11976/Lunch in Brooklyn

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Lunch in Brooklyn
Date of Scene: 12 July 2022
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: Sara and Felicia have noodles at Rebecca Yee's noodle place in Brooklyn.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Felicia Hardy

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Technically speaking, Sara should be working, or at least that's what her brain is telling her. Today however was one of those days that her boss presented her with a choice; take the day off willingly, or do /all/ the paperwork for another precinct. The choice made itself.

Morning had been spent in the act of exercising, cleaning, and trying to find all the socks she thought she owned, but apparently she really was down to four pairs. Somewhere in there she send a text to Felicia, offering up lunch from a noodle place up the street that Sara swore made the best noodles in New York.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Humming to herself as she beebops along, dancing having a grand old time with a pair of ear buds in her ear and the white haired woman is lost in the music as she approaches the noodle place. Wearing a black tank top over a sports bra, Felicia seems to have dressed for the heat, with a pair of 'poured into' yoga bottoms and some thongs on her feet. Highest of fashions today as she takes the earbuds out and pockets them she walks in and begins to scan around looking for Sara, lifting the sunglasses from her eyes to rest in her tied back hair.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara is sitting up to the counter, dressed in an athletic bra tank, and a pair of denim shorts. She didn't need socks for today, because her feet are strapped in a pair of sandals, and for a change her chestnut hair is pulled up into a ponytail. The battle against the heat outside is clear.

"I'm telling you Yee, Siry /made/ me take the day off," she is saying to the women behind the counter. Yee is a lovely middle aged Chinese woman with short hair, wearing a pair of tan shorts that go to her knees and a t-shirt with the name of the noodle place on the front.

"Joe is getting addle brained," Yee retorts with a laugh. "He never gave Michael extra days off, or maybe he's being god-fatherly to you again."

When Felicia enters, both Sara and Yee look toward the door and it's Sara who waves and calls, "Over here, Feli," as if her sitting there wasn't indication enough.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Upon being summoned with a verbal call, Felicia lifts her hand from her glasses on her head to wave back and she quickly makes her way over, brisk long strides. She reaches the counter in no time and leans in to give Sara a side hug, "Sorry, I'm too filthy to give you the full hug. Way too much boob sweat today." Felicia says with a hand waving before her face and neck. "Like, for real. This is stupidly hot." The native new yorker admits as she claims a seat and then smiles to Yee and asks.

    "Do you have any cold noodles?" With a faint chuckle afterwards.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The side hug is accepted and even as Sara is doing this, Yee is setting a glass of iced tea on the counter. Normally an authentic Chinese noodle place would scoff at the mere thought of iced tea, but this was a New Yorker, she knew, she got it.

"Oh no, side hug is perfect," Sara chuckles. "I've been here about fifteen minutes, in the air conditioning, and I'm still hot and sticky from the walk over."

"Cold noodles," Yee mutters, then switches to more mumbling and muttering in Mandarin before she offers a huge smile, like that muttering never happened. "I can make your noodles cold, but they'll be lacking and you'll blame me."

Sara smirks and makes a gesture at Yee, "Just go make the new batch of iced tea while we decide what we want."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Thank you." Felicia says first and foremost as she picks up the tea and without worry about her apperance or taking a selfie with it, she downs about a third of it, and lowers it back down with a crunching sound as she bites on an ice cube. "Perfect." Felicia moans.

    "And I was only making a joke about the cold noodles." Felicia says with a frown as Yee wanders off to work.

    Turning back to Sara, Felicia smiles large and takes another long pull of tea. "You look hot, both ways." Felicia notes casually.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Timing. Having just got Yee off to do what she needed to do, and Felicia settled with ice tea to start cooling off, she had picked up her own glass and taken a drink. So when the comment about hot both ways occurred, she nearly spit that tea everywhere.

To avoid spraying down the counter she swallowed hard and started coughing before looking toward her lunch companion and blinking a few times. In the past, she had taken the little flirts and comments and let the slide, wash over her, but that one was exceedingly blunt and obvious, no way to just let it go.

"I'm not the model here," she states first, using a napkin to wipe her mouth off and then grinning broadly. "A model, I might add, who is definitely hot no matter which way the word is used."

Now she takes a sip of the tea, risking it really, before adding, "Flirting is your natural state of being, I'm getting used to it. As for Yee and cold noodles, don't let her grump worry you. It's more about her personal life than cold noodles."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia suddenly looks quite concerned about Sara and leans closer, fumbling around to find a napkin or a cup with liquid. Hopefully water, but all that is around is the tea cups. "You okay? You need some water?" She asks, looking over to find Yee again, but she's not here.

    After a moment Sara seems to recover and Felicia puts a hand on the woman's back and shoulder, patting twice. "You okay?" Felicia would blush, but she doesn't. "What? You can be hot without being a model." Felicia says with a mindless shrug and then a smile. "You think I'm hot?" Felicia asks, blushing slightly at that. "But yeah... I love to flirt. It's fun and funny."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A smile is offered over Felicia's concern. It wasn't the first time she nearly inhaled a beverage, wouldn't be the last. At least this time it was iced tea, last time was coffee.

"I'm fine, wrong pipe for the iced tea is all," she offers, then slides a menu toward Felicia.

"Nothing wrong with flirting, just noticed it seems to be your go to," she comments picking up a menu. "I suck at flirting, tend to be too blunt, but yes. You are a beautiful woman Felicia, anyone who tries to say other wise needs glasses. And I wasn't implying what you said wasn't true, I was merely stating that you, as a model, are far hotter."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Fuck I hate it when that happens." Felicia says patting her friend's back two more times to try and help, but pulling her hand back to intercept the menu. Flipping it over because she's always a back of the menu kind of girl. No matter what. "What do you recommend here?" Felicia asks.

    "And even if I am hotter, I can't flirt with myself. I'm flirting with who I see. And what I see..." Felicia pauses to lean back and openly, obviously, and brazenly look Sara up and down. "I like what I see." Felicia smiles and bumps her shoulder into Sara, "She's got good taste in jewelry too." Knowing she has to keep on WitchBlade's good side too. As odd as that feels.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"You can flirt with yourself," Sara chuckles. "Just stand in front of a mirror and call yourself hot." She wiggles her brows a little at the shoulder bump however, knowing full well that it was an attempt to appease Witchblade. Had to be, she didn't wear any other jewelry.

"Hands down, Lanzhou beef noodles are the best, but the spring rolls, egg rolls and even the dumplings are all fantastic. I've tried everything on this menu, twice, love it all. I do suggest however, that you don't try asking for substations unless they are allergy related, Zumu Yee in the kitchen gets, well just say..."

Yee cuts in with, "She's a grumpy old woman who believes she knows what is best for you in your food, and is usually right, which is even more irritating." as she walks by to deliver a dish to the only other person in the restaurant right now. The kitchen was busy, most orders going out for delivery, but the dining room as pretty empty.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "You think I don't flirt with myself?" Felicia asks, knowing she just contradicted herself, but fixes that. "I said I can't, don't mean that I don't." She winks again and then turns to face Yee as she enters back into the dining room. "Fine. I'll trust you. Order of spring, and egg rolls some dumplings and I'll try the." Felicia pauses to find the word Sara JUST said. "Lanzhou beef noodles."

    Yeah, maybe Yee wasn't ready to take their orders, but Felicia doesn't seem to be the patient type when it comes to matters of the belly. She likes to eat and indulges when she can.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Yee was always ready, even if she didn't look it. She set the noodles on the table and speaks in Mandarin to the girl sitting there. Mother to daughter becomes obvious in that moment, as Yee tells her daughter to put her books away and eat, before she walks back to the counter.

"I'll have my usual Yee," Sara comments, sliding the menu back toward the back edge of the counter.

"Imagine that, your usual," Yee snorts, then looks to Felicia. "Would you like spicy dipping sauce for your spring rolls?" She would wait for the answer then head into the kitchen to deliver place the order with Zumu Yww.

Sara snorts back, turning slightly to look to Felicia. "So if you're always flirting, even with yourself, does that mean you always get lucky?" There was the blunt Sara was talking about. Sometimes being a detective did not give you the best social skills, sure she could put on the act of being a normal social person, but that took work and rethinking of how to word things. Wasn't worth it with friends.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Spicy. Please." Felicia says with a curt nod.

    Looking back to Sara, twisting on her stool to face her friend, Felicia lifts an arm to rest on the bartop and leans her head against her hand. Blinking VERY slowly, Felicia allows her mouth to slowly curl into a smile.

    "Always." Is the only word Felicia speaks.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Yep, that's what Sara thought. She offers a few bobs of her head to that, then takes another drink of her iced tea. This time she catches an ice cube to crunch, because that's what you do when a piece of ice manages to sneak passed your lips.

"It's a good thing I like you Felicia," she then comments, setting the glass back on the bar. "Your confidence in yourself is amazing, so I'll just leave it at that."

Standing up for a moment, she reaches over the counter to get a few more napkins then sits back down. "How have you been doing over all? Been a while, are things improving?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Yeah, I like me too." Felicia says and pats herself on the back. Literally. "But I like you too Sara. You've been a good, caring friend." Felicia says, not sounding totally sincere, but those are fairly alien words to her, so maybe that explains that.

    "I've been doing much better, things are improving, doing more and more stuff at the mansion, working more, and yet, still getting into the swing of everything." She says with a shrug again and a weak smile to Sara. "What about you?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Settling back in the chair, Sara takes a moment to fold two of the napkins back up, setting one by her iced tea and the other where Felicia can get to it.

"I'm glad things are improving," she offers first, then reaches over to give Felicia's shoulder a light squeeze. "I have friendship down to a fine art, or at least I like to tell myself I do. You're a good friend, and I worry about you, want to make sure you're happy, even if that's no my job."

She offers the woman a sincere smile, sensing the tension over the words and noting the weak smile. "One day at a time, right? Step by step, it'll get better. As for me," she shrugs, then looks back at the counter. "Same stuff, different day." There was something to her tone, almost a distance to it, but she quickly let's the thoughts running through her head go.

"Try not to rush yourself, sometimes learning how to get into that swing is the best way to figure out all the little things. The whys and whats."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I'm not rushing myself." Felicia says almost indignantly, but then she smiles. "One day at a time." The thief says with a soft breath and a sigh. "What stuff are you dealing with?" Felicia asks, looking up towards Sara and stealing a glance of the doorway, wondering if Yee will bring out the appetizers soon? Felicia is famished.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara looks like she's about to answer that question when Yee appears with the appetizer's, then immediately refills the iced tea glasses, so Sara just waits. There were some things that Yee didn't need to know about Sara's life, it had taken nearly a year for the woman to forgive Sara for getting her husband killed... even though it wasn't really Sara's fault.

Once Yee heads back into the kitchen, Sara just says bluntly, "I'm single again." then takes a bite of an egg roll.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia's eyebrow lifts up and then with her eyes still on the dumplings, as she uses a chopstick to reach out and pick up one, Felicia, as deadpan as can be, while not looking at Sara, "I know who's house I'm staying at tonight." CHOMP!