12422/Vetting the Veteran

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Vetting the Veteran
Date of Scene: 13 August 2022
Location: Oblivion Bar
Synopsis: Off to the Velvet Room they go!
Cast of Characters: Detective Chimp, Rien D'Arqueness

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp is at the Oblivion Bar, will wonders never cease. It aint like when he walks into the place that the crowd calls out "Chimp" but if it was a friendlier place they might. He is at his normal seat near the end of the bar. A beer sitting in front of him, that he has been drinking from. Ash tray and bar mix both nearby as well. He has a notebook out and is making an occasional note in it.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien enters the bar with a smile to the doorman and small wave to a few of the patrons here and there. She's been around for awhile and has managed to run into a lot of interesting sorts over the years. Tonight's meeting might just inch up into the top five, however. She scans the bar as she walks, angling towards it when she spots the chimp at the end.

There's a brief smile as she slides onto the stool next to his and shakes her head at the bartender, sending them back to handle the other customers. While she reaches for her own cigarettes (something homerolled that smells more of various herbs with a core of very nice tobacco), a bottle of Widow Jane 10 year bourbon and a glass appears on the bar in front of her. Lighting up, she draws on the fragrant cigratte and murmurs, "Detective Chimp, I presume?"

The woman is about 5'3", with light blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a face that would look delicate if it weren't for the stubborn set of her jaw and the aged look in her eyes. She speaks in a husky contralto tinged with a French accent, and wears clothes that look completely normal but fairly bristle with magic energy.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp turns to look over the woman a moment, and he will put his pencil down for a moment, and around the cheap cigar he is smoking "Nothing gets past you." He says a bit snarky perhaps, but he did put the pencil down so you have some of his attention it seems. He grabs a handful of chex mix tossing it in his mouth waiting for you to continue.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Mmhmm," Rien glances towards him, "if you don't want that to change to Detective Bunny Foo-Foo, I might suggest tempering a little more. I don't take snark from the British angel, I'm not taking it from the talking primate." She draws on her cigarette and pours out a measure of the bourbon, calling the glass to her free hand as she shifts to look at him. "I'm Rien. I understand that you have an interest in the JLD." She watches him as she takes a sip from her bourbon, those eyes never wavering over the rim of the glass.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp takes a sip of his beer to wash the snacks down. He smirks a bit back at her, and says "British Angel? The main snarky Brit I know is not an angel thats for damn sure." He will take the cigar out of his mouth and says "I have been looking into them a bit, thought they had some potential."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Yeah, well, you won't find /that/ jackass anywhere near the JLD. We have a very nice mutual scorning going on with him. And I wouldn't take it from him, either." Rien chuckles low in her throat and sips from the bourbon again. She glances sidelong at him and gives a lift of a brow, "Potential? What do you know of the current roster?" There's clear curiosity there, and perhaps a touch of caution as well.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to the woman and says "Side group of the Justice League few connecting members. They helped out quite a bit during the angelic invasion a bit back. Jonathan Sims the current Archive, seems an ok fellow." He will name a few of the other more public members but does not go into details on the ones who seem to be trying to keep a lower profile. While it maybe mostly what someone with just a public interest could know, the fact calling Jon the Archive is a bit more, and it is spoken more like he does know more but aint saying it.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"They didn't 'help out' with the angelic invasion. They ended it. There are three current leaders, Jon Simms, but he's the Archivist, the Archive is something else. Then Chas Chandler, a former compatriot of John Constantine. And myself. Rien D'Arqueness, or Reine du Rien." She lets out a small laugh and gives a nod, "Alright. So. Why are you interested in us? Or rather, what do you hope to get out of the JLD? I ask because we tend not to be the street-level crowd. We handle the mystical and magical on a world-ending scale. It intimidates some people. But. All we really ask if that you have a desire to fight against the evils of mystical and magical nature."

Rien turns slightly, looking at him with a faint smile, "You aren't unknown to me, by the way. I worked with the BPRD for awhile myself in the 60s through the 80s. It wasn't full time or anything, I mostly came in to help out with anything demon-related. I've branched out since then."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "I did a stint with them and with Wand both." He admits to working with a bit of government agencies. He looks over and says "More interested in what you might be up to. I aint normally the joining type, but figured it is best to know all the players in the game, that way if one needs to help another, it is much easier to make sure those who need one another's help can find it.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"I still consult for WAND on occasion, but I've largely kept my attention focused on the JLD, for obvious reasons." Rien offers a faint smile. She looks towards him, lips pursing up, "Hmmm... well, currently we're dealing with a potential existence-ending threat from the Old Ones by way of 15 Fears that are plaguing us. It's been... interesting."

Letting out a breath, Rien gives a nod and knocks back what's left of her bourbon. "How about this. I can show you our headquarters, we can poke around a bit, you might get to meet some of the other members. We can have you in as an 'ally' if you aren't comfortable being a full member. So you can join us on investigatory missions that interest you, but you aren't required to join in the combat missions if you aren't comfortable."

Stubbing out her cigarette, she waves away the bourbon, the glass, and the cigarettes and looks to Detective Chimp with a lifted brow, "Sound good?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmms and nods his head a bit to this and sounds like a workable plan, to get the best out of things and use of time." He looks to her, and says "This headquarters, where is it, and do I need to bring my own booze?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Its on the Astral Plane, and no, you don't need to bring your own booze," Rien seems amused, that seems to be a popular question. Motioning for him to follow her, she heads towards a door that has a keyhole. DOesn't matter which door, just a door with a keyhole. PUlling a faintly glowing key from her pocket, she inserts it and twists, then opens the door... and motions him through.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will look to her, and nod a bit he downs the rest of his beer, and grabs his coat to put it on, closing the notebook and putting it in one of his pockets. He looks to the bartender and says "Will see ya tomorrow Fred." He climbs down and does not seem surprised at the key, but follows along after the lady for now.