905/Dinner Interview

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Dinner Interview
Date of Scene: 01 April 2020
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Kara meets Peter for dinner and an interview, and to tell him how awesome he is.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Peter Parker

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara has been growing stronger by the day, since the attack of the EasyBake Oven. Her breathing has steadied and strengthened. She's even braved a short flight here and there. But all in all, it's still been safer for Kara Danvers to go out, than Supergirl. The sun is slipping onto the horizon, painting her face ablaze with its pinkish brilliant and dying light. She is wearing jeans, boots, and a thin ivory sweater with a black leather mini-trench over top. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail, and it rests in curls down the center of her back. Her glasses are dark-rimmed, and it gives her some juxtaposition between a scholar and a bad girl. Because why not keep everyone on their toes? She stops in front of the bistro where she asked Peter to meet her. For dinner, a little bit of interview, and a little bit of lovely company. Tonight, she has begun to breathe a little easier.

Peter Parker has posed:
Annnd...Peter is late. Again. It's a chronic thing with him. The ability to travel up to 120 MPH over the rooftops, and he STILL can't make it on time.

At five minutes past the meeting time, Peter bolts out of a nearby alley, straightening his shirt. He looks around, then spots Kara and jogs across the street at the crosswalk.
By the time he gets to the front door of Jack's Bistro, he is smiling that apologetic smile that seems to be his go-to expression. "Uhm, hi, Miss Danvers. I'm...sorry I'm late."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"It's fine, Peter. Happens to the best of us," Kara replies, clutching her ever-present tablet against her chest. "I trust everything's all right? No major...problems?" She peers at him over her glasses with a knowing smile.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles. "Well, it's the dangedest thing. Someone decided to snatch a purse while I was on my way here. Made it all the way to the end of the block, and then, wouldn't you know it, he got stuck to the street! Really, the dangedest thing. The lady got her purse back, though." He looked to the entrance. "I...would it be less manly for me to ask if you could cover dinner?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara laughs. "Well, since I invited you to dinner, I sort of expect to pay for it. I wouldn't invite you out and expect you to pay. Really glad that lady got her purse back, though." She shrugs. "The dangedest thing..." She nods toward the door of the bistro and reaches to open it. "Hungry?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nodded and stepped through. "Kinda, yeah."

The interior of the bistro was quiet. Mood lighting, soft French music, and a comfortable atmosphere.
A young lady with a nametag that read RENEE smiled at the two of them. "Table, or booth?"
Peter looked at Kara. "Table? Booths are a little confining."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods, and looks back to Renee with a friendly smile. "A table, yes, please." As she follows along with Peter, Kara can't help looking around at the place. She's never seen the inside of the place, and the quaint tables and some of the more rustic French decor just make the place all the more charming.

When the two are seated, Kara thanks Renee, who leaves two menus on the table and asks for their drink order. "Mm...Iced lavender tea?" Renee nods and turns to Peter to take his drink order before retreating to allow them time to look at the menus.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks at the menu. "I have an odd request. Could I have half iced tea, regular flavor, and half lemonade?"
Renee looks puzzled, but writes it down. "Oui, m'sieur. We have both." She pauses, then nods to both of them and walks away, leaving them with the menus.

Peter smiles wryly. "It's...interesting to be out with you like this. What is it like for you?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is still grinning at Peter's request. "If I'd thought of that, I'd have had half lemonade in mine, too. It's nice, but...I somehow feel like we're both wearing masks right now. How ironic is THAT?" She shakes her head with a chuckle and glances at the menu. "Oh God they have a Monte Cristo...I'm gonna diiiiiieee...."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "I know. But as a movie Indian once said, 'There comes a time when good men must wear masks.' Except you wear a mask to hide who you are. Lots of people do. It's when *I* wear a mask...that I *become* who I am." He leans forward. "I've always been afraid to show who I am, because when I did, I was teased and bullied for it. When no one knows who I am...that's when I'm free to be the person I am. Maybe the person I *should* be."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Peter..." Kara shakes her head. "You're exactly the person you *should* be. You're always that person. If other people can't see that, then they can't accept you for who you are. And that is THEIR great loss. Because you've fascinating. Brave. Intelligent....Amazing."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs slightly. "...Maybe. But if the Goblin shows up at the house in Queens, it's not because he's going to tell her how smart he thinks I am. It's going to be a pumpkin bomb in her lap, and will leave what's left of her for me to find. Supergirl's enemies come from all over the world...Hell, even some parts elsewhere in the galaxy. Spidey's enemies live ten minutes away by subway. At least. That's my world, Kara. Where mayhem is a local call."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods slowly, taking in his words. "Well...it doesn't matter now. Supergirl has someone else...and so do you." She smiles at Renee as she approaches with the drinks, and sets them down. She takes a sip of her tea and closes her eyes to savor it. "And so do I." She winks at Peter. "Are we ready to order?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. He picks up the glass, then sips it. He smiles wryly. "Now that is refreshing." He looks at the menu. "This grilled cheese on sourdough with tomato basil soup sounds pretty good, actually. See anything you like?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods quickly. "I want the Monte Cristo sandwich wiiiith....blackberry jam." She looks up at the waitress and grins brightly. "And can we get an appetizer? The sampler platter, please. Thank you so very much."

Peter Parker has posed:
Renee nods, writing it down. "Oui, madame." She bows slightly, heading crisply to the kitchen.
"So...Kara Danvers...still think there's an article on me? Apart from the IQ and the valedictorian stuff, it's your standard local-kid-makes-good story."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Standard? Anything but. I'm gonna make you out to be the rockstar you are," Kara says with a wry grin. "I sorta feel like I hit the jackpot and can't even tell anybody. And that SUCKS, because I wanna tell EVERYBODY. So...tell me about what all you're studying in school at the moment?" She asks, taking out her tablet and unlocking the screen.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter took a deep breath.
"Right now, I'm working on a design...a tracking system for tectonic shifts. It's totally theoretical, but the science is holding up. Right now, sensors have a five-minute warning before a volcano erupts, an earthquake happens, a tsunami is triggered. Suppose we could up the window of opportunity from five minutes to five HOURS?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is furiously taking notes on her tablet. "You are...developing a way to DO that? That is huge. That could save lives. That could save...millions of lives. And here you act like you're nothing special. Seems to me like you're mind-blowing, no matter WHAT you're wearing," she says, looking up at him for a moment. "Or what you're wearing underneath what you're wearing."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "There's still a LOT of testing for it to be viable. And the system's cost would be billions. But a series of sensors placed along the fault lines...they could pick up when surface stress is becoming too great. But like I said...the science works. The science fair is in a few weeks...I was going to demonstrate it there." He grinned. "I was going to do a little fakeout by bringing out that old science fair chestnut, the baking-soda volcano."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara rolls her eyes and laughs. "Like ANYONE would buy for a second that you would enter one of those in the science fair. A tiny, working REAL volcano you made from scratch and extracted from the earth to bring in just to show it off, maybe. But not a baking soda one."

It's then that Renee arrives with a platter of appetizers. Croissants and rolls, butter and jam. Tiny pieces of toast with various toppings. Cheeses, and vegetables - a cold dip for those, and a warm dip for the bread. "My God that looks amazing..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles as the food arrives. That does look good."
Renee says politely, "Our bartender has sampled the drink you ordered and wishes to know if it has a name."
"An Arnold Palmer. It was the golfer's favorite drink." Peter raised his glass.
"Thank you. I will tell him. It is a very refreshing drink."

Renee bows, then steps away and turns to walk over to the bar.

Kara Danvers has posed:
By the time Renee reaches the bar, Kara is already dipping bits of bread in the melty cheese dip and swaying slightly in a celebration of the food she's enjoying. "And what's next? After the science fair? After graduation? My readers are DYING to know..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks thoughtful. "Well, I'm trying to find a work-study job. If I do well at the science fair, I have a good chance to be admitted to the Neuroscience program at ESU. The prize for the science fair is a partial scholarship, so...more picture-taking and dog-walking. I have one potential job offer, but I am not sure how well it would work. I...have attendance issues that caused me to be fired from various jobs, and i've been caught sleeping in class."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks Peter over for a moment quietly. Her gaze seems...appraising, and solemn. "Well...maybe sometimes you will need to take care of yourself and forget just for a moment what the rest of the world wants from you, hmm?" She frets at her lip and sighs, twisting a bite of bread in her fingers. "You matter to a lot of people, bt if you don't take care of yourself, you might not be around for them to admire."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter picks up a piece of bread, looking at it. "I can't help it. I see my uncle's face in every victim. I see Aunt May crying in every hospital. And I have...horrible dreams. I dream that I wasn't able to save Gwen Stacy. I dream that I killed her, even though she is alive. If I get hurt to make sure someone lives...bring on the first-aid kit." He looks to Kara. "I was selfish once and my uncle died because of it. I can't let it happen again."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara lowers her voice. "You didn't kill him, Peter. Just like you didn't kill Gwen. And the actions taken by others are not your fault. You may carry great responsibility. But you don't carry the responsibility for the actions of everyone else. And you can't carry responsibility for things that you didn't do."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked at Kara, his voice was slightly strained. "If I had stopped him...caught him, TRIPPED him...he would have been in Riker's Island instead of our front door. Dennis Carradine was a career criminal. It was a parole violation...if I had done something. I actually told the cop I didn't help..." He looks down again.
"...because I was looking out for Number One. I used those words. I did *NOTHING.* And my Uncle Ben paid for it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"But you didn't make him do what he did. And you are not responsible for his actions. And you were a kid who didn't even get it, yet." Kara reaches over and takes Peter's hand. Probably the one without bread in it. "It doesn't matter who you were. It matters who you are."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked into those blue eyes. "What matters...as what I do. And I choose to do something. If I have to get hurt so someone else doesn't, then I get hurt. If I have to look foolish so someone goes home instead of the hospital, then I'll dance the Funky Chicken with a bag over my head."

He takes a bite. This is really good bread. Wow.
"That's who I am, Kara Danvers. It's who I'll always be. If I am going to suffer with the guilt...then I might as well harness it."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods slowly, and slides her thumb over the back of his hand as she holds it. "It's who you are, and why you are who you are...that brings me here. That keeps me here. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. So I guess I'll go get myself a paper bag, too."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "you with a paper bag over your head? Seems like a crime against fashion. I could try teaching you how to quip, though. I learned a long time ago that if you make an enemy angry, they're more prone to mistakes."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Nodding, Kara looks back up at Peter. "Maybe I should learn to quip. I always just resort to punching them. But to be fair, it really does make them angry..." She smiles slyly.