11889/Theme of the Crime: The Caper

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Theme of the Crime: The Caper
Date of Scene: 05 July 2022
Location: Gotham Children's Hospital
Synopsis: Catman and Music Master swing by the Children's Hospital to see how Thad is doing
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Michael Hannigan

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake doesn't do things like ordinary people. Sometimes he flat out can't. In this case a prominent member of the Hibernian Businessman's Association was in a certain hospital where Thad Pembrook was recovering. thomas had angry words with him over abducting his niece for a steak dinner. Other members of the HBA president's entourage were all over, while he was recuperating from a triple bypass. Very large members and packing, no doubt.

Thus Thomas was scaling the building. It was good for staying in shape if nothing else. In fact he had an offer to do some CDs for a parkour style workout. But he had some integrity. He peeked in another window, pretty sure this was the children's wing he was clinging to.

"That bit about the brave hero or infamous villain finding the window he wants without looking around is total bullshit!" However, the window he is outside looks promising. Lots of tubing inside.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Despite the drab exterior that appears to come with any building located in Gotham, the hallways of Gotham Children's Hospital counteract that feeling. Lighter and Brighter colors are the central theme for the hallways more frequently traversed by the youthful residents of this medical facility. This wing of the hospital is no different. While not blindingly so, the bright yellow walls of the waiting room area just feeds into the energy level of children playing with the constantly sanitized toys in the play area and beyond the double doors to the residential area of the building- Well. The hallways are white. But that's still a stark contrast to the darkness outside.

Resting in one of the rooms is one Thaddeus Pembrooke. Still a bit sleepy but doing much better than he was a few days ago. The walls here are a robin's egg blue but Thad doesn't seem to care too much about that. Instead he is quietly watching TV where a recording of a certain show is playing. In his arms, a tan bit of cloth is being gently hugged. On his head is a tiny hat. Unfortunately the lipstick mark from the tour had to be washed off, but two out of three isn't bad.

A knock at the door draws the child's attention over. "Thad, you have a visitor." A nurse steps aside as Nick pokes his head around the frame.

"Music Master!"

The nurse blinks, "Oh Thad this is-"

"No he got it." Nick interrupts, looking to the nurse, giving a bit of a wink. He looks over to Thad. "Mind if I come in?"

"Yeah! Come in! I'm watching the first episode!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is watching as well, sort of. "Ugh... that was the one with Fat Catman. I think they keep that guy on contract just to keep me on my toes," he thinks. "Well, let's get this done." The window is shut, a minor problem. He might not be as accomplished in entry as Catwoman or the Bat, but he is a top tier criminal. One claw slides out and works the window lock which clicks softly. He checks his costume once more and in view of Mike silently slips into the room. He stands wit his arms folded waiting for a shout out. After all the nurse saw hi... that is a pretty nurse.

Focus Tom. Focus, you dumpster fire of a human being.

He notes in passing that having Catman standing behind you is usually not a pleasant surprise.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Being invited in. Nick steps through the doorway, a glance given to the window as Thomas comes in through other means. It's a small hospital room. It's not that hard to notice. But, being Nick made the most noise coming in, the room resident is looking towards the doorway where the nurse appears a bit befuddled looking.

Nick nods towards Thomas. "Catman."

Thad's eyes widen as he turns his head to look to where Nick is looking. Confirming the favored character is indeed there. He starts beaming, "COOL!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake barely smiles but he does pull the cowl back, something he only does for fiends. Err friends. Villain Protocol 101. "I'll give you cool... I heard you were flat on your back and you're watching Tee Oh Tee Cee with those imposters. Gimme back my cape! You didn't even need it, I bet. You probably got an origin out of this whole thing." Thomas grabs for the cape, but seems unable to pull it away from Thad. Maybe Thad had an origin, maybe Thad has the strength of madness. Probably Thomas is just playing.

"Okay, give it back when you get out of here. Come by the station, I'll leave three passes for you. Ivy wants to see you. She says she's your girlfriend now. This promotes a fit of ewwws from Thad.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the purpose of Catman's return, The cape Thad holds is hugged tighter to the chest for a few more moments. He looks down to it before losening his grip. The added extension to the time borrowing the piece of fabric is smiled upon until the threat of impending affection from one of the Ivy League spurns a vocal reaction.

Nick's lips press together as he fights back a laugh upon the scrunched up face on display. Nick glances back to the Nurse who seems to be watching Catman a bit more closely.

"I heard your surgery went well." Nick ventures, in a way trying to give the other man a bit of an update.

"Yeah." Thad replies, giving a nod. "I heard I'll be going home soon. We had Bomb Pops and watched the fireworks on tv yesterday." He pauses, looking up to the screen and then to Nick. "...Do you know you look like young Catman? Not the fat one but the tiny one?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake releases the cape. He looks at the tv. "Really? I don't see the resemblance. Kind of scrawny any... you know we're acting in this show right? I mean yes, I was Catman, and I was styling but... I did the crimes and I did time in jail. I'm not going back to jail. I'm an actor who just steps out to ... play cards with his friends at times. Also... Catman wouldn't use a ladder to scale a building!" He points at the tv.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Why no." Nick replies, somehow managing a deadpan expression. "This is the first I've heard this." He looks over to Thomas.

Thad looks to the show and then to the man in costume who CLEARLY did not use the door to come into the room. He frowns at Thomas's question. "...I know." He lets go of the cape to cross his arms. Or at least attempt it as the wire attached to one hand grows tight. He instead ends up with one arm over the stomach and the other arm adjusted to clasp over his hand. He gives a frown. "I still like Catman. I like the songs." There's a pause before he continues, almost begrudgingly, "The League's kind of nice too."

The kid may be young. But he's not blind.

"And mom and dad like the show so we can watch it together. An-" Thad pauses, "I wan-I-"

Nick looks over to Thad, quiet as he listens to what Thad's saying.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake sits down on the bed and puts an arm around him. "It's great to like the show. It's great to like the songs and women... are great too. Listen, being Catman, you can admire me for the things I can do, swing from a line or break a brick or take a thorn from a tiger's paw. Just... you can do that without stealing or beating on people. But what do you want? Tell us." He looks around the room, "If you're ever in a position where you can get practically anything, this is it. Ask before you get better, you're looking stringer by the minute."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Thad looks to Thomas. "I want to be like Catman." He points over to the screen only for the second actor portraying him to show up. "-Not that one. After."

Ah. Hah. Nick smiles, "Because of how strong he got?"

"Yeah! He got better!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods and says, "Then do it. Get better. Get strong. No one is going to do it for you. No one can make you quit." There's no softness or trace of talking down in his voice. He uses the same tone he'd use in threatening one's life or making demands.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Thad nods. "I'm not quitting! If you can do it. I can too!"

Nick, wisely opts not to add anything to the discussion. But as he looks to the OTHER Catman on the TV and smirks, does he need to?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake smiles slightly and then slips his mask back on. "Then show me. I'll be watching. Maybe you can get a part on the show. Anyway I better go. I have to go feed a lion. Good night Thad." He gets up, makes a clearly telegraphed attempt to snatch that cape which fails. He gives Music Master a thwap on the shoulder. Then he turns to the window and climbs out.