12455/Not Monkeybusiness

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Not Monkeybusiness
Date of Scene: 16 August 2022
Location: The Curio
Synopsis: Detective Chimp comes upon The Curio, and while investigating its menu makes an aquaintence of one of the regulars -- Idu, the canine companion of Phoebe Beacon.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Detective Chimp, Delores Klein

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    It's definitely early in the day for Gothamites to be out drinking. The Curio isn't busy, a smattering of people here and there eating the soup of the day (beer) or having one of the signature drinks of the location. It's become a fashionable place for budding occultists and those interested in the Supernatural to hang out in the evenings, though there's someone talking about the magic tattoo artist that sometimes hops into the Curio. They're hoping to get a tattoo from them.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp has been doing a lot of research lately and even a magic library can get a bit walls closing in on you. So Chimp was looking for a place to grab a drink near home/work. He had heard a bit about the curio and figures today is the day to check it out. So into the place walks a chimp wearing a deerstalker hat. He looks about before heading towards the bar.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    If Chimp's looking for a place to grab a drink, the Curio is it. The bartender with the bright red hair doesn't even seem phased when the detective comes up to the bar.

    "Afternoon, friend." he gives a grin, "First drink's on the owner, after that we open a tab. What can we get you today?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to the man and says "Well if thats the case one of of your better scotches for the first drink and a beer to follow it up." He is a bit surprised no big reaction but it does come up a bit less with the magical crowd. He makes sure he has a seat where he can see most of the bar, and says "And if ya have it double bacon cheese burger, and a side of onion rings." He pulls out a half smoked cigar and puts it to his lips, to lite it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Two fingers of scotch are poured into a short tumbler, and set in front of Chimp as the meal order goes to the tiny kitchen in the back.

    "Nice hat." the bartender states, "What name should we put on the tab for the beer and the burger?" he inquires, and slides Chimp the beer list.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over the man a brow raises a bit and says "Get a lot of chimpanzees in here?" He will ask the man "You can put it under DC or Detective Chimp." He tells the man, is it DC's real name, no not even his real "humanish" name, but it will do and in magical communities the less folks who know your name the better.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Nope, but considering the clientelle, can't be too careful." the bartender gives a slike, all teeth, all far too white to be natural, and he happily enters the name in the system.

    Meanwhile, a teenager in a black hoodie slips into a seat near Chimp, and next to her a dog in bright red and white, wearing an incredibly bright yellow bandana that says "PET ME PLEASE" settles onto the stool next to her. She signs her order, and a black coffee is poured and handed over.

    The dog doesn't get to order, but he does sniff the air a couple of times, ears perking up as he turns to look at Detective Chimp.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over towards the girl and her dog. He hmms a bit at the young lady, but at the dog, looking to him, he will say "Hello, how are you?" Yup it may look like he is talking to Phoebe to some but he is addressing the dog. He sips his scotch and seems a bit friendlier towards animals perhaps.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Doing great actually. There was a boar hunt last weekend at the big house but I couldn't participate because I haven't handled boar yet but the SnackMan gives the good snacks and my best friend hasn't been around but maybe we'll see them today and -- HOLY ANNALS OF AMUNET -- a talking monkey!> Idu had been happily describing the ongoings around him, sitting like a good boy, mouth slightly open, but the minute he realizes that Chimp was *actually talking* to him his ears prick up and his blue eyes level very precisely on the chimp, and he begins sniffing the air. <Are you magical you don't smell magical and you don't smell like bananas either it was always mu understanding that moneys really liked bananas but that might be racist or speciist I don' tknow that part isn't part of my training but you don't smell strictly magic but I can smell burgers cooking in the back even though My Lady doesn't like meat she still gives me meat I know some dogs don't get meat when their owners eat bunny food but she's not my owner she's My Lady and hello what's your name my name is Idu Whosagoodboy.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smirks a bit at the dog and says "Detective Chimp, and technically I am an ape not a monkey, monkeys have tails." He points towards his rear "No tail, so an ape." He explains and holds his hand up "Magical no, but effected by it." He offers to Idu "It is good seems she treats you well, my best friend is a dog, but aint had a chance to see him in a while." He admits. He looks up to see if the girl is giving him an odd look,

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl is just watching with an amused expression on her face. She looks tired, and just gives a little wave to Detective Chimp.

    <I have a tail! It used to be little but now it's big and it kinda curls over my back when I get excited and there is nothing that excites me more than hunting down EVIL! Everyone in my family did it and now I do it and I'm so happy to do it and even if you're not magical that's fine my best friend isn't magical *or* smart but my other best friend is not magical and VERY smart and then there is my best friend who is very very fast but knows the spot to check on the ears and also makes really good treats and then there's the best friend who's a lady but not my Lady and she has long nails and is magic and gives good scritches!> he excitedly says. He's young, and that curled tail is wagging happily as he actually gets to have a conversation!

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp chuckles a bit at this and seems the energy and happiness of youth may get the best of the chimp "Well you have quite a few best friends, it sounds like you have a pretty good life Idu Whosagoodboy." He will nod to Phoebe, and says "Seems your friend here speaks highly of you." He tells her.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Oh don't mind her she can't talk because a demon ripped out her throat when she was trying to contact something else but I showed up and I bit the demon but good! And then we went to a very big boring place until my Best-Friend-Who-Is-Very-Smart showed up and-->

    Idu pauses as Phoebe reaches out, and scritches against his ears.

    Phoebe just gives a wry smile, and signs 'good morning' and introduces herself with the sign for 'Moon', though she uses a 'P' instead of a crescent shape on her hand -- then spells it out. Just in case Chimp knows ASL.

    <Like I said, she's very quiet, but my Lady is a very good human.>

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp can speak and read all languages, so he nods a bit to the Asl and says "Well hello Phoebe." He offers to her, and then says "Was just having a chat with Idu here, and he was telling me how your a very good human." He offers his hand to her "Detective Chimp." He seems to have decided she is worth giving a chance probably from Idu's reference.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    -I try-. Phoebe signs, and she very carefully shakes hands with the chimp. It seems slightly forced from her side, rather stiff.

    -Idu is a very good dog, he's only about ten months old.- So, Idu is still pretty much 'a kid'.
    Phoebe seems very level headed though, leaning back on her stool as she sips her coffee.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, if he is a magical dog, which he seems to be his life span could be quite abit longer than normal." He offers her from what seems a knowledgeable place." As his food is brought out, he will ask "You ok with sharing with him?" He asks the woman.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu is staaaaaaring at the burger as it's brought out.

    -Don't let him convince you he's hungry. He had breakfast about an hour ago.- Phoebe warns with a small smile, -we're going to see our friends today, and he'll get all sorts of snacks when we do.-

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smirks a bit and says "Growing boys are always hungry." He tells her, but though he is tempted to pass Idu some bacon, he does not without Phoebe's ok, at least not while she is looking. He takes a bit of his burger and after chewing and swallowing it "So, I take it your still new to the magical side of things?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    At that question, Phoebe just gives a smile, continuing to drink her coffee, and she turns away conveniently so that Idu can take a bit of bacon, his tail wagging.

    <Oh no my entire family was raised in service to magic people we work with them we're good hunters and watch dogs but there's only so much people I just remember a bright light and then I was crawling out of some sand and she shook me off and cuddled me in her lap and called me Idu. Idu means 'boy'.> the canine replies, tail wagging happily.

    <Both of us come from generations of magic!>

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit to the dog, and says "Yes it does seem to run in families, but you do remind me a bit of a fellow I met named Desher a good many years back. He was a protector as well, he and his friend were a bit of wanderers we ran into one another a couple times, when I was exploring a bit of the world."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu gives a tail wag. <Desher's a good name for a red dog!> the dog replies.

    Phoebe, however, tilts her head a moment before she turns to face Chimp. She purses her lips and then signs to him:
    -Do you know anything about the human who was with him?-

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp is sitting at the bar, with a half eaten burger and onion rings in front of him, a beer about half gone as well. He has turned to chat a bit with Phoebe, and a red sight hound pup not quite full grown down beside him. He looks over to Phoebe and says "Marius? Man could spin a yarn and a good half the time, they were actually legit stories."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe, sitting at the bar with the red-and-white Idu between her and Chimp, pulls back her hood as she hears the name of the man connected to Desher. Her dark eyes settle on Chimp, and she tilts her head a moment.

    -What kind of stories?- she inquires.

    The red-headed bartender slips behind the two, refilling her sprite and adding a glass of ice water for Detective Chimp. The rest of the bar is rather empty; not much of a need for a lunch rush yet and it's well before most people get off the clock to head home.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Walking into the area, Delores might stand out in her smattering of out-of-fashion style choices, but at least she looks good. While she might be easyish to spot in a crowd, it's a lot easier to spot a talking chimpanzee living among humans. A smile dimples Delores's cheeks as she moves toward Bobo.
    "Detective," she says, cheerfully. She waves at the other woman. "Am I interrupting anything?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and nods to Delores "Just talking to a couple of new friends I have made." He offers to her, and to Phoebe "Well, there were some of the places he had went and the things he had saw. Some of the next legend he was going to check out and see what part of it was true and what part was BS. Somewhat depended on how drunk we were at the time. Ran into him a couple times on my travels, but never more than a week here or there, before one of us was heading out.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The girl in the hoodie looks up to Dolores, her head tilting a moment as she offers a small smile and a wave in recognition to the dimpled woman, and she turns back to the simian, and she asks him in sign language -Do you know his family name? Did he have one?- she inquires.

    The red-and-white sight hound sitting between the hoodie-clad girl and the chimp looks up to Delores, and tilts his head a moment, eyeballing her with his clear blue eyes.

    The red-headed bartender gives a smile to Delores.

    "Afternoon ma'am. What can we get you? First drink is on the house today."

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores is absolutely thrown aback by the words from the bartender. "Is it?" she asks, distracted from everything else going on around her, momentarily. "A glass of Cicaque five-hundred, straight, then, if you please." She smirks, pleased with herself as she turns back to the others.
    Watching Phoebe sign, she furrows her brow. "Ah," she says. Gently elbowing Bobo, she explains, "I'm going to need a translator."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "She is asking about an old friend of mine Marius Sabry, he and I ran into one another in our travels a while back. " He looks to Phoebe, and says "This is another friend of mine Delores Klein, this is Phoebe, and her faithful companion Idu." He says introducing woman and dog. "I have not heard anything from him in some time though to be honest.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe sits back a moment, hearing the name. She knew the name, of course, and had snippets of memories of the man.

    The hoodie clad girl gives a sad smile, and then signs to the Smart Simian -He was my uncle. He passed away.- she signs as explaination.

    And then she turns to Delores, and gives a wry smile towards the woman, points to herself and spells out P H O E B E, and gives another wave, points to her ear and gives a thumbs up, then points to her throat and makes a slash across it, followed by a shrug. She'll hear just fine, can't talk.

    "One expensive rum, right up." the bartender grins, turning to pluck a bottle from the shelf, and pours a shot directly into an Old Fashioned glass, and serves it to Delores.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores raises her eyebrows. She's impressed with the man's willingness to hold to his word, even with the top shelf stuff. Picking up the glass, she downs it in a quick movement, then looks at Phoebe. "Is that a mutation, a birth defect, or the result of damage? I might be able to help, depending on what's wrong."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Mystical Attack." He does not go into more detail, letting the girl tell if she wants to. How did he know, well he does have a talkative friend, who gets another snuck piece of bacon. "I am sorry to hear about that, he was a good man, and one of the few I found who could keep up with me when I was trying to get drunk."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a side eye to Chimp, and then a look to Idu as he brings his long ears back, snacking on another piece of bacon.

    His tail wags slightly.

    -I would like to hear about him, sometime. I was very young when he passed.- Phoebe signs back to Detective chimp, and then gives a smile to Dolores, and then signs -If you could tell her I already have people looking into it, that would be all right-

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores raises an eyebrow, though her cheerfulness doesn't diminish. "I see," she says. She considers the concept of a mystical attack for a few moments while the two converse with each other.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and says "She says she has some people looking into it. " He looks to Phoebes and says "Delores here knows quite a bit about potions, she might be able to give some advice, as for stories of him, I can tell you what I know, he did tell me a few stories you may want to know, I will have to see what I can remember and fill you in some time, but to my friendship from him it would be my honor Phoebe Sabry." He calls her by what he figures her full name is.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe doesn't correct Chimp, and she gives a nod before she looks to Delores, and her head tilts again.

    -So she's some kind of Alchemist then? How long has she been one?- she inquires, and she tilts her head back and gives her neck a crack. Ooch.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores glares a little at the chimpanzee as he explains about potions. "Are we sharing each other's secrets in the public ear, now?" she says. It's a significant departure of attitude from her cheerful attitude. The word 'potions' might get a glance from the bartender, but it's really that change of attitude that gets his attention.
    Delores's smile returns, though it wavers. "Amateur mixologist," she says to him, attempting to assuage his curiosity. He raises an eyebrow. "How else do you think I knew what Cicaque 500 was?" she returns, as does her confidence. "My friend was trying to be discrete."
    "Mmhmm," he says, shaking his head before returning to his business. People are weird.
    That dealt with, Delores picks a piece of lint off the chimp's lapel. Her smile fading once more, she turns her back to phoebe and quietly says, "I sincerely hope my faith in your discretion isn't misplaced, Detective." Her smile returns as she turns back toward Phoebe.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to Delores, and says "I wager if I ask, a good 1/4th of the people who come here on the regular has messed with potions of some sort." He tells her "I do apologize if I overstepped though." He tells the woman. He does not answer how long she has been at it. "Well, I trust Idu's opinion and he says the lady here is someone who works for good, and her uncle was a good man."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe stiffens a moment.

    She looks to Delores, and she tilts her head back a moment.

    "People are weird, miss. Last night we had a crowd here discussing the Barbaric names of various demons mentioned in Crowley's workings. We have a tattoo artist who stops in every so often to research different reagents for their inks and meet clientelle. I served Detective Chimp a double hamburger that he's been secretly sharing with a dog sitting at my bar. What I am to say is:"

    The bartender with the short red hair and bright eyes gives a smile with his teeth that were far, far too white to be natural. And weirdly far too many teeth in his mouth. "You're not even the most unusual thing I've seen today."

    Phoebe looks to the bartender, motions to him as she looks to Delores, and gives a wry grin.

    -Probably closer to 75. Potions are tricky. Like baking, except explosive.- she signs

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores scoffs slightly. "Unusual," she mutters. "It's not about being unusual," she continues, her accent slipping into something antique and distinctly British. Her American accent returns, and she speaks up to him. "It's not about what I get up to in my free time, it's the betrayal of trust. That was not his to share, and it's not yours either." Delores huffs out a sigh and half folds her arms over her chest. She pinches her nose and clenches her eyes shut. "And here, I thought I was going to enjoy my day out."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to Delores, and says "I did not think you were keeping your interest there quiet, as I said I apologize for that, but at least it was here amongst one person not more, and I am sure if you ask her she would keep it secret too.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Wasn't going to. Way more interesting to talk about the Barbaric names and serving a burger to a Detective Chimp." The Bartender gives as charming a smile as he can, and goes to wipe down the bar.

    Phoebe just sort of... shrruuugs.

    -None of my business.- she signs.

Delores Klein has posed:
    Delores sighs and shakes her head. "Assume everything about me is a secret," she says to the chimp. She produces a card, goodness only knows from where, and offers it to Phoebe with a friendly smile. "Here. It has the electronic mail of my shop," she informs her. "The telephone number there can't do text messages; it's a land-line." She looks at Bobo again and says, "Let's say you owe me a drink," without her smile fading, this time. She then turns and moves toward the door.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and watches the woman go. He sighs a bit and says "So, what would you like to know about your uncle?" He asks the young woman.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wince, but accepts the card, giving a salute to Delores, before she turns back to Detective Chimp, tucking the card away into a bag.

    -What was he like?- she asks, pursing her lips a moment. -Was he... was he smart? Brave?-

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit and says "Oh I would say he was both, he and Desher had a few adventures, I remember one he told me about he was in laos. He was looking into Phi Kong Koi. An odd ghost story from there part ghost part vampire, but normally rather harmless, but he encountered one that was channeling power from an ancient alter, and was terrorizing a small town in the jungles there.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a small smile, and she gives a nod. She looks up a moment, then signs <When my mother passed, he watched out for me. After he passed, I grew up in Gotham. I'm afraid I don't have very many memories of him.>

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "He was a good man, I am sure he would love to see the woman your growing into." He offers her with a smile and some reasurrance.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses, and gives a small smile to Detective Chimp, and then signs to him -Thank you-. It was quite the compliment from a stranger, and she breathes out.

    -I should be going. Urgent matter in Metropolis-

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, a bit and says "Well as I told Deloris, I have an instinct and I trust Idu, who speaks highly of you." He offers with s mile and says "Everything ok I hope."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    She gives a whistle, and Idu gives a <ByeDetectiveChimpGonnaGoOnAnAdventure!>

    She looks to the simian a moment, and gives a small smile.

    -We'll see.- she signs again, and goes to shoulder a backpack and leave the bar.

    The Red-headed bartender gives a soft huff, and watches her leave.

    "Odd duck, that one."