12099/Caps Caps Caps

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Caps Caps Caps
Date of Scene: 21 July 2022
Location: Chelsea - Miagani Island
Synopsis: The BIG DILL Picklefest wouldn't be the same without some interesting vendors. Harley Quinn trades an English Cucumber Pickle in a Genie Bottle for three hats. Lou gets a treat. Everyone walks away with the same amount of fingers they started off with!
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Harley Quinn

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    There's a festival going on at Burnley Harbor celebrating one of the most noble of food items, the result of centuries upon centuries of refinement, experimentation, selective breeding of its origin materials -- and vinegar.

    Yes friends, it's the Big Dill Festival, what started as a college joke on the University campus has outgrown its summer refuge within the hallowed halls of the Huxley Dorm (which was populated for summer time students (geeks)) and now occupies a fair amount of Little Bohemia.

    There are pickles everywhere. Blown glass pickle ornaments. Pickles on a stick. Deep fried and battered pickles (both on and sans sicks). Pickled jalapenos. Pickled onions. Pickled herring. Pickled Eggs. Pickles of all manner and sizes from little super-sweet Gherkins to --

    "Why in the heck would someone pickle an entire English cucumber in a Genie Bottle?" someone asks, turning the bottle of a single, very large and long English seedless cucumber pickled in an antique whiskey bottle that has been bedazzled to look like the I Dream of Jeanie bottle. His hazel eyes scrunch up a little bit as he peers through the pink glass at the unfortunately contained definitely-not-an-official-berry within.

    Beside him, Phoebe Beacon (once suspected of dating Tim Drake, but now it's knowledge she reps the Wayne Family as a Spare Heir for those who care at Galas) tilts her head a moment as she eyeballs the BRIGHT PINK bottle.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The Big Dill Festival! It's been a few years since Harley was present! And last time ..., uh..., it was with Mistah J. So the memories aren't fantastic! But nothing like making new ones.

If only people stopped looking sideways at her.

It might not just be because of what she did all those years back. But maybe also because in a pickle festival she chose to come here to sell..., caps?

"CAPS FOR SALE! Support your favorite baseball club today! The Gotham Sirens!" Is there even a Gotham Sirens baseball club? And what's that symbol? Looks very similar to the sillouette of an infamous group of the past where Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn joined up in the unofficial Gotham Sirens. At least they look good quality! And come in a myriad of colors.

Chance makes it that Harley's stall is right next to one with the pink bottle and she eyeballs the bottle as well, "HEY, HEY YOU THEAH!" Is she talking to someone by the other stall? Well, yes. "YES, YOU...! The one with braided black hair!" is she talking to Phoebe? "Come heah!" she gesturing insistently for Phoebe to go over.

"And bring the bottle." a big, wide grin on her expression.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe might have been one of the ones who was side-eyeballing Harley, but when the chance comes to examine the ballcaps? Well, what better chance to take a look at the wares of a Siren, right?

    Phoebe looks to her friend, and motions on over to the capstall. Her friend pays for the bottle, and does indeed bring it over with the two of them, the bottle set in a loooong brown paper bag.

    Phoebe gives a bright smile to Harley, and signs a brief introduction.

    "This is Phoebe --" her friend introduces her, "I'm JayJay. She's not talking much at the moment." he explains, the tall, lanky geeky guy holding onto the bottle.

    "I didn't know we had a girl's baseball team -- wouldn't that be softball?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Howdy, Double Jay." Baby blue eyes looking at the young man as Harley leans forward on the stall ... Aaaaallll the way over until she snatches the bottle. "And thank youuuuuu... I have a friend that is just gonna loooove it. I mean, who the heck gets a picked cucumber inside a Genie bottle, amirite? I am telling ya, centerpiece..., right in April's coffee table.." she seems to be already devising an whole plan for it, gesturing about. "Now I just need ta make suwah the hyenas don't eat them. They have exquisite tastes.." a beat and she eyes the two of them. "Any suggestions...?"

Not that she gives them much time to answer because a moment later she is talking again, "Anyway! You guys got your choice of caps!" She tells them, "A nice bright blue one for you Double Jay?" then she eyebrow waggling at Phoebe, "A dark, gloomy for you, Phoebe? Sort of like Light side and Dark side of the Force?" she rubs at her chin.

Those last words from JayJay have her grin wickedly. "Oh, theah's nothin' soft about the ladies in the Gotham Sirens.." her smile turns dangerous even.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... strong smelling lemon spray around the bottom of it? I would imagine that it works for my cat, any time I don't want her on the table I clean it with extra strength Pledge. But I don't know how Heyenas do with a... uh... oh... *oh*..." JayJay looks at Harley, and then at Phoebe, who shrugs. Better to just give it over than risk altercation. That's #GothamBaby.

    Phoebe signs to JayJay as she looks over the hat selection -- but at the Dark Side of the Force reference she just... she looks at Harley and tries *SO HARD* not to give a smile, but loses the battle.

    "I wouldn't imagine so--" JayJay laughs awkwardly, "All the women in Gotham are Pretty Tough. All the women I know anyway." he replies friendly as you like, "Phoebe asks if you have one that lights up for a lightning-strobe effect, so she can do 'stormy' right."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley wrinkles her nose at the lemon suggestion, "I dunno.., it's real hard to find somethin' they don't like. I mean, was hard enough gettin' them to stop eating peop--" But then Harley stops, winking at Phoebe, "Oh, a Star Wars fan, are ya?" she lifts a fingertip, "I have been lookin foh yoh, young padawan..."

And then Harley goes over to her van, starting to dig in. She snorts as JayJay asks if she has one with a lightning effect. Some hats are tossed out, then some complainin' from the clownette. It's followed with a, "No, not now, Bud!" a pause, "Mittens off the bottle!"

"Taddaaaa..." She comes out with a pair of caps, lights around the sides of it which seem to glow intermitently. A blue and a dark red one. "I think these are perfect foh the two of you!" then a pause, "Wait, how did ya know what PHoebe wanted?"

She peeks at Phoebe, then at JayJay.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe signs, and gives an amused snort at the young padawan bit, and she goes to help pick up the hats that are being flung from the back of the van. Partially to put herself between Bud, Lou, Harley and JayJay.

    JayJay gives a laugh.

    "Ah, bunch of us learned sign language for an outreach program at school. Came in handy when Phoebe got in a car accident and her throat got hurt." JayJay explains. Phoebe signs again, but this doesn't appear to be part of the same conversation as JayJay watches her, and then looks back to Harley.

    "Also I've known her since she was in second grade and I know what a huge dork she is. About the only bigger nerd I know is her brother." JayJay explains with a smile, and the two hand over the hats that were tossed out.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Moving closer to the back of the van there's indeed an hyena sighting, one head peeking out from under a pile of hats. And there's a LOT of them. Where the heck did Harley get all those? "Oh, thank you! You are such a nice young lady!" she beaming a smile at Phoebe and throwing the hats back inside the van. One of them is spittooned out and hits the clownette on the back of her head. A cackling laughter is then heard from inside...

"Ooooh, I am gonna getcha both soon..." she promises her hyenas with a frown before turning back to Phoebe. "But anyway, heah they are!" she offers the two hats to Phoebe. They may have some .., hyena fur in places...

"And oh man, throat got hit? Not permanent, is it?" She asks the young woman, hands on her lips, "I dunno what I'd do if I couldn't talk, I mean, who would keep the voices in check, right? And I mean, I would just be a mime and ..." she leans in to whisper, "Everyone just hates mimes.." truth of life.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Everybody hates mimes.

    Phoebe leaaans over, looking at the heyena head, and then just sort of eases back, getting an expression that definitely reads 'yes that was bud or lou and they are real', and she takes a deep breath, and looks up to Harley with a small smile, and she pulls the choker-style collar she'd been wearing down to show off some of the gauze and dressing on her throat, and then she signs to JayJay.

    JayJay looks back at her and replies "I'm *not* making a pun on your behalf, Phoebe." he wryly replies as Phoebe brushes the fur off, and tries hers on.

    "She said that you'd be worthwhile, since a mime is a terrible thing to waste." JayJay replies, "And asked if you have one in baby pink for a girl she likes."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hol' up, now I want to know what the pun was!" Harley stomps her foot on the ground and makes a face at JayJay. Shame on him for not sharing puns! But it's not like she stays upset for long, nimbly jumping into the van. "Ooooh, a special girl.." another wink. "Welll ..., let me see..." she starts digging... And digging.., in fact even disappearing under the hats. Her muffled voice is heard from within. "... I think I may have ordered too many ..."

Do you think so, Harley?

It's enough time that one of the hyenas steps out. Bud or Lou? Who knows? It has a grinning face and looks at JayJay, then at Phoebe, approaching at a leisure step with it's tongue lolling to the side. So cute! But also so dangerous...

"I need somethin' about the gal to get the right color!" Again the muffled voice under the hats, "IS she a dork too? Star Wars? Don't tell me she's a trekkie or no hat for her!" dig dig dig.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks to the hyena, and she purses her lips a moment, looking at the tongue lolling to the side. She has her eye on the creature, and she breathes outShe might not be in the suit, but it's not like Red Robin hadn't talked about what to do when you run into one of the most dangerous things in Gotham. Unfortunately it was typically 'run'.

    She signs to JayJay.

    "Uh -- dancer? Athletics, not a big sci-fi fan, more into -- not so fast Phoebe -- fighting things than books or TV. Likes dogs." Pause "... that is not a dog."

    Phoebe pauses her signing a moment, and she draws down a little bit, reaching into her pack and pulling out a meaty dog treat curtesy of Bart Allen, and careful to hold it at length she offers the treat to the pack hunter, to keep its attention on her.

Harley Quinn has posed:

The hyena continues it's leisure approach though it's ears perk at the meaty dog treat. It looks over the shoulder as if checking whether Harley is seeing or not and then after a sniff snatches the treat off Phoebe's fingers. No biting either!

"Fightin', uh -- uh uh.." Again Harley's voice, "Ok, I think I found it..." there's some Harley wiggling under and then she comes out. A stare at the hyena. "LOU! You sneaky git... And you know you shouldn't be sleazin' food off people...!" a stare, "Shame on you.." the hyena looks up, grins at Harley, then continues to eat the treat, chewing proudly..

"Bah, they awhe like kids!" Harley jumps out of the van. And in her hands is a hat, dark pink, with black streaks on the side. "This one..." She holds it up, the Gotham Sirens logo fully visible on the front, "Made foh a runner. I think she's gonna love it!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a smile to Lou as he very nicely takes the treat. Yes. Chew on all-meat no-flour dehydrated protein treats, not people's fingers. Good gigglepuppy.

    Phoebe looks at the hat, and she gives a nod, and holds her hands up with two pushes of her palms towards the sky.

    "She says you're wonderful. And I'm a little freaked out by how casually you *fed an African pack hunter a dog treat*--" JayJay looks Very Concerned. "... but I'm just going to assume New York did weird things to her."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, they are sweetiepoohs!" Harley assures JayJay. "Theah man-eatin' days are ovah. Really." she looks at Lou who looks back. "I dunno, been at least a year, right?" she then shrugs, "I am not suwah, sometimes people just need a bite ta get in line. Or a finger off.." she says it so casually too.

"I mean, how do you think Lewie two-fingers got his nickname, eh?" An old Gotham gangster who is still out there in the city. Sans a few fingers now...

"But anyway, time ta pack up and go home. I can't wait to put that pickles bottle in the room and surprise April.." a grin on her face. "Oh yea, gonna be great. It was great meetin' ya both, Double Jay and Phoebe! Hope you like yoh hats, and that your friend will too. And remembah, root foh the Gotham Sirens!" she lets out a sharp whistle which makes Lou jump into the van rather obediently.

"I think next time I will get some hats foh mah roller derby team... Yea, that's the plan..." But maybe in 2030 because with how many hats she has in that van it's gonna take a while selling them!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    JayJay gives a wave. "Goodbye Lou. Goodbye miss. We'll definitely root for the Sirens!" Jayjay states good naturedly, and with their hats and sans the bottle of an expensive pickle, JayJay and Phoebe just sort of stand there a moment, then turn to walk on to the next booth in the festival.

    "... that was Harley Quinn."

    Phoebe nods.

    "... we didn't pay her for the hats."

    Phoebe nods again.

    "You seem *really* comfortable with this whole thing, Phoebe!"

    'New York does Weird Things.' Phoebe signs back as an explaination... aaand just keeps on walkin'.