770/Walking After Midnight

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Walking After Midnight
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: East Village
Synopsis: Leonid and Amy go walking after a movie and move further in their connection.
Cast of Characters: Leonid Kovar, Amy Winston

Leonid Kovar has posed:
The movie was okay but hardly spectacular, a fairly typical American studio blockbuster with a few action scenes and a cheesy romance and a spunky kid sidekick who got way too much screentime. Leonid had picked Amy up an hour before, just in time to make it in before the previews. Afterwards, the pair had hit a late night pizza joint, getting to know each other over fresh pie with triple cheese and aromatic herbs.

Now the two of them are just walking along the neighborhood. It's a little late and dark for some strolling, but neither of them is exactly afraid of being mugged. Spring or not, the late night is a bit chilly. Leonid isn't bothered by it, he's somewhat immune to such things, but he was wearing a stylish coat which he slides off and slips over Amy's shoulders as they watch, the big thing swallowing her petite frame a bit, like a cape of dark leather and fur lining.

"That will help, I hope," he says. "So how is it to be a princess? Do you have to do government meetings or sign things? Do you make decrees?" he says.

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy smiles up at Leonid as he gallantly puts his rather large jacket on her shoulders. "Why, thank you, Leonid. It will definitely help. I do rather like the cool weather, especially after being indoors for a while, but this is nice," she replies, deftly using one hand to hold the jacket in place as she slides the other hand under her hair to free it to spill out over the jacket, instead of being trapped beneath it.

    She inhales at the question, looking thoughtful as she strolls along with him in the early evening. "Well, there are definitely meetings, during which people talk and argue, and I sit at the head of the table and I've got my advisors, one of which is my mother. Basically, I listen to everyone's concerns, filtered through the officials that represent the people, and I make the best informed decision I can, with the help of my advisors. I mean, there's a lot to this kind of thing, where I can't always foresee all of the ways a choice I make might affect everything else." She exhales a breath through motorboating lips of magenta, laughing at the end of it, "It's intense, at times, for sure. That's why going to the movies and eating at a local pizza joint is a welcomed excursion into normal life for me. Thanks for taking me, by the by," she smiles winningly at him as she walks along.

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar listens to her answer, his eyes intense and interested as he moves alongside her. If there are dangers in the shadows, warnings or threats, they may think twice at the sight of the towering Russian, his six and a half foot frame marked by his massive shoulders and occasional flashes of crimson light in the depths of his eyes. No, he isn't an easy mark for a potential mugger, no matter how desperate the junkie might be.

"I was more than pleased to take you. I'm glad that we're of an age and a time when a commoner like myself might have the chance to take you on such an evening," he says. "I am still adjusting to life here in America. I loved my life in Russia, restricted though it may have been. I had purpose, a plan, a regiment. Here, everything is so...unplanned. Almost chaotic. I am almost finished with school and, when it is complete, I will be free to do as I please and I...had not expected it."

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy lifts her brows and nods, agreeing with his depiction of life in this city. "I can't imagine what it must've been like in Russia, but I can relate to the chaotic nature of living in this city," she replies. "I mean, on one hand, it's really invigorating! Anything can happen! There are things to do at almost any moment in time. There's the hustle and bustle of so many people living their lives, and it's very inspiring, sometimes," she gestures with her hands for emphasis, her perfectly manicured nails, lacquered a light lavender, glinting occasionally in the light of lampposts that line the sidewalk.

    "And, at other times, it feels very overwhelming and draining. It can leave you feeling like you're moving in slow motion, unsure of what you're supposed to be doing, while the world passes you by in regular speed," she exhales a bemused sigh. "That's life, though. Most everyone else you see seems to have their stuff together, know what they're doing, where they're going, and the next step to take. But, most of 'em feel just as lost as the next, especially on those slow-mo bad days," she smiles. "Do you have any thoughts about what you'd like to do once you've graduated?" she wonders.

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar nods, "There is much greater diversity here, than there was back in Russia. Plus, my live was very contained. Because I was put into the Soldat Geroy, I ate, drank and slept within a very controlled routine. I almost burst with all the choices in front of me," he says, gesturing out towards the city with a massive arm. "If I may say, you do not seem drained at all to me. You seem full of the vigor of life and beauty," he says.

He slips his hand down to take hers, giving it a very careful squeeze as he holds his massive physical power in check, "I would like to continue to be Red Star. To help others. But that does not pay as a job here. So I do not know. Maybe there are heroes who are paid. Maybe I will go to college, although I do not know what I would study. Perhaps astronomy. I find myself drawn to the stars, from whence my powers came."

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy grins at the compliment and gives a little wave of her hand as she smoothly replies, "Ahhh, you caught me on a good day, is all." She doesn't pull her hand away, however, as he encompasses it with his own. Instead, she squeezes it gently to let him know she's happy he did. "I think you should most definitely continue to be Red Star. It's as much a part of you as anything else. While we're able, choosing to help others is an easy choice for me. I don't really need money, being a princess and all, but I also don't want to be solely supported by the income from my family, from my people. So, I think I'll be going to college, too," she agrees. "That said, I'm pretty sure there are those who are paid to use their abilities to help others. It's as much a job as any other, and it often means our safety and well-being are on the line. So, I don't see why we shouldn't receive some financial compensation for it, as long as it's not exorbitant or mercenary, I suppose. Does that sound wrong?" she asks, looking up at him with a wrinkled nose.

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar shakes his head, "It does not seem wrong at all. We need to make a living, much like anyone else, and devoting enough of your time to this endeavor, it seems wise that it be something you can do professionally. I think there should be standards and licensing, although I know that it not a popular position among our superhuman brethren. I understand the fear. It may even be justified. But the alternative is answering to no one, problems only solved by brawling and battle. I am civilized enough to hope there are other ways."

"Do you have a particular college in mind? I think I will be going somewhere close to here. Although I can fly quite a long ways, if commuting is an issue. That is to say...I hope to see more of you. Not only now but in the future. Perhaps that is bold to say. I have never minded being bold."

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy nods and listens as he explains his views, walking alongside him, holding his big, warm hand. "I can understand that, because standards and licensing could be used against us and keep us from doing what needs to be done, or put us in position to be punished for trying to help... I mean, we're superhuman, but 'human' is often still a part of that, and we can and do make mistakes. I'd rather not be doubly punished for trying to help and being unsuccessful in it, you know? As though it wouldn't already weigh heavily on me for failing to protect others..." she says softly. "And, if we can't trust the good guys not to abuse their abilities and take advantage of those who aren't powered...who *can* we trust?" she asks rhetorically.

    But, within a moment of saying that, she goes on, "But, I can also see your side of it. We won't need to put faith in people doing the right thing if there are rules." She shakes her head, "It's a sticky wicket, for sure. These are the kinds of conundrums I face as a ruler." She exhales and chews on the fullness of her lower lip. "Does it upset you if I feel like I prefer to be free to help as I can, without worrying about rules about helping others?" she asks, lifting her gaze, once more, to his.

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar shakes his head, "You are not required to agree with me. And I see your point of view. I suppose, mostly, that I think of the benefit I have had from training and discipline. So many of the heroes - especially those closer to our age - are sloppy. Untrained. You have told me of your own experiences learning to fight and I have had similar instruction. Powers do not always come to those who most deserve them, who will use them wisely. Perhaps it is more a matter of making an opportunity for education than a requirement," he says.

He turns to face her a little more, "But I do not want to take up too much of our time discussing such things. Are they important matters? Yes, of course. We must always keep a mind to the business of the world. But my desire to spend time with you has nothing to do with your martial abilities or your training or your status. It is simply that you are kind and friendly and interesting. And most beautiful. Did I say that a thousand times yet?" he says.

And then, on impulse, sthose strong arms slip around her and he bends down, capturing her mouth with his own in a soft but firm kiss.

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy is thoughtful as Leonid explains his position further. She is really listening and thinking about how she feels about what is said, unlike some girls who might pretend to listen and then just agree with whatever the handsome boy says. "That's what you mean by licensing, I think. Proving one is capable and responsible with their abilities, demonstrating they're able to use them wisely for the protection of others," she murmurs. "But, if someone makes a mistake, if they have a bad day, if they're ill, or forced to do something against their will, they could have their license revoked and it might not be entirely their fault or in their control..." she continues, her brow furrowed as she thinks things out aloud.

    Amy stops short when Leonid pauses under a tree to look at her more fully, addressing her with sweet words and an even sweeter first kiss. Her eyes lid shut as she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him in return, smiling as he pulls back. "Well, that's one sure way to get me off the endless loop of trying to figure out what's right and wrong," she laughs softly, using the soft pad of her thumb to reach up and smudge off a bit of her lipstick off of his lower lip. "Sorry about that. It can be a hazard of kissing girls who wear makeup," she grins.

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar smiles, "Right and wrong can be debated until the end of time. But there are few proper chances to kiss a beautiful woman for the first time," he says.

He lets her fuss at his appearance, "I think I can confront these hazards with bravery. Better that I face these perils than let those more vulnerable suffer in the attempt. Also, I like kissing you very much and intend to do so again on very short notice," he says.

He slides his hand back around hers and resumes walking, "Perhaps we can go on patrol together. Be something of a...tag team."

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy laughs and bumps against him companionably when he compliments her, again. "Goodness, all this buttering up. Surely, it's not necessary!" she grins and squeezes his hand gently as the walking resumes. "I liked you kissing me, so feel free to try your luck at any time," she replies. "You know, there's a secret you don't know about me. One of many, considering you've not known me for very long, but..." She pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing in perfect, flawless Russian, <<I was just going to compliment you on your masterful grasp on English. It's really very impressive. Unless, of course, you have a cheat, like me,>> she grins. <<Don't compliment me on my Russian, because I didn't learn it through study. But, I thought it might be nice for you to be able to speak your native tongue, when you want? I can't imagine what it would be like to always have to speak another language, though for me, it's like speaking my native tongue, no matter the language. But, as I said, it's a cheat.>>

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar cannot help but laugh in delight, <Oh, but this is wonderful. I do not care how you can do it, it is such a pleasure to be able to speak freely again. I thank you for the compliments on my English. I work very hard on it, although I know my accent remains more than a bit atrocious. I think Americans kind of like it that way, though. It makes you exotic and mysterious somehow. As if just being from another country makes you a magical creature.>

<Although, of course, you -are- a magical creature. Should I investigate that? Do you have secret wings? A tail? Some sort of magical tattoos or marks upon your skin? Perhaps I will find out. In time, of course. One must investigate at a proper pace.>

<What other secrets do you have, I wonder?>

Amy Winston has posed:
    Amy is rewarded with that response of delight, her eyes lighting up in reply to the laugh. She smiles broadly as she playfully dusts off her shoulders in a mock self-congratulatory fashion. <<Oh, it's my pleasure to be able to give you this opportunity! Being foreign, yes, is something that makes you exotic to others. Having that accent of yours might seem irritating to you, but it's sexy and/or interesting to others. It's an outward sign that you come from somewhere different, somewhere that has a markedly different culture.>>

    Amy laughs and nods her head, <<Yes, I have wings, my skin sparkles in the sun, you may only pass me unharmed if you can answer my riddles three, and I have tattoos that allow me to speak and understand every language ever created. And, those are just a few of my many secrets!>> She grins broadly and adds, <<I also have a flying pegicorn named Parker. He's currently grazing in luxury back in Gemworld, but I could easily introduce you to him, if you like. Whenever you like.>>

Leonid Kovar has posed:
Leonid Kovar raises an eyebrow, not quite skeptically, but certainly with a degree of wonder, <A Pegicorn, you say? I'm not sure I've ever heard that word. Or even knew what it meant in my language, and yet, when you speak it, it's meaning is clear to me. I can almost picture him in my mind. Perhaps that's part of your magic, that I can understand you even as you speak words I do not know,> he says.

<I have already noticed your sparkling skin. You were quite a glorious alabaster when first we met, charming and delicate even in the midst of eating an American hot dog,> he chuckles. <And yes, I would like to meet your pet very much. I would like to get to know your world at all a great deal.>

Amy Winston has posed:
    At that, Amy pauses and considers the point he just made with a look of contemplation. <<You know, I'm not entirely sure how that works, except yes. Probably the exact way you described it. I didn't even...struggle to find the right word for what I meant. Pegicorn isn't even technically accurate, if we're talking about the cryptozoological term for a winged unicorn -- that's an alicorn. But, I've always thought of him as a pegicorn and I don't know how I found the word for pegicorn in Russian, but there it is,>> she spreads her hands with a tiny grin.

    She laughs, again, and shakes her head, <<No, no. The sparkling skin is a joke, referring to the sparkly skinned vampires of Twilight fame. It's a pop culture thing, though a dated one, by now. But, hey. Being so well-trained that I can eat a hot dog and look graceful while doing it is just one of my many talents as a princess,>> she does a half-curtsey to punctuate her brag. <<Any time you wanna meet Parker, just let me know. We could take a trip to visit my home world, though...I'm not sure how it might affect you, considering you've got alien powers and stuff? I'd protect you, if something happened, though. Don't worry about that!>>