11105/You dropped this!

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You dropped this!
Date of Scene: 10 May 2022
Location: Bryant Park
Synopsis: Bando accidentally comes into possession of a magical artifact.
Cast of Characters: Bando George, Lara Croft

Bando George has posed:
    Bryant Park, the busiest park per acre in the world. On a partly cloudy, warm spring day like this? It's packed. Ping pong, lounge chairs. Picnics. All sit under the towering presence of Midtown's skyscrapers, meaning that while the Great Lawn is very well groomed and the trees are lovely, nobody is going to fail to remember that they are in one of the world's busiest cities.

    Little known fact is that the Library next door runs under that green lawn, and the sign that announces the park's founders...well, that's actually an emergency hatch to escape from the stacks under the library. But in New York, people usually mind their own business, it's safer that way.

    Bando sits on the edge of the fountain, eating a sandwich. There's literally nowhere else to sit, and his mom would kill him if he got grass stains on his new shorts by sitting in the grass. Munching away, he is addressed by a cop, and made to get up. He complies, and wanders with his sandwich past the sign when it opens up, and from the ground below, a man appears right before him.

    The teen stops chewing, but the man continues as if there was nothing odd about this at all. Nobody else seems to be doing anything about it. Is this normal?

    The man closes the hatch again, and starts walking through the maze of people sitting on the lawn, and adjusts his back pack that he wears. Bando chews slowly watching it happen, and glances around. Does nobody see this?

    That's when it happens. Another man intersects behind the first, and tucks his hand into the bag as he goes by, something wrapped in cloth is removed, and the second man contines on. The first man continues on.

    "Thief!" Bando whispers, watching the second man stuff the object in a handbag. He reaches out with his power, *fwump* the small object lands in his hand. "Jerkface," he mutters, and tosses the rest of his sandwich into a nearby trash can, and starts to walk after the first man.

Lara Croft has posed:
    The man is done with his mission, so as Bando tries to follow him, he disappears almost as effectively as the teen. He IS, after all, a spy.

    Meanwhile, the other man doesn't realize anything's the matter. Grabbing a taxi across town, he's oblivious. Lara sits in her office in the WAND division of SHIELD with eyes on that transaction via satellite feed. She squints as the handoff occurs, noticing something familiar about the pointing figure.

    Grabbing other feeds, Lara soon discovers that it's Bando, and that he's got the thing, now. She also notices that the other agent is good at his job. "Damn it," she says, pushing away from her desk. The screen automatically locks and encrypts as the face recognition notices she's left the desk.

    Taking the fast elevator, Lara rushes to the garage. Getting on her motorcycle, she pauses only long enough to put a helmet on before she zips out the still-opening doors.

    It's not rush hour, but going through the city isn't easy if you're in a hurry no matter what. Lara weaves through traffic doing highway speeds. Cameras pointed at her license plates capture only a jumbled mess. She would cross her fingers that Bando's still there when she arrives, but one can never be sure with someone who can teleport.

Bando George has posed:
     Bando just looked away for a moment! Where did he go? He glances down the street one way, then the other. "Uh..." The crowded street doesn't help any. He stuffs the covered object into his pocket, still having no idea what it is, and looks up at the edge of the roof of the library. He could see from up there where he went!

    *fwump* HONK!

    The horn of a car interrupts his train of thought at the moment of his teleport, causing him to focus on the completely wrong place. He didn't mean to be in the back of this sedan. The middle-aged woman has an infant next to him in her car seat.

    "What are you doing!?" she exclaims. "Get out of my car, get away from my child! I'm calling the cops!"

    "Sorry! Sorry!" Bando exclaims, and opens the door, stumbling out of the car and getting sideswiped by another as he stumbles to the sidewalk. "Shoot," he says as the woman stops her car, shaking a fist at him. Now it's time for HIM to run. Before he gets accused of something nefarious.

Lara Croft has posed:
    Lara skids to a stop on her motorcycle before she runs head-long into the door just thrown open in traffic. She cannot believe her luck when Bando steps out of the car. She takes off her helmet and calls out, "Bando!" Well, she was his teacher for one class not THAT long ago. Hopefully, he doesn't have quantum amnesia and forgot only her.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando was starting to flee when he hears his name, spinning about and running into someone else as he turns back to spot Lara. "Oh hi Ms. Cro-"oof! The man growls an objection for Bando's carelessness, and he apologizes. "I um-hi. It's good to see you! I can't talk right now. Somebody dropped a thing and I'm trying to get it back to them and I think that lady thinks I'm a creeper and is calling the cops!" See, a very coherent regurgitation of events.

Lara Croft has posed:
    "Get on," Lara says, commandingly. She tosses her helmet at the teenager. Apparently this is a 'no time to explain' kind of moment for both of them.

Bando George has posed:
    "Huh?" Bando's lip curls up in confusion. "No, I gotta get this thingy to the guy, he dropped it," he says, catching the helmet. He pulls the cloth covered object out of his pocket. Wait. Where is it? "Oh crap, I dropped it!" He glances around his feet, as if it had just happened, and then looks back at the car where the woman is actively talking to the police. "On second thought, you can't win them all," he says, rushing over to the motorcycle.

Lara Croft has posed:
    "Damn it, Bando," Lara says. She stands on the foot pedals of her motorcycle and revs the engine, turning with the axis of her front wheel. She then completely abandons Bando, aiming herself where he'd come from in the park. Meanwhile, the lady in the car throws Bando's thing at him. It misses the nice, unhurty armored section where he holds Lara's helmet, instead bouncing off the teen's chest painfully before clattering off the helmet and onto the ground. She slams the door shut, and suddenly, traffic is moving again. Horns are honking loudly at the teen in the street as cars flow slowly around him between the lanes.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando winces as the object hits him in the chest, and fumbles as he tries to catch it. He fails, and finds himself scooping the object up as a taxi demands his movement. "I'm movin'! Keep your pants on!" he yells at the cab driver, and rushes toward Lara. "Where you goin'?" he asks. "I still have your helmet!" He's so very clearly confused, now holding up both the object and the helmet in his hands.