773/Tigers and Tigers

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Tigers and Tigers
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Ninjas at the zoo.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Chizue Nakamura

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam is up past his bedtime. He couldn't sleep and flying usually helped with that. He just had to remember to change back to Billy before he snuck back in the house. Not to mention his keys were in Billy's jacket pocket and... he still had no idea where Billy's clothes went when he transformed. For that matter, was he Billy transformed or ...

He looks down at a sagacious tiger, allowed out by night and says, "I got a bunch of things to think on Mr. Tawny. Coming here helps. It's so peaceful. Imma getting mixed results as a champion of... good stuff. You know? I mean my first won over a big name... I won as Billy by kicking him in the hyper-spheres. Sometimes I feel like I got this power but I just miss things, you know?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Owari had been inclined to take it easy tonight, but well punks had a different opinion on the matter and had the gall to be living within plain sight. Thus things had gotten wild a few blocks past, and the lone survivor had set off running. Normally she would've run the punk down easily, but luck is a fickle thing for even a ninja. Our lone punk had gotten lucky with the traffic, and then lucky with innocent pedestrians. He slipped over the fence in a dead sprint, racing between animal cages before finally he skids to a stop and whips his sword out. Chest heaving, lungs fit to burst. Now or never it seems.

    Owari isn't far behind, hitting the ground as silent as a shadow and drawing immediately still. Her mask tonight the visage of a polygonal tiger mid snarl, and lit in bright blood red. "You drop the sword and talk, I'll let you go. Otherwise you will be granted the esteemed honor of dying like a Ninja."Scabbard held in one hand she widens her stance, visibly rolling her face mask around to lock directly onto her foe as a hand drops onto the hilt of her blade. "Say when..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Punk? Singular. Ahh punks have cell phones and apparently this guy has an ICE setting to bring friends running, a gaggle, a parliament a... what the Hell do you call a group of ninjas? A slink of ninjas, pounding (well silently pounding) dwn the path towards Shazam. And does he hear them? He does not. It is the tiger who growls softly and looks... then he growls a little louder... then he does the tiger equivalent 'attention-please' cough and Shazam finally looks up and sees the silent shadowy posse.

"I thought you guys were,,, reptiles like?" he finally ventures.

That is when the throwing stars and several silenced weapons start popping. Shazam is struck by 27 projectiles, six in areas that would be instantly lethal! That has to hurt. No. Not so much. It's a little distracting. "Holy Moley!"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Theres no clanging of blades, no fancy swordplay really. Owari and the lone punk dash past, and the punk hits the ground in a pile. Casually she gives her own blade a flourish to sweep the blood free, and glarind down the path at the sudden arrival of more of the same. She pulls that hood up with one hand, letting her mask blink off and in a few short moments she all but vanishes into the shadows. So much for taking it easy, right?

    She moves almost leisurely, chancing a glance after Shazam before getting back into the fight. That mask erupts in full color from seemingly thin air, followed by a brilliant whirl of bright colors like a digital TV glitching out. The shape's tough to resolve as it rushes towards the group, a fist full of needle like Shuriken are dispensed at the two furthest Ninja before she gets right after the closest one. Drawing that sword in a blur of movement, and catching the poor punk at the hip and sweeping up through his heart in a single smooth motion. There she pauses, that getup swiftly fading back into near obscurity. "Hey cape, get three coffins ready."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam says in an aggrieved tone, "Guns? What kinda bum ninjas are you?" As if in answer, one flings a device into the tiger habitat. "Son of a mother!" Shazam yells, diving into the enclosure. Grenade. Grenade! Where did it go? He has decent or better night vision... but it's dark here, the grenade was black. Tawny watches Shazam. "Go inside you dumb tiger." Tawny yawns.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    When outnumbered, you ought to offer maximum aggression in return. Owari demonstrates the worth of this lesson in short order, rushing foreward through the blood spray to sweep her blade at another and nearly slices his head clean off. Another with a gun turns to take a shot, and with an audible -CLANG- that round is sliced from the air as she drives foreward. A leaping juke to the left to dodge another round, before taking the air to land on the gunman blade first. From there she half turns, abandoning her blade and turning on the three that remain.

    She snags the pistol from the downed Ninja, rolling back and onto her knees to string gunfire across two more. Once again, it's down to one.

    Casually she flips up to her boots, and strips that pistol in a single smooth motion before letting the parts tumble to the ground. "You ought to accept your siutation, there's more dignity in it." Of course he doesn't, and of course he charges ahead with sword held high with a scream. Of course, because this is just how Owari's night is going tonight.

    She ducks down to avoid a sword swing, before dodging deftly out to one side and sweeping an arm around the man's neck. From there she pins a boot against his ankle, and lets his own momentum carry him foreward and down for a -CRACK-, that sword goes clattering across the pavement. "Never send a Rabbit to kill a Tiger, you arrogant idiots."

Billy Batson has posed:
There is a blur streaking up from the tiger habitat almost simultaneous with the grenade going off. Debris is thrown from the enclosure. A few moments later, Shazam descends out of the sky, holding a cringing tiger in his arms. The tiger regards the carnage with iterest. Blood? Meat?

Shazam says weakly, "I'm going to throw up..." Tawny licks his face roughly.