12095/Three Threads

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Three Threads
Date of Scene: 21 July 2022
Location: Empire State University
Synopsis: Jessica and Jemma meet and have words with Alexander. Jessica lies about her normal inclination to pray.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Jemma Simmons, Jessica Drew

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The foot traffic is low through the school and along the curving paths and walks between the faculty buildings. Summer time is in full sway and though there are classes for that time of year not as many are as active at tis time in the evening. Couple that with the heaviness of the heat that weighed upon the people all through the day and it's a recipe for the slow lazy pace the world seems to have taken.
    Now that the sun has set at the least it did lend itself for a meeting between like-minded individuals who would appreciate a measure of anonymity in that meeting. For there were less people wandering around, only a handful of visitors standing under the Professor Reed Richards statue that still looks so heroic and pioneering with his hand outstretched forward... even in this heat.
    Though it was the nearby fountain that at the least gave some respite to it. The steady roar of the water giving a natural white noise that would make eavesdropping more difficult. It also made things just that much cooler as the young blond man remained settled on the edge of it as he awaited the designated time.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Anonymity comes in multiple forms. A public place. The stereotypical sunglasses and baseball cap. Even a certain walk can help one blend in to the surroundings and not be given a second glance.

For Jemma Simmons, anonymity comes in the form of her current wardrobe. Wearing a grey short-sleeved top with a black chain neckline and an extremely light jacket thrown over top, with a light black skirt and what looks to be a pair of rather comfortable shoes, Jemma looks just like your typical average college student. With a tablet ducked under her arm, even more so. She could very well be in between classes, at least in appearance. It is only when she speaks, however, is when the illusion might run a risk of being shattered. For, it is that sensible British accent and her general manner of speaking that betrays that Jemma may be more than what she appears.

"Well, Jessica, thank you for coming with me. Considering your past history, I am sure that Mr. Aaron would like to see a familiar face." Jemma shifts those brown eyes up, peering ahead as she gets her bearings on campus. "The rendezvous is Professor Richard's statue, yes? That is just up ahead. We should be there and only be a couple of minutes early." The tablet is pulled out as Jemma does a quick check upon the screen, before it is tucked away once more.

Jessica Drew has posed:
There had been just enough time for Jess to hit up her apartment on the fly and change out of office clothes. Even after dark, the City radiated heat, and the meet called for something that didn't scream Fed, so she opted for a pair of wide-legged linen pants and a roomy light jacket over a camisole and sandals.

"Of course!" Though Jess's accent has softened from living in the US for nearly eight years, she shares an accent with Jemma. "He knows me, though I can't claim that I know him very well. You probably have information I don't have about his previous work with us." The agent nod and gestures to the landmark, "The fountain next to it, fewer pigeons and a lot cooler."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The current operational element designated for contact is seated directly opposite Professor Richard's statue upon the fountain. The golden figure seems to be gesturing toward the leaping and dancing water of the fountain, but perhaps looking ever onward and beyond for the title of the sculpt is simply 'Visionary.'
    As for blending in that is a thing that is much simpler in some ways for Alexander as he sits on the cement wall around that fountain. He's tall, handsome though in a scruffy way. His body language matches the college student mentality as he's leaning back on his hands and seems partially at his ease. Then there's the clothes. Sneakers, blue jeans, and a black t-shirt that has an image of a cartoon cat with a guitar about to sing into a microphone and the caption reading, 'This song is called, There's No Food in My Bowl.'
    Upon catching sight of them he straightens. The smile that settles in place is an easily given one that seems entirely natural and fitting for a young man waving to two attractive women. He straightens up and then rises to his feet should they come close enough.
    "Ma'am, Ms. Drew."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Yes, quite right. The fountain. My mistake."

The rendezvous details, on that tablet of Jemma, confirm what Jessica is saying. And, as the two approach the fountain, it is apparent that their slight earliness still wasn't quite early enough. The individual with the cat meme t-shirt certainly matches the data that Jemma had studied prior to the trip to Empire State. The data that conveniently resides on the slightly more enhanced than standard SHIELD issue tablet that Jemma holds in her left hand.

And...the two are made. Or, rather, it is most likely Jessica that Alexander identifies...and the mysterious personwith her must be of some importance. Certainly to be called 'ma'am' like that. It is enough to bring a smile to Jemma's face. Not her practiced smile that is a prerequisite of all medical students to learn, but rather a true smile. Presenting a friendly face. And, in due turn, Jemms extends her right hand in greeting.

"Mr. Alexander Aaron?" A formality. Jemma surely knows who it is before her. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Senior Agent Jemma Simmons. And I do believe you are already familiar with my partner here." With that, Jemma indicates Jess, flashing her another one of those patented Simmons smiles.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Their last encounter has left Jess with an entirely different vision of the man they are about to meet. The agent knows appearances are deceptive and trades on looking like the girl next door. Perhaps the fit girl next door but not someone capable of climbing the side of a building with little effort and then swing by a web.

Jess studies Alexander's handsome face, appreciating the artless body language and scruffiness that directs the eye away from its beauty. Almost too beautiful, she decides and returns the wave with a lift of her hand and the barest smile.

" Mr. Aaron, good of you to meet us," she extends her hand to him after Jemma. Then, nods, sharing a half-smile with her.

"Yes, Mr. Aaron, Alexander," she tilts her head and widens her eyes in question to the man about using his first name, "and I worked together a little over a year ago."

She pauses, considering her following words. "We recently had... an interesting encounter near here with some toughs trying to steal the proceeds from a food festival. But I'll let him tell you about it."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Jemma's hand is accepted. There's a precision in the movement, business-like as he gives just enough of a squeeze to affirm that contact, then three shakes before he draws back and straightens. He's tall, but definitely not the tallest. He's an inch over six foot, and his frame is strong. A man that's taken some effort with himself as he holds Jemma's gaze, then is directed to Jessica.
    They're the same eyes that she'd seen before, though without the hints of gold nor the blaze she had seen the evening where the robbery suspects were taken down. Ethereal though, pale, hazel in color.
    "Agent Simmons," He affirms, then nods to Jess with a thin smile as he mirrors that initial handshake only for Jessica. Not as at ease with the new agent assuredly, but affecting something akin to professionalism.
    "Thank you for seeing me." He offers in reply. And then she offers voice as to what happened and that does cause him a brief hint of a frown. Perhaps not aimed at the agents, more inward.
    "Of course." As he's urged to speak of it. It's known in his folder his origin. The way his father had made peace somewhat with SHIELD as he wanted to simply live a mortal life. For that peace he and his had to agree to observation and interviews when needed. For it was too easy for Greek deities to take part in... shenanigans.
    Yet this had been shenanigans of a sort. "Agent Drew and I were witness to a robbery. Matters took a turn as civilians interfered. She asked me if there was anything I could do about it." Which has his brow furrowing slightly.
    He takes a step back and to the side, body language offering them to take a seat there at the fountain as he gestures with one hand offering where he had been seated to them. Then moving back to give room and seeking to take a seat slightly further on but where they all can look at each other while seated.
    "It triggered a circumstance that is rare." Which then he allows Jessica to relay her own point of view, even though chances are... she's already filed her report.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma remains pleasant, with that smile remaining on her features. Though, it is certainly less spontaneous. It is more like it is her default expression, cordial but professional. And, Jemma remains quiet, allowing Jess, then Alexander to speak before commenting on her own. She listens as Alexander describes the scene and that pleasant demeanor only falters slightly when the ominous 'trigger' event is spoken of. Those brown eyes shift from Alex to Jessica. Perhaps Jemma already knows general details. Perhaps not. However, she is certainly going to let Jess fill in the blanks, should she want to.

However, before Jess does so, Jemma speaks. "I imagine that it was an unexpected event." Not a question, but a statement. As for the gesture to sit, Jemma remains standing. Not that her short frame would be any sort of intimidating at all for the godling before her. But...that is how Jemma operates. She is usually on her feet and doesn't seem bothered by this.

Still, Jemma doesn't offer much. She is there to listen and observe. Two traits she does extremely well as one of her roles of research scientist.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Triggered was an apt word for the impression the incident had made on the agent. Jess considers herself inured to the violence SHIELD operations can encounter. A graduate of the Tender mercies of the Taskmaster, she had learned by necessity to stay in the moment and not carry the stress of combat into daily life. The encounter in the park was entirely outside of her experience.

Jess nods to Jemma, remaining silent for half a minute as she remembers the incident.

She assumes the dry air of someone testifying in court, expressionless and careful to choose her words. After a glance at Alexander, "Mr. Aaron's appearance changed and somehow frightened the perps in the truck. I felt it, too." The draft of fear directed at the perps she had caught was like the memory of terrible pain - distant but distinct.

"His face changed, and his eyes glowed as he said, 'What you have drawn forth comes not without a price, Jessica Drew. Someday you will pay it.' He had looked altogether different and yet the same - his hazel eyes glowing golden as he intoned the words.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    If no one else takes a seat then Alexander remains standing, hands settled on his hips as he looks between the two others. His brow is furrowed a touch, focus shifting between each of them as he listens to what they have to say. It's when Jemma asks if it was unexpected that he says, "For the most part."
    Which might need further explanation before he says, "Sometimes, when you're in my position you get a feeling for... how things might go." Which explains, while also not giving an explanation at all really.
    Then Jessica Drew spoke of what had passed and that caused him to lower his eyes, eyebrows beetling in the middle of his forehead as his expression darkens a touch. Embarrassing in some ways. To spend such a large amount of your time affecting one thing and rebelling against another. Then to have it simply ignore your efforts and be. Rudeness in the metaphysical realm.
    He looks up and says toward Jemma, "She offered prayer before me in essence, and it seemed to come together with the moment. Circumstances. The Fates had their way, and I spoke something like prophecy."
    Then he looks to the side, as if trying to find the answer somewhere toward the horizon before he looks back. "It didn't control me, I said it. But it felt like... the right thing to say in that moment."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"I see."

Two words. Just two words and yet, they have weight to them. Jemma leaves her tablet down to her side, but the fingertips tap upon the surface, as she thinks. "The son of Ares. And, sudden perception of fear. If I know my Greek mythology, which I certainly hope I do, that would mean that you are the latest incarnation of....Phobos. Correct? The Greek god of fear?" Yes, Jemma might have read up on Alexander's history, but mostly in relation to his father. The leap to the god aspect was on her own. "The statement Agent Drew gave, in what you said, it certainly does sound rather ominous. Something a god would say."

Does Jemma have experience with gods? She isn't stating one way or another. However, she does seem versed in her Greek pantheon. "It is very likely that the Fates may have had a hand in your speech. Perhaps they sent Polyhymnia to inspire you." Giving a single Muse by name? Yes, Jemma does seem to know her mythology. "Or, perhaps, there is another reason. Nevertheless, I can see why you are a person of interest."

A pause. Then...Jemma, even with her short stature in comparison to Alexander, seems to be less frightened, if she is frightened at all, and certainly more inquisitive. Her mind is working, of that it is certain. "I am familiar in passing with your past relationship with SHIELD. And, of your desire to return to a similar arraignment. Could it be more for our protection, or for yours?"

The question is asked with no malice. Merely the detachment of emotion, as Jemma seeks to determine the logical reasoning behind it. Is there danger there, with the living reincarnation of fear before her? Certainly. Is there a benefit to having that aspect on your side? Definitely.

However, is it worth the risk? That...is the unspoken question that Jemma is wrestling with.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess's eyes narrow, and her lips purse in disapproval at the words 'offered prayer.' Dryly she observes to Jemma, "In other words, be careful what you say around him. Or, it seems, the Fates kick up and have something to say about it." Her eyebrows lift, and her mouth flattens into a frown at the golden man.

"I didn't offer you a prayer," she asserts and folds her arms then adds what seems evident to her, "I should say he is a person of interest. Directed wisely, he would be something to reckon with in combat."

The frown deepens as she fixes her green eyes on him, "If it doesn't come with a price or if the objective is worth the price, whatever that price is. Do you know what it is, Alexander?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Those pale eyes follow along with Jemma's words, watching her lips at points then her eyes. She asks her question and he gives a nod, "Yes, ma'am."
    Phobos. The name of the young man before her as well as two other iterations that still haunt the depths of his thoughts at times, connected and bound. Then she declares what he said ominous and he only nods since he would not dispute such. He simply waits, watches, listens. Even though he can feel the tapestry of fear and anxiety around him, even the distant and low rumble of the very world as it relates to such age old emotions.
    "You and yours did right by me once, Ms. Simmons. I do feel a measure of an obligation." His gaze drifts toward Jessica, then back as he adds. "I do feel that..."
    One hand lifts to rub at the back of his neck, the small cartoon cat crinkling as the t-shirt shifts. "With someone of my family, it comes with... baggage. So much you need a luggage cart. S'why I'm reluctant to..." Another glance at Jess then he shakes his head and addresses Jemma with a more open ease than he had at first. "Expose people to my presence for too long. Something... always jumps up. Something crazy."
    He uncurls a hand toward Jessica, "As Agent Drew has seen. And no, I have no idea what kind of price." A day ago, and a year ago when she played bad cop so rudely in his interrogation.
    Then he adds a little lower as he murmurs, "Totally was a prayer."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Phobos. Even with the question confirmed, the answer given, Jemma herself doesn't really seem all that afraid. Cautious? Yes. Intrigued? Most definitely. Respectful is obvious as well. Here is a person that, if he is anything like any other gods Jemma knows (yes, she knows one or two!), could crush her in an instant. Yet, seeing how he is acting now, with actual remorse...or at least as much as one could expect from a demigod...Jemma sees that yes, the intent is genuine. The obligation is as real as anything for Alexander.

Besides, the god of fear wearing a cat meme across his chest? Jemma is supposed to be afraid of that?? Hardly.

"I understand the reluctance. It is a responsibility that you did not necessarily ask for. And there is that worry that you may do wrong. That is enough to tell me that you are being sincere. That is something I can work with." With a nod and a flash of a grin towards Jess, Jemma continues. "I am not the final say. However, I do have a bit of influence." Jemma is being too modest...but that is how she is. "Jessica and I can bring up the matter to SHIELD, to see what the higher ups say. However, when I provide my report, I have little doubt that they will not be open to the opportunity of working together."

That...and it does make it easier to monitor a person when they are working for you. But that is something that goes unsaid.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Bringing Jemma to the meet was instinctive, Jess appreciates how she has framed the man's history, placing him in the firmament of Olympus, even naming the likely Fate that spoke. Arms still crossed though less defensively, Jess almost smiles when she retorts, "Was not."

Let the agents in the upper grades of the organization decide whether the baggage he carries is too heavy for SHIELD to bear. She recognizes, as does Jemma, someone or something that is dangerous and his desire to use the power responsibly.

"I saw what it did to the people in the truck. It was like a sonic grenade filled with fear." They need to know.
Eyes drilling intoAlexander, "It wasn't fun for you, was it? That..." she gestures not finishing the sentence.

Now, she will ask herself in the dark of the night, how she had overlooked this aspect of the man - behind the insouciance which she thought was a guise to hide the desire to help. And in her blindness what else she hasn't seen? A faint tingle - spider sense - walks its fingers up her spine.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Jaw tightening a little, Alexander listens and nods. "I understand, ma'am." The words given calmly to Jemma as he takes a moment to scan the horizon oh so briefly, then he looks back as she explains what she intends to do and how she views matters. He murmurs, "That is kind of you, thank you."
    Then his attention shifts in turn to Jessica as she asks her question and for a time he considers letting it pass. But instead he says calmly, "It wasn't fun. But I have an affinity for fear." Which might be an understatement.
    Then it's back to scientist and he offers a hand again. "I look forward to hearing from you."
    And with that they go through those required movements for two parties to part company. Alexander is the first to leave, that small tactical concession given as it grants the other party a chance to observe, gauge, and follow if needs be. After a little bit of time he's past the wrought iron gates of the college. Then gone.