11404/Pasta for Two

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Pasta for Two
Date of Scene: 30 May 2022
Location: Red Rose Cafe
Synopsis: Italian dinner was had, and intentions noted. Open communication is the best policy!
Cast of Characters: Tom McCarthy, Lorna Dane

Tom McCarthy has posed:
It was an odd feeling, asking a Queen out for dinner - but his life had gotten so odd as of late. From red amazon-esque women smashing labs, to mind-controlled agents - things had taken a turn for Tom. So he gathered up his courage and asked Lorna if she'd like to go to dinner at a nice little place in Gotham. She was promised excellent food and wine, and passable company in the form of Tom.

And now, here he was. Dressed in a nice shirt, ties and slacks, he was waiting at the table - having arrived early. He'd been looking over the menu, plotting what he might order. A look to the waiter, catching their attention. "Can you do me a favor? Wine is a bit... out of my realm. Can you suggest a good wine when we order?" Preparation is the key to success!

Lorna Dane has posed:
Was she being asked out? Legitimately asked out? Lorna wasn't a hundred percent sure, but it was a nice thought. It'd been awhile since she'd been on a proper date and so far she and Tom had seemed to get along well enough. Even if there were certain business differences between their groups. Given the meeting is in Gotham though, it's relatively neutral territory in that it wasn't in SHIELD headquarters area, nor near the Genoshan embassy. Perhaps it would be a nice change of pace after all.

When she arrives she pauses near the door to glance around the tiny restaraunt. She'd swapped her usual business slacks and blouse for an modest cocktail dress with a pencil skirt in her favored shade of green. Her hair is swept up into a ponytail and left to drape over one shoulder.

Spotting Tom, she indicates the table to the maitre de or hostess with a smile. "Ah, that's me there," before making her way over. "Good evening, Tom. You're looking well."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Getting a nod from the waiter, Tom looks a bit relieved. Wine will be taken care of, check. Now it's just up to him to not stick his foot in his mouth, or what have you. Spotting Lorna as she approaches, he stands and smiles. "Good evening. You look amazing, Lorna." He comments, nodding as the staff pull out a chair for her.

"Glad you could join me... I am hoping you like Italian fare." A wry grin, with Tom only taking a seat once she's settled in hers. "No trouble getting here?" Gotham had a rough edge to it - hopefully she'd not found any problems along the way. Assuming she didn't get ported, that is!

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane sinks down into the chair with a quick sweep of her hands over the skirt to assure the fabric lays properly. Then she scooches in closer giving a nod and quiet, "Thank you," to the staff member that had pulled the chair out for her. "Italian is always good, especially when it's authentic," she assures giving a rather warm smile toward Tom. "As for getting here, it was no trouble at all. I did spend a good portion of my life growing up in New York after all," she points out with a little wink toward him. "You're familiar with the place I imagine? I do recall you said you were from Gotham."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
The man grins. "Well, stationed here for the agency." Tom explains with a chuckle. "I've been here a few times. It's good authentic food, and a good place for quiet conversation." He unfolds his napkin and places it in his lap. "I suspect you wouldn't have any proper trouble. I imagine you'd be able to handle yourself in any number of situations, after all. I just would wish a nice bit of travel, honestly. It's nice to have a break, right?"

"How have things been lately? How is Genosha?" Tom asks, nodding as water is poured for each of them. "Would you like some wine? Or shall we wait to pair it with our order?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane draws in a deep breath at the question of Genosha. For a moment her smile almost slips, but she manages to keep up a stoic expression none the less. "It's... been some troubling moments, but nothing we can't handle." The offer of wine causes her to glance aside thoughtfully contemplating it. "A glass sounds lovely, but yes let's wait until we order. Drinking on an empty stomach is never very good."

"What of yourself? Has work been going well?"

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom McCarthy says, "Sorry to hear that, Lorna. If there is anything I can help with, please let me know?" Tom offers over, sincerely. He nods in agreement regarding the wine, chuckling. "I've been pondering what I want - I think I will go with one of the heartier dishes of pasta. Lasagne, perhaps. Then again, the chicken is fantastic here too..." He ponders.

"Work, has been... work." A wry grin. "Interesting things, but thankfully no serious injuries. Some things you see in my line of work, are hard to believe." A slight shrug. "Thankfully, no one walked away with any injuries - so..." A sheepish chuckle. "I can't really get into it, but it's been a good run so far. Working for the agency keeps me on my toes.""

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane rests her elbow lightly on the table to lean her chin into her palm. It wasn't the most regal of postureres. Her other hand plays lightly on the tabletop running her fingertips idly over the fabric of the napkin neatly folded there while she listens. "Mmm. I know you can't really give details," she assures with a chuckle. "But I am glad to hear things are going well. As for Genosha..." Here she pauses, her nose scrunching just a moment.

"There's going to be a potential PR nightmare coming up and I'm working to figure out how to best deal with it. While also dealing with the issue at hand to begin with. It's not really 'dinner' conversation though." Nobody really wanted to hear about death during dinner.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Regal-schmegal. It's dinner, at an Italian eatery in Gotham. She can be as relaxed as she chooses! "Thank you for understanding." He grins. "It's difficult being a junior agent." Tom laughs before taking a sip of his water. He watches her expression change, a slight frown.

"I hope it goes smoothly for you, Lorna. I truly do. PR is not my forte - even though it was how I met you, after a fashion." A smirk. "So, what else is going on with you? Get any good dancing in recently?" He says with a smirk.

Lorna Dane has posed:
That actually earns a laugh from Lorna, though she shakes her head. "Oh hardly. Even when I'm at such functions it's rare that I get to dance. Usually it's a lot of handshaking and making small talk with other dignitaries." She contemplates a moment on what else has been going on, and grins softly.

"I spent some time with my brother and his girlfriend recently. We're working on a potential coat of arms for Genosha since there's nothing official at the moment. And possibly a tattoo for myself, as well," she adds lightly clearing her throat. Oh look at that, a menu. She shifts her attention to pluck it up and lightly peruse it.

"Hmm. Perhaps the carbonara myself. I haven't had that in so long."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom's eyebrow arches. "I would not have thought you a tattoo person, Lorna. Color me curious." He grins. "And as for dancing, so noted. I will have to ask you out dancing, next time." He says, smirking over his glass after a sip. "I have some ink, but it's from my unit and the PJ credo." He exlpains.

"I've had the carbonara here, I would definitely reccomend." He beams. "Do you have a favorite style of food? Particular cuisine? I know we've spoken about Genoshan foods..."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I... have one." Lorna admits quietly while her face reddens a bit. It was amusing, how pale she still was in spite of being out in the Genoshan sun a lot. Perhaps it was something to do with her green hair making her of pale complexion as well. Either way the blush is easy to see. "It's something I'm looking to get covered up with a memorial tattoo for those who have died on Genosha. I felt it would be a suitable reminder to avoid things in the future."

She doesn't say what the tattoo she currently has IS.

"To be honest? I'm rather fond of barbecue. It's not something I get often and it's always such a good comfort food."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
She wants it covered, so he won't ask what it is currently. Nothing is said about the blush, either. Nope! "I do hope the artist does your people proud with the depiction, Lorna. It's an important thing - memorial tattoos are quite meaningful."

"Oh! Barbeque! Do you have a favorite style? I am assuming not Montana?" He teases her, good-naturedly. "I like St. Louis style, myself."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I haven't seen much of her work but if my brother approves, I assume she's excellent. He's a rather picky person in many things." In spite of the apparent nitpicky relative she speaks of, she mentions all of this with a grin. It was a fond sort of teasing on Lorna's part after all. "I do look forward to seeing what she comes up with. I had a few vague ideas I suggested so I'm curious to see what she does with them. Or what she comes up with on her own," she adds.

Again her grin returns. "I love Texas style for the way they cook it, but so far as sauces go, I'm rather fond of a good Carolina Gold. It goes so well with so many types of meet. Pulled pork, and beef are of course favorites."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
A nod from Tom. "I suspect that your family is pretty particular about a great many things, especially something as important as a coat of arms for your country." He muses, nodding again as the waitstaff swings by for the food. "Ladies first." He grins over to Lorna.

"Texas is good, yes. And Carolina with the vinegar sauce..."

Lorna Dane has posed:
What an odd conversation to walk up on. Talking of an entirely different cuisine at a restaraunt. Lorna can only nod a little bit about her family, though she doesn't have to elaborate just yet. Instead she glances to the waiter to request, "The carbonara please, and a suitable wine to match." Then she extends her hand toward Tom so that he can order for himself.

Once the orders are both placed she flashes him a grin. "We can be, though I think that's just his personality in general. I try to keep things as suitable as possible given my status. Though overall I don't feel I'm terribly picky."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
When it's his turn, he orders as well. "Chicken Saltimbocca, please. And fettucine prosciutto." He says, offering over the menu. "And wine to pair, as well." Tom grins over to Lorna, as the waiter moves off to advise the kitchen and select the wine.

"Suitable... there's a phrase. Am I suitable?" Tom teases her, playfully. "I'd hate to think I am causing trouble in asking you out."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches across the table to rest her hand over Tom's at that particular question. A little squeeze is offered along with a warm smile. "More than suitable. I'd meant more like... In what I wear, how I speak." There's a pause before she adds, "I wasn't always this uptight sounding. I just have to watch what I say in case someone quotes me, generally. Thankfully I've been lucky in that regard."

She pauses before continuing, "Thank you for asking me out as well. I was rather... uncertain about things."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
His eyes go to her hand on his, the man looking then back to her. "I never know, honestly. Especially when dealing with a woman in the spotlight, such as yourself. I don't want to be a problem for you or your family." Tom says, honestly. "I understand the position you are in, truly. But I rather enjoy talking with you, and thought a dinner date would be perfect."

"I promise, nothing will be on the record with me, unless I am working." He chuckles. "What were you uncertain about, Lorna?" He asks, not moving his hand at the moment.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane purses her lips together. Her gaze runs over Tom a moment while she considers her response to that question. It's turned over in her mind while her gaze finally wanders off to the side with a little exhaled sigh. "If you were merely being nice due to wanting to keep up a good image with me, or if you were really interested. I haven't had the best run of luck when it comes to dating," she points out looking back with a wry grin. "And my own judgement may have something to do with that as well. Though I think I'm doing better these days."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Cheeky, is Tom. "I'll agree you're doing better." The man winks. "I was being nice to you when we first met, as it is proper and polite when meeting on the job. The next time, I was off-duty, so I was myself and wanted to see you again. I have no reason, or want, to play games with someone I am attracted to." He says honestly.

"Agency or not, I as a person want to know more about you, and enjoy seeing you." Tom chuckles. "I'm pretty glad that you seem interested in me too, Lorna."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane allows her thumb to run over the back of his hand at this once they seem to be in agreement as to where their thoughts were. It was a bit of a relief to have things out in the open instead of just questioning and doubting herself. Grinning broadly she inclines her head. "I am. You're quite handsome you know, and prone to saying just the right thing," she adds quietly.

And, thankfully, she's saved from this moment by the dishes arriving. Withdrawing her touch from his hand she sits properly with a quick nod toward the waiter as dishes are set out and wine glasses filled. "This does look wonderful."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Open is the best way to be, when most of your work has to be kept hushed. "Thank you, Lorna. You're stunning. Truly." Tom responds, reluctantly releasing her hand. Food is here, though, and it smells wonderful. The wine is poured, the bottle left behind.

He nods to her, rubbing hands together. "I really do like getting good food. Life while deployed is rough. Not normally for Air Force, but since I was deployed with special forces..." He shrugs, with a grin.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Ugh, MREs?" Lorna inquires with a little scrunch of her nose. "While we were rebuilding Genosha, we relied heavily on those. Or those buckets of freeze dried camping meals," she explains with a shake of her head. "It did it's job but there was always that feeling of 'this isn't fresh.' And fishing at the time," she adds with a sigh, "Was limited at best. A lot of buildings had fallen into the ocean scaring the fish away on one side of the island, and ruining their natural habitat."

Reaching for her wine glass she takes a long, slow sip off of it before settling it back down again to continue. "We did a quick clean up as best we could and tried to bring it back. It's better, but that is something I've been meaning to do a better task of as well." There's a breif pause as she murmers, "Perhaps I should ask for Namor's assistance." If the King of Atlantis couldn't do it, who could? "We dated once," she adds quickly, "It's been years. We're still on good terms though." Something she hastens to share just in case it becomes an issue.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
A smile. "I can give tips on making MREs more palatable." Tom assures. "It'll never be gourmet, but it can at least pass as decent food when you do it right." The man chuckles, sipping from his wine as well. "I never had any of those buckets." He listens as she explains the challenges faced. "It seems though, you all did well and got through it. Thankfully."

A sly grin at the comment on dating Namor. "He's not a jealous sort, is he?" Tom wonders. "Royalty all over the world, now. Wakanda, Atlantis, Genosha..." He winks.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"The soups in them weren't too bad," Lorna has to admit of the camping buckets. "And they had far more in the way of dessert since they were more a luxury thing. The children appreciated that a good deal." And so did many others. It wasn't a great time but she ahd been there with her people working alongside them, and eating the same things they ate. Or seeing to it that they got a break from the rations with 'real food' on occasion as well.

Another sip comes, and she can only shrug faintly. "I don't know for certain. I don't believe so though, no. He's a bit far longer lived than many so that seems like a waste of time overall." Grinning she adds, "I didn't ask for royalty but it's what was wanted. And," she has to add with a chuckle, "It does help quite a bit for making decisions on occasion."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
"I might have to look into those, for my prep kitchen." Tom chuckles. "Desserts go a long way for comfort for people. It's amazing how good folks feel after having a sweet dessert." He nods. "Usually helps recover lost blood sugars too, after someone's wounded." Battlefield medicine, at its finest!

"Well, here's to hoping I don't run afoul of another soveriegn nation." He waggles his brows. "I am sure it can clear up quite a bit of redtape, Lorna." Tom teases her.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"They really do help a lot. Morale is a good thing to keep up when you can," Lorna agrees with a quick nod. Reaching again for her wine glass she takes a sip delicately keeping the glass held in hand for now. "Oh, well we'll have to make sure that's not an issue. So far Genosha is on good terms with many other sovereign nations, thankfully." Finally she reaches for her fork to add some of that pasta before she gets too far down into her glass.

Of course she did always tend to loosen up after a drink or two. "I guess you'll just have to keep me happy, then," she teases back.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom starts in on his meal, cutting it up into bites first before tasting. A smile as he savors the Italian fare. "Morale is absolutely crucial. It can mean the difference between life and death, honestly." He agrees, before sipping some more wine. "And yes, no international incidents for me. I'd have to fill out so much paperwork!" He laughs.

At her comment about keeping her happy, he nods. "I suppose that's a challenge I'll be glad to take, Lorna." He winks. "I tend to not shy away from challenges for a good cause."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane raises her glass toward him in salute. "Hopefully I'm not a challenge, too much anyway," she points out with a grin. "I look forward to seeing where things go however."