12410/=Why I Don't Like Stopping in Gotham

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=Why I Don't Like Stopping in Gotham
Date of Scene: 12 August 2022
Location: Batburger
Synopsis: Cinque got some BatBurgers, Violet Paige save some Batburger employees and Cinuqe from some Gotham thieves.
Cast of Characters: Cinque Evers, Violet Paige

Cinque Evers has posed:
When Lisa, the BatBurger Superman costumed manager goes to shut the door at the end of the day, she is surprised that the door is prevented from shutting by Cinque's foot. Cinque winces playfully, "You are not supposed to close for another twenty minutes. I just want five Batburgers. I promised a friend that I would bring them back to...
Lisa rolls her eyes as she cuts him off. "Just come in! We were going to close over tonight. We have a lot of inventory to go through. Anyways, Welcome to Batburger!"

As Cinque waits for his burgers, rocking back and forth on his heels. He can easily sense the disdain from the staff that has to cook these last minutes Batburgers. A nervous smile appears on his face as he thinks he should have kept on driving on the freeway instead of visiting Gotham, but he did promise Dechaun he would grab him some Batburgers if he was ever out this way.

When Cinque approaches the counter to receive his order, the door to the restaurant opens up again. The terrified look that quickly appears on flash costumed employee named Jason signals Cinque that something is wrong. Cinque spins around to see four armed men in body armor locking the door. Two of the men have semi-automatic rifles, one has a machete, and another has what appears to be just a bat with several nails sticking out it. The one with the bat, "I am the true bat man, and all the stores money is mine!"
Cinque mumbles under his breathe, "I hate this feckin city!"

Violet Paige has posed:
Mother Panic is not really the city patrolling sort of vigilante. She's a woman with a mission. A mission that involves violence against those who wronged her.

But although there are many sayings about revenge, such as how it's best served, those all tends to revolve around being able to find the person you wish to take revenge on. And tonight at least Violet has had no luck in her search.

Which is why her skybike is cruising above Bat Burger.

From high above the white costumed vigilante looks down and scowls. "Ah fuck. What kind of an asshole robs a fast food place with /rifles/?" It might not be her typical sort of crime to involve herself in.

But sometimes a girl needs a little stress relief. And it looks like those four have volunteered.

Silently she drops off the bike, billowing white cape extended behind her, but instead of landing silently like one of Gothams true protectors she lands on the roof of the robbers car. Landing fist down to absorb the impact it pancakes the roof and explodes the windows out in a shower of broken glass. Alarms screeching from the damage.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Lisa rolls hers eyes again aas she scowls at Cinque, "I hope your Batburgers are worth us all getting killed!" Lisa raises her hands in the air along with the other staff. Her voice a mixture of defeat and anger, "This is the only register that hasn't been deposited into the safe, and I don't have the code to open the safe. The owner does, and he doesn't get here until morning.

Rubber Bat man swipes the bat in attempt to be menancing, but comes out for more comedic in the air, "Oooh, that means we are going to have a long night. Hand over your cell phones! Before he can give more commands, the sound of Mother Panic landing on the roof of car cuasing the car alarm to go off.

The guy withe the machete rushes to the window and shouts, "Sh*t!, my car is destroyed. How are we supposed to get out here now?

The Rubber Batman growls, "Calm down and stick to the pan. The Machete man growls back, "There is no plan, because the car's is feck up, so the plan is f&ck up! Machete man crosses his arm in front of his chest and mumbles about using that car being his aunt's car. "She is going to kill me!"

Rubber Batman points his bat to the staff, "Everyone on the floor in front of the counter." , then he points it to the thieves with the semis, "Close all the curtains, then point your weapons at the door. The Rubber Man says, "Get the cellphones and see if this losers have a car we can steal."

Cinque quickly offers up, "I only have a motorcycle...Lisa quips back at Cinque, "You are so worthless."

Violet Paige has posed:
"I'm giving you to the count of five to throw down your weapons and surrender," Mother Panic calls out. Pink LEDs in her helmets faceplate lighting up in a scowly face pattern. "And think /real/ carefully before you say no. Because if I have to come in there it will not be fucking pretty."

She gives them a five count. Then mutters a sigh within her mask that isn't transmitted over the speakers. No-one ever picks the easy way.

There's the sound of metal tearing as her overly sized spiked metal gauntlets tear into the car. And then a moment later one of the car doors comes crashing through the Batburger door. Followed closely by Mother Panic, keeping low and holding up the other car door as a shield, charging right in the way they'd expect.

Cinque Evers has posed:
The thieves are scrambling and looks at the Rubber Bat man for answers during the five second countdown.

As time slows down for Cinque, he witnesses the doors approaching the glass, the window beginning to shatter as the doors hit it. Cinque jumps to cover the staff from any flying glass. The doors crashed through the window as Cinque lands in front of the staff, a coouple of glass shards stinging him. Lisa snorts, "You know the Batburgers don't turn you into Batman. Why don't you sit still. It looks we are about to be rescue." Cinguq sighs to himself, "I hate this city."

After the doors smashes throughto the window, the Rubber Batman voices raises a few octaves as he squeaks, "We have hostages! He coughs and tries to speak in a deeper voice, "We kill them if you step in here!"

Machete man throws down his machete, "Uhmm, what do you mean we? I am surrendering! Machete man goes to sit next to the hostages. "I told you we should have hit up , The Paradise Limelight Karaoke. People don't rescue people who sing Karaoke."

The Rubber BatMan kicks the Machete Man in the face, blooding the man's lips. "Fine, you sealed your fate!" He points his bat to the others, "Keep your guns on the hostages!"

Violet Paige has posed:
"You kill one of the hostages," Mother Panic retorts as she bull rushes her way inside. "And I'll tear your arm off and beat you to death with it." While it's a well known fact that Batman and his associates never kill anyone. There are always rumours about rogue heroes operating in Gotham who don't live up to his ethical standards...

Still she doesn't actually want anyone to die. So the door she's holding as a shield is flung like a massively oversized throwing star at one of the robbers guns. Her cybernetics allowing her to hurl it like it was made of paper.

While twin streams of some kind of enhanced acid spray from her helmet onto the barrel of the other robbers weapon. Melting the gun into a useless piece of slag.

It also leaves a bubbling trail along the floor of the restaurant which'll no doubt mean the floor needs replacing along with the doors. And whatever damage the second thrown car door does to the establishment.

Cinque Evers has posed:
The thieves holding the guns immediately surrender once their weapons are destroyed in such a terrifying fashion. The thieve that gun turns to slag shouts as he throws up his hands, "Dude, Johnny is right. We should have hit the Karoake place."

The Rubber Batman peers at his bat and whimpers, "But, but I am man with the bat." the RubberBat throws his bat on the floor like a spoiled child that is told he has to stop playing outside because it is a school night. "You are lucky I don't feel like fighting you. Yeah..."

The level of indigination rises in Lisa as she see the damage to the restuarant, causing her ot glare at Cinque, "So we are going to be out work while this place gets fixed up, but I am sure your burgers are still okay!"

Jason, the flash costumed employee from early practically sings, "Thank you for saving us!"

Violet Paige has posed:
Violet Paige gives the Rubber Batman a blank stare. Her helmet revealing nothing about the wearers emotions or thoughts. And then she kicks him in the junk. "You're actually right shit for brains. Washing your blood out would be a lot of work."

She heads over to the non-melted gun then, lacking any handcuffs, bends the barrel around the 'leaders' wrists. That'll hold him. And probably be a nightmare for the GCPD to remove.

Jason gets a shrug. "Yeah sure. Saving you. Whatever." While Lisa gets a blank look. "Think of it as a vacation. It's not like anyone sane would want to work here.." Then again they're in Gotham so..

One of the advantages of making such a 'dramatic' entrance is that the GCPD will probably be turning up soon enough (it's not like this crew even had the brains to bribe anyone to slow the response time). For Gothams definition of soon at least. So she won't have to make small talk for long before the sirens signal a better class of help is here.