11519/A Little Problem In Paradise

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A Little Problem In Paradise
Date of Scene: 09 June 2022
Location: Sanctum Sanctorum
Synopsis: Jane seeks information from the expert on missing and broken souls.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Stephen Strange

Jane Foster has posed:
How, exactly, does one visit the Sorcerer Supreme?

Is it 'come as you are?' Do you send a calling card or do you knock? These questions stand as a testament to Jane's imagination, at least when it comes to:

a. Knowing the Sorcerer Supreme exists
b. Harbouring concerns he will worry about introductions

Not that they exactly need introductions, but the last time their paths truly crossed was in Mexico. On the Yucatan, where she was invisible and he was busy stopping Demogorge from eating absolutely everything and a half.

Some questions deserve to be approached in a business-like fashion. While staring at her helm on the table, she is left to frown. Too Doctor Fate? Probably too Doctor Fate. Coming to /notify/ the wizard about problems as that self? Begs questions how she has questions.

At the end of the day, she ventures past a local patisserie, picks up a few pain au chocolats, for in France all bread is pain, and heads into Greenwich Village. Professional courtesy means wearing a proper light coat, in lieu of the actual ensemble that screams 'Hello I am a goddess type person thing.' Pretentious, for a visit anyway, Mr. Horse would say. And he's the actual god-horse, he would know.

So, you know. One handed knock.

Stephen Strange has posed:
An interesting question. And one that, being the Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange doesn't consider much. At least, not from the side of the visitor. But, for Stephen?

Usually, one knocks. Though, calling cards are always welcome, too.

Though, today, Stephen is not worried too much about formalities. In fact, he is not worried too much about anything. For, at least today, this particular evening, there was not much pressing upon his time. No major reality-wide threat. No great evil threatening on the horizon. The closest to a hazard is a threat only to the closet, taking smoking robes for her own. And even she was out and about this evening.

Truth be told, if any one time was the best time for visitors, now would be it.

And, as the knock resonates through the Sanctum, the master of the house approaches the door, dressed casually (at least for Stephen), the hand reaching out to open the door himself, rather than allow the house to do what it does best.


Jane Foster has posed:
Knocks will suffice. Jane doesn't need to impress anyone; she is not an ancient vizier elevated to near godhood or a Kryptonian with a green chip on her shoulder. Today, being polite and coming bearing gifts mean only one thing.

She's here to be a bother.

The brunette holds her ground quite well against the door, listening quite intently for a response. Alert, as one must be, for the prospects of danger. Professional or not, really it doesn't matter. She has cause for the wariness, searching for shards of soul-stuff floating around with the intent to mow her down.

When the door creaks open, she does naturally what most sensible people do. She looks in from the stoop, catching sight of the foyer in its grandeur and Victorian stylings. Glad to ensure no fireball or giant dew-spider threatens to come out on glassy legs, she announces herself, "Good evening, Doctor. It's Doctor Jane Foster." Announce, then enter, carefully on a light tread. "Would you spare me fifteen minutes of your time to discuss dimensional traumas?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
Jane Foster is impressive in her own right. No, Jane may not be as imposing, with her gift of baked goods in one hand. But, the fact that she is on Strange's doorstep, following the proper unspoken protocol of politeness and bribery to ply a favorable response from the sorcerer? That takes courage. And...that is recognized.

"Doctor Foster. You certainly have a way to cutting to the chase, so to speak." Those grey eyes flicker, taking in the food offering, then the one presenting it. "Dimensional traumas? I would imagine it may take more than fifteen minutes. But, please...please feel free to come in. We can discuss inside, if you wish."

A pause. "And no...nothing will leap out at you." A hint of a smile curls the corner of Stephen's lips. "And also no, I did not read your mind. It's a common expectation."

Oh...a joke. Strange *is* in a good mood.

Jane Foster has posed:
She is neither tall nor grandiose like a certain Asgardian god, nor even possessed of the brutal charms of that god's brother. Just herself, holding the box, and venturing about ten steps inside and no further. Some people might bound up the stairs. Some might cower under the pitiless weight of antiquity. And some might be trying to sell the place. Jane doesn't aspire to any of that.

"I appreciate the demands on your time," she says, wry tone matched by a certain restlessness that isn't immediately visible. Traces leave their fingerprints patterned on her in other ways; tight shoulders, the direct flick of her gaze to the man emerging from somewhere. And somewhere he must be to orient on, her intent to forcibly deny all the other things vying for attention either the mark of a scientist or deliberately closing herself off. Maybe a mix of both, really.

Still, something he says to the end makes her start to flinch before she catches herself. Good catch, at that, but something a trained eye will pick out with relative ease. "These are for you, of course. Fresh as of half an hour ago." He can take the box as he likes or discard it. "It's not my habit to generally apologize ahead of time, though maybe it's appropriate to warn you I am bringing word of a regrettable turn of events that probably involve you. Or they ought to."

Stephen Strange has posed:
The box is accepted graciously. "Thank you." Though...is Strange thanking for the baked goods or is he thanking her for respecting his unusual time constraints? That...remains unanswered. Though...perhaps both. Both is a safe bet.

And yes, the flinch is caught. But not commented on, though that slight smile widens. Yes....he at least knows that.

But then, Jane gets to apologies. And that...that actually pulls a small chuckle from the former surgeon. "Ah, yes. I had thought there was more to your visit than exchanging pleasantries and freshly baked goods." A turn...and the box that was in his hand is just no longer there. A simple parlor trick...but inconspicuously done. It is a sign that Strange is taking things seriously, though. "Most that come are bringing word of regrettable turn of events. Or...asking for training. And I was thinking that it was a little too quiet lately. Tell me, Doctor Foster, what are these events that should probably involve me?"

Jane Foster has posed:
The topographical organization of the sanctum brings, perhaps, a sense of order to promote the serenity of thought and higher acumen of the mind. Jane steps further in, though only so far as Doctor Strange sees fit to guide her. Not laying claim to the whole kit and kaboodle, but polite in the face of vanishing sweets.

"I work with W.A.N.D.," she offers by way of a straightforward explanation. "Over the past few weeks, we received reports of unconscious patients whose condition lacked medical explanation and could not be improved by conventional treatments. We found irrefutable evidence of psychic trauma with a magical source after a mass casualty incident and then an attempted ritual. Both conducted about two blocks north of here at NYU. Kimmel Center and Skirball Center -- the theatre."

Stephen Strange has posed:
And....as Jane proceeds to offer explanation, Stephen guides her further inside. It is only a few steps, but it seems to be quite a distance as suddenly he leads her to a corner with a table and a couple of chairs...and the box of sweets nestled in the middle, already open and presented. There is even a drink service set. Obviously, Strange thinks that the explanation may require a bit of comfort.

"W.A.N.D." The word seems to have a slightly amused tinge to it. "SHIELD is rather fun of their acronyms, aren't they?" Ah...so Strange is at least familiar with the organization. "Unconscious patients with psychic trauma. Magical source....two separate incidents." As Strange repeats the details, it seems that he is taking mental notes....and not just being obtuse with the repeated facts. "So...we have a correlation with the the trauma being magical in nature and the general location of the two incidents. Would that be safe to say?"

Of course it is safe to say that. It is also apparent that Strange is working the issue in his head, analyzing the different facets with what he can remember of recent events to see if there is any more correlations. "Peculiar. Something like that would have had quite a noticeable fluctuation."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane puts her hands in her sleeves, tucking them over her knuckles at least. "The endless acronyms. W.A.N.D., S.W.O.R.D., S.H.I.E.L.D., A.R.M.O.R., M.Y.A.X.E." Oh, sure, spell them out, and pretend Stephen won't notice. That might be terribly effective with lesser souls, but not much beyond that. The faded bit of her smile doesn't last long. "The medical diagnoses on the patients is substantially more complex, but comes down to their psyches or souls removed from their bodies. They cannot wake up due to the absence of higher brain functions, but that itself is the consequence for a..." Here, she hesitates for only a moment, pondering the correct words. "Psychic excision? We've been able to keep them effectively stabilized in comas, though their conditions invariably deteriorates. I'm not sure that a person can survive long-term unmoored from themselves."

He's a consultant of SHIELD, and therefore that gives her right in WAND to set down a small object about the size of an iPod. It probably was an iPod a few dozen iterations back. "Here you'll see the visuals and reports from us and one of our agents who has a better grounding in magic than I do. Another has psionic abilities that corroborated physical damage to the boundaries with the Astral Realm where one of the magical attacks took place -- that was near the dorms, outside Kimmel Center. A few victims there retained consciousness due to an interrupted attack, but their psyches transposed bodies. I don't know the long-term viability of their situation, for how can it be stable?" She has no answers for that. Astrophysicist, ask the expert neurologist, and hope he has a clue. Or some better prognosis. "We have excellent correlations. The conscious victims told us about a distinctive energy signature. We saw the ephemeral damage. And we have the witches."

Her expression turns a tad uncomfortable at that, acknowledging the long arm of the SHIELD law. It's a mantle that still lies uneasy on her shoulders while she regards him. "Do they become your jurisdiction if we caught them practicing a ritual that tormented the souls of these victims by turning them into soul confetti? They were spiritually dissecting the dislodged psyches. Apparently due to lethal threats to their loved ones. I'm treading difficult ethical and moral waters, and so... here we are."

Stephen Strange has posed:

It is a deep subject. One that weighs heavy. Bodies alive without their essence within. How long could one live untethered to the physical? It is certainly a topic that would hold Strange's interest. And...most likely why Jane had decided to approach the former surgeon. It does put him in a rather unique position to understand both the medical and the metaphysical aspects.

Yet, the answer as to how long remains unanswered. Instead, Strange takes the small technological marvel, acquainting himself with the reports and visuals. "quite a merry band of agents on this. Rather intriguing. Transposed psyches? To think, an old movie trope coming true like that. Of course, that will need to be corrected. Though, it would most likely take someone perhaps above your typical agent to perform that feat." No...he didn't offer to do it. However, he would not be opposed to it. At least now, in the present.

Then...there is the topic of witches. "Witches. Not Wiccans. Actual witches." A statement...not a question. "Performing a ritual to torture souls. Now, I do not necessarily concern myself with jurisdictions and whatnot. If it draws my attention, I will certainly look into it. Though, to be frank, anything that causes a dimensional tear is bound to draw my attention." A pause as he considers. "A retaliation on the soul for lethal threats to others. Are you sure the coven is truly at fault?" It seems that it sounds to Strange of it being a case of retribution. "Not that I condone such things, mind you. I would sooner bore those that threaten my family with mundane lectures than to carved out penance upon their souls." Still...maybe the victims were asking for it? It is not something for Strange to judge....merely to address the use of such power to carry out the actions, not the motivation of the actions themselves. Still, Strange continues to review the data given, before handing back the small device, placing it on the table.

"I will say this. You are right in stating that I should at least be aware of this, if not actively participating in formulating a resolution. Such abuse of power is only going to cause trouble further down the line. If you want, I can question these witches of yours. See what ritual they were using to remove the psyches and perhaps rework said ritual to return those missing souls to their bodies."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane presents the facts as she knows them and leaves the doctor of the Mystic Arts to survey the physical evidence, the medical records, the summary of magical details acquired from the unfortunate souls roped into a greater fight. She has set the stage, it is up to Strange to dine on what courses lie before him. The nature of these matters always requires deeper study, mulling over the facts until a proper question arises. Maybe searching among the paperwork or the dross produces some deeper insight than what's regularly afforded.

"Yes, rather like the movie. Freaky Friday, except this wasn't specifically a Friday," she says. Yes, Jane has a literate understanding of some pop culture. She can earn a point for certain movies, and it helps to be a fan of Jennifer Garner or Jamie Lee Curtis.

She nods, carefully keeping her expression neutral rather than angry or bedeviled. "Practitioners. Three or four were actively participating in a ritual. My particulars on that front are not to your professional standards. I can tell you magic existed and I witnessed the trauma to the affected souls in the Skirball Theatre during a performance. The trauma inflicted on them was substantial, like someone tore them apart among an emotional longitude and set those fragments free. They could inflict an... emotional harm." The pause is telling of itself. That even in a moment of clarity, with absolute experience, she can completely doubt the fact. Given who she is speaking to? Maybe the doubt ought to see itself out with the trash, but that remains a fixed problem. "The participants stayed engaged in their ritual until conscious members of the audience interfered with them." You know, Deadpool. And lots of guns. And a teen made of pure water. "The reports cite that at least one woman claimed her family would die if she did not participate. I'm quite certain they were coerced, they were too fearful and desperate. A psychologist would normally be required for a proper assessment to stand up in a court of law, though you probably have your own methods for determining that."

If he doesn't, well, now she knows. Her mouth clamps down in a whitened line for a moment, and she shakes her head. Her palm lifts. "Keep that for your review, as long as it stays on your person. Shall I collect it tomorrow evening? You'll probably want time to go through details. The main problem I'm wrestling with is the condition of the souls. This isn't ten or twenty people in the audience, but hundreds. The perpetrator is still out there, leaving a trail of bodies. We've got assistance from several talented mentalists." A pause. "People with psychic abilities. Am I categorizing this correctly? They're searching for means to preserve the broken souls, heal their damage, and return them to their rightful bodies. The more souls unmoored, the more taxing the efforts -- and people are dying. They already have. We need a solution sooner, not later."

Stephen Strange has posed:
Never mind the pop culture reference. Stephen would never admit he had seen that sort of movie even if pressed. And besides, it probably wise to not bring it up, with the 1976 version being what he thought of, rather than anything newer. Hardly current reference...and not good to show his age.

"Practitioners." Again with the repeating. But...this time Strange is watching Jane. It doesn't take mystical senses or insight into one's mind to know that there is doubt there. Slight, but tangible. That normally wouldn't be cause for alarm. Indeed...maybe people are non-believers in the concept of magic and what it can do. Stephen himself was one, until he wasn't. So the fact that there is doubt coming from a famed scientist is no major cause for alarm.

However, when Strange catches a glint of yellow light, reflecting from a certain peculiar fashion accessory, that provokes a double take. Slight, barely a flicker, but noticeable if one is watching. Someone is more familiar with the concept of magic than it appears. And yet, there is no verbal mentioning of anything. No, Jane is not here to talk about herself...but to get assistance for others.

Which brings Stephen back to the matter at hand. The term 'professional' does produce a wry grin. "Dr Foster, I would not necessarily classify what I do as a profession." Still, it is his specialty, which is the intent of the phrasing. "But yes, I would certainly divine more from the ritual than certain others. This I agree." A pause. "And I am sure that those involved were coerced. It would be a simple enough determination to make, via psychologist or via more exotic yet just as conclusive means." A trip through the memories of the past? Synchronizing the participants together and seeing similarities? Looking through their own eyes at the situation? Certainly something that Stephen could do, easily, as well as those talented mentalists that Jane speaks of.

The little device is picked up again, held in Strange's hand as Jane expresses her wishes. "Yes. Tomorrow evening will be fine." Of course he is going to peruse the documents. See who else besides the astrophysicist is looking at the details. "I will be certain to review the details given." Then....explanation of just how many people were impacted hits the sorcerer. And yes....yes it is a good thing Jane came forward. "Psychic abilities. Yes, that is the correct term. And they are trying to heal the wounds. Though, if this was caused via a mystical force, it would be advised to resolve it via a similar manner. We can speak on that more tomorrow, after I have reviewed the data and determined the most efficient manner of restoration."

Does that sound like the good doctor is on the case? It certainly seems that way.

Jane Foster has posed:
Practitioners also puts a pretty damn heavy gloss over what she knows, what she doesn't, and what she won't ever admit to. Not under the current circumstances, anyway, where so much hinges on the health and well-being of hapless bystanders caught up in a whirlwind of horrors. She breaks into that slight smile when he repeats the statement, a nod crisp and easy. "I've learned to be circumspect in my address, especially for the most esteemed consultant in our contacts list. People able to use magic. I'm well aware of Ms. Zatara and Ms. Maximoff, but I'm not going to attribute any tradition yet for a man I've never seen promulgating these attacks or the agents he forced to work for him. Working theory, anyway. We suspect there was another man at the incident outside the Kimmel Centre who thwarted his efforts, which is why we have at least three people with transposed psyches instead of them being off, adrift, in the Astral Realm."

Nope, wouldn't know a thing at all about that. She can maintain a pretty good poker face. Nothing on Matt Murdock's, but sufficient.

Her dark eyes remain focused on him, reading perhaps more than is strictly needed from his reactions. It's not meant to be rude, an extension of courtesy he extends her. Strange grinning maybe eases the professional serial numbers off her attitude a touch, and she smiles wanly back. "I can officially extend an invitation to you, then, as part of an ongoing investigation. SHIELD has taken the initiative to try and preserve as many patients as we can, but we're still hunting the tail of a snake. Meanwhile, our colleagues and one Professor Charles Xavier -- the laureate, up in Westchester -- are working to create a-- soul hospital? I can't call it anything better than an infirmary for the psyches to convalesce in, but it's hardly a permanent solution. The Professor and his associate, Phoenix, have affirmed this simply isn't practical. I haven't the means to provide helpful reinforcement, except to investigate the responsible parties and mitigate, or outright halt, their activities. I'm aware that he -- they, perhaps -- has magical or psychic abilities. If we've got two potential instances, that could point to either option. Regardless, Doctor, I'm not sitting by while people aren't waking up or they will be hurt. You're a medical doctor. I may study the stars, and I'll make no claim to be a medical professional on your level. But my mother lived and died by the Hippocratic Oath, and as much as my role allows me, I do too. You know they're suffering and hurting out there. How do you resolve that, in a timely fashion?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
How does one resolve the suffering of others?

"I have taken many vows. The first of which is the Hypocratic Oath. I will do all I can to restore everyone set adrift to a whole and healthy state." The smile disappears, if but for a moment. The gravity of the situation is certainly present. Stephen knows things need to happen. It is a matter of how. "As a medical and well as mystical practitioner, research and preparation are key to saving souls." He said souls, not lives. "Therefore, yes, actions must be taken, but they need to be considered carefully. To rush in to correct events tied to parameters that may not be fully realized is only asking for further complications."

What is Stephen saying? Simply put, he needs a little time. "give me 24 hours to review the reports and data collected. I am sure that there is ample to work with here, given SHIELD's tendency to document everything. Once I have had a chance to review and determine fully the proper course of correction, then we will proceed onward."

Then, as an aside, "And yes, do feel free to consider me officially on this case. It will make it easier if I do not have to explain the reasoning for my presence when I invariably make a visit to the sites of the incursions."

Jane Foster has posed:
Gravity is Jane's addict-- familiar state of being. She speaks that language well enough. The mysteries of the electromagnetic spectrum aren't quite so mysterious to an astrophysicist as some.

"I don't expect any of us can rush. These are lives in the balance, and the people with psychic powers clearly spoke on that fact. They left no doubt of that, and I have to trust their strategy will make any delays a matter of safety and necessity." There is no point speaking to the other alternative, though she knits her fingers together and accepts the uncomfortable truth as it is. "I don't think we consider this uncomfortable, doctor. You are a doctor in the relevant fields. We're an unusual lot dealing with this, partly because a few of them I have never met in the flesh. Just in their invisible selves. But we're all committed in this way. Ms. Frost, the woman who developed a good deal of Bushwick, is a starting point. Professor Xavier. WAND. I can name a few others, though hopefully we can be drawn together before trouble strikes again for proper introductions. They're probably wondering why /I/ have been there, and I've had cause to wonder that myself. It's not that important, only that we resolve this so families are reunited and that patients piling up by the day are restored."