943/Getting stoned with a synthetic being.

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Getting stoned with a synthetic being.
Date of Scene: 02 April 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Labs
Synopsis: Agent Hastings seeks advice from Vision to no avail. Yet there is hope in the form of.. Doctor Strange?
Cast of Characters: Vision, Daniel Hastings

Vision has posed:
The Vision sits by a table in the middle of the room. Code flies by in intricate geometrical representations in an orange hologram. His corduroy pants and green dress shirt are a jarringly normal contrast to his crimson and black skin. He looks up when Agent Hastings arrives, stands and comes over to offer his hand. "Hello, Agent Hastings. I hope you're well?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The place had been chosen.. and so Agent Hastings arrives. Doors? Not so much. Vision surely can sense the presence in the instant space is manipulated and the power signature of the Tessaract makes its presence felt. "Vision." He smiles and dips his chin to the synthetic human. "I.. wish I could say that I was." There was a soft laugh. "I should say that I'm healthy. Not ailing physically. But.. I have.. something of a.. problem. That I think you could help me with." Now his smile takes on a wan expression as he moves to a stool that he hooks with a toe and then sits upon.

Vision has posed:
Vision returns to his seat. His head tilts a bit in curiousity. "I will do what I can," Vision says. He folds one leg over the other and gives Dan his attention. The hologram winks out. The constellation of screens in the rest of the lab blink and flash and display as they were. The only sounds in the room are Dan's breathing and the soft hum of the HVAC.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel gives Vision a nod then takes a deep breath. "So.. it involves.. the stones. More specifically.. the aftereffects of my touching the stone. Or its casing." Leaning forward, he places his elbows on the counter before him. "In the moment of contact, I felt my consciousness.. my body.. my.. self spread across the whole of creation." A short repeat of their previous conversation. "My problem is that.. from time to time.. I feel that moment come over me again. It's as if, were I to stop thinking about my here and now.. if I thought about.. creation.. then my self seeks to return to that state and.. I don't have to tell you how absolutely shattering that is to my sense of.. me." His attention looks from the table back to Vision. "I like who I am, Vision. I am.. me.. after all. I don't want to lose.. me. I don't know if this would mean that I would die or if I'd.. transcend something somehow or.. that I'd simply join with the collective everything like I was some Jedi Master.." He saw Star Wars recently. "But it's.. well.. I'm shaking my bloody boots here."

Vision has posed:
"I'm sorry, that this has been so difficult," Vision begins. He considers Dan for a moment. "Having that insight must have been. Traumatic. I don't share that experience, so I'm not sure how I can help. Have you spoken with the psychologists at SHIELD? They may have helped others with similar problems."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel laughs. "I don't imagine they have any experience in.. containing the power of an infinity stone.. lingering effect or continual." He brings himself upright and looks to Vision with a nod towards the shiny gold jewel at the fellow's forehead. "You do. How.. if that truly is the mind stone.. do you cope with.. I can only imagine must be the thoughts of every consciousness in existence?"

Vision has posed:
"I would be surprised if they didn't. Humans are very... Tactile. Others might have touched the Tesseract. Or encountered other things beyond the usual human experience. It is SHIELD," Vision muses.

"For me, there is nothing to cope with," Vision explains gently. "Whatever I am, however I... Function. The Mind Stone has always been part of me. Or I am part of it. I don't know. I have a feeling. That what I can do now is what I am meant to do with it, nothing more. It is difficult to explain."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'm pretty sure that no one else has touched it." Daniel observes wryly. "And I don't believe it's here on Earth. As much as you feel.. similar.. you aren't. If that makes any sense." There's a small shake of his head that is followed by a sigh. "I don't imagine you have.. any breathing excercises or meditation tips that would help, either." There's a glance to Vision that suggests he's not serious.

Vision has posed:
"No," Vision admits with a rueful smile. "Humans are very complex. In ways I do not always understand. I do not know what would help you. Not in the way another human would, intuitively."

"I understand Loki used magic to use the Tesseract. Have you considered speaking with Dr. Strange? He deals with mysteries that are beyond most, and learned to cope."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel tilts his head, "Doctor Who?" No he hasn't seen the show. "Is he a psychiatrist then? Or.. someone who's otherwise dealt with these things?" It's clear that Daniel's hanging on hope here because Vision has been rapidly dashing them.

Vision has posed:
"Dr. Strange is one of the Avengers. A very powerful magician," Vision explains. "He gave the Avengers much of what we know about the Infinity Stones. I can introduce you, and ask for his advice on helping you recover. Sooner rather than later, I think."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel ahhs, "That.. would be most appreciated. Thank you. It's not that I think I'm in danger of disintegrating.. I don't think.. but if I can't find a way of keeping these flashes.. these.. visions.. under control.. I might well end up in a padded cell losing my mind. I can't say I'm terribly keen on that." He slips off of the stool and onto his feet. "I guess I shant keep you then. Thank you for your time, Vision. You've been most gracious." And with that said, Daniel slips into the spaces between space and disappears.