murmers, a little turn of her head and a smirk of her red painted lips and her gaze fixing to his. "But maybe that is the truth of a lot of finery. There for our appreciation visually, enjoyment for the eyes rather than any practical purpose." A moment, she chuckles softly in bemusement. "Much like this dress perhaps?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Turning his gaze back towards hers, Sebastian offers a smile. "I would say that is may generally be true," he replies, chuckling softly as he allows his fingers to trail back down. "But not in all cases, of course." His eyes drift over the dress, once it has been called out, and then he looks back to meet her gaze. "So. Your lesser cousins. Tell me of them."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Oh, there is an envelope left on your throne..." she purrs softly, a little smirk from the vampiress as she makes to claim a small sip of her drink even as his fingers trace her back. "In there you'll find the name of two nightclubs, one investment firm...and perhaps humorously a blood bank, all of which are run by the more...mundane vampires of the city. Most of them make an effort to stay out of the way of...those like myself."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Ah. I do rather like presents left upon my doorstep, so to speak." Sebastian considers quietly as he reaches over with his free hand, claiming his glass of wine. "Do you see those as opportunities, or just something to keep an eye on to monitor their activities?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Opportunity if leverage is needed, otherwise? Something to be mindful of, should you find rivals or...those who would cause inconvenience making alliances or moves to aquire them. You might find them worth a second look." A sip of her drink, she turns her head back to him, a little raise of her eyebrow and mischief alight in her features.

"Perhaps I should be asking you what 'boon' it is that you desire, oh 'King'."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"All of those have considerable merit, indeed." Sebastian nods slowly as he takes a slow sip from his wine. His fingers trail up from her spine, and linger at the back of her neck as she turns to regard him. He grins as he spots that mischievous expression = one of his favorite kinds.

"Oh, I am not choosey, my loyal 'Pawn'." He flashes a grin. "Whatever you feel may be appropriate, I am sure, would be appreciated."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Secrets from the shadows, historial momentos and priceless books..." she muses lightly before turning that much more, her position now putting her knee against his lap. "Or perhaps your interest lays elsewhere, in other secrets and experiences that might be found. For the moment at least, the gift of wine and company."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian's eyes widen slightly with interest at the talk of secrets and knowledge. "Oh, I would never turn down any of those at all." He lifts the glass of wine to take a long sip, his gaze resting upon her. His eyes drift over her face for a moment, his tongue slipping out to capture an errant drop of wine from his glass. "That is always an appreciated gift," he murmurs, raising his glass slightly in a salute. "Wine and company," he echoes, fixing his gaze as he takes another sip.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little sip claimed from her drink, but not before she lifts it and lightly clinks her beverage to his in a little ring of crystal on crystal. Still, VIP lounge or not the space was public enough for the Inner circle. Perhaps even now there was a little too much familarity from the Pawn to the King...then again, perhaps it would simply be taken as required or permitted, if it was what Shaw himself sought...or perhaps Blake didn't really seem to care despite her station.

"If nothing else, it makes for a distraction from your woes..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Hellfire Club, if nothing else, was well known for the ... intermingling ... of its members. It was, in fact, one of its greatest appeals. Certainly, none would question any in the company of the King.

He does clink the glass in return, and once again, echoes her. "And distractions..." He grins broadly as he takes the final sip from his glass of wine.