12872/Volunteers Needed

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Volunteers Needed
Date of Scene: 24 September 2022
Location: Jamii Shelter
Synopsis: Cinque and Beroe met for the first time at the Jamii Shelter. Beroe promotes Jamii Shelter on her Insta page
Cast of Characters: Cinque Evers, Beroe Kazinski

Cinque Evers has posed:
It is cool autumn night, and the Jamii Shelter is engage in their nightly routine. Cinque has finish helping out in the kitchen and is now move on to the front of the building to help with the last minute night operational items. Cinque passes by an elderly man who has manage to pull his remaining salt and peppered hair into a length pony tail. A soft smile comes over his face as he begins to speak, "Remi, how many more vans are we waiting on tonight?

Remington pats the radio on his side, "Oh, Van 2 is stuck in traffic, so there are running about an hour late. Van 5 will be in a couple of minutes. They got three returning guests, and 4 new clients. All of the other vans have arrive, and the night crew are getting them ready for tomorrow's runs.

Cinque hmms, "All right, I might retire for the night after all the vans come in." Cinque walks away from Remington and calls over his shoulder, "I am going to check the processing center to make sure that they have all the supplies they need for the night.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
This evening there's a pretty bubbly volunteer despite her dark hair and clothing, dressed up like Wednesday Addams if one had to reckon. She's moving between some people and asking them what they need, if she can help, and has been reaching out into space - a little hole opens that is a silver color with an incandescent pink hue to it - and then often coming back with a soda, or bread, or snacks, as people are asking.

Then she's moving over to the nursery and doing some fun faces for the kids, and even pulls out of no where and starts reading a book, "And the three little bears headed out of the Spooky Old Tree and safely home." She says as she is finishing up a kids book, taking in a big breath and looking around. If one had to guess she's been here most of the day, doing what she can, never stopping to pop in to do anything but help, from the moment she walked through the door and saw someone needing help carrying something, walking them to their residence, laughing and telling them a story, all the way up to this point where she finally gets a moment.

She probably didn't even formally ever say she was Volunteering, or checked in, just started helping people who looked in need.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque finishes up with the in processing center; in fact, he was politely told by his staff that he was pestering them. Cinque is sporting a sheeping grin when he return from the processing center and debates on checking on Remi again. Before he can decide, his eyes notice that new volunteer is still here. Vinque tilts his head to watch her for a few moments before walking towards her. Cinque extends his right hand to Beroe, "Hello, I am Cinque Evers. I am the owner and manger of this shelter. I would like to thank you for volunteering today."

Cinque bites the bottom of his lip for a moment as he peers around the shelter, then back to Beroe, "We normally do not have people volunteer all day....

Cinque pauses as he thinks of a polite way to say his next statement, "Hhmm, you don't have to volunteer here if you need a place to stay.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
One of those portals appears as Beroe puts the book away and is leaning against a wall momentarily, to relax a bit. She's probably not dressed at all like other volunteers, but she's clean and well make-upped, which wouldn't be too unusual for women who might find there way here. When Cinque does come over though, she ohs and brightly smiles, pushing off the wall and puts out her hand. She grabs the offered one and shakes it pretty quickly, as she chuckles some, "Oh, hello! Owner?! That's amazing, this place is amazing. All the people. They are so kind, and some of the kids even tolerated my terrible voices while I was reading. I hope it helps them sleep, or nap, or ... what time IS it?"

Her hand goes out to the left, reaching through to a portal she makes, small enough that only really her hand fits, disappearing up to her elbow before she pulls it out and checks a smartphone. "Oh, wowwie, it's pretty late, huh?" And then she puts it back through that spatial rift.

"No? Not all day? Well, it was just, there were so many people, and we were talking, and I guess I plum well lost track of time." A bit of a shrug, "Stay? OH, no no, I have a place, rents going up, all the time, but I think I'm fine. It isn't much but it's home, well, really, my mom's place is home, but we both agreed I shouldn't live with my mom if I wanted to have my career take off." Then she pauses, and laughs lightly, "Sorry, that's a lot about me. What about you? Owner and manager, that's got to take a ton of skills, you must be really smart AND devoted, huh?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
Eyes widen slight as he watches her open portal, a nervous laugh escaping his lips, "Uhmm, that is an impressive trick. Do you do birthday parties?" Cinque says, "Sorry, that was a lame joke." Cinque recalls briefly when he saw her the first time in the shelter, when she was making funny faces to the children in the nursery. He recalls the jovial response from some of the older children It is a good memory to keep with him forever. He nods his head a few times at the thought, "Neither of those things. Well, maybe devoted."

Cinque raises his arms in a deeo shrug, "I really just trying to throw a small rock into the water, and hoping it creates enough ripples do a lot of good." Cinque raises his right hand to rub the back of his neck, "No one ever tells you that most ripples go to far out for you to see."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Impressive? Oh, uh..." Beroe blinks and looks to the side, where the portal was just moments ago and then back to Cinque, "Not ... really. There are so many better heroes out there, with big giant mega powers. Who can fly, or shoot lasers from their eyes, I, I just have my pockets." She smiles, and then reaches out, one of those air touches, where her hand is in the shape like she were touching your shoulder but she doesn't actually touch you, "But it is nice of you to say. I'm what they call a what, a tier 3 or 4 super hero. And mayyyybe a tier higher than that influencer."

And then she shakes her head, "No, you are BOTH of those things and more. Trust me. It is brave of you to even pick up the pebble, let alone toss it. Gosh, so many people notice the problems, they certainly post about them ALL the time on Insta. But to reach down..." She is being sincere, and slowly shaking her head, "Pick up that heavy little pebble, so much to bare, and then toss it into the pond to see if it'll even make ripples enough to reach the shore? That's beautiful, and you're probably the one least likely to see the results. At least I get cool clothes donated to me to help advertise small businesses."

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Wait, there are tiers?" Cinque questionly closes only his left eye as if he was a kid that was just told that a tree will grow in your stomach if you swallow an apple seed. Cinque shakes his head in disagreement, "I don't think there are tiers. I think anyone who has powers and uses those powers to help people is beyond special." Cinque quickly adds, "I bet your pockets have all sorts of uses. I mean I know of a hero who always wishes he could find a way to carry his gear and costume with him.

Cinque is that hero, but that is besides the point. Cinque eyes widen again, "So are you internet famous? Wait, is that polite way to say that?

"I hope I didn't offend you."

Cinque furrows his brow, "If you ever have some old spare clothes to donate, we will glady take them. Cinque goes into his spill, "And if you can put a good word for us when we put on one our fundraisers that would be great. We make sure that your time or your clothes is tax deductible."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"OH, yeah, there are definitely tiers. There's a whole reddit about it, people always are categorizing things, that's one of the great things about being sentient, right? There's a big ol' computer in our heads trying to put things over there, or over there. It's really fascinating, I don't get it, more my mom's field, but I trust the examples online." She's still smiling, seems hard to get rid of that expression from Beroe's lips.

But she does nod a few times, "Oh, yeah, I think if you have powers, you NEED to use them, to better the world. As best you can. It's like having a wrench but not... wrenching things. Oh? Yeah, my pockets are great for carrying things, my phone's ALWAYS at a hundred percent, or nearly, cause charge charge charge. Never know when you gotta record a three hour long armed robbery being stopped."

With that though, she stops, and grins, then chuckles a little, which quickly turns into a giggle, her eyes closing some as she's finding your stumbling through the internet famous thing as teasingly funny, "Yes. It's fine. It's okay. I'm not like, SUPER famous or anything, just seventy eight thousand followers now, well, probably more now, but I just celebrated that mark yesterday. That's decent, but not where I want to be JUST yet. And, polite went out the window when I started posting pictures of myself in clothing people send me to wear. But I'll definitely donate anything I don't need to keep for sponsors, for sure, but ..." She looks around a little then back to Cinque, "Like, are you sure they'd want short skirts, and things of that nature?" With a bit of a scrunch on her face.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"We can always refurbish clothing into other items." Cinque shifts his eyes immediately to the ceiling as if he was not already going to remember how she was dress for the rest of his life, Cinque keeps his eyes on the ceiling until he realizes he is probably looks like an idiot.

Cinque returns his gaze back to Beroe as he says, "And some of our guests are fashionista too" Cinque raises his arms in a deep shrug as he describes the workings of Jamii Shelter, "The people here are our guests and clients. We don't impose a dress code on them. I don't think we would be very successful if we did."

Cinque furrows his brow, "We need to be able to accept all levels of society that need shelter from the world. He pauses for a moment as he searches for the right words to clarify his meaning, "You know we need to help the homeless teen, the weathy spouse finally fleeing abuse, and everyone in between."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
There's a widening of her eyes and Beroe grins big, "That's so industrious. I would've never thought to refurbish clothes, I mean, I sometimes make things out of them to fit other things. Or, I snip this or that, tailor a few things, you know, to get them fitting better for Insta. But wowwie, I guess you COULD make things like scarfs or patches for other clothes out of some things. That's smart!"

As the conversation goes on to Fashionistas, she looks around, like she'd see them suddenly present themselves, but then turns back to Cinque and is still grinning, "You really have a wonderful way of looking at people. Everyone and anyone who needs shelter, can come here, that's super cool. Not the abuse or the teen running away, but the fact that you are willing to take them all in. Even me. Not that I need it, but you were willing to take me in. How did you cultivate such a positive acceptance of others?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Oh, I just know how it feels to want to have a home." Cinque reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a business card, "If you ever want to volunteer, let me know. I will make sure that you can volunteer without people flocking towards you. Cinque shrugs his shoulders, "Or if you want to get a bite to eat somwhere, and listen to the boring details of my life.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The card comes to her and she takes it, looks at it a moment, and then puts it into a pocket. From this angle you can kind of see that the 'hole' she calls a pocket, in this instance, looks like the top of a night stand where she sets it, before pulling her hand back. Like these go somewhere, not just are pockets of space to hold things. She smiles though and nods her head, "I think I'd love to volunteer again, for sure. I also would love to get a bite to eat somewhere. I don't think your life is boring, you have this place, and you help people, that's super exciting! Anyhow. I think I should run, I haven't taken any pictures yet for my page today, and gotta get the pics out so my sponsors are happy." And in about 10 minutes she'll send a text over to whatever number was on the business card, Beroe, and a link to her Insta page where there's a pic with her giving a V for victory sign, some kids listening to the book, and a quick little ad for the shelter. A caption that reads, <<Come help! Please, any amount of time, I'll come too, meetup volunteer party!>>