909/Catching Some Peace And Quiet

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Catching Some Peace And Quiet
Date of Scene: 01 April 2020
Location: Harvey's Rooftop
Synopsis: Harvey and Summer plan a getaway.
Cast of Characters: Harvey Dent, Summer Gleeson

Harvey Dent has posed:
    Life has swallowed both Summer and Harvey, their work both being so busy and life being as complicated as it is. Over the last few weeks they've talked on the phone and texted, grabbing lunch a few times but little more. Now, finally, they find themselves free. Harvey has invited her over for dinner, telling her to come into the house and head right up to the rooftop.
    Once she does she finds him waiting. A table has been setup, the view overlooking the neighborhood. A bottle of wine rests there, along with glasses and some delicious looking roast. He waits for her, smiling softly to himself as he finds himself looking forward to the first evening in awhile.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer arrives at the apartment dressed nicely; not the evening dress she had on their first date, and not the sweats combo that she wore on their previous night together. It's a light tan pantsuit combo with a white blouse, something you would expect a reporter to be wearing. And once she's inside harvey's apartment, she gos to where he's waiting and gives him a peck on the cheek. "Ooof," she sighs as she takes a seat. "Gang shootout near Robinson Park. Didn't have time to change. Oh, this city sometimes...." She takes a deep breath and puts on a smile. "But, tell me about your day?"

Harvey Dent has posed:
He's dressed in slacks and a button-up shirt. No tie and no suit jacket. It's a more relaxed, but still nice look. He smiles when he sees her and returns the kiss to her cheek. He then pulls out her chair so she can sit, and pours two glasses of wine. "Robinson Park? So, the Jackals?" Harvey shakes his head and sighs before sliding down across from her. "We're drumming up a case against a detective I can't really name. So...long day."

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer lets Harvey unload his worries before lifting up her wine glass and saluting him. "To fightin the good fight; whichever front we may be on..." She must be more drained and stressed than she thought, and she almost downs the whole glass in one, long, drink. "Oh, I really hope we're not going to have to fuel our efforts to save Gotham on wine..."She smiles, relaxing more in Harvey's presence. "But, no more work talk. What the plan for dinner tonight?"

Harvey Dent has posed:
He raises his glass to her and chuckles softly, nodding. "...And to winning that fight. At least for today." He brings the glass to his lips and takes a long sip before setting the glass down. He pulls the cover aside to keep the food warm, revealing two places of amazing looking roast, with roasted potatoes and sauteed vegetables. "Don't even ask how I managed to get this going and do work." In truth he raced him briefly during the day to get the roast in the oven before returning to work.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer sees the food, inhales the aroma, and gives Harvey a dazzling smile. "You really are the perfect man," she says. "Cook, snappy dresser, crusader for law and order...is there anything that you *can't* do?"

Harvey Dent has posed:
Harvey Dent laughs a bit and shrugs, blushing lightly. "Get a decent night's sleep when you aren't here?" He hesitates after he says that and then shrugs. He said it. No taking it back now. He turns to the food and takes a bite. "Damn, I -am- a good cook," he says with a grin.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer laughs and starts eating her food. She nods in agreement with Harvey's self-assessment of his cooking skills. "Well, not that I don't enjoy staying up with you until all hours of the night, becasue it's fantastic, but I think we can keep things at an even keel for a while." She reaches over and takes ahold of Harvey's hand. "I know I sleep better when you're next to me. So, we can pace ourselves. Not every night has to be fireworks and explosions. The quiet times are nice, too."

Harvey Dent has posed:
He grins softly and nods to that. He brings her hand to his lips and he lightly kisses it, before he picks up his glass for another sip. "I'm glad. I like the sound of that." Harvey rolls a shoulder and sighs softly, glancing up from his food to watch her. "So, any changes? Anything new going on that isn't work related?"

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer shakes her head. "Not particularly. Although I think my hair and makeup gaal, Monica, is a bit enamoured with you. She says that I'm a lot easier to deal with since you came aong." She smirks and take another bite of the food. "How about with you? Anything non-work happening?"

Harvey Dent has posed:
Harvey Dent smirks a bit at that. "Well, I am glad to hear that? Not her being enamored, but you being easier to work with now that I'm around," he says with a wink. He works on his plate slowly, taking his time through the relaxed conversation. "Nothing, actually. I haven't had much non-work life lately."

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer smiles, raising her lip up at one corner, slightly. "Hmmm. Sounds like we need to get out this weekend. Go do something fun. Spontaneous, even. I'll leave my cell phone at home if you leave yours behind..."

Harvey Dent has posed:
He blinks at that and then smiles. "I like the sound of that. I'll let my assistant know, and the ADA's can handle stuff while we're gone." Harvey sips his wine and grins, watching her. "We'll have fun."