9957/A Look Into The Past

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A Look Into The Past
Date of Scene: 03 February 2022
Location: X-Factor Investigations
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jamie Madrox, Viola Fiore

Jamie Madrox has posed:
It's early evening and Jamie is tired. It takes a lot out of him to spread his powers so thin and today he had to do just that. Canvassing an entire neighborhood isn't as difficult when you _are_ the entire canvassing force, but it sure does leave a person beat.

This is why at the moment, Jamie Madrox has re-absorbed all his dupes and is lying down on the beat-up couch in his office with an ice cold can of beer pressed to his forehead, looking like he could really use some relaxation.

Not that that ever happens when you _need_ it. The door to the office, as usual, is ajar.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Outside it's dark out. The city is starting to wind down, and a thick snow is falling as a storm is blowing in, socking the nation from northern border all the way down to the Gulf. New York is getting it pretty bad too with wet air having come in from the ocean running into that cold front and then just dumping on the Big Apple.

Viola's coat and gloves are warm as she hurries down a sidewalk. She'd done a little research into detective agencies two weeks ago, but had put off making this trip. She still wasn't quite sure that she should. But finally she just stopped debating and did it.

And now she looks up at the door of X-factor Investigations. It had been one review in particular that had caught her eye. A woman who Viola had the impression was elderly, who had a lot of good to say. How the private eye had stayed with her for four days to make sure she was safe from some hoodlums in the neighborhood.

The woman had also said something that left Viola thinking maybe the woman had been a mutant, and left Viola suspecting that had led to her problems. Maybe that played a role in her decision. Viola steps up to the door and opens it, stepping inside after wiping the snow off the soles of her boots. "Hello?" she calls softly as she steps inside, hoping they are there despite the late hour.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
It's not hard to be charitable when you can do that _and_ be somewhere else at the same time. Somewhere, there's a Jamie that's trying to make a fortune in the stock market just so he can give the money to those in need.

That's the sentimental but shark-y Jamie.

The sound of a voice gets him to look up and he lets out a groan. "Yeah." He swings his legs off the couch and sits up, cracking the beer open. "Come on in."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore removes her gloves, scarf and warm jacket. Revealed beneath is a sweater that fits her form closely, and a pair of dark denim jeans. Her hair hangs long about her shoulders and down her back as she walks forward slowly, boots making audible footfalls on the hardwood floors as she moves further, following the sound of the voice.

Stepping around a corner into the room, she spots Jamie there on the couch. "Hello," the young Italian-American woman offers. "I was looking for a private eye. And found you online," she explains. "Is now a bad time?"

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Jamie glances up at her and considers her for a moment in the dim, yellow light of the office. Then he takes a deep breath and smiles. "I never could resist a femme fatale," he jests, taking a short drink of his beer and pushing himself to his feet. "Close the door, come on in." He waves to the desk, pulling a wooden chair out for her and then just turning around and leaning back against his desk. "I'm Jamie Madrox. Do you want something to drink?"

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore shuts the door, giving a soft grin at his comment. "I was trying to decide if I needed to wear a dress and get one of those long cigarette holders," she says, as if referring to dressing like a 'dame' out of some film noire detective movie.

She walks over to the chair Jamie offers her, taking a seat in it. "Viola Fiore," she tells Jamie. Her eyes go to his beer can for a moment, and says, "I was just about to ask if you had another one of those. I could use it. Storm's getting pretty bad out there," she tells him. "Just getting up the subway steps was treacherous."

She hangs her jacket over the back of the chair, putting the gloves in a pocket and turning back to him. "I was hoping you can help me track someone down from long ago."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"It wouldda been a welcome sight if you had," Jamie shoots back with a grin of his own, before pushing off the desk and heading towards the kitchen where the fridge is. He pops it open and comes back with a beer for her, holding it out. "I was going to ask what you're doing out in the storm, too. Not exactly walking weather."

He leans back on his desk again, taking another drink and watching her. "Must be someone real important if you're looking me up in this weather."

Viola Fiore has posed:
The young woman takes the beer with an expression that conveys her gratitude, and takes a long sip from it. "Less a matter of urgency than that I've put off pursuing it. I finally decided to go ahead. And didn't want to let the weather cause me to delay it longer."

She reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small thumb drive. "Here's the information I have. I have a first name, Moshe. And that he lived in Brooklyn, within probably a nine block area, back in the 1980s. Probably a scientist, maybe a metallurgist or someone who at least worked with such materials," she says, passing the thumb drive over. "A few dates that make references to him that might help place him at a location," she says. "I know it's not very much to go on at all," she says with a sigh, eyes watching Jamie's face for his reaction.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Jamie doesn't take the flashdrive yet. He watches her while she explains, taking another long drink of his beer and considering it all once she's done. "It's not a lot to go on, no," he says, shaking his head. "Buuuuuuuuut," he smiles at her. "It's more than I've had in a lot of other cases, so that doesn't mean anything."

He pats himself down, and then moves some stuff in the chaos that is his desk, pulling out a sheet. "So these are my rates," he says, handing her the sheet. The rates aren't exorbitant, but there's probably cheaper P.I.s out there. "But we can probably work something out. I'm flexible. What's your time frame on this? You in a hurry, or..?"

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola reaches out with slender fingers, the petite young woman taking the sheet and looking at it. "There's no deadline. I'm not even sure if he's still alive," she says while absorbing the prices. "I think we can probably make this work," Viola says, looking up from the sheet to Jamie.

She takes another drink of the beer. "Does it come with more beer?" she asks, flashing him a small smile. "Hoping you can find something in a few weeks at least, but if it takes longer it takes longer," she says to him. "Do you have a lot of other cases conflicting with it?" she asks.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"No deadline is the best deadline," Jamie says with a grin. "It comes with as much beer as you want, Vi." Nickname. He grins at her. "I'm sure a few weeks should be enough to find _some_ lead."

Her other question gets a tilt of his head and then shakes it with a smile. "Conflicting cases and overlap isn't really a problem at X-Factor Investigations," he says, smile getting bigger.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola finishes off her beer. Which didn't require guzzling, but it also wasn't exactly being slowly sipped to finish it already. "How long have you been doing this? If you don't mind me asking?" she inquires of him. She rises from the chair, moving over to his window and pulling on the slats of the blinds to look outside.

The wind is swirling, sending the falling snow billowing about, and rattling the windows a little bit. It makes the young woman's arms go about herself as if just seeing it makes her a little cold. She turns back towards Jamie. "Does your firm have very many people?" she asks him.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Jamie finishes his beer as well, reaching over to take hers and toss them both in the wastebasket in the time it takes her to go to the window. "Few years. Been at it since I was old enough to get my license, so as long as possible, really. But I've got a pretty unique set of skills."

By the time she turns around, cold and rubbing her arms, he's standing next to her with her jacket in his hands, holding it out to wrap around her shoulders. Not so much an invitation to leave as him noting that she's clearly cold. He puts his hands on her biceps once the jacket is over her shoulders. "It has as many people as I need it to have, really. But that's kind of my thing. I always have enough people."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola turns her head and smiles as Jamie comes over and slides her jacket about her shoulders. "Thank you," she tells him, looking up into the taller man's eyes as she gives him that smile.

"Oh? A lot of partners? Or a really large family you can call on when in need. I'm Italian so I can relate to that, especially when you start counting all the cousins," she says with a quiet laugh.

She looks back out the window, leaning back against him slightly as he's rubbing her arms. "It's beautiful when it's like this. Snow covers up all the dirt on the old girl," she says of the city. "Though best viewed from in front of a fireplace, right?"

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"Welcome." Madrox smiles down at her and then lets his hands fall, so he can look past her out into the street. "Something like that," he says, about his numbers. "Lots of relatives, yeah." It's technically true: all his dupes are _relative Jamies_.

"That's probably true," he says of the fireplace. "I don't have a fireplace, though. Apartment in New York, you know? But I can put a digital one on, on my TV," he says, grinning over at her. "Close enough sometimes, ya know?"