Jamie Madrox
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Jamie Madrox (Scenesys ID: 472) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | James Arthur Madrox | ||
Superalias: | Multiple Man | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Occupation: | Combat Medic and Bartender | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America | ||
Residence: | Mutant Town, NYC | ||
Education: | Student of Life | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Xavier's School, X-Men | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 24 | Actual Age: | 24 |
Date of Birth | 9 September 1996 | Played By | |
Height: | 5'11" | Weight: | 172lbs |
Hair Color: | Brown | Eye Color: | Brown |
Twitter: | @MultipleMan | ||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Jamie Madrox is just your average, run of the mill, independently wealthy, bar tending mutant with a checkered past and a talent for finding trouble.
He's also a known member of a vigilante mutant group and the (in)famous Multiple Man. Not many people get to become a big shot hero after doing something stupid like fight the Fantastic Four. He's made the most of it. Respect in the Mutant community, begrudging acceptance in the capes crowd and a bit of side-eye from the government. He's got it made.
* 1996: Jamie Arthur Madrox is born and, much to the shock of family and hospital staff, exhibits his Mutant Gift. One smack from the doctor makes two bouncing baby boys. Doctors Daniel Madrox and Joan Madrox immediately move to an isolated farm in Kansas.
* 1997: Having created a specialized containment suit to mitigate Jamie's duplication powers, Joan and Daniel Madrox are caught off guard by the arrival Damian Tryp. His offer to take Jamie and raise him 'with his kind' is turned down.
* 1999: Home schooling begins and farm chores soon follow. Very exciting stuff.
* 2008: Jamie Madrox finds an early obsession in noir detective stories, classic kung fu films and gymnastics. The last very much against his parents wishes.
* 2010: Damian Tryp nearly levels the Madrox farm with a tornado, killing both of Jamie's parents. The next three years are spent in complete isolation, caring for the farm and slowly sinking into quiet insanity.
* 2013: Following the malfunction of his containment suit, Jamie Madrox experiences a psychotic break and flees Kansas for New York. Causing(becoming) a riot, Jamie and his small army of Dupes are brought down by the Fantastic Four.
* 2014: Jamie, following the repairs to his suit by Reed Richards and Charles Xavier, turns down an offer to join the X-Men on a mission to Krakoa. Instead, he takes residence on Muir Island at the request of Professor Xavier.
* 2015: Proving to be an invaluable lab assistant, Jamie takes it a step further and helps defeat the mutant Proteus. Again he turns down an offer to join the X-Men, prefering life on Muir Island.
* 2015: Jamie makes his first steps in expanding his numbers with the intent to 'harvest' memories and skills obtained by his Dupes. One is sent to China to become a Kung Fu master. Another leaves for Gotham to join the GCPD. Yet another to New York to work on a law degree. Another -still- to Metropolis and working on becoming a paramedic. He sends a handful more out and neglects to inform anyone.
* 2016: Jumped and drugged by two of his Dupes gone rogue, one locks himself away in a bunker. The other accompanying Moira MacTaggart to search for two missing New Mutants in America. The Dupe ends up joining a street gang. It gets weird. Said Dupe joins the Nasty Boys soon after.
* 2017: Surviving an attack by Shadow King, Jamie leaves Muir Island for the United States. Joining a government sponsored team of mutants, he's soon thrown into conflict with the Nasty Boys and his rogue Duplicate. Aborbing said Dupe, he uncovers a plot between a sitting Senator and Mister Sinister.
* 2018: After the Mutant Massacre, Jamie Madrox leaves the government sponsored team and finally takes Charles up on his offer of joining the X-Men. To stabilize his duplication taxed mind, Jamie re-absorbs a few Dupes and gains his first mass influx of memories and skills.
* 2019: Reuniting with a few more key Duplicates, Jamie Prime becomes a self made millionaire. Using a team of Dupes, Jamie scammed a gameshow. Legally. He has now been banned from gambling in the state of New York. He sometimes teaches children Kung Fu in the park for bad jokes.
* 2020: Following the tragedy in Genosha, he staked his claim in Mutant Town. Not knowing what to do with himself, he forms 'The Council of Madri' with two independent Dupes of tenure to hash out a plan of scheduled expansion and re-absorption. This will likely end terribly.
IC Journal
He'd like to say 'Bold' but that's not exactly correct. Jamie Madrox isn't afraid to put himself out there when he's pushed or -finally- decides to a course of action. So accustomed to making all the choices, he tends to fall into easy patterns of shameless forward momentum. He adds that extra bit of flash even when he probably shouldn't. Whether that means a wild, hail mary plan or a mind blistering pub crawl, Jamie can make it memorable. He's the kind of guy that knows how to sneak in but would rather brick the window.
Fairly Liberal:
Easy going, indulgent and broad minded almost to a fault. With an approach to life like Jamie's, it's no wonder that he's as open to change as he is. Nearly every choice is taken from as many angles as is possible, giving him a unique perspective that leaves him often far more accepting of new ideas and behavior. It's not that he's pointedly mercurial(that's mostly accidental), he just knows there's no -one- way to be and he's tempted to experiment with so many possible outcomes.
He just can't even. Seriously, it's a fault that has plagued him and defined him for years. Able to send himself in every direction, explore every option, experience all the things and... he's stuck. Unable to chose which way to go more often than not and letting fate or time force his hand. Some see it as lazy, he'd call it Energy Efficient. Truth be told, he's just scared to fail.
You wouldn't think Multiple Man would be the sort but it's true. He spent his teenage years in isolation and that set him off on the wrong foot. Even able to duplicate himself, he still feels the pressure of solitude. Uncomfortable when it's too quiet. He gathers people around him like a comfort blanket. The only problem is, he doesn't know -exactly- what to do when they are close sometimes. He stumbles in socially intimate situations. He makes bad jokes to lighten the mood. Anything to keep it from being too quiet.
Without a doubt, Jamie puts entirely too much of himself into everything he does. Not only to prove to himself that he is capable, he enjoys that enough as it is, but more to prove his worth to others. To show he's quality over quantity. This results in some try-hard moments that are bound to turn around and bite him on the backside. Like always.
Beneath it all there exists a mean streak that's just hellbent on hitting back. Getting that last dig in. Really putting his back into a sucker punch. Jamie Madrox is doing his best to hide that gnawing pit of anger in his stomach after Genosha... but it's not enough. When pushed to his limits, he's starting to -enjoy- lashing out. Hitting back. He tells himself it's for all the people who didn't get the chance. He almost believes it.
Character Sheet
Kinda Immortal:
It's said if you kill the OG, another takes his place. It's mostly just a theory but the possibility remains. Killing the original Jamie Madrox transfers the whole of his personality and experiences to the nearest Duplicate within a ten mile radius. In theory.
Kinetic Duplication:
With a bump or a slap, one becomes many. Jamie Madrox can create a perfectly identical living duplicate of himself. All he needs is physical impact. Kinetic energy. The harder the hit, the more of him there are. This process, possibly extra dimensional mass acquisition, is spontaneous and cannot be prevented by Madrox. While he can create many duplicates, his copies can only replicate themselves once at a time. The Dupes all feel, think and act on their own will though usually guided by the OG Jamie. Each Duplicate manifests an aspect of Jamie's personality, increasing in intensity the longer spent apart from the original. This has been getting worse. Linked through a telepathic and empathic hive mind of sorts, Jamie experiences severe psychic trauma if one of his Duplicates dies. It is virtually impossible to tell Jamie apart from his Duplicates. Any tattoo or attire, loose change or small objects on his person are copied exactly into the next Jamie. Jamie is able to have more than fifty such duplicates in existence at the same time, regardless of proximity, though as the number of duplicates reaches this level and beyond it taxes Jamie considerably and the strain on his empathic link becomes difficult for him to bear for long.
* Duplicate Absorption - Jamie Prime is able to absorbs his Duplicates from a distance of fifty yards. Doing so consumes and retains the skills, memories and experiences of the Duplicate. This is limited in that he cannot absorb an already dead Dupe.
* Experience Transference - Merging with his copies, Jamie retains the memories, knowledge and experiences of a Duplicate. Not -perfectly- but close enough. However, if the Dupe kills itself, Madrox can still absorb it's collected experiences.
* Duplication Healing - Absorbing a wounded Dupe damages, absorbing a healthy one Heals. Merging can be used as a form of healing but there are also risks. While he can absorb a healthy Dupe to heal himself, absorbing an injured or poisoned Duplicate transfers the damage but only by half.
Combat Medic:
While the Dupe didn't become a surgeon, he did become a paramedic. That alone has saved more than one life following Jamie absorbing that Duplicate back into himself. He's no brain surgeon but he can still save a neck or two in a tight spot.
King of Team Work:
Jamie Madrox has put a great deal of time into working in concert with... well, everybody. Whether it be a small militia of his own Dupes or a new crew entirely, Jamie shines. It's a pack mentallity that serves him well in making openings for his teammates, expanding a research teams or covering for holes in tactics. Team work makes the dream work, right?
English, Arabic, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish. Oh, and Xhosa just because he wanted to know how to *click*. It's not that he naturally picks up languages faster than anyone else but when he wants to learn one, he justs sends a dupe to where it's spoken for complete immersion.
Police Tactics:
One of Jamie's duplicates served a stint on the GCPD. As a result of his training and experience, Jamie is familiar with techniques for restraining others and is trained in the use of small arms.. He is also familiar with police procedure for dispatch and investigation.
Quite Sneaky:
Shaolin stealth technique. No, really. Kung Fu Stealth. While it's true that he knows such a thing and has used it once or twice in the past, it's really all about blending in. Jamie is good at shadowing people, blending into crowds and getting the drop on people that don't have super senses or the like.
Renaissance Man:
Through absorbing his well traveled and learned Duplicates, Madrox has collected a list of life skills and occupational talents that would take... well, multiple lives to accomplish. He may excell in certain specific fields but it's doubtful he will ever master any of them. His ever expanding resume includes experience as a gymnast, burglar, spy, locksmith, fire fighter and escape artist with more on the way.
Strong Kung Fu:
One of the first Duplicates that Jamie sent out on a mission was sent to China. Years of study among the Shaolin Monks was absorbed, giving Jamie Prime expert level techniques in multiple styles. He's not going to defeat Iron Fist or Lady Shiva but he can hold his own with the greats for a moment or two. He's also very handy with a baseball bat and has been known to carry brass knuckles when and where it's generally frowned upon.
Extreme Social Network:
So many lives lived already. So many people met. Jamie can call on a vast network of low key friends, acquaintances and people he's helped in the past. It's nothing ground shaking but he can get gossip, street rumors, some real estate tips and the general rumblings of Mutant Towns more vocal malcontents. Mostly mundane but it helps when the chips are down.
Kinetic Dampening Suit:
Jamie has a special suit which is designed to absorb kinetic impact and thus prevent him from accidentally applying his power in unintended circumstances. While aforementioned is the primary purpose of the device, it additionally grants him enhanced durability while worn. The suit covers all but his face, and has a futuristic look which stands out like a sore thumb and will draw attention in normal situations unless completely covered.
Legal Advice:
One of his Dupes is about to pass the Bar Exam. So you know what that means... Jamie Madrox can practice law in the state of New York! Well, sooner or later. While he doesn't work for a firm or moonlight as a public defender, his Dupe can offer sound legal counsel. Who better to call if you end up in cuffs? Free counsel indeed!
Not So Idle Rich:
Jamie went on a gameshow and won a couple million bucks. That's no joke. Using a team of duplicates, he worked his way to the top of the prize heap and took home entirely too much money. He's blowing through it relatively quick but for now, it's keeping the lights on and the take-out fresh.
Private Investigator:
The Dupe that Jamie sent out to become a detective went a little harder than he expected. The copy burned himself out terribly in the process but he's still hanging in there. While said Dupe may be a distance away, a phone call can sometimes get a more investigative eye on things. If he's sober enough.
The Council of Madri:
Yearly absorption and duplication. It's not a real council so much as Jamie sending out a version of him that he's vetted for a specific field of study. After a year or less, they "catch up". So far, this is going without a hitch. Inevitably, one of the Duplicates will find the deal less than favorable for them. Again.
While only having officially joined the X-Men fairly recently, Jamie was no stranger to Charles or the team long before he finally put on the work boots and X-belt. Something of a self admitted black sheep of the team, he can still and often does call on the resources at his disposal due to that membership card. Who else gets access to a genetics lab and a stealth jet? It's great. Not that he'd ever admit it.
Accidental Duplication:
Sometimes a bump causes a Dupe. Impact can knock a Duplicate right out of Jamie and it's not always in his best interests to have more. The more force, the more Dupes. Confined spaces and his power tend to not be friends because of this.
For a man capable of every choice, he can't choose. The more Duplicates he has in the field, the worse it gets. Even if he's flying solo, Jamie still has difficulties making decisions. So accustomed to sending out a copy to experience the outcome or multiple to play the odds, he sometimes just can't seem to make a choice when pressed.
Memory Maze:
So many lives and memories, it's hard to sort through. Keeping track of which memories are his and which are those of Duplicates past is getting more and more difficult. Jamie doesn't want to admit that it's become impossible but it very well could be. Not only that but the memories and experiences absorbed aren't always one hundred percent.
Rogue Dupes:
Not all of them want to play ball. One is in a bunker somewhere. He's not sure what he's up to anymore and that is very, very bad. With time and distance, Duplicates gain more and more autonomy. While the majority invariably end up playing ball, so to speak, occasionally one will fight back against re-absorption. Even going as far as to scheme and betray to avoid the fate.
Sharing the Pain:
When a Dupe is killed, he feels it. Hard. The psychic backlash of a Duplicate's death is enough to temporarily incapacitate Jamie. Causing temporary pain, disorientation and confusion. This rarely happens in anything short of a terrible time.
As Jamie spreads himself too thin and Duplicates become more independent, they manifest heightened aspects of his core personality. Jamie Prime slowly loses that aspect as they gain more freedom and distance. This can leave him feeling sluggish, depressed and near catatonic with indecision in the extreme circumstances.
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Jamie Madrox has
82 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Jobs of Many | March 20th, 2025 | Or perhaps the Man for the Job! |
One Particular Harbor | March 1st, 2025 | On Genosha's beaches, the sponge cake lives on you. |
The Return of Slippery Johnson | February 11th, 2025 | In the Museum of Mutant Art, you are the exhibit. |
Indy Band Festival Concert | February 9th, 2025 | Dazzler opens an Indy Music festival concert and a strange band with evil powers isn't much fun! Jamie, and Tabitha, and Jimmy and Dr Strange save the day. |
Ski Trip 3: Re-Reckoning | February 8th, 2025 | Xaviers returns to Killington! Jubilee does not tie a baby to a snowboard, Jamie works all the angles, and the gang has a discussion that definitely isn't a drugs PSA in disguise. Time hit the cabins and party! SKI OR DIE! |
Taking of Astor 915 | January 29th, 2025 | If a train leaves Astor at 9:15 traveling at 35 miles per hour, and it never arrives anywhere, how many pounds of excrement will be left for the sandwiches? |
Blood Drive on Asteroid M | January 25th, 2025 | Cortez recovers on Asteroid M. The Rogue Madrox Dupe schemes to make his separation permanent. Many liters of blood are harvested. First appearance of All Thumbs Girl. |
Mojo Mecha-Strocities! | January 19th, 2025 | Mojo kidnaps a poor bunch of schmucks and everyone has to suffer. Especially Longshot. ESPECIALLY Longshot |
To Catch a Stalker | January 19th, 2025 | Alison and Tabitha and Bishop and Jimmy and Jamie put a plan into motion to trap and stop the stalkers for good! |
Mutant Night at Underground Fight Club | January 7th, 2025 | The Underground Fight Ring has been infultrated by the Acolytes of Magneto! Openly! Investigation reveals many more Acolytes at hand, a single fight is interupted by an accidental fire and a more major confrontation is avoided! For now? |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Apocalypse Now | January 5th, 2025 | Stryfe and his allies have their cataclysmic showdown with Cable and his allies, all in pursuit of the power of Apocalypse. |
Multiple Prepwork | January 2nd, 2025 | Jamie, Rogue and Monet drop in on Cortez unannounced. Cortez is sus and now they have proof he's up to something! |
Dazzler's New Years Rockin' Eve | December 31st, 2024 | Alison hosts a concert in Apple Park while people enjoy roller skating, food, and friends. Ryan Seacrest says hello on the Jumbo Tron and everybody watches THE BALL drop. |
Holiday Shopping Center Madness | December 21st, 2024 | Some of Xaviers School get together at the Mall to get some last minute shopping done. |
Hydra vs UN: Outside attack | April 6th, 2024 | Hydra launches a mechanized assault on the UN during a meeting of world leaders. Numerous heroes including Superman, Thor, Iron Man and others arrive to halt the attack. |
Hydra vs UN: Zoo Animals Loosed | April 4th, 2024 | Hydra operatives release large and dangerous animals from their pens in the Central Park Zoo, drawing heroes and first responders just before Hydra assaults the UN. |
X-tra Bar | July 23rd, 2023 | Jamie opens a pop-up bar on the beach, and gets patronage from Yaretzi and Gabby. Gabby and Jamie go on to talk about merging memories with other selves. |
Sinisterly Deviant | July 9th, 2023 | A group of mixed mutants and monsters show up at a genetics conference where Essex Corporation has setup a booth. Observation turns to a fight as it's not Mister Sinister who shows up, but something Deviant. Guest Starring Doctor Curt Conners! |
Rainbows and Clouds | March 16th, 2023 | No description |
Snow Day Astoria | March 13th, 2023 | It's a cold day in march, and in a park, Molly Hayes meets people! |
Operation WATCHFUL x Savage X-Men: Dr. Lykos, I Presume | February 23rd, 2023 | SHIELD takes custody of Dr. Karl Lykos from the X-Men as they return from the Savage Land. In human form, Lykos is repentant, but claims innocence in the plot to free him, and urges his captors to find Tanya Anderssen, who possesses equal knowledge of his work. Work that between the research and stolen physical samples could potentially be used to create a powerful genetic weapon capable of truly strange mutations for its targets. |
Taking Aim - Stringing the bow | February 20th, 2023 | Cap and Roberto discuss the plan to assauly AIM while Gabby gets some merch signed, Jamie people watches, Rogue fails to use the dewey decimal system and Marie assumes she's about to be arrested. |
Lorna arrives with food and hospitality | February 6th, 2023 | Lorna invades Xavier's with... hashbrown casserole and is countered with feels. |
How'd it Feel to Dance With Yourself | January 30th, 2023 | Rogue and Jamie discuss having many minds in the mind. |
Rogue's Surprise Birthday Casino Night | January 24th, 2023 | It's Casino Night at Xavier's in honor of Rogue's 23rd birthday! And thanks to the borrowed powers of Jamie Madrox, Rogue gets five extra birthdays. Old friends and new friends come together to celebrate Monte Carlo style before the whole thing descends into Warner Bros style madness. |
Skii Ball Arcade Time! | January 19th, 2023 | An eclectic group meet in the arcade for a pizza party and discuss why vinyls are superior. |
Not Quite A Winter Wonderland | November 16th, 2022 | A priest in Brooklyn floods a vacant parking lot turning it into an ice skating site. The community gathers and acts of charity take place, witnessed by reporter Clark Kent. |
Back Yard Chat | November 7th, 2022 | Kurt and Jamie have a short chat outside the school. |
Roadtrip! | September 25th, 2022 | Kitty and Jamie take off for the roadtrip to Chicago. |
Giddyap! | September 3rd, 2022 | Jamie and Kitty take a horseback ride along the grounds. |
Crashing the Divine | August 12th, 2022 | Logan and Divine brawl with Abomination. Jamie Madrox drinks booze and watches. |
Poolside Daydrinking | July 22nd, 2022 | No description |
Wanderers: Another One Bites the Dust | July 1st, 2022 | Inverness gets creamed by draugr, but the quick thinking actions of SHIELD and the Avengers prevent an outright massacre. The damned survivors of the Norwegian-Scottish Wars are decimated... but not before the corrupted Thorn of Yggdrasil is charged, unleashing the disir in their fury on Perth. |
Doing Some Good Deeds Mutant Style | June 11th, 2022 | Jamie and the Dupes provide lots of manual labor helping Kitty drop off goods to homeless in Mutant Town. |
Consultations | May 22nd, 2022 | Zatanna comes to Jamie for some information for a case. |
Is That An After Church Drink | May 1st, 2022 | April, Luke, Matt, and a bunch of Jamies all hang out at Luke's Bar! It's a good ol' time down where everbody knows ur name! |
Loungeheads | April 11th, 2022 | Jamie and Rogue hang out and talk shop (re: powers) while she unloads some groceries. |
could've been an accident | March 25th, 2022 | J'onn and Jamie crack the case while Booster and Plas crack jokes |
Hellfire Mardi Gras 2022 | February 23rd, 2022 | The Hellfire Club's Mardi Gras party for 2022 sees a lot of beads earned. |
Jean's Jacuzzi | February 13th, 2022 | A nice hot dip in the hot tub, with hot sandwiches, and hot foot rubs from Kitty on Emma's legs. Remy is hot without his top on, and Jean not knowing where to change her clothes is so hot. What am I even writing at this point, it's so hot.... MMMH! KIFK FIGHTER THE MOVIE! |
Warming by the fire | February 9th, 2022 | Warming up after sledding in Xavier's Recreation Room turns dangerous as a power goes out of control. |
A Look Into The Past | February 3rd, 2022 | No description |
Westchester By Night: First Blood | January 16th, 2022 | After swiping an ancient grimoire important to her kind, Jubilee has accidentally left a trail of breadcrumbs that leads the armies of its rightful owner to the gates of Xavier's! The school is visited by Suthtehk The Malefactor's three vampire brides and their army of undead, hell bent on recovering what belongs to them! Divine, the half-Kryptonian visiting the school, draws first blood, figuratively speaking, and ignites a war between vampires and mutants! |
Xavier's Ski trip II: Return of the Hunger of the Night | January 15th, 2022 | The X-Men investigate the mysterious cave from their first outing in Killington. The cave, as it turns out, is possibly the butthole of a sleeping primordial ice giant, who draws power from every murder in the local town, which transform people into its Wendigo-like servants. After, er, climbing into the creature, its servant attacks, fought off by Warpath, and the giant itself awakens, forcing the team to scramble to save the town from the ensuing avalance. Defeating the titan itself requires defeatnig the seemingly deathless Wendigo servant - ultimately, Rogue defeats it with her own life-stealing abilities, reclaiming the lifeforce stoeln on the titan's behalf, and sending it back to its slumber. Also: the school cancels all future ski trips and everyone votes for tropical vacations. |
Xavier's Ski trip II: Its all Downhill from Here | January 10th, 2022 | The Xaviers students and teachers arrive at the ski cabins, and the teachers end drunk and pruny while Monet's room is fortified against all enemies! Meanwhile, Noriko and Jubilee plan Fleeb-icide. |
Would you like to Super Size Your Order | December 30th, 2021 | Leslie works yet another terrible food service job. But maybe, just maybe, she'll consider a life of detective-ing! If she can just figure out which Madrox to ask about the job in the future. |
Rogue's Birthday | December 19th, 2021 | Rogue's Birthday! Everyone is great! |
Out of Breath | December 5th, 2021 | Madigan drops her donut; Jamie fails to get conned. |
Lots of Space in This Mall | December 3rd, 2021 | Someone tries to start a riot over PS5s, but some heroes aren't gonna take it anymore... |
A Night Of Future's Past | October 18th, 2021 | Rachel's past comes to 'haunt' her in a nightmare, which she accidently pulls Jamie into. Warning: Sappiness, a bit of risque 'dream' at first, violence, death, and implied torture. |
The Case Of The Finicky Feline | October 10th, 2021 | Jamie and Rachel lose track of one of their stray cats, only to find him with ... a few more. |
A Birthday For Rachel | September 20th, 2021 | It's Rachel's Birthday! So Jamie treats her to pizza, gifts, and well, special feelings are exchanged too. |
Birthday Surprises | September 10th, 2021 | Rachel takes Jamie out on a date, that isn't a date (or is it) for his birthday. |
Visiting X-Factor | September 7th, 2021 | While Jamie and Rachel are attempting (and failing) to put together a cat-flap, Scott's timely visit helps put things right. Also, #ProudDad? Rachel's on cloud nine! |
The End Of Vacation | August 28th, 2021 | Jamie and Rachel return from a vacation to Disneyland - only to discover a renegade Dupe has left the X-Factor building in a slobby mess. Kitty, Jean and Scott mentioned. |
Xth of July | July 4th, 2021 | 4th of July 2021 by the pool at Xavier's School |
Music Soothes the Savage Teenager | July 2nd, 2021 | Laxmi meets Jamie as he catches a dupe after a 9 story fall. Jamie explains the situation, and Laxmi saves the day by making things musical. A teenager is saved. A job complete. |
Ground Zero, Prologue | June 26th, 2021 | It was a good day, until things went sideways. |
Sion Re-Opens! | June 25th, 2021 | Betsy hosts a gala at a nightclub, complete with barbarians at the gate. |
The Anywhere Device | June 22nd, 2021 | Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm get some outside help to test a probe device for Reed. It doesn't go great. |
The Order Is Important! | April 9th, 2021 | Rachel's binge watching The Clone Wars at three in the morning, while Jamie's trying not to spoil Star Wars to the 'newb'. |
Is A Birthday Another Day | March 23rd, 2021 | After attending a birthday party, Rachel comes to the understanding that - she doesn't remember her actual birthday. So it takes a Madrox to help Rachel figure out what day that might be. |
Stray Cat Strut | March 4th, 2021 | X-Factor Investigations may have a new regular client. |
Meeting Up With Old Friends | February 14th, 2021 | Theresa comes to visit! Jamie invites her into the X-Factor Investigation fold. |
Fixing Up The Place | February 9th, 2021 | Rachel gives X-Factor Investigations a make-over, much to Jamie's initial confusion. Rachel also blushes, but recovers quickly. Jamie is not so quick to recover. |
X-Factor Investigations | January 30th, 2021 | Jamie and Rachel get to know each other a bit, while deciding to work together under the name, X-Factor Investigations. |
Fielding More Questions | January 14th, 2021 | The very important education on American Football, Superbowl Parties, and Superbowl ADS continues with Jamie and Rachel. |
The Importance Of Football | January 11th, 2021 | Rachel has returned to New York, but with an important question. What the heck is American Football? To that end, she has attempted to gain the assistance of The Multiple Man to get that answer. Or at least, she's trying to, a lot of confusion is the initial result of asking. |
The Shooting Aftermath | December 29th, 2020 | Eve and Jamie work together to figure out who shot, who. |
A Little Misunderstanding | December 13th, 2020 | A little confusion, a little chaos, a shot in the park, two PIs working opposite each other - a basic recipe for disaster. (To Be Continued). |
Dude What happened to your Car | August 20th, 2020 | No description |
Down on Pugsley Creek | August 6th, 2020 | Kitty gets to see Jamie-vs-Jamie interaction first hand |
Sometime Around Midnight | May 25th, 2020 | When you're lost, look to friends for help. |
A Sinister Plot: Everybody's Coming to Get Me | May 25th, 2020 | The hunters find out who took Julian, which only leads them further down the rabbit hole. |
Not Forgotten At All | May 24th, 2020 | A team of Xavier's folks go out of find what happened to their companions... and find more questions than answers. |
Teacher Planning | May 21st, 2020 | Jamie and Bobby run into Julio, who's causing tremors out on the grounds. The three discuss their plans for the summer and the upcoming school year. |
The Hustle Is Forever | May 21st, 2020 | Jamie Madrox appears outside the Triskellion looking to invite himself onto the roster. He encounters Natasha Romanoff. She is not receptive. |
Mutants, No Holds Barred | May 21st, 2020 | A group of X-men walk into a bar... and it's a barfight! |
A Sinister Plot: Lost But Not Forgotten | May 3rd, 2020 | The X-Men discover people are missing in action. Panic sets in, and groups split to start planning investigations and rescues. |
Waking Up To A New Reality | March 3rd, 2020 | Negasonic wakes up in a medical facility, connected with wires and tubes to beeping machines. Is she safe...? |
I Gotta Bail | February 21st, 2020 | Madrox has bail posted by time traveling hitmen on rocket boots. After being saved by Rachel, Daniel and Morrigan, he's re-arrested but offers pizza. Maxima witnesses a day in the life of Mutant Town. |
E Pluribus Unum: Surprise Announcement | February 20th, 2020 | All the lovely people gather for Tony Stark's small announcement. |
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Jamie Madrox has
82 finished logs.
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Jamie Madrox has been credited in
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Group Memberships
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