12247/Rooftop Green

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Rooftop Green
Date of Scene: 01 August 2022
Location: Roof - Renovated Theatre - The Roost
Synopsis: Conner Kent comes up for some of that rare Gotham sunlight and finds Phoebe Beacon gardening on the roof. They discuss what they got X23 (Laura Kinney) for her birthday, and Conner reminds Phoebe she's more than 'the thought that counts'.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Conner Kent

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There has been a garden -- or at least a couple of planter boxes -- on the roof of the renovated theater for almost as long as Phoebe Beacon has retained a room in the renovated theatre that housed the Outsiders base of operations. Today she was pruning back some climbing flowers that -- with a bit of a humid heat wave -- have gotten a little bit out of hand! The bright red flowers have a tendency to attract insects and humming birds as well, and she's being mindful of their place as well.

    Her phone, cracked screen and all, is tinnily playing out music as she works, a bandana around her shorn-close head to catch sweat, wearing a tank top that shows the burned-in marks on her left arm, and no choker today -- just the gauze that she has wrapped around her throat.

    She's quiet as she works, her head bouncing up and down to the beat of the music.

Conner Kent has posed:
Meanwhile Conner enjoys the sun too much. There is such thing? Not for half-Kryptonians. So, instead of raiding the kitchen, he went upstairs and into the roof. There might be a mostly invisible Martian spaceship somewhere around, too. And... a garden.

"Hi, Phoebe, how is your throat?" Greets the dark-haired young man. "If it is healing too slowly maybe we should find a way to give you a magical boost." Which is probably a thing, right? Hey, didn't the Titans have a magical healer? Pretty sure he heard Bart talking about it a while ago.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Invisible Martian Spaceship is always watching! WAITING...

    Phoebe leans back on her thighs as she looks up to Conner, and she greets him with a smile, giving a wave of greeting, and then she frowns a moment. She rubs the back of her neck, and then she shakes her head, taps her throat a moment and makes a couple of signs -- before she reaches for her phone and scribbles in to a 'draw' program:

    <Not going to heal for a long time. Cursed. Zatanna is helping me research it.> and then she turns around and shows the message to Conner. She's not about to try the magic mind thing -- it gives them both headaches, and she's still recovering from some last night!

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner peers at the phone and mutters something uncomplimentary about magic. "Sorry to hear. At least it is not your powers not working. If there is anything I can do to help... I can't lift curses, but I can lift most everything else." He offers the girl a pained smile. "Maybe Megs can help. She has this glowing dagger than breaks magic."

And it might be a bad idea to let Pixie stab Phoebe in the neck. But Conner is not the idea guy in this team.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives the wet cat expression, and then scribbles:

    <ABSOLUTELY NOT> with a big red cross-out sign on it at the idea of Pixie coming near her with that knife. Subtle as a brick to the face, that one.

    Phoebe doesn't trust too many people with her body. Force of habbit after the whole Montana thing.

    She gives a huff out, and scribbles down again:

    <Powers are weakened, but mostly can't vocal-cast. Hurts like heck if I even try. Feels like swallowing glass.> she scribbles. It takes a while, and then she erases it:

<Tell me what's going on with you?>

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner raises his hands, palms out, "okay, okay... can't blame you for not wanting glowing knives near your throat," he admits. What is going on with him? "Ah, not much. College mostly, some crime-fighting in New York. Man, they have the dumbest super-villains. But at least they are not bloodthirsty maniacs like in Gotham. Oh, and I have yet to give Laura her birthday present, not sure she deserves it after the train party of murder."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a small smile, and she sits back, leaning against one of the planter boxes as she wipes the back of her gardening glove over her forehead, and gives a little bit of a huff.

    <What did you get her?> she questions on text. <I got her a new tactical vest that's knife-repellant.>

Conner Kent has posed:
"Like she needs more stuff to fight," points out Conner with a lopsided smile, "no, it is just chocolate and some spice jars I found in India. She can probably not weaponize those. At least not easily."

But they are strong spices. Laura probably can cook up some really nasty 'pepper spray' things. Conner kinda hopes her taste for strong spices overrides her more destructive tendencies.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <She does not, but it is the thought that counts. Like being the healer on the team of nigh-indestructables and one very stubborn genius.>

    Phoebe gives her own sidelong smile, and she tilts her head back, taking in the sun. It might not matter as much for her powers, but it was always nice to get what little sunlight Gotham's fairly unique weather microcosm allows. She brushes her fingers against the front of her neck, and gives a wince, nose wrinkling slightly.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You got the Kryptonite out when Deathstroke stabbed me, so no complains," point out Conner. He still gets phantom pains some nights, but he is pretty sure it is just psychological. He is always fine under sunlight.

"And not everyone can make anything green grow in a Gotham rooftop," that there are parks in Gotham with the smog and terrible weather is miraculous too.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a pause at that, and she opens her mouth, her lips parting a moment as she turns to look up at Conner. She lets her shoulders relax, and she bows her head a little bit, and then mouths a silent 'thank you' to Conner, and then she brings one hand up and offers a fist bump to the Super Boy.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner grins and fist-bumps Phoebe. Carefully. "Hey, it is the truth. Get better soon, because that bastard is out there. And if Rose is back for real, he will sooner or later be his usual jerk of a father thing."

Not that Conner has not been hoping for a little payback, himself. But it is always awkward to punch the dad of one of his oldest friends... or whatever Rose means to him. Don't ask him. It gets confusing.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod, and a breezy salute to Conner, and then motions back to her gardening, and gives Conner a thumbs up and a brighter smile. Spirits were lifted.