11598/Iced Tea and Summer Plans

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Iced Tea and Summer Plans
Date of Scene: 14 June 2022
Location: 204 -
Synopsis: Courtney pays Helena a visit and they catch up on how their summers are going so far. Maybe a little hero talk too!
Cast of Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Courtney Whitmore

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli is only a few weeks into summer break, free of classes and grading papers and she's gone completely into Summer Beach Bum mode, Without the beach part, though. Gotham's beaches were more likely to kill you with cancer instead of let the sun bake cancer into you. So she's just wandering around in a blue tank top with an old Aerosmith logo on it, frayed denim shorts and bare feet. Enjoying a nice, relatively smog free day, the windows are open, the music is turned up to be heard through the apartment and she's got a full gallon glass jar ready to be made into sun tea. She dances around to the music as she gets the incredients ready, adding them into the jar.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Having learned a lesson from the last time, Courtney knocks at the door to the apartment instead of dropping in from various other places. She seems actually dressed for the beach, a ripped t-shirt worn over a star spangled bikini (must stay on brand) and a pair of low hanging denin shorts, the bands of a blue likely bikini bottom rising up out from the low waist. She has a backpack slung over her shoulder, and is wearing a pair of flip flops.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli almost didn't hear the knock over the music. She sets the large jar down, wiping her hands of before lithely dancing her way over to the door. She checks the peep hole first. It's Gotham after all. A curious smile crosses her lips as she opens the door.

"Courtney. Hi there. What's up?" She backs up, letting the blonde enter.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Courtney bounces in. "I was in the neighborhood and realized I hadn't seen you in a bit, so thought I'd stop by. I hope you don't mind!" She flashes a grin, and almost immediately she is moving a bit in time to the music, as if infected upon first hearing it. "How've you been?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli shuts the door and leads the way in. "Well I'm glad you did. It's good to see you." She moves toward the kitchen again. "I was just getting a jar ready to make some Sun Tea out on my little patio. It gets just enough sunlight for it to work."

Glancing over she smiles, "Well, School's out for summer as they say. So I. Am. Golden. It's the best time of year!" Then she nods toward the blonde, "You look great. Summer being good to you so far?" she asks curiously.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"Ah, perfect!" Courtney bounces along to follow Helena. "Good to see you too. I realize I've been bad, and haven't stopped by."

She nods quickly in response. "Yeah, no summer classes for me, either, so I am just going to relax. As much as I can." She shrugs. "Been continuing to do the heroing thing at night, or sometimes during the day, and having mixed results, y'know?" She looks down at herself, and grins. "Thanks, you look great too."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli listens as she finsihes screwing the lid back onto the jar tightly. "Aaaaand.. there. Ready to soak up that wonderful Gotham Sun" she says jokingly. She listens as she pads toward the small balcony space. "No classes? Well that's good. Summer classes can be easy. But they do make the time go really fast."

She sets the jar down and pats it. Make delicious tea! Coming back in, she leaves the doors open, the breeze blowing through. "Yeah? Mixed results? I hope on the side of success rather than the alteratives at least" she asks hopefully.

A wink. "Thanks." She pats her tummy, "900 sit ups daily definitely helps."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"Nice!" Courtney remarks on the tea, and then she nods. "Yeah, they can be, but I wanted to just relax a bit. Honestly, college was a big adjustment to me, and so I need to give my brain a bit of a break."

Courtney sticks her arms out to enjoy the breeze for a moment. "Yeah, I mean, I've survived, of course. But the more I do it, the more I think I really shouldn't be doing it too much on my own. At least for a bit." She frowns. "I don't need to be a sidekick, but having someone watch my ass isn't the worst thing in the world."

She grins at Helena's wink. "Wow, that is /way/ more dedication than I have."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods about the college classes. She looks over intently as Courtney talks about looking for a partner to watch out for her. "Yes. Knowing you have backup and where it's at is very important these days. It's just not good to go out solo a lot of times. Dangerous." It is't a lecture, just observing.

Helena smirks, walking past the blonde, poking the blonde gently in the tummy. "You say that now. Let me tell you. Five. Ten years tops? You're going to realize that garbage in doesn't you perfect body out. Things change from when you're growing to when you're just an adult paying the bills. You're gonna need those situps, missy. Mark my words" she says jokingly.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"I get that, but I haven't found folks that really want to partner up all that well," replies Courtney, watching Helena. "I mean, everytime I group up, like, they want to take over and run with it, and I get that I am younger and all, but ... " She shakes her head.

"But I /like/ the garbage," replies Courtney, giggling a bit at the poke. "And I guess I'll do that at some point, but ... " She laughs. "I do work out, you know. I need to keep it up for my gymnastics."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods, "I understand." She touches Courtney's shoulder. "It's hard to put in your dues. But you have to. It's how you become the experienced adult heroine who's leading the team. We all started at the bottom sometime."

A laugh. "Oh, sure. The garbage is tasty. But it likes you too. Next you know it's hanging around on your hips and tummy. And you're not fitting your armor like you used to. It's harder to run the little bastards down when they steal old ladies purses. You have to pay the piper eventually. We all do" she grins.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"I don't know that I'll ever be the leader, but it'd be nice to not be the caboose, you know?" Courtney sighs, but nods at Helena's encouragement.

She thinks on that. "I don't wear armor," she says, but she does look down at herself. "Probably wouldn't work with my shorts, though. Or at least, not be cute at that."