11896/Burning the Candle

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Burning the Candle
Date of Scene: 06 July 2022
Location: Genoshan Embassy - 3rd / 4th Floor
Synopsis: Tom calls Lorna on not taking care of herself. They chat over dinner.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Tom McCarthy

Lorna Dane has posed:
It wasn't so long ago that Lorna had visited Micola and Pietro in the hospital. Though she'd done her very best to nag her older brother about taking care of himself during this troubling time, she wasn't exactly taking her own advice. Word of this may have been passed on to Tom by some of the worried security who couldn't exactly order her about. She'd skipped a few meals, and been at her desk for far too long catching up on what work she needed to have done while away from Genosha.

As well as looking into the potentially new project that Cheyenne had asked her to sponsor into. Not to mention monotiring the arrival of the criminal that had been taken to the RAFT via the asteroid feeds. Just to make sure nothing happened while on the way there, though she couldn't really claim to be REALLY monitoring that for reasons of national security being breached.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
The news was accepted, the accomplices thanked for alerting him. Tom made his way up to the office carrying a tray with dinner. Chicken parmesan, fettucini, garlic bread and a nice wine to pair with it. He was told she was there alone, so no need to knock.

Stepping into her office, he hums a little song - cheery and easy-going. The tray is set down on the desk, the aroma of dinner wafting from the wonderfully prepared meal. "Hello, Miss Dane." He grins, nodding to her. "I need you to turn off your computer and take a meal with me." His tone is polite, but firm. "After which, I will give you a shoulder rub and get you sent off to rest." A smile. "You have people who care about you, not just me, who don't want to see you burnt out."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lifts her head away from the glow of her computer monitor with one hand raking back through her hair. It was a gesture often repeated lately whicn is why it was out of it's usual carefully brushed state and looking a bit more... rumpled. She blinks several times at Tom, and the tray, though a deep breath reminds her of the fact that she'd missed lunch. Breakfast was coffee and croissont so not much better. "Oh, I just need to finish..."

She trails off glancing at the time on the screen with a narrowing of eyes, followed by a sigh. "Okay. I didn't realize it was so late." Flicking the monitor off she stands with a little stretch and stifled yawn before stepping over to greet him with a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Tom. That smells amazing and you are amazing and I'm babbling aren't I."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom returns the kiss, gentle as she stretches. "You need to rest. You won't be healthy if you don't, and then you won't be able to help anyone you want to." He assures, looking about for a suitable table. Once found, he goes about setting a dish up for her, along with a healthy glass of wine. The chair is pulled out for her, Tom not taking a seat until she's settled.

"Missing meals to get me to dote on you, is wholly unnecessary." He teases. "I'm happy to pamper you at any time." A waggle of his brows. "And I can help out in some instances, if you find yourself overworked. There are plenty who are here to help shoulder your burdens, Lorna."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane moves to sink down into the seat where he had set up the meal. She even shifts to slip off her heels for now. Usually she wouldn't, but she did need to relax a bit. "I know. I'm sorry. I've been so preoccupied checking into things, and with the attack on Pietro's girlfriend... It's been busy. I know I can trust others to help, just don't really feel as if I should burden them with it." A wry grin is given to him. "I'm beig silly aren't I?"

Smiling bemused at him she remarks, "If you keep that up I may keep you around for a very long time. Not that I'm complaining," she adds with a chuckle, and rakes her hand through her hair again. "How have you been, Tom? I don't mean to ignore you either." She would wait for him to join, but... her stomach grumbles, so she at least snags a bit of that garlic bread to take a bite.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
He pats her hand as he settles in, shrugging. "You are and you aren't. If your people want to help, they will. You don't have to order them, just ask them. I think helping the Royal family, whomever it might be, would be something they are interested in doing. Even if it's just enough to get you some respite." Tom smiles at her. "And apology accepted, though unneeded."

"I am not complaining either, Lorna. I like being around." A chuckle. "I've been good. Meeting different departments. Talking to other agents, who are gifted - so many variations of people working in a good effort to help the world. It's interesting. I went most of my life without having met people with extraordinary powers - and now I am often surrounded by them." A smirk. His own plate is fixed after that, using a bit of the bread to scoop up some of the pasta.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"It's a whole thing," Lorna remarks as she settles in to dine, watching Tom with a smile. "There's so many of us that know one another. Once you get involved in some way we come out of the woodwork. It's quite possible," she adds, chuckling, "That you new some powered individuals before. They just didn't know if it was safe to let you know or not."

At that she falls quiet. "A bit like alternative sexualities, we have to be cautious at times who we let know our true selves. For survival."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom thinks on that as he chews, nodding slowly. "I can see that. Especially with the hatred some people have for mutants or others who have powers." A shake of his head. "I can understand having some fear of a person who can turn you to pulp with a wave of their hand - but you have to have faith that the good people will still be good people, powered or not."

A nod and a chuckle. "Not the conversation I expected with you tonight, but yes." The man smiles to her. "Thank you for letting me in."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane snorts softly. "It probably wouldn't be such an issue if how our powers emerge wasn't such an occasionally violent thing. Sadly," she mumbles with a shake of her head. Looking up over to Tom she offers an apolgetic grin. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm glad to hear things are going well for you though. And for the record I do think you're safe to be around." A little wink is given teasingly.

Twirling up some pasta she digs in making a pleased little noise as her grumbling stomach is starting to get filled with warm, good food. That always helped one relax a great deal.

Tom McCarthy has posed:
Wine and good food, indeed. "I can only imagine... it happens around puberty, right?" Tom comments. "Where all of our emotions are all over the map." A slight shrug. "It would explain a lot. Being a teenager is tough enough, and add having powers to the mix... it's kind of volatile." A grin to Lorna. "Thaank you. I feel safe around you too."

He lets her eat in peace, letting her hunger take the wheel for now.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Exactly. Trauma can also cause an early appearance of abilities," Lorna explains as she pauses to sweep up some of the sauce with her bread. "Accidents, abuse, bullying. Anything that can induce a panic, or a fight or flight response. My own was..."

This causes her to pause a moment with lips pursed together. "During an airplane crash. If I'd known who my father was I might have known to expect something. Though that may not have helped, either."

Tom McCarthy has posed:
His hand slides over the table to clasp hers. "Sorry you had to go through that. I can only imagine that most mutants have some sort of PTSD." A shake of his head. "Just at what may have happened, or they might have done unintentionally." Tom thinks. "I know I lashed out in anger as a teen - if I had a mutant ability, it could have been much worse."

"I'm here to listen any time you like, Lorna. I've been through some things in the service."